stupid people and the stupid party —

The red "GOP" logo used by the party...

The red “GOP” logo used by the party for its website (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Wayne LaPierre - Lobbyist Loaded for Bear

Wayne LaPierre – Lobbyist Loaded for Bear (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)


look I believe that we all have the right to own a gun under our Second Amendment but for the GOP defending the NRA and believing that this government is going to take your guns away, is pure fantasy and an out-right lie … no one wants to trash the Second  Amendment and do away with it as they want you to believe … and if you do believe that than you do belong to that stupid crowd of stupid people look … you need a license to drive a car and to have proper insurance for it to be safe on the road right it’s just common sense  safety on the road for you and others who drive responsible … now on the gun issue it seems to me what they’re asking for is to have a universal background check on everyone who wants to purchase guns from  license dealers or at gun shows nothing wrong  with that … it’s just a safe guard to check and to make sure that no more crazies can get a hold of guns and kill innocent men , women , and children  so they can have their 15 minutes of fame and be plastered all over the news for weeks on end  , it’s just common sense … come on people wake up … also I’m in favor of a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines , those weapons are just nothing but killing machines and for the ego’s of a few about the fire power you have in your hands makes you feel like you’re the baddest motherfucker on the planet , and it’s really not for hunting game , if you can’t kill any kind of game with one shot , than you shouldn’t be hunting at all , but some times you have to follow the blood trail and if it’s just barely alive than you finish it off with your knife , not another shot  , than tag it , field dress it and go  back home and cook it … the NRA completely ignores the clear intent of the Second Amendment which reads … A well regulated military being necessary to the security of a free state , the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed … and with that after something tragic happens the NRA scares the shit out of the diehards cuckoos  out their claiming that the Government will start taking your guns away which is total bullshit and if you believe the trash coming from the NRA , that out of touch party with all the stupid people in it , than guess what people  “Y O U R  S T U P I D” too………..





Two magical words -” I object “-

Mitch McConnell, Filibuster King

Mitch McConnell, Filibuster King (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

on Thursday December 6th marked another low point in American politics … this is what happens when an old power-hungry clown on the Senate floor…  Sen. Mitch McConnell said those two words  , ” I object ” …he became the only Senator who filibustered against his own suggestion he proposed back in 2011 on a vote yesterday on the Senate floor on the entire debt-ceiling debate …it only goes to show you how really dumb and stupid the leadership of the Republican party  really is … while  trying to out-smart the Democrats at the political chicken shit games they play with one another … this is the kind of crap we get instead of both sides working together to fix this broken system we have  in government  today …  absolute power in the hands of  idiots like him and others in his party would be the biggest mistake and tragedy this country would ever do by letting them have complete control of  anything in and on any committees on Capital Hill … this should be a wake-up call to all  Americans   , how insane and utterly sad and incompetent this group of Republican retarded dip-shits  really are that we have representing any group of people in the United States of America today !!! he and other old guys  like him who lost their minds should retire and check into an old folks home so they won’t do any more damage to this country or the people … bye-bye Mitch …

forever war is wrong …. call it something else …

America the Beautiful Country

America the Beautiful Country (Photo credit: Striking Photography by Bo Insogna)

we need a new approach to what are called the “wars” …we have to stop calling it the war on terror , as long as there are groups that wish to do us harm and others in the name of what-ever religion they follow around the world we will always be in direct conflict with them … it seems America , to the rest of the world loves war. we are at war all the time , war on Christmas ,war on drugs ,war on women ,war on poverty , and the list goes on and on and on , lets face it we love war , if we didn’t have one we’d make one up … we have people no matter what in America wake up hating everything and who think it’s the end of their world that their living in … they have no idea what America is all about and what freedom really is and think that were living in a police state … these nut-jobs will never ever be satisfied and that’s that , our country is forever changing and for some they can’t handle it , well to bad , the world won’t stop for you , but we do have to fix what’s wrong with America and we have to start with the racist evil bigotry that’s infecting this land , and as in much of the world it has to do with the religion of hate that comes from the top two so-called cults in the world , Christianity and Islam look back in the history of the world most of the wars were started because of those religions , and don’t forget the capitalists of the world and in our own country , just look at the mess were in today , government is supposed to protect its people not be against them and take their rights away and only defend the rights of  the wealthy , remember in this country it starts with “We the People” and we should start living by those words if we believe in America cause were all in this together not for one group over another but for all of us _…………………

what lessons did they learn…….nothing at all !!!

The red "GOP" logo used by the party...

The red “GOP” logo used by the party for its website (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

it’s the same old shit that they can’t seem to break away from stupidity, greed , and absolute power ,and stopping  the black guy in the White House from getting anything done after he was elected  by a  majority of the American people … you can see it by the  wealthy white guys they put in to chair all the major House committees in the next Congress … no woman , no brown people , just white guys !!! and then they have the balls to say that they have a mandate cause they still have a majority in the GOP house … they lack leadership , diversity and are all pathological racist liars who will always be unsuccessful in whatever they do just like when they tried to buy the Presidential election this year … the only thing  they proved to the American people is … it doesn’t matter what the people wanted in the elections who voted for President Obama for a second term … as long as they are in control of the  GOP Congress … it’s either do it their way or they will  burn this Country to the ground and the World if you don’t do what they “want” you to do and to listen  to them when they “tell” you what to do , end of story people……..

its over Grover

English: Grover Norquist at a political confer...

