Right Wing Watch

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1/11/13 @ 3:18pm
Yesterday, Bryan Fischer responded to the news that pastor Louie Giglio had withdrawn from participation in President Obama’s inauguration by declaring that anti-gay Christians were "the new Rosa Parks" and the victims of modern-day Jim Crow laws. He returned to the topic today, citi... MORE
1/11/13 @ 5:33pm
Gavin Aronsen @ Mother Jones: Was Hitler Really a Fan of Gun Control? Steve Benen @ The Maddow Blog: Cuccinelli to allies: 'Go to jail' over contraception access. Carlos Maza @ Equality Matters: CNN Hosts FRC’s Peter Sprigg To Discuss Anti-Gay Pastor’s Withdrawal From... MORE
1/11/13 @ 5:29pm
Roy Moore was sworn in as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court today, nine years after being removed from that very position for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse. How sad, the Tea Party is struggling to find a way to remain relevant. Bill Don... MORE
1/11/13 @ 4:03pm
On yesterday’s Generations Radio, Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner took on the recent case in which the Iowa Supreme Court ruled that a dentist was justified in firing an assistant whom he found “irresistible.” Swanson and Buehner, who agreed with the court’s decision, used the... MORE
1/11/13 @ 2:15pm
Larry Pratt has been making the rounds criticizing any new laws aimed at addressing gun violence and today appeared on Crosstalk with Vic Eliason to argue that President Obama should be impeached if he signs any executive order regarding gun policy. But Pratt, the head of Gun Owners for America, did... MORE
1/11/13 @ 12:05pm
On yesterday's broadcast, Brian Fischer discussed an incident in Georgia in which a woman used a .38 caliber handgun to shoot an intruder who had broken into her home to make the case for the need for high-capacity magazines on the grounds that just because a simple handgun was effective in this... MORE
1/11/13 @ 11:30am
WorldNetDaily columnist and Fox News regular Erik Rush today is suggesting that President Obama may be behind the recent murder of gun enthusiast Keith Ratliff. Rush admits that while he has “no proof” besides his own “inclination,” the extremist writer claims Obama helped ki... MORE
1/11/13 @ 11:29am
Former Sen. Jim DeMint, hero to the overlapping Tea Party and Religious Right wings of the Republican Party, was kindly granted space by the Washington Post to tell us what he plans to do in his new job at the Heritage Foundation. DeMint, a former ad man, promises to launch a “conservative rev... MORE
1/11/13 @ 10:50am
Washington Times writer Jeffrey Kuhner in his column today claims President Obama is responsible for the country’s deficit, and uses some interesting calculations to get to that result. For instance, Kuhner counts programs like SNAP (food stamps) and Social Security as Obama’s own social... MORE
1/11/13 @ 10:14am
The other day we mentioned that Glenn Beck intends to "go Galt" with a new effort called "The American Dream Labs" which he is building with the intention of revolutionizing everything from technology to education to agriculture to entertainment and even creating new forms of ene... MORE
1/10/13 @ 5:37pm
Josh Israel @ Think Progress: Anti-Gay Pastor Withdraws From Inaugural Program. Sarah Posner @ Religion Dispatches: Unpacking the Giglio Imbroglio. Joe.My.God: Alliance Defense Fund Lawyer Found Guilty On Eight Felony Child Porn Counts. Joe Strupp @ Media Matters:  Joseph Farah P... MORE