Santa stops dawn raid by immigration officials!

Early this morning, Santa Claus, with the help of some of his elves, erected an 18 foot tall tripod outside the main entrance of the UKBA offices in Glasgow to prevent immigration officials carrying out controversial dawn raids on the families of asylum seekers.

Anti workfare protestors blockade and occupy Superdrug and British Heart Foundation

Protestors blockaded and occupied both British Heart Foundation and Superdrug in Edinburgh today Saturday 8 December, in opposition to their participation in the government's workfare schemes.

Princes Street Blocked by N14 Solidarity Demo

Last Wednesday evening saw a large demonstration in support of the European General Strike of November 14th. More than 200(? I can’t count like that) people, recent arrivals from Spain or Greece plus longer-term residents and "native" Scots gathered at St Giles Cathedral, surprising themselves and the unaware police.

Protesters Picket Baby-snatcher Barnardo's

No Border activists and Unity volunteers picketed Barnardo's shops today in protest at their involvement in running controversial Cedars detention centre today. Hundreds of leaflets were handed out explaining

BHF charity shop in Leith closed by anti workfare protest

Anti workfare demonstrators in Edinburgh shut down the British Heart Foundation furniture store at the Kirkgate shopping centre for over two hours on Saturday 8 September. The Leith store closed its doors as demonstrators arrived before noon, and didn't attempt to reopen till after 2pm.

Take Back the Land: Action Round-Up

A week ago today the last of the camp was taken down and participants at Take Back the Land! were saying goodbye for now to our site on the edge of 350ha of bog and wet heath moorland – the proposed new Glentaggart East site. The camp was occupied on the evening of the 10th July and set up on the symbolic site of Scottish Coal’s new mine in the Douglas Valley, a beautiful part of the Southern Uplands.

Aristocrat landlord’s garden opencasted!

Earlier today activists from Take Back the Land! visited Lord Home’s mansion in the Douglas Valley and opencasted his garden, hoping to bring the issues closer to home for him.

Past news in pictures

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