Tuesday Open Thread

It’s Tuesday!

Those of you who used Miralax to help reluctant potty trainers along: how much did you give them?

Alex had two accidents on Saturday, didn’t poop at all on Sunday, then pooped a teeny bit yesterday. I do think he’s constipated and want to help the process along.

The good news is he is staying dry, even through naps, and that only took one day for him to figure out. WIN.

What’s on your mind today? I hope it’s something more pleasant than poop :)

Chat away!

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Monday Morning Open Thread

What’s up?

All last week Eli was out of school with the flu. She is better now, thanks for the well wishes on Facebook. But during that time all I could think about was how grateful I was for a job that allowed me to work from home and provided me with paid sick leave to take her to doctor’s appointments, pick her up early from school and even take the day off if need be. How working parents with no earned paid sick leave manage is beyond me. I was thrilled to see stories on the importance of paid sick leave during flu season at the organization Family Values Work and the Daily Kos. Now, if only every business and our federal government would get with it…

Kudos to Parents magazine for featuring a child with spina bifida on the front cover of its magazine. My friend and fellow bloguista Laura Tellado interviewed model Emily’s mother for her Holdin’ Out for a Hero blog. Hers is an inspiring and well-written piece!

What else is in the news? What’s up with you?

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Golden Globes Open Thread

ncmom asked, and she shall receive!

Let’s talk dresses, hair, makeup, winners and losers. I’m watching the red carpet arrivals on E! and feeling for all the starlets, so bare skinned in their sexy gowns, yet so freezing in the unseasonably cold temps. 54 degrees and windy is not typical for L.A at this time of year, and they are all complaining about how cold they are, LOL.

Actually, I shouldn’t laugh. I’m at home snuggled under the covers. Hard to believe I spent four winters in Boston!

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Weekend Open Thread

It’s the weekend, y’all!

Let’s talk Oscars and movie awards season in general.

I have seen three Best Picture nominees so far: Zero Dark Thirty, Argo and Silver Linings Playbook. I will make it a point to see Lincoln and Les Miz before the Oscars, and possibly Django Unchained.

I’m shocked that Kathryn Bigelow and Ben Affleck didn’t get nominated for Best Director. So their movies were Best Picture contenders, but I guess the films… just directed themselves? I thoroughly enjoyed both films, they had me on the edge of my seat. Gripping storytelling, stellar acting. I thought Silver Linings Playbook was sweet and I adored Jennifer Lawrence’s performance especially.

Last night DH and I watched a movie that wasn’t nominated but that we thoroughly enjoyed: This Is 40. I laughed out loud and cringed in recognition and rooted for them. The weird part were the eerie similarities between the couple in the movie and DH and me: from the cycling hobby to the beer they drank to the Sprinkles cupcakes they scarf to the weekend away in Laguna Beach. The 8-year-old daughter character even bore a certain resemblance to our DD, especially in her demeanor. Thankfully, we like each other much more than the couple in the movie like each other, but it was still very fun to watch. Melissa McCarthy’s outtakes during the end credits were almost worth the price of admission on their own.

Which movies have you watched lately? Which would you like to watch? Which would you tell people not to waste their money on? Who will be watching the Golden Globes tomorrow night (Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosting, HOLLA!).

What else is on your mind? Chat away!

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Post-Proposition 37 Analysis in California…

California’s Proposition 37, which would have required the labeling of genetically modified foods and was vehemently fought by the food manufacturers and big agro, lost by a slim margin of 48.5 percent to 51.5 percent at the ballot box. The non-profit organization Center for Food Safety Action Fund commissioned a study and I was especially surprised by this result: most college-educated people voted against the initiative — 45 percent to 55 percent — even though they overwhelmingly support the labeling of GM foods (68 percent to 27 percent). Huh?

Read on:

Based on the new poll, the strongest support for Prop. 37 came from Latinos (61% yes), Asians (61% yes), African Americans (56% yes) and Democratic women (60% yes). As a group, Caucasian voters turned down the measure 58% to 42%. Voters under 30 approved of the initiative (55% yes), as opposed to voters 65 years or older (61% no). Reflecting election results from the Secretary of State’s office, the initiative won in Los Angeles County (52% to 48%) and the San Francisco Bay Area (56% to 44%).

College-educated voters provided the surprise of the Prop. 37 vote and the poll. While those with a college degree denied the initiative 45% to 55%, in the new survey this same group responded that it supports the concept of GE food labeling by the overwhelming margin of 68% to 27%.

“If there was ever any doubt, this poll confirms how powerful money is in the initiative process,” said Andrew Kimbrell, founder and executive director of Center for Food Safety. “The advertising time and media exposure that a large chunk of corporate cash buys is so potent it can induce socially aware people to vote against their own interests, and the health and safety of their families.”

