If you see Kris Kristofferson around, please tell him thanks for writing the line "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" in his song "Me and Bobby McGee." That thought is sage and very appropriate for America in the year 2013.
Just when I thought that the GOP’s own ineptitude was going to sink the party, the man-who-would-be-president proved once again that when it comes to being out of touch, you can’t get any better than the First Community Organizer.
1) Guns for making all those poor innocent criminals break the law.
President Obama will take the oath of office later this month “on a stack of Bibles,” the Washington Post tells us. He will place his left hand on Bibles owned by Abraham Lincoln and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Well, that’s a relief. Interestingly, not included in the stack is the Koran, about which Mr. Obama spoke so glowingly in Egypt four years ago. (No Bibles openly displayed there.)
The real problem is that Lew is a left-liberal Obama spear-carrier, whose very appointment signals a sharp confrontation with the Republican House.
Do you remember what the mainstream media mainly talked about as the country careened toward the fiscal cliff? Did they talk about the harmful economic effects of impending tax increases? Did they talk about which tax increases would be worse than others? Did they talk about the need to get rid of waste in government without causing economic harm?
When did "women's health" become reduced to just contraception and abortion? So much so, that all knees bend at the altar of Planned Parenthood, which works hard to ensure that this remains the case
More than 1 in 10 patients are victimized by “basic errors,” leading to 5.2 percent of deaths in the British healthcare system.
Douglas Gresham, C.S. Lewis’s stepson, once said to me something like this: “If a young woman unwisely bestows her affections and becomes pregnant, and Christians shame her, they’re causing future abortions.” I think that’s right.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned that the $500 billion of DoD cuts would be "disastrous" to national security, hoping to get the attention of Congress and the White House for a timely solution. Eight months later, the Pentagon is still waiting.
Nothing in life is certain but death and taxes, the saying goes. Unfortunately, the list doesn’t stop there. We can add one other inescapable component: regulations.
The global economy is still the core of my belief for owning stocks. Forget Paris, and the rest of the Continent and think Turkey, Mexico, Panama, Chile, Indonesia.
At least the teachers of Occupy Oakland are finally being honest about their political agenda.
Canadians are considerably more likely to become victims of assault than are Americans.
An impartial rule of law is one of the pillars of a free society, so the curious resolution of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) probe into alleged anti-competitive practice by Google should be cause for concern even for those of us who are skeptical of antitrust law.
Following the defeat of 2012, it seems as if everyone – yours truly included – has an opinion about where the conservative movement goes from here. But right now presents an excellent opportunity to rally the Right again.
The situation in Afghanistan is not so rosy that anyone should be proud or thumping his or her chest or doing a victory lap.
From New York to New Mexico and across the dependent plains, welfare recipients are getting sauced on the public dime. Drunk, besotted, bombed. But while politicians pay lip service to cutting government waste, fraud and abuse, they're doing very little in practice to stop the EBT party excesses. Where's the compassion for taxpayers?
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