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Dr Bill Durodié

Dr Bill Durodié is an Associate Fellow of the International Security Programme (ISP) for the prestigious Chatham House think-tank in London. He is also an Honorary Senior Fellow of the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research (SSPSSR) at the University of Kent (UK) and an Advisor to the Center for World Health Promotion of Arizona State University (US). He is based in Singapore where he is a permanent resident (PR).

Previously he was Senior Fellow with the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies (NTS) in the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, where he coordinated the Health and Human Security Programme. Before that he coordinated the Homeland Defence Programme in the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS) there.

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Latest updates:

Fear of adults has devastating effects for kids
Times Colonist, 15 August 2012
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Infrastructure and technology failures: the human dimension
Global is Asian, April - June 2012
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The changing nature of riots in the contemporary metropolis from ideology to identity
Journal of Risk Research, 2011, 1–8, iFirst Article
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How CSR became big business
spiked, 2 November 2011
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Message to the West: ‘know thyself’
spiked, 8 September 2011
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Significant publications include:

H1N1: The Social Costs of Cultural Confusion
Global Health Governance, Vol.4, No.2, Spring 2011
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Fear and terror in a post-political age
Government and Opposition, Vol. 42, No 3, pp 427-450, 2007
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Risk and the Social Construction of ‘Gulf War Syndrome’
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, (2006) 361, 689–6
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Cultural Precursors, Psychological Consequences of Contemporary Western Responses to Acts of Terror
in Psychological Responses to the New Terrorism: A NATO-Russia Dialogue, Wessely, S. and Krasnov V.N. eds., IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2006, pp.37-53
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The limitations of risk management in dealing with disaster and building social resilience
Politik, Vol.8, No.1, March 2005, pp.14-21
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The Concept of Risk
Nuffield Trust Paper, Health, Security and Foreign Policy Programme, February 2005
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Facing the possibility of bioterrorism
Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2004, 15:264-268
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site updated:23 August 2012

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