- published: 26 Sep 2006
- views: 235241
- author: Stirling Perry

Gaijin Stereotypes
This is a clip from the serial anime, "Azumanga Daioh." Though it is not a racist show by ...
published: 26 Sep 2006
author: Stirling Perry
Gaijin Stereotypes
This is a clip from the serial anime, "Azumanga Daioh." Though it is not a racist show by any means, it certainly indulges a number of benevolent stereotypes. In this clip, we see how (some) Japanese seem to perceive Gaijin (foreigners) in Japan.

Life in Japan: Typical Gaijin
As promised, here is the first 'funny' story I had while studying in Tokyo. Now, this happ...
published: 03 Jun 2011
author: QuickRhino
Life in Japan: Typical Gaijin
As promised, here is the first 'funny' story I had while studying in Tokyo. Now, this happened to me because I, 1) wasn't paying attention, 2) couldn't read Kanji, 3) am colorblind, and 4) was therefore a 'typical' gaijin (minus the colorblind part). All in all, things like this only make trips more interesting and memorable. Never be afraid to get yourself into an unfamiliar situation, such as getting lost, because otherwise you'll never feel comfortable traveling anywhere, especially abroad. Also, sorry if this video gives you vertigo due to my absolute lack of camera steadiness. I won't lie, it made me feel dizzy just watching it... :D
- published: 03 Jun 2011
- views: 103814
- author: QuickRhino

Some gaijin don't make it :JFAQ39
Why 80 percent of gaijin dont make it past their first year in Japan....
published: 03 Aug 2009
author: unrested
Some gaijin don't make it :JFAQ39
Why 80 percent of gaijin dont make it past their first year in Japan.
- published: 03 Aug 2009
- views: 28079
- author: unrested

Japan Answers 18: How to deal with Gaijin Hunters
What are gaijin hunters in Japan? What do they want? How do they act? How to do deal with ...
published: 12 May 2012
author: Ryan Boundless
Japan Answers 18: How to deal with Gaijin Hunters
What are gaijin hunters in Japan? What do they want? How do they act? How to do deal with them. How to deal with being a target of unwanted attention in Japan. Opening sequence: GengoNoTabi www.youtube.com Song: Lazy day Artist: Acoustic Sounds
- published: 12 May 2012
- views: 9381
- author: Ryan Boundless

Sh*t Gaijin Say / 外人がよく言うこと
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com GOOGLE+: plus.google.com Parody of the "Sa...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: GaijinCh
Sh*t Gaijin Say / 外人がよく言うこと
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com GOOGLE+: plus.google.com Parody of the "Say videos" making fun of the silly things we foreigners ("gaijin") living in Japan often say and do, written by and featuring members of Japan-based improv group "Pirates of Tokyo Bay." ********************************************************** SH*T GAIJIN NEVER SAY: www.youtube.com PIRATES OF TOKYO BAY INTERVIEW: www.youtube.com ********************************************************** The Pirates of Tokyo Bay perform live improv comedy in Tokyo every month. Check out their Facebook for information on upcoming shows: www.facebook.com ********************************************************** Produced by Gaijin Channel, a product of ACTV, a Tokyo-based production company which has serviced a number of high-profile clients such as Fox International, Universal, iTunes and the Associated Press. ACTV is an internationally-minded company with an English speaking staff, ready to provide top-notch production services in Japan. If you are looking for a production crew for a new project in Japan please don't hesitate to contact us! Official Website: www.gaijinchannel.com Email: kanri@gaijinchannel.com ********************************************************** 日本語字幕を見えない場合は、画面右下にある「CC」ボタンをクリックしてください。
- published: 22 Apr 2012
- views: 208139
- author: GaijinCh

外人vs外人Gaijin vs. Gaijin
Video response to Gimmeaflakeman's guest sensei MilkJamJuice's video, "外人vs. 外人/ Gaijin vs...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: superscheu
外人vs外人Gaijin vs. Gaijin
Video response to Gimmeaflakeman's guest sensei MilkJamJuice's video, "外人vs. 外人/ Gaijin vs. Gaijin" I give you just two examples. The first situation has happened more than once. The second is a single instance in Japan, though stuff like that happened in America to me. It should be noted though, that I've been in places with lots of Japanese people on a number of occasions and I've never experienced that sort of rude behavior. Peter's Myspace Music page: www.myspace.com
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 5545
- author: superscheu

