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We Are Thetans In The Material World

By: Monday January 14, 2013 7:15 pm

Having previously allowed Megan McArdle to rent out her column to the likes of the  Koch Brothers  in return for Crate & Barrel gift cards, The Atlantic has now cut out the middleman and is just whoring themselves out to any bugfuck crazy cult that stops you on the street.

Obviously this is a preemptive strike before Lawrence Wright’s Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief drops later this week.  Kudos to Jeffrey Goldberg for sticking his thumb in the eye of his bosses.

“The Looming Tower,” of course, is one of the greatest works of narrative non-fiction published in the past several decades, but all of his work on religion — he’s an unparalleled spelunker of the religious mind — is very much worth reading. Which is why I’m so particularly excited this week to read his just-published investigation of the Church of Scientology, “Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief.”

In related news, Tom Cruise is going to save us all:

Superstar actor and Church of Scientology member Tom Cruise is a high-ranking Church official and he’s on a mission to save people from the aliens that live inside of all of us, according to a new book.

The claims come from a new book by Pulitzer Prize winning author Lawrence Wright who alleges that Cruise has focused on bringing non-believers into the fold in order to bring salvation to Earth from thetans.

In Scientology doctrine, thetans are the alien life forms that inhabit humans and have destroyed the planet in the past.

Who would have thought that Earth was going to be saved by a five-foot three closet case?

Not me.

(Obligatory Pauline Kael remembrance of her describing Cruise as a “nautilized dinky thing“.)

The Pentagon as a Global NRA: For Washington, There Is No Arms Control Abroad

By: Monday January 14, 2013 6:30 pm
A toy-like image of the Pentagon created using tilt shift

This dangerous weapon is NOT a toy.

Given these last weeks, who doesn’t know what an AR-15 is?  Who hasn’t seen the mind-boggling stats on the way assault rifles have flooded this country, or tabulations of accumulating Newtown-style mass killings, or noted that there are barely more gas stations nationwide than federally licensed firearms dealers, or heard the renewed debates over the Second Amendment, or been struck by the rapid shifts in public opinion on gun control, or checked out the disputes over how effective an assault-rifle ban was the last time around?  Who doesn’t know about the NRA’s suggestion to weaponize schools, or about the price poor neighborhoods may be paying in gun deaths for the present expansive interpretation of the Second Amendment?  Who hasn’t seen the legions of stories about how, in the wake of the Newtown slaughter, sales of guns, especially AR-15 assault rifles, have soared, ammunition sales have surged, background checks for future gun purchases have risen sharply, and gun shows have been besieged with customers?

If you haven’t stumbled across figures on gun violence in America or on suicide-by-gun, you’ve been hiding under a rock.  If you haven’t heard about Chicago’s soaring and Washington D.C.’s plunging gun-death stats (and that both towns have relatively strict gun laws), where have you been?

Has there, in fact, been any aspect of the weaponization of the United States that, since the Newtown massacre, hasn’t been discussed?  Are you the only person in the country, for instance, who doesn’t know that Vice President Joe Biden has been assigned the task of coming up with an administration gun-control agenda before Barack Obama is inaugurated for his second term?  And can you honestly tell me that you haven’t seen global comparisons of killing rates in countries that have tight gun laws and the U.S., or read at least one discussion about life in countries like Colombia or Guatemala, where armed guards are omnipresent?

After years of mass killings that resulted in next to no national dialogue about the role of guns and how to control them, the subject is back on the American agenda in a significant way and — by all signs — isn’t about to leave town anytime soon.  The discussion has been so expansive after years in a well-armed wilderness that it’s easy to miss what still isn’t being discussed, and in some sense just how narrow our focus remains.

Think of it this way: the Obama administration is reportedly going to call on Congress to pass a new ban on assault weapons, as well as one on high-capacity ammunition magazines, and to close the loopholes that allow certain gun purchasers to avoid background checks.  But Biden has already conceded, at least implicitly, that facing a Republican-controlled House of Representatives and a filibuster-prone Senate, the administration’s ability to make much of this happen — as on so many domestic issues — is limited.