English: Grover Norquist at a political conference in Orlando, Florida. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

screw you and your no taxes on the rich , its idiots like you who don’t know what the 98% percent of the people in this country are going through , all you can think about is saving your people  more money, with more money and fuck the rest of us , who you say  don’t need help … our coffers are low because of a lack of revenue from the 1% percent coming in , do you want to know who eats up most but not all of our federal  budget …it’s from our military machine with cost over-runs and projects we don’t need and the wars you idiots put on the nation’s credit card, so you and your tea-bagging  followers can wipe your asses with your “taxpayer protection pledge” that you all signed and sit on your thumbs and rotate bitch … you are what’s wrong with our country today , you are an ego maniac and a  shitty little man with a big problem and the problem was you and your religious right-wing nut-jobs and Klan-bangers are the ones who  lost the White House !!! so get ready the mandate on tax increases is going to take place real soon cause the President ran on it and the country voted for it , he won and you lost ………….

who’s bribing whom ???


wouldn’t we’d all love to know where and who gave all that hate money to defeat President Obama in the 2012 election ??? most of that money was donated to and by  political organizations , most hiding as charity groups who were supposed to be and are tax-exempt bodies ,and  in other words for the donors to their delight are not required to disclose their names , it is a sham and stinks … those rich stupid “cowards” should be exposed for trying to buy and steal the election from the people !!! so now it should be clear to the IRS that those so-called charity groups are a fraud and have lied to be tax-exempt and to expose them, and make them pay the taxes due and make them reveal the names of their donors ,that’s only if the IRS has the balls to go after them  or enough people scream out loud at them to do their jobs … also any religious group or the head of any church who calls on its congregation to vote for a certain person or vote for a political party should have their tax-exempt status or privilege  taken away … that’s right keep your mouths shut , save souls , and stay away from politics or pay the price to play in the political game , got that you phony hysterical christian morons …………..

the insanity will continue

The "Kicking Donkey" party logo is s...

The “Kicking Donkey” party logo is still a well-known symbol for the Democratic Party, despite no longer being the official logo of the party. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

cause the Democrats kicked the Republicans ass on Capital Hill , they thought with (the GOP), all the “wrong” ideas and lost the presidential race big time and the people rejected the radical religious right wing bigots platform of  hate in Tampa and now with almost all the bat-shit crazy’s who lost their State home elections are now out  because they said the most insane crazy things about woman and their caveman ways of thinking  , so now Senator McGoonie and Congressman Orange Man “you” have to work with the President , not the other way around he is the President of all the people, and he is more of an American than you two will ever be  ,remember he’s the Democratic Party‘s President who won re-election , if it was the other way around , you guys would be shoving it up everyone’s ass now , and we would never hear the end of it , also you got some splainin to do with your big donors cause they got nothing in return , a big fat “O” to show for their millions that you lost for them , it seems to me that the old white establishment is now the minority in this ever-changing  country so get over it … now do the people’s work that you should have been doing in the first place and put America back to work , reform the tax code , and raise revenues , close all the tax loopholes for big business and the rich , cut the military spending machine and bring the troops home , start  investing  in Americas future and its people and start rebuilding this country, north,south, east, and west and stop the wars around the world you guys are thinking of getting into , reform our immigration laws their is plenty of work for both party’s to do to fix this broken apart country so get together Republicans with the President and his team and do your jobs that you were elected to do cause if you don’t you will lose the house in the next election in 2014 and thats a fact ……………..



it’s November 6th today,did you vote ???

Vote icon

Vote icon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

what a pain in the ass Sandy was ! got our power back a couple of days ago ,cleaned up the yard again like we do after every storm and now were ready to cast our votes for those who fight for  people’s rights  and not for the ones who tows the party line … so if you think that the party comes first then “go fuck yourself ” I like people who will fight for civil rights , human rights , social rights , other than that I have nothing else to say other than if you don’t vote today , than you have to keep your mouths shut from now on and stop your bitching, cause if you didn’t participate in your given right as an American citizen to vote you don’t have a voice and that’s a shame  , this is what America is all about , and only you could change the way the politics in Washington works , it either works for you , or it works for them who stole it from you !!!!  so get out today and VOTE …

are Rebublican woman stupid ???

The red "GOP" logo used by the party...

The red “GOP” logo used by the party for its website (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

that they must have men make their choices and decisions for themselves??? do they think that’s equality  in this day and age … if you can’t decide … than stay home and serve your man , squat and pop out all the kids cause he doesn’t use rubbers , make supper , clean up after your illiterate rug-rats and your man…, and enjoy your miserable lives  as the servant of  men … men want  total control and for you to keep quit and know your place (at their feet) and do as they say , look at the GOP platform that should have been a wake-up call to all the woman out there … and when did hating woman be apart of the Republican platform , remember religion did that … no health care , no abortions no matter what , no equal pay , stopping people from voting especially people who vote Democratic … also they want to get rid of every single safety net for the young ,the old , the disabled … fucking our military like our wounded troops coming home no funding for care , but thanks for your service now your on your own , endless wars all over the world , all they want is to  just take care of the rich with tax cuts , get rid of all regulations in banking , let wall-street screw the whole country like they did that caused the melt-down … let them make more profits by poisoning our drinking water with chemicals in fracking  for oil and gas … they say its clean well let them drink the dirty water , pollute the air we breathe and just destroy the whole world for profit … and you want these men to run your lives or this country … , what are you that stupid to let them be in charge … they are all crying cowards many have never served in our military and don’t know what patriotism really is … all they do is wrap themselves in the flag and mouth off stupid angry shit and think that they are great Americans but they are not only in their sick twisted minds … there nothing but  slave masters to the stupid who think as they do and do as they say …   they all hide in a repressive christian religion that is as crooked and is as shameful as they are … cause old white men wrote the book and have lied to the faithful for centuries … so girls are you going to be second-class citizens as door mats and let men walk all over you and take your rights away and be seen and not heard … or are you going to stand up and take control and be equal with the same rights as they  … want to send a message this November do us all a favor and throw the evil Republican bastards out and find another party to join or start a new one and tell the Republican men to eat shit and die ……………….