Gaijin hunter scopes in like heat seeking missle
On a hot summer evening I went to the beach by myself. I dipped into the cool ocean water ...
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: Ryan Boundless
Gaijin hunter scopes in like heat seeking missle
On a hot summer evening I went to the beach by myself. I dipped into the cool ocean water and then came and sat up on the shore and sat there by myself. I was absorbed in my thoughts when I noticed two Japanese girls standing a bit behind me out of the corner of my eye.
- published: 12 Aug 2012
- views: 1872
- author: Ryan Boundless

READ THE NOTE: Not that Japanese view being fat as a good thing, they just are open to tal...
published: 28 May 2012
author: kanadajin3
READ THE NOTE: Not that Japanese view being fat as a good thing, they just are open to talk about it. In Japan they wont withold it and say 'oh no your not fat', its a common thing to notice if someones gained weight or is overweight. They don't mention it to insult, they mention it to tell you they are concerned and it should be lost. When they mention it they have no intention to hurt your feelings (unless they are really hateful and trying to insult you) in most cases no. Its something they are open to talk about that westerners reserve so much. Just because its not of hurtful intent doesn't mean EVERYONE wont be offended. Theres clearly people who have self esteem issues, and perhapse get these comments often so it hurts them. The video is to point out that the Japanese express it without hateful intent, more often than westerners do. VOCAB fat - debu デブfat (adjective) - futoi 太いfat person - debu na hito デブな人Became fat - futotta 太ったDid you become fat - futotta? 太った? (I) am fat - futotte iru 太っている(I) am fat (formal) futtote imasu 太っていますIts not insulting to talk about weight issues in Japan infront of the person. If you gained weight you will have your friends ask you 'did you get fat?' . Its not rude.
- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 8617
- author: kanadajin3

Asian Gaijin, Racism (A Twinkie's POV)
Thanks to Today's Guest Sensei: youtube.com Check out his channel. He's smarter than avera...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Gimmeaflakeman
Asian Gaijin, Racism (A Twinkie's POV)
Thanks to Today's Guest Sensei: youtube.com Check out his channel. He's smarter than average vlogger with a good sense of humor. Check out pskim731 video too! www.youtube.com
- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 9504
- author: Gimmeaflakeman

Kicked out of Japan into a Gaijin Gulag!? (Seen links for immigration rules!)
Maybe it was cuz he was Canadian? ------------ Great link on updated IMMIGRATION RULES! ww...
published: 19 Jan 2012
author: Gimmeaflakeman
Kicked out of Japan into a Gaijin Gulag!? (Seen links for immigration rules!)
Maybe it was cuz he was Canadian? ------------ Great link on updated IMMIGRATION RULES! www.immi-moj.go.jp Thanks to: treentje ------------- Gaijin Gulag!? [外人グーラグ (強制収容所) People & links mentioned in this video: youtube.com and the actual post: www.hikosaemon.com hikosaemon.com The article on THE ECONOMIST. http The FULL story from the original blog: globalite.posterous.com -------------------------------------------- Thanks to Hikosaemon for sending the following links. Some good links: A lot of discussion here with the man himself getting involved and threatening to sue some of the commenters for defamation www.fuckedgaijin.com Chris Johnson himself gets involved in the discussion and threatens to sue some commenters for slander Another big discussion here www.debito.org Where he again tirades against some people asking the obvious "what was your visa" question Tepido weighs in tepido.org -------------------------------------------- What is a GULAG? Not what Christopher implies. en.wikipedia.org ---------------------- My facebook. www.facebook.com All my channels: youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com Twitter: twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com ------------------ Thanks also to Max Hodges.
- published: 19 Jan 2012
- views: 28914
- author: Gimmeaflakeman

