International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
IARIW Major Objectives
  • To advance education and knowledge in the general area of income and wealth by organizing conferences, by circulating scholarly papers accessible to the general public through the Association's website, and by publishing a quarterly journal which contains research on economics and statistics.

  • To carry out its said objects and purposes in the following fields of interest: the definition, measurement, and analysis of national income and wealth; the distribution of income and wealth, and poverty; the development of systems of economic and social accounting and their use for economic policy; international comparisons; and other related economic and statistical matters.

Announcements & Recent Releases

  • The Executive Director posted an update of a number of issues related to the Association on October 11, 2012. The update is available here.

  • The 33rd IARIW General Conference will be held in the Netherlands, August 24-30, 2014. The call for papers is posted here.

  • The IARIW in partnership with the University of New South Wales will be hosting a Special Conference entitled "Productivity: Measurement, Trends and Drivers". The conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, November 26-27, 2013. The call for papers is posted here.

  • The IARIW in partnership with the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), the Brazilian national statistical agency will be hosting a Special Conference entitled "Income, Wealth and Well-being in Latin America". The conference will be held September 11-14, 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The call for papers is posted here.

  • The editors of the Review of Income and Wealth have put together a virtual issue of the journal for the 32nd IARIW General Conference. The issue includes the papers of the winners of the 2011 Kendrick Prize, the most downloaded articles in 2011, and the most cited articles since 2000. All articles are freely accessible. The issue is posted here.

  • The 32nd IARIW General Conference took place August 5-11, 2012 in Boston, USA.
     - Final programme
     - Conference website, hosted by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA.

    The US Conference on Research on Income and Wealth (CRIW) organized a conference entitled "Measuring Economic Stability and Progress" that took take place concurently August 6-8, 2012 in Boston, USA.
     - Final programme

  • The 2011 IARIW-OECD Conference on Economic Insecurity took place November 22-23, 2011 at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris, France.
     - Final programme

  • The 2011 IARIW-SSA Conference on Measuring National Income, Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality in African Countries, took place September 28 - October 1, 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa.
     - Final programme
     - Conference website, hosted by Statistics South Africa.

  • Several website services are available:
     - Online Payment of Membership Fees;
     - Online Membership Application and Information Update Form. www

Contact Information
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K1P 5H3

Phone: (613) 233-8891
FAX: (613) 233-8250
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