undecided voters are idiots

Red States, Blue States

Red States, Blue States (Photo credit: dannysullivan)

they not only idiots …but stupid idiots … how can anyone still be undecided with so many personal rights  to lose in this election , especially woman !!! do you want the radical religious extreme right-wing of the Gee-Oh-Pee or any party as a matter of fact to make the decisions for you what you can or can’t do with your body… do you want equal pay for the same job that a man does ??? do you want your state to force you so they can probe your uterus if you want to have an abortion ??? or your red state or employer tell you whether you can have access to contraception ??? how about someone telling you who you can or can’t marry … or how about health care for all not just for the ones who can afford it … come on people … the Gee-Oh-Pee  platform is a war on everyone’s rights that don’t think like they do and they know whats best for you … these are the same idiots who think that the word of their christian god is the law of the land  and that corporations are people too and they vote with dollars to buy elections and don’t give a shit about your personal rights or your single vote … just profits … either your for the rights of the people or you’re not, simple as that !!! and as for me I decided a long , long , time ago who would serve the people better and would meet my needs and protects my rights as a citizen of the United States …  so if your still undecided and can’t choose between right and wrong … than your either uneducated  retarded fools …or just plain stupid fucking idiots ………………..

the House Oversight Committee sucks big time !!!



Rep.Darrell Issa and his goon-squad on the right is looking into what happened at the Embassy in Libya of the killing of our embassador and three other Americans their … this is just a phony show to score political points … someone has to stop this idiot and his cohorts on the right from trying to embarrass the President or any other Democrat during this political season … this dirt-bag can’t be shamed at all … and doesn’t give a shit about anything but himself or gives a rat’s ass about the Democrats either…  why don’t the Democrats talk about why did he and the other  Republicans on Capitol Hill cut the budgets to the bone and even less funding for staff in most government agencies including funding for Embassy’s abroad and it seems no one has the balls to call him out on that … so fuck you Issa and your shit-head friends and stop trying to wrap your ass around the flag cause you’re a coward and such a little man who thinks his shit don’t stink …………….

the people who were flat-out lying to ya…


Voting (Photo credit: League of Women Voters of California)

just want your vote from sea to shining sea…no matter what they talk about  this election season all you get is distortions, lies and no facts to back up  what they say…they can twist the shit out of the truth…even if you have the idiots on tape saying the opposite they will turn it around and try to cover up the lie with another lie…and so the people scratching their heads at times and wondering what the fuck just happened did he really say that…than later that night or the next day taking it back…well you dip-shits voted the stupid fuck’s in office and now were all paying the price for your stupidly from the last tea-bagger  election …so when its time for you to retire and you don’t get a monthly check or you get sick and have no insurance to pay the bill or you get laid off and you can’t  put food on the table or you lost your life savings at the bank for no reason or you can’t collect social security or can’t get medicare for you or your family …and if  any one of those terrible things does happen to you… ask your republican representative that you voted for what can he do to help you get out of the mess you’re in he’ll probably say… if you didn’t take care of yourself why should I but thank you for voting for me… your on your own…its up to you…do you want to help the wealthy be in charge of running this country or do “YOU” want a say how things should be… it’s all on you so get off your butts and vote this November……………………………

they don’t have a plan

Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck

Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

they can’t explain a goddamn nothing !!! their numbers don’t add up … the only plain they have is … that President Obama has done a shit job , but we can do a better one so if you elect us we’ll tell you after what were going to do to restore  the country and to take our word on everything we say cause we know better … a big F U C K  Y O U is all I have to say … and if they run on that …they think hopefully the stupid people will elect them … you have to be brain-dead if you believe that shit … it’s socialism for the rich if you put these idiots in charge of our country , they will screw me , you , and the rest of the nation in the process it’s the republican way of doing things to win at any cost , lie and keep on telling more lies cause they don’t give a shit about facts even if the shit is true , look at what they have done so far to suppress the vote in republican held states !!! nice shitty republican party who wants to be in charge of the country … where is the fucking outrage people !!! there should be ten’s of thousands or a couple of hundred thousand people marching on Washington D.C.closing that city down and going into each and every congressional office and physically throwing each and every single one of those assholes out of office and firing them on the spot , “We the People” should have to power to do that with the  republicans and democrats   …  so people you want change … than remember in November your vote can either make or break this country… either we fix it together ,or do we all get fucked cause of one parties ideology , now lets lift a glass and drink some beer to the fucking morons of these United States ……………………….

a job is a job is a job

Republican tactics lead to deminished wages fo...

what is wrong with you idiots we are better off  than we were 4 years ago !!!  96,000 is a plus in this economy , it’s not great numbers but a job is a job in my books , not like when we were loosing them under Bush , our economy is still weak  and it will take some time for us to get ourselves out of this hole the retards (GOP) put us in cause those morons won’t pass a single jobs bill so the President will look bad , it is sick what they’re pulling on the people just to play the white power political games trying to keep the black man out of office , also they can’t seem to count, when votes are taken in the Senate 51 wins not the super 60 they have now and that has to stop but the retards know how to play the game cause they rigged it for themselves to win with or without control and if the Dem’s ever pulled that same shit that they pulled they’d be pissing themselves and moaning  and groaning day in and day out like the fucking cunt’s they really are , so enjoy the ride it’s even going to get more stupid until the elections are over and most of the people will remember in November who represents them ……….