Tattooed Gaijin: JFAQ95
3 gaijin explain what its like being inked in japan. intro song and all pics contained wit...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: unrested
Tattooed Gaijin: JFAQ95
3 gaijin explain what its like being inked in japan. intro song and all pics contained within are property of unrested. all music provided by blind witness. please support them by listening to other songs by this artist.
- published: 10 Oct 2009
- views: 17666
- author: unrested

Gaijin Power in Osaka (大阪弁)
This somewhat long video is a really fun show I happened to see a gaijin street performer ...
published: 28 Sep 2008
author: IOeigo
Gaijin Power in Osaka (大阪弁)
This somewhat long video is a really fun show I happened to see a gaijin street performer put on in front of the big aquarium in Osaka. This guy used more Osaka-ben (Osaka dialect) than any Japanese people I met there, and so I thought it would be cool to showcase a little of it. To learn more about Osaka-ben, check out this link: en.wikipedia.org
- published: 28 Sep 2008
- views: 27070
- author: IOeigo

Sh*t Gaijin NEVER Say / 外人が絶対に言わないこと
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com GOOGLE+: plus.google.com The sequel to our...
published: 20 May 2012
author: GaijinCh
Sh*t Gaijin NEVER Say / 外人が絶対に言わないこと
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com GOOGLE+: plus.google.com The sequel to our popular "Sh*t Gaijin Say" video, featuring a host of lines you will NEVER hear a foreigner living in Japan say! ********************************************************** SH*T GAIJIN SAY: www.youtube.com PIRATES OF TOKYO BAY INTERVIEW: www.youtube.com ********************************************************** The Pirates of Tokyo Bay perform live improv comedy in Tokyo every month. Check out their Facebook for information on upcoming shows: www.facebook.com ********************************************************** Produced by Gaijin Channel, a product of ACTV, a Tokyo-based production company which has serviced a number of high-profile clients such as Fox International, Universal, iTunes and the Associated Press. ACTV is an internationally-minded company with an English speaking staff, ready to provide top-notch production services in Japan. If you are looking for a production crew for a new project in Japan please don't hesitate to contact us! Official Website: www.gaijinchannel.com Email: kanri@gaijinchannel.com ********************************************************** 日本語字幕を見えない場合は、画面右下にある「CC」ボタンをクリックしてください。
- published: 20 May 2012
- views: 99859
- author: GaijinCh
Youtube results:

Japan Through the Eyes of the Gaijin: JFAQ56
This FAQ questioned other gaijin living in Japan. It asked them to list one good element a...
published: 10 Feb 2009
author: unrested
Japan Through the Eyes of the Gaijin: JFAQ56
This FAQ questioned other gaijin living in Japan. It asked them to list one good element and one bad about their life in Japan
- published: 10 Feb 2009
- views: 25681
- author: unrested

Sakigake!! Otokojuku - How to deal with a Gaijin
A scene I found rather amusing, from the Japanese animation series "Sakigake!! Otokojuku."...
published: 20 May 2007
author: DivineOrochi
Sakigake!! Otokojuku - How to deal with a Gaijin
A scene I found rather amusing, from the Japanese animation series "Sakigake!! Otokojuku." The protagonist, Momotaro, goes to get revenge on a mean African-American fellow who beat up his pal. The whole comedy value is that the entire feud takes place in Engrish, pretty much. This is a rather obscure series, but, I recommend it to all. Please, Enjoy!
- published: 20 May 2007
- views: 175300
- author: DivineOrochi

Gaijin Sentai - We gotta Power (cover) Dragon Ball Z
Gaijin Sentai www.gaijinsentai.wordpress.com Sigam-me os bons : @GaijinSentai Brazilian ba...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: GaijinSentai
Gaijin Sentai - We gotta Power (cover) Dragon Ball Z
Gaijin Sentai www.gaijinsentai.wordpress.com Sigam-me os bons : @GaijinSentai Brazilian band of animesong and J-rock. The Gaijin Sentai has performed with Eizo Sakamoto (Animetal, Jam Project, Anthem) and Edu Falaschi (Angra, Almah). Have played in Argentina, Chile and Portugal. They have released two singles with his own compositions. Copyright: Toei Company
- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 56371
- author: GaijinSentai