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Spammers are to be:
· Beaten 38%
· Stabbed 27%
· Shot 27%
· Hung 27%
· Drawn 27%
· Quartered 27%
· handed over to Jack Bauer as terrorists with vital information 61%
· Really, *really* hurt 27%
· - 0%
· heralded as good and just marketers just trying to make a living 5%

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Monday June 19th
· New Site: "Field Gulls" Unofficial Seattle Seahawks Blog (60 comments)

Thursday June 1st
· New Site: Ventura Disc Golf (54 comments)

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What is Scoop
Scoop is a "collaborative media application". It falls somewhere between a content management system, a web bulletin board system, and a weblog. Scoop is designed to enable your website to become a community. It empowers your visitors to be the producers of the site, contributing news and discussion, and making sure that the signal remains high. More >>

Check out what other people have done with Scoop.

New Scoop Sites in need of a makeover
67 comments, 0 new
by rudedude, Announcements

New Music Site ... in Scoop
20 comments, 0 new
by MightyD, Announcements

Trees and Things is Coming Out
80 comments, 0 new
by 3fingerspointback, Announcements

TalkLeft Moves to Scoop
65 comments, 0 new
by TalkLeft, Announcements

SciScoop Science Forum
59 comments, 0 new
by sciencebase, Announcements

New Site: "Field Gulls" Unofficial Seattle Seahawks Blog
60 comments, 0 new
by Paul Shrug, Announcements

More New Scoop Sites...

Where can I get Scoop
You can download the latest release tarball: scoop_1.1.8.tar.gz

You can grab the nightly build. Note: This is generated automatically from the current CVS, and may not be reliable! Get that here: scoop-1.1-nightly.tar.gz

The developers strongly recommend CVS as the primary way to obtain Scoop, since releases tend to have pretty long delays between them. If you have CVS installed, do the following:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@ login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@ co scoop

The above is two commands; each one must be on a single line. When prompted for a password for anonymous, enter 'anonymous' (without the quotes). For more CVS info, "Open Source Development with CVS" is an excellent online reference.

Where can I get help
There are several sources of information and support for Scoop. The first place to look is the scoop-help mailing list. You can browse the archives, or join the list. If you want to post a question, joining the list is strongly recommended. You can also join the #scoop IRC channel on SlashNET.

For documentation, there is the (largely complete) Scoop administrator's guide. You can also read the current README and INSTALL files, from Scoop WebCVS (username and password are both "anonymous"). The admin guide is also included with Scoop, in the doc/ directory.

If you have new feature ideas or requests, or descriptions of something you're working on for Scoop, this site is the place to submit them. You can also search this site for information. If you want to get your hands dirty, or have any questions about developing for Scoop, there is also the Scoop-dev list. You can browse the archives, or join the list.

Bug reports and patches should be filed on the Scoop Bug Muncher.

If you have any problems with this site or your user account, e-mail the Admin

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Most Hotlisted Stories
· Intro To Scoop Development (134 comments) by 29 users
· So, you've installed Scoop (58 comments) by 14 users
· How to install Scoop in Windows 2000/XP (71 comments) by 11 users
· scoop and mod_gzip (41 comments) by 9 users
· Announcing the hotlist_flex box (33 comments) by 7 users
· HOWTO: create a new opcode without writing any code (29 comments) by 7 users
· Postgres Scoop (30 comments) by 7 users
· Spammers (52 comments) by 5 users
· A Proposal: Wikis for Scoop (54 comments) by 5 users
· Scoop Ad Server (15 comments) by 4 users

where does one post for developers? how about a job area? Boxes
By hasseinc , Section Code []
Posted on Sun Oct 31, 2010 at 01:31:17 PM PST

I would like a scoop developer, but it's not clear where to post for one?

also, the fact that the latest news (section) is from 2006 is disconcerting. is scoop "over"?


(81 comments) Comment >>

Shibboleth Enable? Feature Requests
By lobatt , Section Wishlist []
Posted on Mon Dec 29, 2008 at 09:04:53 AM PST
since openid been mentioned, scoop can be shibbolized for single sign-on

(109 comments, 72 words in story) Full Story >>

New Music Site ... in Scoop Announcements
By MightyD , Section New Scoop Sites []
Posted on Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 04:51:04 PM PST

The MoBetta Jam Experience is a jam band based in Altadena, California. We've implemented our musical blog in Scoop.

(20 comments, 109 words in story) Full Story >>

Trees and Things is Coming Out Announcements
By 3fingerspointback , Section New Scoop Sites []
Posted on Wed Nov 15, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Trees and Things, a current events discussion group launched in mid-2006, is nearing completion.

(80 comments, 298 words in story) Full Story >>

TalkLeft Moves to Scoop Announcements
By TalkLeft , Section New Scoop Sites []
Posted on Sat Oct 21, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
It took forty days and forty nights, but TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime is now a Scoop site.  

TalkLeft has provided liberal coverage of crime-related political news since 2002.  After four years on Movable Type, we switched to Scoop, to increase user interactivity and plan for future growth.

Scoophost did a great job maintaining the site's existing look while incorporating all the great Scoop features.

Now that it's done, we're very excited about the potential.

(65 comments) Comment >>

Spammers Feature Requests
By Cretal , Section Code []
Posted on Thu Sep 21, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Looking over this site, its apparant that you're having the same spam woes that I'm having on my scoop site (chinese spammers creating accounts and posting advertisements everywhere). I would request a couple of tools to help combat this problem (delete all posts by a username, blocking by IP, and preventing more than 3 links per post. *heck, why not stop all links?*) Are there other ideas to help stop this? As it is now, I can't hardly keep up with the pace of crap posted on my scoop site.

(52 comments) Comment >>

Scoop 1.1.8 Released -- Users Urged to Upgrade New Code
By Captain_Tenille , Section News []
Posted on Sun Aug 13, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
This is a security fix release of Scoop. It fixes a bug in edit_story where users are allowed to edit their own stories, a bug in story posting, and some cross site scripting vulnerabilities. If you are upgrading, some boxes need to be upgraded by hand. Look at the file UPGRADING-TO-1.1.8.txt for full details.

(77 comments) Comment >>

SciScoop Science Forum Announcements
By sciencebase , Section New Scoop Sites []
Posted on Wed Jun 28, 2006 at 12:00:00 PM PST
Not exactly new, but an update. For those interested in science the SciScoop Science Forum has (almost) everything, including a Controversial Conjectures category, where members can post their most bizarre theories about life, the universe, and everything. Some of these even make it to the front page, much to the chagrin of those who vote and comment against them, but, hey, that's democracy. Last mention on kuro5hin announced 1000 members for sciscoop, we're fast approaching the 2000 mark and are adding new features as we go. Last time, I checked the site was getting about 150,000 visitors a month overall. If you've got a sci-tech bent, check out SciScoop. db

(59 comments) Comment >>

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