Viv Smythe

Viv Smythe


aka tigtog of the many blogs | boutique webwrangler | founder & and comedy tragic

Sydney, Australia ·


  1. RT : sex education nonexistent- where it exists it focuses on pure biological facts not on feelings, mutual respect,

  2. Shocking attitudes point to deep misogyny in Congo | Women Under Siege Project Absolutely heartbreaking.

  3. I am sick of people who've never read a romance or a YA novel casually dismissing the entire genres. Do some research, you tedious people.

  4. Single parents wrongly told to destroy their concession cards after moving to Newstart payments - Daniel Hurst

  5. Apparently Academics are posting their papers online for free in tribute to Aaron Swartz using hashtag

  6. MT : must-read on death of RSS co-creator Aaron Swartz, Internet use judicial/corporate greed.

  7. We Endorse this Petition in Support of Diversity and Feminism in the Secular Community

  8. Fun Fact: the WA Electoral Commission officially considers wheelchair access to be "extra assistance".:

  9. Julie Burchill has poured oil to calm troubled waters. Then drowned some seabirds in the oil. Then set fire to the oil.

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