Youtube Video: Facebook buys Instagram

by admin on January 9, 2013

Social networking giant Facebook bought one of the rising stars of the online photo-sharing world Monday by purchasing Instagram for about one billion dollars. Instagram is a fast growing iPhone app that allows users to share and manipulate their photos in creative ways. Although the company only started in 2010, it has become wildly popular in recent months. The acquisition through a combination of stock and cash was announced by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who said that his company has long been focused on creating “the best experience for sharing photos.”

Zuckerberg insisted that Instagram will retain its independence and that he will not just “integrate everything into Facebook.” Users will still maintain their current ability to publish their photos on social networks other than Facebook such as Twitter and keep or acquire followers who are not on Facebook. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom said that Facebook’s highly regarded engineering team and strong infrastructure will give Instagram the ability to “build a better Instagram for everyone.” Features from Instagram not currently available through Facebook will be built into existing Facebook products, according to Zuckerberg.

Facebook has never before made an acquisition with as many users as Instagram, and Zuckerberg said he does foresee any major purchases of that size in the future. “We don’t plan on doing many more of these, if any at all.” Zuckerberg said but explained that he made an exception with Instagram because it was worth bringing their two companies together for the enhancement of both. The deal was by far the largest ever paid for an app, surpassing by five times last month’s acquisition by Zynga of OMGPop for $200 million.

About 250 million photos are estimated to be uploaded onto Facebook each day, and Facebook has recently improved the resolution capabilities of their photos. Many observers noted that photo sharing has become a major factor behind Facebook’s growth to their current 850 million members.

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Zuckerberg buys Instagram

by admin on January 1, 2013

Facebook is definitely the number social networking site that has dominated most of the people comprising the entire population. Even before Facebook underwent developments, improvements and major changes, it was able to successfully captured the attention of many and gradually rise up to fame and recognition it has now earned. Apart from the fact that Facebook allows people to communicate, especially in long distances, Facebook became equally famous for the applications that only such social networking offers such as going for online chatting, playing games while being connected to the site and most particularly sharing of pictures and videos.

Instagram is another famous application that has become widely known as well. Besides the fact that it can produce images of high quality, instagram permits users to make changes, add effects and adjust the colors of the image to make the image appealing and interesting as well. In addition to that, Instagram creates new trend of photos other than the common photo effects.

And with the news of Facebook planning to purchase Instagram, it is indeed great, surprising and exciting news to look forward to. For many years, people have been trying to capture images of perfect moments, especially during travel and on the road. And with instagram getting compatible with the features that Facebook has, no one person can surely complain of how communication has been advancing.

Especially in today’s modern era where most people rely on connecting to the Internet through the use of mobile, Instagram-Facebook mash up will surely create another trend that will grab the attention of photographers but also of the common individuals who aspire to have images of high quality, by just a few clicks away. Indeed, purchasing Instagram is one of the best moves Facebook will be undertaking.

With Facebook acquiring Instagram, perfect moments will always be captured at a better angle.

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