another dumb-ass comment

Logo of the Fox Broadcasting Company
Logo of the Fox Broadcasting Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

made by one dumb-ass  blond  on Fox the other day , what a stupid bitch… she said “another victory for President Obama“  (with more to come) when a Federal Judge blocked his state from trying to suppress mostly Democratic voters (or any others in that  state from voting , white ,black ,rich , poor,  ethnic group or religious background) … WOW she said another victory, it’s a victory for everyone who is eligible  to cast their votes  in all elections …and “s h i t”  since when have we stopped people from trying to vote ???  oh yeah since the Republican Governors who and that are mentally confused in so many of their screwed up states have  put in place ways to stop the vote of certain people who they know mostly vote Democratic , so if you are any of the ones who lives in that state that tries to suppress voting rights ,than scream at your legislators to stop this bullshit and let people vote or you’ll vote them out  next time … just think what kind of other shit they’ll try to pull on you and force you to believe in , like the same shit that they believe in , and that’s the retarded republican way of cheating  to win by suppressing peoples rights … and we all win in this country when we all cast our vote at the ballot box this election season and in future elections to come …………

Lyin’ Ryan


paul-ryan-hey-girl (Photo credit: Majordomo2012)

Rep.Paul Ryan (R-WI) , (aka Eddy Munster)  Romney’s number 2 pick ,this guy can’t seen to stop telling lies ,he and the rest  in his party seem to be all pathological liars !!! I did my homework and so should you … look it up … take a close look at his record and what he voted for and tried to pass  and blocked everything that the President tried to pass for the people, he and his retarded  gee-oh-pee cohorts are  the problem were all facing  in America today … he and Mitt will suck us dry and are both “World Class Liars”  I will never trust them and don’t give a shit who you think they are , if you lie , you are unfit to hold any office period, end of  f u c k i n g  story, and we are better off now than before ……..

the hard religious right

English: This is a modern day picture of downt...

English: This is a modern day picture of downtown Tampa, Florida. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

with its ugly head came out of the closet this weekend in Tampa …banging out their official policy platform that the Gee-Oh-Pee will run on and what they stand for… and as for Mittens he can kiss his policies out the window… it doesn’t matter what he stands for ,they don’t give a shit about his policies it’s all about what the party stands for and what is  at the top of the agenda they just want him to sign all the crap that they want to pass that’s all … not jobs , or stopping the war , or fixing our broken economy , or helping the poor , kids ,or the elderly , fixing our education system or even health care for all people who need to be covered …one of the main topics of many was about a Constitutional ban on abortion and support for a “human life amendment” (personhood life begins from a fertile egg thinking crap) with no exceptions even for rape or incest or even a threat to the mother’s life… no abortion’s period …these religious assholes are trying to force their believes on everybody else and make everyone think and act as they do and that’s an attack on everyone’s personal freedoms and free choice in this country…do they think (the christians)  that they are special people because they believe in that invisible guy in the sky crap …ask how can they believe in a god who screwed his own mother or was she raped by an angel to give birth to his son ,which is him and who also is a ghost by  letting the jews kill him by nailing his ass to a cross all the other hocus pocus shit that goes along with their religion …screw you and don’t try to force your religion on me ,I’m fucked up enough as it is “thank you” with out your bullshit cause you are not a happy people with your religion… you fucker”s hate everything that other love about this country and stop trying to rule the world and after you nominate your man for president who’s a mormon with his special magic underwear and believes his god is an alien from outer space and his running mate Paul Ryan who is against everything that Mitt stand’s for and is a lying two-faced puke …stab you in the back jackass … who helped crafted the personhood bill with his friend Rep. Todd Akin and who helped pass everything that Bush wanted with tax cuts for the rich , the stimulus he helped pass and all the other shit he voted for that put this country further and further into the largest debt this nation has ever experienced  and now  is running away from his record after all these years and now is against what he was for in the past  we don’t need any more lying rat bastards in the congress or the senate  who won’t help its own but take special care of the rich and their corporate masters who they do their bidding for so fuck you republican retards ………..

they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground !!!


shits (Photo credit: DiepGem)

when you have the klanbaggers, the birthers, the wacked-out religious right , and all the other fucknuts out doing each other every day telling lies in the press ,it’s hard to believe anyone of them when they say “trust me” shit , it has nothing to do with trust , or I’m sorry I didn’t mean what I said …too fucking bad you said it you own it , no taking it back or I misspoke , or any other excuse… you are a lying dip-shit , and if these high and mighty morons can’t get anything done about jobs , rebuilding this country, health care for all including all woman, helping the poor ,the elderly, marriage for all not just between a man and a woman , education for all … and other of today’s social issues stay in place so if you can’t do the right thing for the American people than fuck you and stop wasting our time and our money and don’t tell me about protecting the job creators cause they didn’t create jobs for the last 12 years they just kept the tax breaks and did nothing with the money they should give it back with interest … fuck the tax breaks for the rich they been living the good life while the rest of us got shit …the two R’s on the top of the repuke ticket only want to help themselves and others who think like they do and they think they can buy this election and stop people from voting for the other side …will see if the people are that stupid to let it happen… so fuck you ,fuck you , and fuck you if you believe the bullshit they speak cause those shit for brains don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground……………………….

Asshole of the Week

, member of the United States House of Represe...

