Marijuana: William Breathes outed as late New York Times restaurant critic?

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William Breathes?
By 9 a.m. today I had received at least three e-mails asking how I felt about my "real identity" as Craig Claiborne being outed in a New York Times opinion piece today by Frank Bruni. Last I checked, though, I'm not a long-dead Times food critic. Or am I? Nudge nudge, wink wink.

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Corbin Clay: Beetle-killed furniture startup wins $100,000 GQ contest

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Corbin Clay.
When Denver craftsman Corbin Clay launched his own custom furniture company a few years back, he saw an opportunity to make stylish, affordable pieces out of an abundant resource: the vast stands of dead lodgepole pines left by Colorado's raging beetle epidemic. It was a shrewd move; among thousands of contenders, Corbin and his startup have won the $100,000 grand prize in a national entrepreneurship contest sponsored by Ketel One and GQ. The win includes a handsome spread in the February issue of the men's fashion magazine, which hits newsstands today.

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Scott Gessler grilled at Capitol about immigrant letters, website glitches

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Scott Gessler
At the Capitol yesterday, Secretary of State Scott Gessler had lots to discuss at a State Affairs briefing -- but only a few minutes into his presentation, he was interrupted by critical questions from lawmakers. The immediate criticisms, which were put on hold until after he finished his prepared remarks, set the tone for a contentious meeting -- kicking off what will also likely be a controversial legislative session for Gessler.

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Michael Hancock bet-losing Ray Lewis dance delayed due to injury?

Categories: Sports

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Mayor Hancock.
Before Saturday's Broncos-Ravens playoff game, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock made a friendly wager with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. If Denver won, Rawlings-Blake promised to send a platter of broiled crab cakes. If Baltimore won, Hancock agreed to mail a box of dry-aged "cowboy cut" ribeye steaks. And do the Ray Lewis pre-game dance.

But now it looks as though the latter may not happen soon.

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Cory Gardner's worst-case scenario for U.S. debt: Nazi Germany

Categories: Denver Blogs

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Cory Gardner.
Denver blog posts stand up for what's right.

Big Media's Jason Salzman on Cory Gardner raising the specter of Nazi Germany in discussing the debt ceiling.

Coyote Gulch: Bad snow-pack news -- it's only 63 percent of the average.

Plants & Animals Denver: Rub-a-dub-dub, vegan soap in your tub.

KUVO's Carlos Lando on station merger with Rocky Mountain PBS, I-News

Categories: Media

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Carlos Lando.
These days, radio and television stations are known in some quarters as "old media." How can such operations survive in the wake of the Internet revolution? By combining forces. At least that's the theory of folks at public-radio station KUVO, at 89.3 FM in Denver, public-TV service Rocky Mountain PBS, and the latter's affiliated I-News network, which are on the cusp of a formal merger. KUVO's Carlos Lando gives us the details.

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Marijuana: Boulder official calls for dual licenses on pot shops

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We recently wrote about the debate at the governor's marijuana task force regarding the licensing of retail pot shots. Sparking some controversy, at least one task force member wants to see a state agency own and operate all commercial establishments.

We now have a copy of a letter from Boulder officials that reveals their recommendation: a dual licensing system.

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Kaitlin Kenney's mom believes missing musician lost in Grand Canyon didn't survive

Categories: News

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Pics, videos below.
When a child is missing, most parents cling to hope for a happy resolution long after many others have given up.

But judging by a Facebook post and comments to the press, Linnea Kenney already appears resigned that the disappearance of her beloved daughter Kaitlin, 21, during a trip to the Grand Canyon will have a sad ending.

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Reader: Guns-in-schools concept not undermined by accidental shooting

In his post about a GOP bill to allow guns in schools, Sam Levin mentioned last year's accidental shooting at CU-Denver.

A new comment argues that the latter is instructive rather than an indictment of the guns-in-schools concept.

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User review making fun of Aurora theater shooting still on months later

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Last August, just over a week after the Aurora theater shooting, we checked movie-ticket websites for the shuttered Aurora Century 16 and were shocked to discover that a user review making light of the tragedy was on the page.

With the theater set to reopen on Thursday, we looked again, and the listing is still there. See it below.

