Burn Notice Season 3

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Two gore-drenched, Deadite slaughterting, boomstick-starring video games for your mobile device. Click here for details.



Bruce Campbell at ArcLight Presents for a Q&A on Army of Darkness, and anything else he chooses to talk about. Especially working with Sam Raimi and Richard Grove. Click here to view.


Grindhouse Releasing has set the first dates for its big-screen revival
  of Sam Raimi's EVIL DEAD, scheduled to begin in January 2010.

    Landmark Theaters will present the director's 35mm print of EVIL
      DEAD at special midnight shows in Minneapolis, Denver, Seattle,
        New York, Houston, Dallas, and Los Angeles in the first quarter of
          2010. The 1981 horror classic will also play the Alamo Drafthouse
            in North Austin, and a big EVIL DEAD celebration is planned in
              Portland, Or. Click here for details.



On television, actor Jeff Donovan plays a defunct spy who has expertise in explosives and weapons. Recently, however, at Combat Outpost Meade, south of Baghdad, it was Donovan who took pointers from the Soldiers of 113th Field Artillery Battalion, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team. Click here to view.