That will shock few Americans.  After all, the most essential fact about the Obama presidency is this: at home, the president is a hamstrung weakling; abroad, in terms of his ability to choose a course of action and — from drones strikes and special ops raids to cyberwar and other matters — simply act, he’s closer to Superman.  So here’s a question: while the administration is pledging to try to curb the wholesale spread of ever more powerful weaponry at home, what is it doing about the same issue abroad where it has so much more power to pursue the agenda it prefers?

Flooding the World With the Most Advanced Weaponry Money Can Buy


Newtown Kids Ask You to Make Your Own Sandy Hook Promise – And Change

By: Monday January 14, 2013 6:01 pm

Older Newtown CT students put this video together to help spur change, so there won’t be a next time. Now – before it’s never.

This was made entirely by Newtown Students, Danny Bittman and Sarah Clements. This video is a dedication to all of our 26 neighbors, demanding that we change our attitude towards others. The Sandy Hook Promise group, like the video’s message, is open minded, and is not trying to attack, or support just one side of any argument. Please keep that in mind before you post your opinion.

FDL Movie Night: Black Tulip

By: Monday January 14, 2013 5:00 pm

Based on a true story, The Black Tulip takes us to Kabul in 2001 after the Taliban has been routed, as the hope of freedom returns. Written, directed, and produced by our guest Sonia Nassery Cole, who stars as Farishta Mansouri, The Black Tulip follows Faishta and her family as they open a restaurant in Kabul in the building where her father had his bookstore, Poet’s Corner. As children, Farishta and her sister witnessed Taliban troops kidnapping her father and burning his shop. Now despite the worries of her mother, and concerns of her husband, Farishta hopes to honor his memory with poetry readings and hospitality. Poet’s Corner restaurant grows in popularity, becoming a place where both the military and those opposed to them can enjoy traditional food, music, and an open microphone.

Hold It, Aim It, Make All Of The Bad Men Run

By: Monday January 14, 2013 4:16 pm

It is an article of faith amongst the gunneratti that bad guys and evildoers (by which they mean people of the dusky hue) will avoid residences where the homeowner is known to be packing heat because having Bubba “stand his ground” while you’re boosting his flatscreen is an unacceptable occupational hazard. That is why Tree of Liberty Watering Enthusiasts see “gun free zones” as an invitation to mayhem, government tyranny or, worst of all: the loss of priceless irreplaceable heirlooms.

Obama Administration Won’t Show Secret Legal Opinions for Targeted Killings to US Senator

By: Monday January 14, 2013 3:32 pm

Ahead of the confirmation of Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan to the position of CIA director, US Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has sent a letter to Brennan asking him to provide Congress access to “secret legal opinions outlining the government’s ability to target and kill Americans believed to be involved in terrorism.”

Wyden, who serves on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, by law is supposed to provide oversight and have access to classified legal opinions, but, as he shares, the Obama administration has refused to provide him access to a copy of secret legal opinions for targeted killings.

Plurality of Americans Are Still Satisfied With Current Gun Laws

By: Monday January 14, 2013 2:53 pm

Following the recent mass shootings there has been a noticeable spike in support for stricter gun laws; but overall, a plurality of Americans are still satisfied with our current gun laws.

Max Baucus: Connoisseur of Revolving Door Corruption

By: Monday January 14, 2013 1:15 pm

Major tax cuts were extended for giant corporations — while the average Montana was stuck with a $900/year in increased taxes — and the person responsible is claiming he doesn’t even know how his staff put it in there for his former staff? This is why last night Bill Moyers referred to Max Baucus as, “a connoisseur of revolving door corruption.”

French-Led Military Intervention Supported by US Destined to Transform Mali Into Bigger Quagmire

By: Monday January 14, 2013 12:20 pm

France and eight other countries, including the United States, are escalating an intervention in the African country of Mali. The offensive, according to French authorities, is being mounted to target Islamic extremists or al Qaeda-linked rebels who have “grabbed more territory in Mali, inching closer to the capital.”

Majority of Arizona Voters Would Support Regulating Marijuana Like Alcohol

By: Monday January 14, 2013 11:20 am

A new Public Policy Polling survey for the National Cannabis Industry Association found that 59 percent of Arizona voters would support an initiative to legalize and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to Alcohol.

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2:00 pm Pacific
Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam
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2:00 pm Pacific
The Amistad Rebellion: An Atlantic Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom
Chat with Marcus Rediker about his new book. Hosted by Dr. Nicholas Guyatt.