, member of the United States House of Representatives. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

and this weeks award goes to Senate candidate Rep.Todd Akin(R) of Missouri what a dip-shit this knuckle dragging moron is , he said that victims of ” legitimate rape” rarely get pregnant and also said “that if it’s a legitimate rape that the female body has way’s to shut that whole thing down, “really” come on people of Missouri and the U.S. do you want this fucking idiot  in the Senate ? it’s bad enough that he’s in the Congress , is this the kind of person you want to represent you and to make choices for you , I hope the fuck not , and that’s why he made the “ASSHOLE of the Week”  and an ignorant legislator to boot, plus just look at this  moron he should come out of the closet cause he looks like a secret three dollar bill  to me , if you get my drift ………

swift boat talking assholes

Just One Reason

Just One Reason (Photo credit:

to the swift boating dip-shits out there “shut the fuck up” we all know your ex- military spooks who can’t keep your mouths shut , talking about old missions and tactics you used in the past or before you left  and knowing sensitive information , you of all people should not take sides in political bullshit and shame on you for not slamming both sides of the aisle and trying to suck in the public by going after the President , cause either you’re getting money for a book deal , a movie or some other thing like personal gains with loads of money attached to it from your friends the Republicans retards who will promise you anything  and to make you think you’re doing your country a service by talking shit about your Commander In Chief  so do us all a favor and “shut the fuck up”   plus we all know who is behind the anti-Obama film and its the Republican racist assholes and dumb-ass special ops racist scumbag  Navy Seals who should be called Nancy Squeals like pigs who are helping them spread the  lies to the American people about President Obama and his National Security Team stop lying ……….

great gig,if you can get it.


fuck (Photo credit: shellehs)

one size fits all. and all you have to do is run for Congress or the Senate, win the seat than go to either house that you were elected to and do absolutely nothing but sit on your fat ass’s and collect $170,000 dollars or more with benefits for life on the government tit .what a fucking scam and a waste of our tax dollars  and those fucking assholes who know how to play the game that they created for themselves its a win ,win for the jerks in office and because of the non-action of these political fools, (if you can call them that)  coast to coast north and south, we are all suffering as they burn Washington to the ground so they can protect the rich and screw the poor , so , fuck you, you fucking fuckers for taking away and killing the American dream for millions and millions of people in this country for the political games your playing  in D.C.   shame on you………..

a sneak, a cheat, and a liar.


Romney (Photo credit: Talk Radio News Service)

he’s just a “for profit guy” and always will be a sneak about it, it’s the nature of the beast , he wants to have more charter schools and says the people will have more choices for their kids which is nothing but bullshit , most people don’t have the cash for the charters schools , plus  public schools are free to all even if your poor or who have very little money living pay check to pay check, you don’t have to pay for public schools , and he wants to defund our public schools system just like he did as Governor of Mass. he cut the edu.budget big time !!!  he will agree to anything and pander to all across the board just like he has been doing since running for president,  he flipped and flopped on every issue under the sun  and still won’t talk about any of his policies because he doesn’t have any ,but tells you he can fix it better than President Obama and won’t say how he can other than cutting taxes for the 1% percent, roll back regulations for all his big money  investors , and wants the privatization of every thing we do in America  from the federal government on down to every state in the union it’s all about money for his friends who are his top advisors on team Romney who will rob us blind at every chance they get  if he gets elected , “second”  he’s a tax cheat and won’t release his tax returns cause he has to hide tons of his money in off-shore  secret  accounts and swiss bank accounts  and gives the excuse that his holdings are in a blind trusts and says he doesn’t know what’s in them or how much is in them  or which countries they are hiding in , now that’s bullshit , do you think that people with great wealth as he does don’t know where every penny is , he hiding the truth which company’s he has made his millions with , just follow the money you can find out like I did , he owes a lot more in taxes and won’t pay any more than he has to by law , now when you listen to rich people who talk like that , they are tax cheats who are screwing our government and all the American people who pays their fair share of taxes cause they rigged the system for themselves by buying  up as many politicians as they can and they know that on average people have no voice in todays politics only money talks so they can get what they want and fuck everyone else who gets in their way . and last but not least  every fucking word that comes out of this shit-for brains mouth is a fucking lie , he can’t hide he is on tape in u-tube don’t take my word for it look it up for yourselves , the tapes don’t lie but he thinks that you are stupid and dumb and will believe anything that comes out of his  mouth to be truth because he says so , even the house and senate republicans , large money donors , radio and talk show and bible  radicals don’t give a shit about Romney the only thing they care about is to get rid of President at any cost because President Obama who is for the people is beating them at every turn and is a far more superior in politics than they will ever be …………

our idiot nation.

No Police State

No Police State (Photo credit: newyork music)

I never thought that I’d ever see the day where in few states in this country we would stoop so low as to ask people of color (other than being white)  to show me your papers in this land of the free ,  free my ass , it seems like a Nazi take over and a police state if you ask  me , sure if you break any law no matter how big or small it is  the police have the right to look into what ever the infraction it is  that you committed at the time, not just because of the color of your skin or speak broken english . I’ll be god-damn if some mother-fucker will ever asked me for my fucking papers , I don’t give a shit ! it is wrong and we all know it , this is not the America I defended and bled for. what we’re seeing in this country today is the taking over by corporate money , special interest and right-wing super-packs who hate President Obama , by buying their way into Congress, the Senate, and the Supreme Court by changing how our government that is supposed to be , by and for the people , not to who ever has the most money rules the land and it’s people , it also doesn’t help when we have a Supreme Court member like A-hole Scalia who is the mouth piece of the rat-hole scum-bag party he aligns himself with , who should keep his fat mouth shut and shouldn’t bad mouth the President  or any President of the United States no matter what party he or she belongs too ,  he is setting a bad precedent for the future and is not helping this country at all  its idiots like him that’s screwing this country up and should be ashamed of himself for taking sides the court should be neutral not political , I wish there was a way to get rid of Justices who crap on people’s rights and defend money all the time , he’s a ranting clown who should have never had a seat on the highest court of this land and is one dumb ass Italian to boot and I know a lot of them and I have the right to say that cause I married one so fuck off and call someone who gives a shit, and now since were talking about shit  ,Mr.Shit-Mitt thinks that if he doesn’t talk about his policies and sends others to do his talking for him cause he doesn’t have any of his own policies and never had any , but will only talk after he’s elected ,so sorry fuck-head it doesn’t work that way, we will know everything that you did at Bain Capital and have done on and said on the campaign trail and flip-flopping your way out is not going to save your ass so grow some balls and act like a man and stop being a dick ,cause we have you on tape you can’t hide from all the positions you took when you went over to the dark side to get the ultra far right religious  racists assholes , and all the other stupid-ass ill-informed sky is falling voters who believe everything that the right-wing-retarded nuts and cunts on Fox are saying ………

