
Save the Date! Feb. 4 Rally for Health Care as a Human Right in Salem, Oregon on the Capitol Steps, 11:30 a.m.  Get more information and view and print the flyers.

More about the Salem rally for Affordable Health Care for All

By Roberta Hall, Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates of Corvallis

On February 4, 2013, the first day of the legislative session, members of Health Care for All-Oregon (HCAO), a coalition of more than 60 member groups from across the state will rally on the Capitol steps in Salem. According to Joanne Cvar, communications chair for HCAO, their goal is to demonstrate the breadth and depth of support that the coalition has developed for an Oregon health care system that is publicly financed and offers comprehensive services to all Oregonians.

The rally on the Capitol steps occupies only the middle part of a very full day of activities that HCAO is sponsoring and is using to inspire and unite its member groups. Supporters who arrive as early as 8:00 a.m. will find an HCAO crew in Room 50 of the Capitol building arranging packets to provide for supporters on the day’s activities. By 9:00, equipment crew members will be setting up canopies and tables outside near the steps, which will function as rally central. When HCAO member groups from all over the state arrive at 9:30, they will be greeted by organizers with specific instructions for the day, which at this writing (Jan. 15) are still being developed.

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As I see it: Health care is a steeper fiscal cliff and a danger to us all

Corvallis Gazette-Times
January 10, 2013 9:10 am  •  By BUD LAURENT

Washington has come up with at least a temporary detour around the so-called “fiscal cliff,” but they have done nothing to solve the personal/familial fiscal cliff that millions of Americans have gone over, and will continue to go over, until we get serious about the economic problem that has been spiraling out-of-control for decades now: health care costs.

Medical debt is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in America. A 2012 study released by the American Journal of Medicine finds a huge increase — nearly 20 percent —in medical debt-caused bankruptcies between 2001 and 2007.

Sixty-two percent of all bankruptcies filed in 2007 were tied to medical expenses that individuals and families couldn’t afford.


Wes Brain's health problems feed his hunger for HCAO

By Allen Hallmark

When some of us last saw Wes Brain at the CPJ business meeting on Dec. 18th, he was preparing himself for a tonsillectomy the next day.  As you know, it is quite unusual for a middle-aged person to need to have his tonsils taken out, and Wes knew going in that the lab work might produce a diagnosis of throat cancer.

I spoke to Wes on the phone today (Friday, Jan. 4th) and he sounds great – his voice is strong and his advocacy for health care reform is even stronger than ever, if such a thing is possible.

The good news is that he has completely recovered from the effects of the surgery and was even joking about how it improved his voice and he may launch a new career as a singer, like his buddy Julius Margolin, the New York union organizer who took up folk-singing at the age of 79 and toured with George Mann for years until he passed away a few years ago at age 93.

The bad news, of course, is that Wes does, in fact, have cancer.  More tests, including a very expensive PET scan have to be run to determine how serious this is, but in any case the treatment will be long and tedious and will cost thousands and thousands of dollars that Wes & Brenda do not possess.  Both have been unemployed or underemployed for a long time.

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The Deadly Secret About the Fiscal Cliff Charade

Let's stop repeating failures of austerity and move toward solutions that can restore our Federal budget – and us – to health.

Alternet, January 4, 2013  |
Campaign for America's Future
/ By Richard (RJ) Eskow

Imagine a nation with a terrible problem – one its leaders refuse to discuss. The problem will needlessly drain trillions of dollars from its economy in the next ten years.

Now imagine that this problem also robs that nation’s citizens of life itself, draining years from their lifespans while depriving them of large sums of money. Imagine that it sickens and disables countless others, drives many people into bankrupcty, and kills more than two newborn infants out of every thousand born.

Imagine that fixing this problem would make result in a dramatic decline in publicly-held debt. It wouldn’t just “help” the debt problem, mind you – it would cause that debt to plunge.

And now imagine a national “deficit debate” which completely ignores this problem.


Americans 'are sicker and die younger' than people in other wealthy nations

Damning official report on US health finds death and disease taking huge toll on population, particularly among young

The Guardian, January 10, 2013
By Sarah Boseley, health editor

America may be one of the richest countries in the world, but its people are less healthy and more likely to die early from disease or accidents than those in any other affluent country, a damning official US report has found.

Even the best-off Americans – those who have health insurance, a college education, a high income and healthy behaviour – are sicker than their peers in comparable countries, says the report by the US National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine.


Is Health Care a Product, a Privilege, or a Basic Human Right?

By Robert Fischer, HCAO-Bandon 1/7/2013

Health care is a product when it is commodified and sold by profit-seeking corporations. It is the product of a financial industry that makes billions of dollars year after year selling people the promise of access to doctors’ services and hospitals.

Health care is a privilege when it is granted by insurance companies to people who are in good health and earning a good salary. It’s a privilege that insurance companies can revoke when people need it most.

Health care is a human right when people say it is, and have the courage and determination required to make it so. These people do Read More

HCAO - Washington County Kickoff Event on January 12

And we keep growing ...

If you live in or near Washington County, come to the kickoff event for the formation of a new Health Care for All-Oregon chapter there.  The event is open to all who want to become active or are simply seeking more information.  Come meet other like-minded folks, find out more about HCAO and ways that you can get involved.

This chapter is being organized by Kim Kelly, who has been an active member of the Portland Jobs With Justice Health Care Committee, another HCAO member organization, and has made presentations about HCAO and universal health care at her church in Hillsboro and other organizations.  

Check out the Facebook event page and the entry on HCAO's Calendar for all the details.  And while you're looking at the calendar, check out all the other events happening around the state this month leading up to our rally on the Capitol steps in Salem on February 4th.

  • WHERE:  Community Room of the Beaverton Community Center,12350 SW Fifth St, Beaverton, OR 97076
  • WHEN:  Saturday, January 12th, 2013  10am - 12 noon
  • RSVP requested: email Kim Kelly
  • FOR MORE INFORMATION, even if you can't attend, contact Kim!