Comments How-To: FAQ

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can I format my text in comments? or create neat text links to articles?
Q2: Why do some of the comments have different borders etc?
Q3: How can I get a custom avatar picture?

Q1: How can I format my text in comments? or create neat text links to articles?

A:You can add a handful of basic html tags and attributes to your comment, if you like. Our commenting function supports the following tags:

<em> <strong> <a> <del> <blockquote>

…and the following attributes:

href   title

For example, if you typed this into the comment box of a blog post:

This is a <strong>great</strong> post, but not <em>nearly</em> as good as <a href=”” title=”I absolutely adore Eurovision!”>this one.</a>

it would look like this when you submit it:

This is a great post, but not nearly as good as this one.

More Information on Text Formatting:

Q2: Why do some of the comments have different borders etc?

A: The comments of LP contributors are styled differently from those of normal users, and indicate certain things about the user. If the avatar floats to to the right instead of the left, that commentor has moderation capabilities on that post.

This would be a comment made by a logged in ozblogistan user

This would be a comment made by a logged in LP contributor

This would be a comment made by a logged in LP moderator

This would be a comment made by the post author (logged in)

Q3: How can I get a custom avatar picture?

A: Gravatars are tied to the email address that you use for commenting. To obtain one register your email address at (pseudonymous webmail addresses are totally acceptable, but they do check for a valid address to confirm your account sign-up before allowing you to assign your chosen gravatar to your email address) . The team will check your uploaded image for classification purposes (G, PG, M, R) before approving it, which usually takes a few hours. Then whenever you comment on any gravatar-enabled website using that email address, your chosen image will be your comment avatar.