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Marijuana, guns, William Breathes in the New York Times and our place in the cultural divide

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Is Colorado at the center of the U.S. cultural divide? Or does it just seem that way because the national media would rather capture America's pulse in Denver than Dayton. Would a little beauty queen's murder have gotten as much coverage if it had happened in Biloxi, not Boulder? But then came Columbine, and the Aurora shootings, and the legalization of recreational pot, which led to William Breathes's latest New York Times appearance.

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Photos: Colorado People of Walmart, 2013 edition

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Big photos below.
Welcome to our fourth annual look at the latest Colorado selections from the twisted People of Walmart website.

As in our collections from 2010, 2011 and 2012, this year's batch catches customers at their very best -- or at least at their funniest. Check out the latest crop below.

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Ski season deaths: James Lindenblatt's is among two that won't count toward Colorado total

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James Lindenblatt.
As we reported last week, calculating ski-area deaths in Colorado is tricky, since Colorado Ski Country USA applies a strict criteria to those included in overall figures.

Cases in point: Olathe, Kansas resident Stuart Brownlee and Summit County's James Lindenblatt died while skiing in recent days, but neither meet the CSCUSA standards. Details below.

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Video: Miss Iowa opposes and supports recreational marijuana at same time

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Videos below.
Beauty pageants have discovered that one surefire way of getting publicity is to have a judge ask a contestant about marijuana -- and then wait for her to say something dopey, as it were. In December, Miss Universe talked pot in an amusing way that made headlines. And now, Miss Iowa, a Miss America hopeful, has offered so confusing a take on the subject that she would have been better off advocating world peace and racing off-stage. Videos below.

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Photo: "Police roll doobie" billboard

Categories: Marijuana, Photos

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Spotted this weekend at around Colorado Boulevard and 50th: a billboard boldly declaring, "Police roll doobie." Do they? The sign doesn't exactly constitute definitive proof, no matter how large the letters. But those who see the message may have a different reaction next time they're watching a cop show and someone says, "Let's roll." See a larger version of the photo below.

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Scott Gessler investigation: John Suthers offers support, accused of conflict-of-interest

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When Secretary of State Scott Gessler needs legal help, the office of Attorney General John Suthers typically represents him. But in the case of ethics and criminal investigations into Gessler's alleged misuse of public funds, Suthers has stayed out of it due to a potential conflict-of-interest. Suthers is, however, weighing in on a part of the case through a letter to the Independent Ethics Commission in which he says he supports one of Gessler's recent requests. The full letter is on view below.

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Darrell Havens: Paralyzed inmate denied clemency, surgery

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Darrell Havens.
His doctors have told Darrell Havens that surgery could help relieve his deteriorating condition, but the wheelchair-bound inmate's keepers in the Colorado Department of Corrections aren't exactly eager to okay the operation -- or to release him to seek care on his own. Havens, who was left a quadriplegic by a police shooting in 2007, recently had a clemency application denied by DOC executive director Tom Clements.

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Jeff Crank, talk-show host: Seeing gays kissing on CNN is disgusting

Categories: Denver Blogs

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Jeff Crank.
Denver blogs want what's best for you.

Big Media's Jason Salzman on KVOR host and ex-GOP candidate Jeff Crank getting grossed out by gay New Year's Eve kisses on CNN.

Free Range Longmont's Michael Bellmont gives the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission an F on health...and listening.

Square State's Zappatero: Pointless Post editorial pines for bipartisanship...and unicorns.

Clifford Fordyce arrested for 1317 Pearl Street homicide (58)

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Graphic below.
Late Friday night, gunfire erupted at the Cavendish, an apartment building located on the 1300 block of Pearl Street.

At this writing, we don't know the name of the victim. But the identity of the man arrested for suspicion of committing the crime has been released. He's Clifford Fordyce, forty.

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Video: Matt Hefferon, alleged police brutality victim, convicted of resisting arrest

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Video below.
Last March, we followed the story of Matt Hefferon, who was allegedly shoved by Fort Collins police without provocation -- an incident caught on video. See the clip and our previous coverage below. Nonetheless, Hefferon has been convicted on two counts in what his attorney calls a major miscarriage of justice that could lead to either an appeal or a lawsuit.

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