Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Ezra Klein: "It's the Washington Way"
Ezra Klein Washington Post Columnist MSNBC Contributor "It Is the Washington Way: It&...
published: 09 Jun 2011
Rachel Maddow, Ezra Klein: Mitt Romney Embraces Republican Reverse Robin Hood Policy
Clip from May 25, 2012, The Rachel Maddow Show where Rachel and Washington Post columnist,...
published: 26 May 2012
Romney Budget LIES, LIES & DAMN LIES - Ezra Klein / Ed Show
Ezra Klein, "Budget Wonk," analyzes the TRUE Romney / Ryan Budget which cuts ove...
published: 22 Aug 2012
Ezra Klein Learns a Lesson on How Economics Work
On MSNBC's -Morning Joe- Ezra Klein gets schooled on the economy....
published: 05 Aug 2011
Murphy Responds to Ezra Klein's Crazy Fed Proposal
In this excerpt from a talk given at Mises University 2012, Robert P. Murphy critiques thi...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Rachel Maddow - Field Guide to Tea Partiers - Ezra Klein
published: 20 Jul 2010
Ezra Klein: The Future of Reading
Ezra Klein on the Future of Reading and the Amazon Kindle. Produced by the Columbia Journa...
published: 05 May 2008
Ezra Klein vs. Joe Scarborough on Right Policies for the Co
Spectacular debate, which is at the crux of why our government is broken for the people. P...
published: 06 Feb 2012
Ezra Klein: Disastrous GOP Economic Policy Hurting The Recovery
From MSNBC Ezra Klein explains the hypocrisy of GOP lawmakers regarding stimulus that'...
published: 12 Jun 2012
Ezra Klein: The Deceptive Strategy Underlying ObamaCare
Courtesy of Follow us at: Washington Post blog...
published: 26 Jun 2009
Why it gets better
published: 25 Oct 2010
Pat Buchanan Takes On Ezra Klein Over Muslim Radicalization Hearings
From Morning Joe 3/7/11...
published: 07 Mar 2011
Ezra Klein interviews David Brooks David Cote Tamara Draut Megan McArdle Sen Alan Simpson Part 1of4
published: 30 May 2011
Rachel Maddow - Democrat Learning Curve - Ezra Klein
published: 02 Jul 2010
Youtube results:
Ezra Klein-Google Searches & Charts Prove Racism
Unintentionally hilarious performance by fill-in host/earnest liberal twit liberal twit, w...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Hardball-Senator Udall & Ezra Klein Talk About Ending Filibusters
On Hardball with Chris Matthews, Senator Udall and Ezra Klein discuss the filibuster. 5/15...
published: 16 May 2012
Ezra Klein on Revenue & Affordability of Health Care Reform - 10/27/09
Ezra Klein explains some of the details of making health care affordable and within costs....
published: 28 Oct 2009
Ezra Klein, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell at 2012 GOP convention
Ezra Klein pointing out at beginning of the clip that Obamacare funded in part by "Me...
published: 02 Sep 2012