Whoa. I know we had a lot of Prop. 37 voters here. Thought I’d share…

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Thursday Open Thread

We’re making god progress toward potty training, I think (knock wood!). Dry day at preschool yesterday, and if anything he is a little too eager to use the potty– as in, “I have to go pee pees!” and then nothing but a tiny dribble. And lots of false poop alarms. It’s better than the alternative, so I’ll take it!

We have promised him a ride on a real, honest to goodness train if he keeps using the potty and staying dry. Cross your fingers that a rail trip to gorgeous, seaside San Clemente is in our very near future!

What’s in your near future? Chat away!

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Hump Day Open Thread

What’s up?

Health and fitness are on my mind today. I have a half-marathon that I am scheduled to run with Erika in less than two weeks. Since ushering in the new year, I have gotten serious.

I’ve been exercising almost every day — even if it’s for a 20-minute jog. And I have been eating much better: more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and more green tea than coffee. To incorporate more fruits and veggies in my diet, I’ve been partly leaning on recipes from Jennifer Cornbleet’s Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People. DH has joined me for it, although we are by no means purists. I still eat the occasional serving of meat and he can’t stay away from breads.

I will say though that Cornbleet’s recipes are delicious, filling and have given me renewed energy to stick to my workouts. An example of a meal we ate with a salad was stuffed red bell pepper with “Non-Tune Pate”.

Non-Tuna Pate
*Make sure to soak nuts and seeds for at least 6 hours.

1/2 cup soaked sunflower seeds
1/4 cup soaked almonds
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1.5 teaspoons of minced celery
1 tablespoon of minced onion
1 tablespoon of minced fresh parsley

Directions: Blend in a food processor and refrigerate. That’s it!

While I alternate my lunches and dinners between the raw food and other home-cooked meals or takeout, I’ve been consistent with breakfast: peeled and cored apple slices with almond butter and raisins. It’s not only good for a morning workout, but — Yum! What are your favorite fruit and veggie-laden meals?

In related health news: you could say I was sucked into this Women’s Day article, “10 common fruits and vegetables myths”. Here were some eye-opening factoids for me:

Myth: No matter the color, all cauliflower tastes the same and is equally nutritious.
White cauliflower is oh-so-good for you, but there are benefits to branching out. Orange cauliflower has 25 times more beta-carotene than white; purple has anthocynanis (also found in blueberries), which have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer and diabetes. And green cauliflower, aka broccoflower, has slightly more vitamin A and vitamin C than its white brethren—not to mention a milder taste and faster cook time. You’ll have to look harder for the colored varieties, but the nutritional pluses and incredible flavors make them worth the search, says Ranno….

Myth: Iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value.
These days, iceberg gets short shrift in most healthy-eating circles. While it’s not the nutritional powerhouse that spinach or arugula is, it’s chockfull of vitamins A, C, K and B6. “Iceberg stands up well to the other leafy greens in terms of nutrient density per calorie. And it’s high in water content and low in calories so you can fill up without filling out,” says Jepson. “Iceberg is also a great way to introduce kids to vegetables,” since it’s milder and lighter than the other lettuces, she adds.

Finally, the Biggest Loser is back — as is Jillian Michaels! Michaels returned after missing two seasons and having two children with partner Heidi Rhoades.

Feel free to use this space as a health and fitness diary — as we haven’t had one in a while. What else is on your mind?

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Tuesday Open Thread

We’re in the potty training trenches, y’all. Yesterday evening he pooped on the potty for the very first time. By the time he went to bed he had pooped twice and peed twice on the potty, with minimal prompting from us. We used peanut M&Ms as a reward, praised the daylights out of him, and even took him to McDonalds for dinner. Yes, we use junk food as a motivational tool. Ain’t no shame in my game!

Wish us luck! And please share your very best potty training tips and anecdotes.

What’s on your mind today? Chat away!

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Monday Morning Open Thread

What’s up?

The holidays are officially over at my house. DH took down the Christmas lights outside, while I took down the tree. We are all back to school and work.

Thank you so much for your holiday cards. I love receiving them, and once again, I have made a New Year’s resolution to get our family photo taken in the fall so that we can send the cards out on time. :)

What about you? Any New Year’s resolutions on your end?

In education news: D.C. charter schools expelled students at a much higher rate than traditional public schools, according to the Washington Post.

In quirky international news: an Icelandic teenager is suing for the right to keep the name her mother gave her. Her name, which means “light breeze” in Icelandic, is not on a government-approved list of names. I had no idea such a thing existed!

What else is in the news? What’s up with you?

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