George Monbiot

Latest Articles

As It Happened …
A letter to the Travellers’ Solidarity Network. Read more – ‘As It Happened …’.
New Weather, New Politics
The extremes now hammering Australia leave old perspectives stranded. Read more – ‘New Weather, New Politics’.
The Grime Behind the Crime
Could an astonishing explanation for the rise and fall of violent crime be correct? Read more – ‘The Grime Behind the Crime’.
Annus Horribilis
2012 was the worst year for the environment in living memory. Read more – ‘Annus Horribilis’.
The Brindled Hounds
“A sad tale’s best for winter: I have one / Of sprites and goblins.”(1) Read more – ‘The Brindled Hounds’.
Some dead children are mourned; others are dehumanised. Read more – ‘‘Bug-Splats’’.
The Gift of Death
Pathological consumption has become so normalised that we scarcely notice it. Read more – ‘The Gift of Death’.
The Unsung World
Biodiversity offsets threaten both the survival and the meaning of nature. Read more – ‘The Unsung World’.
Forbidden Planet
We cannot restrain climate change without a political fight against plutocracy. Read more – ‘Forbidden Planet’.
The Fat of the Land
Robbing the poor, trashing the natural world: Europe’s farm subsidies are an obscenity. Read more – ‘The Fat of the Land’.
So much for Norway’s eco-friendly image. Read more – ‘Wolfbane’.
There’s a second environmental crisis, just as potent as the first. Read more – ‘Housebroken’.
Lord McAlpine – An Abject Apology
I have helped to malign an innocent man. Read more – ‘Lord McAlpine – An Abject Apology’.
Recipes for Disaster
Isn’t it about time the media stopped publishing recipes for threatened fish? Read more – ‘Recipes for Disaster’.
Struck Dumb
Why, even now, climate change cannot be mentioned in the presidential election. Read more – ‘Struck Dumb’.
Money Spinners
Here’s how we can defeat political corruption of the kind that’s destroying US democracy. Read more – ‘Money Spinners’.
What Were You Thinking?
An open letter to the former ministers who appear to have let a devastating tree disease into the UK. Read more – ‘What Were You Thinking?’.
The Art of Dissuasion
How to ensure that journalists don’t listen to you. Read more – ‘The Art of Dissuasion’.
Cameron’s Contagion
That’s what we should call the devastating ash disease now spreading across Britain. Read more – ‘Cameron’s Contagion’.
Ash Cloud
How conservatism turned into an orgy of destruction. Read more – ‘Ash Cloud’.
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