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10 Goals for President Obama & The White House

10 Goals for President Obama & The White House

The Obama administration can achieve the following ten things in the first 100 days of the new term and earn the label of the 'civil liberties presidency.'

A Misguided Ruling in the WikiLeaks Case: 23 Hours a Day Alone in a Cell is Always Solitary Confinement

A Misguided Ruling in the WikiLeaks Case: 23 Hours a Day Alone in a Cell is Always Solitary Confinement

01/09/2013 – For nine months, Pfc. Bradley Manning was held in a windowless cell...

A School Voucher by Any Other Name

A School Voucher by Any Other Name

01/09/2013 – Thirty million. That’s the amount of tax dollars that could be diverted annually from New Hampshire’s coffers to private schools by the year 2022 if the state is allowed to ...

Victory! Equal Pay for Lesbian and Gay Veterans

Victory! Equal Pay for Lesbian and Gay Veterans

01/08/2013 – At long last (and after two years of ACLU litigation), many lesbian and gay former members of the military will be getting what they deserve: full severance pay regardless of their ...

ACLU Campaigns

Since 9/11, the privacy rights of Americans have come under a sustained assault that would have been hard ...
A new kind of intolerance is creeping into our country—one that shrouds its true identity and uses the ...
America’s criminal justice system should keep communities safe, treat people fairly, and use fiscal ...
Ten years after 9/11, our nation still faces the challenge of remaining both safe and free. Our choice ...