LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
January 12, 2013

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‘Zero Dark Thirty’: Kathryn Bigelow Shows Us the Things We Carried

When "Zero Dark Thirty" opens nationally Friday, many moviegoers will already have made up their minds.
Featured Reports
White House/Pete Souza

The Inconvenient Truth About Jack Lew

I suppose that he can't be much worse than Timothy Geithner, but that should be scant cause for cheer over the news that the president has nominated Jack Lew as Treasury secretary.
Featured Arts and Culture
AP/Sony - Columbia Pictures

Hollywood’s Raid on Convention

So far, I have not seen any negative reviews of "Zero Dark Thirty" and it is with some reluctance that I'm about to write one.


A/V Booth

“How do you expect this to play out over the next few years?” host Thom Hartmann asked economist Michael Hudson on “The Big Picture” this week. “That’s what everybody’s wondering,” Hudson replied. “The economy is going to shrink and shrink and shrink, and the question is whether people are going to go out in the streets ... or whether there’s going to be an actual response saying it doesn’t have to be this way.”

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‘It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way’

“How do you expect this to play out over the next few years?” host Thom Hartmann asked economist Michael Hudson on “The Big Picture” this week. “That’s what everybody’s wondering,” Hudson replied. “The economy is going to shrink and shrink and shrink, and the question is whether people are going to go out in the streets ... or whether there’s going to be an actual response saying it doesn’t have to be this way.”

Posted on Jan 12, 2013 READ MORE  |  282 READS
‘Left, Right & Center’: Was Afghanistan Worth It?

Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other “Left, Right & Center” panelists discuss the possible accelerated withdrawal of Afghan troops announced by President Barack Obama after a meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Was the war worth it? Also, the trillion-dollar coin, Joe Biden on gun reform and the absence of women in Obama’s Cabinet candidates.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  455 READS
‘Zero Dark Thirty’: Kathryn Bigelow Shows Us the Things We Carried

When “Zero Dark Thirty” opens nationally Friday, many moviegoers will already have made up their minds.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  4316 READS
Inside the Sham Foreclosure Review Process

Companies hired to spot wrongful foreclosures made more than $1 billion in a review process that was ultimately scuttled. Meanwhile, banks prepare to divide a $3.3 billion settlement between nearly 4 million borrowers without identifying who needs the money most.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  661 READS
Gov. Jindal’s New Tax Scheme Would Punish the Poor

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is looking to shift a large part of the tax burden in his state off corporations and the wealthy and onto the public by eliminating personal and corporate income taxes and raising the sales tax.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  581 READS
How the Rentier Class Cannibalizes the Economy

Rather than mobilizing savings to fund new industries, the banking system that comprises the financial, insurance and real estate sectors merely loads the economy down with debt.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  1450 READS
Where Has All the Warming Gone?

Global temperatures may not warm as much over the next few years as scientists had expected. But what happens to the atmosphere this decade is a poor guide to the Earth’s longer-term future.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  1066 READS
Americans Live Sicker, Die Younger

Compared with people in other affluent countries, Americans are the least healthy and most likely to die young; according to televangelist Pat Robertson, “awful looking” women are destroying modern day marriage; meanwhile, America’s richest citizens are hoarding $3 trillion a year (thrice our deficit) by avoiding taxes. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  1349 READS
The Inconvenient Truth About Jack Lew

I suppose that he can’t be much worse than Timothy Geithner, but that should be scant cause for cheer over the news that the president has nominated Jack Lew as Treasury secretary.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  4039 READS

There’s a big reason climate change differs from so many public policy challenges: Unlike other crises, addressing the planet’s major environmental crisis truly requires mass consensus.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  651 READS

Whatever Chuck Hagel’s perspective on Mideast policy may be, it would be absurd to compare him with the secretary of defense whose hardline hostility toward Israel became notorious during the Reagan administration.

Posted on Jan 11, 2013 READ MORE  |  998 READS
Nate Silver’s Super Bowl Prediction

The statistician extraordinaire has correctly predicted presidential elections, baseball games and football rankings, which is why his Super Bowl picks warrant a close look.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  4103 READS
Is It Hot Enough for You?

All right, now can we talk about climate change? After a year when the lower 48 states suffered the warmest temperatures, and the second-craziest weather, since record-keeping began?

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  716 READS
Pastor’s Anti-Gay Remarks Stir Inauguration Controversy, Taibbi Blasts Government Lies, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including CNN interrupting Joe Biden’s gun control presentation to report on another school shooting and a heated on-air argument between MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-hosts.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  1594 READS
Art Has Lost Its Meaning

Whether it is pretentious conceptual academic art, or vapid expressions of serenity that serve only to fulfill your apartment’s feng shui, Robert Shetterly says that most art today has been tainted by unfettered capitalism, which values consumer interests over truth.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  3914 READS
Trump Fires Latest Shot in Feud With Maher, Threatens Lawsuit

The Donald says he’ll sue the “Real Time” host if Maher doesn’t pay up on his $5 million offer.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  2954 READS
CEO Says He Will ‘Start Killing People’ if Obama Takes Action on Gun Control

“Vice President Biden is asking the president to bypass Congress and use executive privilege, executive order to ban assault rifles and to impose stricter gun control,” says James Yeager of Tennessee weapons training company Tactical Response. “I’m telling you that if that happens, it’s going to spark a civil war, and I’ll be glad to fire the first shot.”

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  4413 READS
Flu Rears Its Ugly, Epidemic Head

Flu is leading the winter sickness season as three trends stand out: The illness is striking early, a new norovirus is surging and health care professionals are witnessing the worst whooping cough outbreak in 60 years.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  986 READS
NFL Star Junior Seau Suffered From Brain Disease

“A lot of things, towards the end of his life, patterns that we saw and things that worried us, it makes sense now,” Gina Seau said of her ex-husband’s diagnosis.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  487 READS

Anyone who thinks congressional Republicans will roll over on the debt ceiling or gun control or other pending hot-button issues hasn’t been paying attention.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  839 READS
The Dog Eat Dog World of Politics

Canines have more to do with presidential elections than one might think; the conditions in which alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning was detained were “excessive,” a military judge found; meanwhile, The Associated Press has started selling sponsored tweets on its Twitter feed. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  370 READS
A Tour Through Tax Evasion

It is estimated that each year developing countries lose to tax evasion one and a half times the amount they receive in international aid. In the U.K. alone, the practice costs more than $91 billion annually, more than is spent on defense, welfare or education.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  489 READS
Mass Extinction Forecast With 6C Temperature Rise

Hobbit-sized humans, able to exist on less nourishing food, will have the best chance of survival in a warmer world, scientists say.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  2197 READS
John Brennan, Sami Al-Hajj and the Blight of Guantanamo

A journalist’s 7-year detention by the United States should be front and center in the forthcoming confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama’s choice the lead the CIA, John Brennan.

Posted on Jan 10, 2013 READ MORE  |  1230 READS
Inside the Liberal Conspiracy to Save the Republic

Mother Jones profiles a growing coalition of environmental, labor and civil rights groups, including Greenpeace and the NAACP, that began meeting off the record in December to try to figure out “what to do to beat back the deep-pocketed conservative movement.”

Posted on Jan 9, 2013 READ MORE  |  2155 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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