
Friday :: January 11, 2013

No Charges for NBC's David Gregory

Via the Washington Post: The District of Columbia has spared David Gregory. Here is the letter from the DC Attorney General to Gregory's attorney saying it was a close call, but he will not be prosecuted for displaying a 30-round ammunition magazine on Meet the Press. A key factor:

Gregory ‘s “intent of the temporary possession and short display of the magazine was to promote the First Amendment purpose of informing an ongoing public debate about firearms policy in the United States.”

The letter also states that the offense is a strict liability crime that does not require a specific intent -- ignorance or confusion about the law is no defense.

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Friday Open Thread

Denver has a snowstorm on the way that's supposed to last all weekend. Which means, lots of errands to get out of the way in the next few hours.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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NYPD Allege Plan to Blow Up Wash. Square Arch

The latest in the explosives bust of the rich heroin users in Greenwich Village a few weeks ago: Police say Aaron Greene planned to blow up the Washington Square arch.

This is such an odd story. [More...]

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Thursday :: January 10, 2013

Defense Says No Plea Entry for James Holmes Friday

Update 1/11/13: The Judge continued the arraignment until March.

Update: The Judge has written a 62 page order finding probable cause and stating tomorrow's hearing, which previously was set to be a status hearing or arraignment, is now procedurally an arraignment, even though the defense is unlikely to enter a plea.

The hearing scheduled for January 11, 2013, at 9:00a.m. is HEREBY converted to an arraignment. This Court recognizes that the defense, in their Objection to Expanded Media Coverage (D-25), is requesting that the matter be set for a status hearing. This Court believes that procedurally it should be an arraignment, but notes, based on D-25, that the defense is likely to request a continuance of this arraignment and that the People should be on notice for Victims' Bill of Rights purposes.

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Biden vs. the NRA

VP Joe Biden met with the NRA today. The NRA is not happy.

Biden sat down for about an hour and a half of talks with an NRA representative and officials from other gun owners' groups after telling reporters he is likely to recommend background checks for all gun buyers and a ban on high-capacity ammunition clips.

"It is unfortunate that this administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems. We will not allow law-abiding gun owners to be blamed for the acts of criminals and madmen," the NRA said in a statement after the meeting.

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper also called for universal background checks today. Colorado has background checks for commercial sales and gun shows, but not private transactions. [More...]

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New Report on FISA Threat to Europeans' Cloud Privacy

A new report produced for the European Union finds Europeans face a significant threat to individual privacy from the ability of the U.S. Government to spy on material stored in the cloud without a warrant, as a result of the renewed FISA Act amendments.

The report, by the Centre for the Study of Conflicts, Liberty and Security, says that FISA allows “purely political surveillance on foreigners' data” if it is stored using U.S. cloud services like those provided by Google, Microsoft and Facebook.

The full report is here. [More...]

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Wednesday :: January 09, 2013

SAMSA Releases New Prescription Drug Abuse Data

Here is the SAMSA's latest "State Estimates of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Pain Relievers."

The Denver Post hyperventilates:

Six percent of Coloradans said they used prescription painkillers — such as Percocet or Oxycontin — for nonmedical purposes in 2010 and 2011, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. That was second only to Oregon, where the rate was 6.37 percent.

How about reading the fine print? [More...]

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Biden Thinks Executive Orders Can Effect Gun Control

Joe Biden today:

"There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet," Biden said, adding that Obama is conferring with Attorney General Eric Holder on potential action.

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Tuesday :: January 08, 2013

Tuesday Night Open Thread

U.S. Defense Contractor, Engility Holdings, whose subsidiary L3 Services supplied translators to Abu Ghraib and other U.S. prisons in Iraq, settled its lawsuit over the torture and abuse suffered by the Iraqi detainees. 71 detainees will equally share $5 million for abuse that occurred between 2003 and 2007. The Associated Press uncovered the document, available here. As for the guards:

Eleven soldiers were convicted of breaking military laws, but many received sentences of a just a few years. The last remaining soldier in prison convicted in the case was released in August 2011.

Bradley Manning's judge says he will receive 118 days off his eventual sentence if convicted due to the harsh conditions of his pre-trial confinement. The ruling, which took the judge an hour to read, has not been published. Considering he's facing a life sentence, that's hardly going to dissuade the military from similarly mistreating others.

The season premiere of Justified is tonight, on FX. This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday :: January 07, 2013

BCS Nat'l Championship Open Thread

I'm flying tonight, with trial prep to the 13th and trial scheduled to start the next day.

So here is the last thing you'll hear from me for a while - I'm playing a reverse middle tonight - Notre Dame (+310) (9 units) and Bama (-9 1/2) (15 units.)

As long as Bama wins in a blowout or Notre Dame wins outright, I win (either 12 units if ND wins or 6 units if Bama wins.) Disaster is a close Bama win.

Between the 2, I think Bama blowout, but an ND win is better for me.

Open Thread.

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Obama Chooses Hagel and Brennan

Counterterrorism chief John Brennan is President Obama's choice for director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Also as expected, he nominated Republican Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary.

As for Brennan,

Mr. Brennan has played a central role in Mr. Obama's most critical and controversial counterterrorism and security policies. He has been a chief driver of Mr. Obama's acceleration of the CIA's drone program and its expansion into Yemen. He also has been central in navigating the politics surrounding the administration's inability to close the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Mr. Brennan also has served as an emissary to Yemeni officials to manage counterterrorism operations there and in Somalia and has helped steer white House security policy in response to the Arab Spring. [More...}

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Aurora Shooting Suspect James Holmes Heads to Court

A week-long hearing begins today for Aurora theater shooting suspect James Holmes.

It is both a preliminary hearing and a "proof evident/presumption great" (bail) hearing, which the court refers to as a "preliminary/proof evident" hearing, for short. (No, bail is not really on the table, but the Judge does have to make findings regarding it.)

The defense received permission last week to subpoena and call two witnesses at the hearing, over the objection of prosecutors. The Court's order, which nicely explains the purposes and dual character of the hearing is here. [More...]

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Sunday :: January 06, 2013

Sunday Night TV and Open Thread

Is everyone ready for the new season of Downton Abbey? Dueling dowagers: Maggie Smith vs. Shirley MacLaine.

The Biggest Loser is also back tonight, with Jillian Michaels returning. (I haven't watched since she left three years ago.) This season, 3 juveniles are being added to include the topic of juvenile obesity. But they won't be subject to elimination and the trainers won't be shouting and torturing them.

Tuesday night: Justified is back.

What are you watching tonight? This is an open thread, all topics welcome, tv-related or not.

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Colorado's Largest Shooting Range to Open Jan. 23

Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex, Colorado's largest shooting range ever will open Jan. 23 in El Paso County (near Colorado Springs.)

County support services director Imad Karaki says:

"This is the largest shooting complex in the state of Colorado," Karaki said. "The location here is incredible. It's about safety and fun. We also want serious hunters to come out here."
The range will rent firearms and sell ammunition. [More....]

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Another Aurora Shooting

Sonny Archuleta, 33, was reportedly on a four day meth binge when he shot and killed three family members inside their home. Sonny Archuleta is also dead. Hostage negotiators were unable to reason with him.

"Sonny, come downstairs. Sonny, we have your wife. Sonny, come out and we'll get you the help you need," [witness] Bustios recalled police telling the man.

We know you've been up for four days. What's done is done. Come out and we'll get you some help," Williams quoted police as calling out on the bullhorn.

Sonny was a very religious person. This is his Twitter page. Archuleta's wife, Stephanie Philbrook Archuleta, who jumped out a window and escaped, told police her husband is mentally ill. [More...]

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