“Operation Fast & Furious”

Case O' Guns

Case O’ Guns (Photo credit: Gregory Wild-Smith)

was a fucking joke . they,  the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee led by our very own fire-bug Rep.Darrell Issa  who doesn’t want to find out who was responsible for the death of a U.S. border agent cause the NRA doesn’t want any more gun restrictions or regulations at gun trade shows or gun dealers they want to sell guns  to who-ever has the money with no questions asked or a background checks and now the truth comes out it was all about our 2nd Amendment rights they are saying ,so  they crafted that insane delusional which-hunt to get Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress , by stopping him from doing his job , but most smart people know that it was a “gun-walking” operation conducted by the Arizona branch of the ATF under Bush administration at the time and the idea was to sell guns to known criminals who were crossing the border into Mexico and selling them  hopping to catch the drug cartels with our guns  committing violent crimes with them , but the idiots lost track of thousands of guns that walked and were pointing fingers at everyone else when they fucked the operation up . it all started back in the Bush days in 2005 when it started , than until 2011 when AG Eric Holder shut the program down when he was AG and he did the right thing doing so , funny thing is that the stupid-ass   Issa and the rest of his phony  repug scum on his stupid ass committee should be held in contempt  and all charged with the murder of  that U.S.border agent along with Wayne LaPierre  of  the NRA for not getting to the bottom of  how the guns walked and lying about that it was President Obama and A.G. Eric Holder who were secretly trying to take guns rights away from the American public which is a bold face fucking lie , but it’s the same old story to take out at any cost  President Obama  and AG Eric Holder the other uppity black man with power , they want to destroy them both so they can get their man in office to kill all regulations for the NRA and all other big money special  interests groups , like corporations , oil , banks ,wall-street , millionaires and billionaires that are buying up all the corrupted members of Congress and Senate of the Gee-Oh-Pee  so they can write their own ticket by fucking the American people out of what little money they have left , but some of the people aren’t as stupid as they think we all are , some of us do have a half a brain more than they do and can see through the shit they are  trying to pull off  ………….

Mitt man sucked so much ass ,

Mitt Romney Steve Pearce event 056

Mitt Romney Steve Pearce event 056 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

during the Gee-Oh-Pee debates and went way to  far to the  right , siding with the radical right-wingers , bible-thumpimg idiots  , tea-banging-baggers , birthers , and all the other racists nut-jobs out their , to get their votes and now  thinks that everybody forgot  all the stupid shit  he agreed with and said ,now wants to get back to his center which is what-ever is popular at the time and flip-flops on everything he has said in the past and is demonstrating that he is willing to say or do anything to become President , Mitt maybe a savvy business guy but he’s dumb as dirt when it comes to real life cause he is the poster-boy of the 1% percent  and has “no” idea what the working stiffs are going through in this country to eek out a living , this guy is clueless and can’t even relate to the plight of the working poor or  normal people as a matter of fact . all I see when the media  is asking tough questions on or  about his positions on certain  policies we all get to see that stupid look on his face just like in the photo above when he’s not reading from the Gee-Oh-Pee play book  by saying he’ll look into it or not answer at all . this idiot would run this country into the ground with the help from all the neo-cons he’s surrounding himself  with on his team of shithead  Bush’s old advisors … all I can say is Mitt is full of shit and the rest of the idiots in his party of  fucking losers that will steal  from the poor and give to the rich  every time ….

Now it’s the Public’s fault .

The red "GOP" logo used by the party...

The red “GOP” logo used by the party for its website (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

funny how the Gee-Oh-Pee retards has turned things around, before it was the public who blamed Wall Street , the Banks , large Corporations and our right leaning Supreme Court  for the financial meltdown this country is going through today and now the morons have  turned 360 degrees around and are now blaming the unions both public and private employees in the City‘s and State’s for our financial problems the country is facing today . I told you so , that the fucking idiots would do this , stupid people forget and now the Cuntservatives are all over this because of what happened in Wisconsin and what that shithead Walker did (who is now their hero) thinking that the people are on their side on this one , wait and see what is going to go down , it will be the same shit as before,they’ll want less regulation on the wealthy greedy bastards , more money for the military and want us in more wars,  cut or get rid of all the social programs for the poor, the elderly, and children , even more war on Womans rights ,  bust the unions and fuck over and tax the people to death , this is going to be a fucking mess and the far-right and the leaders in the Gee-Oh-Pee in Congress and the Senate are now going to blame the Democrats for all the job losses because of  their national policies since  Obama  came into office !!! and if you believe this stupid shit than you deserve to be fucked over with , the people didn’t cause our problems , but that’s what they want you to think … blame everybody else not us is their motto ,when are you fucking idiots ever going to learn that it is our politicians and the political system we have  who are the most corrupted bunch of morons in the world has ever seen , only thinking of themselves and not doing the people’s work by giving all American people good paying  jobs and rebuilding  this broke down country, we in America should be ashamed of ourselves and we should change are name to the Divided States of America instead of the United States of America but that’s me  ………….

