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1. Ian Abley, trying to articulate an audacious political and economic aim, 31 October 2011, based on a global population projected for 2050 as shown by Worldmapper, 2006, posted here

2. Antonio Sant'Elia, The Manifesto of Futurist Architecture, published in Lacerba, Florence, 1 August 1914, in Umbro Apollonio, editor, Futurist Manifestos, Museum of Fine Arts Publications, Boston, 2001, p 160 to 172

3. James Heartfield, Green Capitalism - Manufacturing scarcity in an age of abundance,, 2008, p 91, with details of how to buy posted here

4. Professor Dave Chandler, 'Politics as Religion', CSD Bulletin, Centre for the Study of Democracy, London, Summer 2007, Vol 14, p 23 to 25, posted on, an edited extract of his inaugural lecture, 'The Attraction of Post-Territorial Politics: Ethics and Activism in the International Sphere', University of Westminster, London, 2 May 2007; see also

5. Martin Pawley, in his keynote speech at the inaugural audacity conference, Building Audacity, The Building Centre, London, 10 July 2000, posted here

6. James Heartfield, Coalition of the unwilling, New Geography, 7 January 2011, posted here

250 New Towns - The club for people with big plans to build

click here for the aims of the 250 New Towns Clubclick here for the 250 Locations index

Plotlands as a measure of housing affordability 75 years on

Jonathan Schwinge's 2012 Mile High London, dimensionally defined by Ian Abley and CAD modelled by Andrew SheldonFrank Lloyd Wright's 1956 Mile High Illinois

Manmade Modular Megastructures

Homes 2016Why is construction so backward?Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-Machine Age

Simon Punter Photography
click here for Elisabeth Blanchet's project to record the lives of people living in Britain's Prefabs - Palaces for the People

Our aim is to industrialise Earth to the advantage of 9,000,000,000 people and revolutionise our lives. (1)

click here for Worldmapper by SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan)

click here to buy the Unpatriotic History of the Second World War, Zero Books, 2012, by James Heartfield

Ian Ableyclick here for the International Vacuum Insulation Symposium 2013 at EMPA, Zürich, SwitzerlandWe oppose One Nation LabourFear of the Draft National Planning Policy FrameworkMan steps on the Moon, 20 July 1969Thomas Paine, 1737 to 1809The Hubble Telescope deployed from the Space Shuttle Endeavour on 16 December 1999Where to build?click here for Spaceframe Principlesclick here for Laufs Engineering Designclick here for 3D Creation LabSylvia Pankhurst, 1882 to 1960The 20 New Labour Eco-Towns that will never be builtHands off Dale Farm100,000 homes a year is all that will be built in Britain unless we organise against the Town and Country planning systemMap of English residential land prices in 2007John Burns, 1858 to 1943Elisabeth BlanchetDon't be fooled by these peopleJulia C Johnsonclick here for The Great DebateMary TurnerSimon PunterThe regression of Green CapitalismMartin Pawley - Straight to the pointclick here for NASA imagesYuri Gagarin before launch of Vostok 1, 12 April 1961Cedric Price, 1934 to 2003click here for the Vacuum Insulation Networkclick here for the International Vacuum Insulation Symposium 2011 in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaSimon Punter Photographyclick here for the Archigram Archival Project by EXP, the Research Centre for Experimental Practice at the Department of Architecture, University of Westminsterclick here for the Midnight Oil Literary Consultancyclick here for the International Vacuum Insulation Symposium 2009 at the Royal Institution, LondonAndrew Brooks250 New Towns Club supports the National Housing Federation's campaign - Don't mention the housing crisisFUTURISM, Tate Modern, London, 12 June to 20 September 2009The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, 20 February 1909The Communist Manifesto, 1848click here to find out what people might do to resolve the predicament of the peculiar British Housing Trilemmazero carbon nonsense from the Zero Carbon HubNever rely on the United NationsDale Farm burns as the eviction startsDale Farm residents face eviction from their own landJonathan Schwinge's 2012 Mile High London, dimensionally defined by Ian Abley and CAD modelled by Andrew Sheldonclick here for Big Potatoes - raising the level of discussion and debate about innovation, in the UK and beyond

click here for Living Projects

Thames Gateway "Cloudpiercer" mile high towers with the Maunsell Forts in the foreground

We support the proposal to transform the Estuary by building the Thames Hub with a new barrier and crossing

Things will endure less than us. Every generation must build its own city. (2)

click here for the Science Photo Libraryclick here for the Science Photo Library

click here for here for New Geography

Environmentalism is the ideology of capitalism in retreat from production. (3)

Photograph courtesy of Andrew Brooks

audacity is a campaigning company concerned with the design and production of the man-made environment, advocating development free from the burden of "sustainababble" and "communitwaddle". We believe in citizens, not cities, but that raises important questions:

clickHow little space we live in 12.07.2012

clickWhere to build? 19.03.2011 9.0Mb Download pdf

clickWhere are the citizens? 09.07.2008

Photograph courtesy of Andrew Brooks

Unless we bring politics back down to earth from heaven our critical, social and intellectual lives will be diminished. (4)

audacity argues for accelerating and advancing development to support the benefits of British and international population growth, promotes high levels of immigration, and applauds greater social aspiration. We believe in expanding political freedoms to build a material world fit for humanity:

clickBritain can't so easily stop the Dependency Culture 31.10.2010

clickPredicting the future of British house building 07.11.2009

clickThe regression of Green Capitalism 27.08.2009

Theatre Set

Sustainability... another way of deciding who is in charge. (5)

audacity organises authoritative international research, engaging seminars, large conferences, a provocative website and a dynamic school of writers, public speakers and photographers. Read us, listen to us, argue with us, write for us and sponsor us with cash!

We had Labour against socialism. Now we have a Conservative government shy about capitalism. (6)

Photograph courtesy of Andrew Brooks

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Renzo Piano's 2011 Central St Giles, Londonclick here for Why is construction so backward? by James Woudhuysen, Ian Abley, Stefan Muthesius and Miles Glendinning, published by John Wiley & Sons 2004click here for Homes 2016 by James Woudhuysen and Ian Abley, the first Broadside supplement from Blueprintclick here for Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-Machine Age, a collection of 18 essays edited by Ian Abley and James Heartfield, published by John Wiley & Sons 2001
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