Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs

The US embrace of drone technology is a losing proposition over the long term as it will usher in a new arms race, warns Michael Boyle in the new International Affairs. Read

  • Turkey's leaders face a difficult balancing act on Syria. The Assad regime's rapid demise is their goal, but this cannot be at the expense of domestic stability, says this new paper. Read

  • Negotiations for piping Russian gas to China have not been easy and the window of opportunity for a deal that maximizes the potential on both sides is closing, says this paper. Read.

  • The outlook for global resources is one of supply disruptions, volatile prices, environmental degradation and political tensions over resource access, warns this report. Read

  • China must implement further reforms if it is to maintain economic prosperity and political stability, says Wu Jinglian, one of the preeminent economists of the People's Republic of China. Listen.

  • Britain faces a 'real and present danger by edging towards exit' of the EU, said Tony Blair at an event organized by Business for New Europe, hosted by Chatham House. Read.

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    Does the UK Need Its Own Bill of Rights? | Monday 14 January 2013 18:00 - 19:00

    Philippe Sands QC, Barrister, Matrix Chambers; Professor of International Law, University College London
    Martin Howe QC, Member, Commission on a Bill of Rights for the UK; Barrister, 8 New Square, Lincoln's Inn
    Chair: Elizabeth Wilmshurst CMG, Associate Fellow, International Law Programme, Chatham House

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    Tackling Corruption in a Globalized World | Tuesday 15 January 2013 18:00 - 19:00

    Laurence Cockroft, Co-Founder, Transparency International
    Paul Kett, UK Co-Chair, Anti-Corruption Working Group, G20 (2012); Director, Justice Reform, UK Ministry of Justice
    Professor Alena Ledeneva, Professor of Politics and Society, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
    Chair: Michela Wrong, Author; Journalist

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Expert Comment

Dr Robin Niblett
Thursday 10 January 2013
Professor David L Heymann, CBE
Thursday 10 January 2013
Lord Michael Williams of Baglan
Wednesday 9 January 2013

In the News

International Affairs

International Affairs

Featured article: The costs and consequences of drone warfare, by Michael Boyle.

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