Constitutional Law or Sharia Law ???

English: Picture of Billboard put up by the Un...

English: Picture of Billboard put up by the United American Committee given to me by the group itself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

can you believe this shit , in 2012 some idiots in certain states in this country believes and “think” that Sharia Law will take over and become the law of the land for us !!! who ever thinks of this is a complete full-blown fucking moron , words can’t express how stupid it is to believe that something like sharia law for Muslims from other lands will trash and trump our constitution and our civil  rights for us  in the U.S.  and take over , only the dumb religious fuck headed right-wing tea-bagging  end of days kool-aid drinking  white-trash illiterate yahoo’s who  are dumb as dirt and don’t know shit and never will , most of the  bible-thumpers think that this is gods country and the good book is his word the only thing that book is good for is to wipe your ass after a good shit , I really feel sorry for dumb fucks like that , it only goes to show you how stupid some lawmakers are trying to pass bills to halt something that will never ever happen instead they should be passing jobs bills for the people in their states , but that’s me and what do I know !!!  N O T H I N G .

it’s going to be a showdown

wisconsin's new flag

wisconsin’s new flag (Photo credit: tray)

let’s see which one is it gonna be today at the polls . do the people in Wisconsin have the balls to throw Walker out on his ass , or will it be all the millions of outside hate money keeping him in office as the Governor . he split that state apart and set neighbor against neighbor for slashing collective bargaining  for most public employees ,in other words for the idiots who don’t know what the fuck is going on like most Americans do in elections of this kind “killing unions” so he can sell the state to the highest bidder and play that  favors for money game selling the state , he doesn’t give two shits about the people of Wisconsin its all about power and money so if this idiot wins just watch and see what the other idiot  Gee-Oh-Pee  Governors do in their states its going to be union busting nation wide showdown giving everything away to the corporations and nothing for the people of  Wisconsin  , its your choice so vote ………..

I’m not surprised, shitheads !!!

so why should you be ! people in the U.S. are so stupid when things turn for the worse they act like “gee whiz” I never thought it would turn out this bad and do nothing about it but still complain . just like in our politics most of us thought that the birther issue was dead and gone , than all of a sudden that stupid-ass gas-bag Trump is pushing that shit again and Mittens is going to make some money at a fund-raiser to-night in sin city , and those on the right are saying that its ok to bring that shit up cause they can and President Obama can’t do a thing about it , you know (do as  I say not as I do). and Mittens said that he needs all the help he can get , no matter who indorsed him like the evil bible thumpers , stupid tea-baggers ,and all the ultra-far right wack-o-nut-baggers  out their who hates blacks and change in this country . if Mittens didn’t have the racists and all the other dumb shit-heads out their giving him money , he would have been gone long ago . also now if you look to see who’s on team moron all you can see is  the neo-con advisers from the village idiot team from the past , so why do we want four more years of the shit that got us into the  trouble were in today . the reason why , its called amnesia and just being pure stupid , the idiots on the right  seems like they long for the past instead of looking towards the future , no wonder this country is falling apart with bad infrastructure  and roads , a bad education system , crappy health care for everybody who can and who can’t afford it , an unfair tax system that steals from the poor and gives to the rich , big oil and large banks and major corporations who run this country from Wall-Street and overseas with the help of our right leaning Supreme Court idiots and our corrupted  officials in Washington D.C. who believes that money is free speech and with  the rest of the lies that they tell the people day in and day out , the people have to grow some balls and shut down the Congress and Senate and throw them out with the rest of the trash on Capital Hill or do like you have been doing which is “nothing” so don’t act surprised  when we all crash and burn shitheads !!! 

no shit Mitt !!!

American Education is in the Dumpster

American Education is in the Dumpster (Photo credit: brewbooks)

it took you this long to figure out that our kids today are receiving a third world education in this country , gee I wonder why . lets see now ,  it was your party that has been trying to gut the Dept of Education and they even talking about closing down the Dept.of Ed. completely , and also taking away millions of  dollars out of the budgets that goes to each state to fund its educational programs .but what the people don’t know is that you want the public system to fail so that your neo-con buddies for profit can jump in and cash in by pushing  for school vouchers , deregulating and expanding charter and online schools and also funding  with federal dollars too private schools . now that’s fucked up shithead , its your party and you who are whats wrong with our educational system today not the school unions and teachers like you morons like to say all the time , so stop with your bullshit and fully fund our public schools in the U.S. and stop your neo-con advisers and for profit  friends from using the Dept. of Education as their personal cash cow to steal public funds and  line their pockets with it

everything is fair game.

Mitt Romney - Etch A Sketch - The Shake-N-Fake...

Mitt Romney – Etch A Sketch – The Shake-N-Fake Candidate (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

leading up to  this presidential election season nothing is off the table, funny how it was the Repukes who started to talk that old shit  again , Rev.Jeremiah Wright the former pastor of  President Obama , no one really gives a shit about him any more ,only the racists , tea-baggers , birthers , and ultra far right dip-shits can bring up whatever they want and say just about anything they want to say cause their the good old white boys but the black guy can’t play by the same rules as they do .  Romney said that he was a strong business leader at  Bain Capital but the real records of his jobs performance will prove that it was maybe a few  thousands jobs ,not the 100,000 jobs he said he created  ,  it was his investors at Bain , the only ones who made millions and only a few companies that Bain took over made money for Bain that he didn’t break up and sell piece by piece like all the other companies he killed !!!  if that’s the case than Mittens better put on two pairs of magical underwear cause he’s going to need  it .everything is fair game now and the Repukes want this fight . only thing the right-wing shitheads  want to do is deny jobs to ten’s of millions of Americans while the do nothing Congress and Senate of the right  sit on their collective asses and tries to get rid of this President like they have been doing since day one when he was elected , and who is for the people not just for big business and the wealthy like they are , look around people things are getting better it will take more time but I’d rather have four more years of Obama than that Mormon moron or any other stupid radical right shit heads  from the right ………

