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Okay This Is Awesome

The White House has officially responded to the ‘We the People’ petition to commit the US to building a Death Star. Best line: “Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?” Next best: “The Administration does not support blowing up planets,” which may represent a slight shift from the position of the previous administration.

Full response after the jump …

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Josh Marshall

Carefully Orchestrated

This letter is definitely the most orchestrated attempt by Democratic leaders to convince President Obama to unilaterally avoid a debt limit breach … somehow.

But we’ve known they feel this way for a while now. So the really interesting question to me is whether the White House helped orchestrate this particular public demonstration. Whether it was an exercise in providing cover or of entrapment.

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Brian Beutler

Just Watch This

God, this is so good because it’s just so bad.

You remember James Yeager, the CEO of Tactical Response, who says he was going to “start shooting people” if President Obama signs an executive order on guns. Here’s a video of Yeager doing an interview with a local TV station. He basically starts off kind of trying to walk his statements back. Kinda. But then … remember, he’s just crazy so he just can’t help himself. Soon he’s back to making even more specific threats. And the reporter just keeps giving him more rope. Just watch. You need to watch. Video after the jump …

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Josh Marshall
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Feeling the Pinch

I fear TPM Reader RC may be on to something …

I think it was a mistake for the administration not to make more noise about the expiration of the payroll tax cut.

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Josh Marshall

GOPing for Dummies

In part one of our upcoming new ebook ‘GOPing for Dummies’ you learn that no matter you’re thinking, if you’re a Republican member of Congress, or anyone else for that matter, just don’t say any sentences that include ‘rape’ ‘wine’ ‘just relax’ and ‘uptight’.

Listen to the audio here.

Josh Marshall

Gingrey: Akin Was “Partly Right”

Conservative Georgia Congressman Phil Gingrey (R), who happens to be an ob-gyn, now says former Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) was “partly right” when he talked about “legitimate rape.” We’ve posted the audio of Gingrey’s new remarks here.

David Kurtz
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