Welcome to the 21st Century

21st Century (Digital Boy)

21st Century (Digital Boy) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


get over it , we are “all” equal under the law and its about time we started acting like it … the radical religious  right better hide its ugly head and stay in their church teaching its  bigoted views which is  garbage that stinks on high , to who ever believes that they are better than others … you so-called Christians are and never  will be a special religion only a cult , because of the hate you have for other people who think and act differently than you do … your minds are small and you are a waste of ink so stay in the dark-ages and keep longing  for the good-old-days cause that’s all you’ll ever have , memories of them good-old-days … your cult of  right-wing extremism  is a growing danger to this country and religion has  always  pulled American apart never united it because of idiots like you ,  so stay out of  politics and keep your hate to yourselves cause your hateful religion  has no soul and never will …….




I’ll give credit,when credit is due…

Mitt Romney - Caricature

Mitt Romney – Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Mitt Romney is a lying piece of shit , now he wants to rewrite history and the thing he said about the auto bailout was his doing despite his opposing the bailout  when he in 2008 penned an op-ed entitled “Let Detroit GO Bankrupt” and at the time no one had cash , not the banks , no one , only one at the time who had cash was our government and President Obama did the right thing helping the auto industry … the only thing that I’ll give Romney credit for is being a big fat fucking liar………

it’s all ideology

The United States Supreme Court 2012

The United States Supreme Court 2012 (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

this political season is going to be ugly and it will only get worse in the next six months until  we all pick our next president , and who’s to blame for this fiasco ??? I’ll give you just one guess …

thanks to the John Roberts Supreme Court now countries and persons inside and outside the U.S. can and will influence this presidential election with tainted hate money buying up all the other seat’s  for sale on Capital Hill  who think as they do , all because of  the right leaning stupid ass supreme idiots  that said  corporations are people … letting in undisclosed amounts of money to decide the up coming elections …

this is not a country and government for the people … but for rich people and corporations to do what-ever they want to do as long as they can buy into the political machine and get what they want and for who can serve their needs …

this is a corrupt court and all on the right  should be impeached  !!!

The Republican Nazi Party

Ad for the American Nazi Party

Ad for the American Nazi Party (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today’s GOP party is looking more and more like the party of the 20′s and 30′s of old Nazi Germany the white power people’s party , with no facts to speak of  or ideas, repeating lie after lie with just more  lies , to cover up the truth , cause if they say the lie over and over , than it has to be the truth because they say it , hoping to fool the most stupidest  of people who believes the shit that they speak , and they have a hate that is evil  to all  in this country who don’t believe as they do and they use fear to scare  the shit out of the masses , we are all fools seeing this being played out on national T.V. from the GOP members in Congress ,  the Senate , and from almost every leaders on Capital Hill in  their party , they are on tape and can’t hide from the comments they said , what a bunch of cold-hearted motherfuckers who would bring this government down and  do anything for the rich and to fuck its down and out people who need government help and aid , the more I think about how the Nazi Party=(GOP) is acting today I get so pissed off because they are nothing but a bunch of  knuckle dragging thugs and if they can’t get their way they’d rather kill the goose that laid the golden egg ,instead of taking care of it to get more golden eggs so everyone can enjoy. but that’s me , and what do I know,  nothing it seems……… they are just like the poster at the top of the page and  if you believe it than your just as fucked up as they are.

12 more years of WAR,I hope not.

End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars!

End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars! (Photo credit: Lorri37)

bullshit !!! its not what I wanted to hear from the President last night ,  but at least its a way out and an end  to that war , now it’s all on the Afghan government if we stay the 12 years or if we pull out early . and  I think it’s just to keep Piss-a-stan in check and stop  it’s terrorists from crossing the border fighting our troops . if it’s going to be 12 more years of WAR , than they should bring back the draft in the U.S. so that we all have skin in the game , and no one is exempt from fighting and no deferments either  now or in  future WARS , rich and poor kids alike fighting side by side everyone bleeds ,everybody contributes , and we all sacrifice together as a country ,than if your kids or grandkids lives are on the line than just maybe you’ll think twice about sending your loved ones in harm’s way  . I sure as hell don’t want any members of my  family fighting or to die in any WAR that we shouldn’t be in the first place .but that’s just me , and what the hell do I know …….

P.C. still not working right

having a hard time trying to get things done on this piece of crap computer this might be the end of this one , looking for new I guess now have to stash some cash ,be back soon up and running ………..

Asshole of the year

Rick Santorum - Caricature

Rick Santorum – Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

and the winner is Rick Santorum , this religious ultrafar-right   biblical jack-ass  could have made  President in the thirteenth century of some small sand country in another part of the world . this guy will scrape the bottom for the pond scum  and fire-up them holy wackos for that invisible guy in the sky crowd , and as always , he brings up social wedge issues cause that’s all he has , he’s as dumb as a bag of rocks ,and an absurd religious zealot who has called for an end to public schoolsystem  ,and doing away with the rights of all women , also he has a tendency to ignore the real facts of any subject matter , than he makes up shit that supports his belief system that when he speaks its the truth and nothing but , he is so stupid that he thinks that America should be a catholic theocracy , what a fool , plus he is a danger to this country  and we all know it from his actions when he was in the Senate not to long ago with all the shit he pulled and the shit he stands for and thats why he’s the Asshole of the Year for 2012 ………