- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 867
- author: Patrick Baldwin
7.a Transgression & Regression
Students learn about how rising and falling sea-levels change the sequence of rock layers....
published: 06 Feb 2013
author: Patrick Baldwin
7.a Transgression & Regression
7.a Transgression & Regression
Students learn about how rising and falling sea-levels change the sequence of rock layers.- published: 06 Feb 2013
- views: 867
- author: Patrick Baldwin
Sedimentary Facies.rm
Describes sedimentary facies, transgression and regression....
published: 26 Jun 2010
author: wvannorden
Sedimentary Facies.rm
Sedimentary Facies.rm
Describes sedimentary facies, transgression and regression.- published: 26 Jun 2010
- views: 8404
- author: wvannorden
Déshabillons-les - La politique de la transgression
Parfois, les politiques cassent les codes et transgressent les usages, voire les valeurs q...
published: 14 Nov 2013
Déshabillons-les - La politique de la transgression
Déshabillons-les - La politique de la transgression
Parfois, les politiques cassent les codes et transgressent les usages, voire les valeurs qu'ils défendent. Pourquoi ces transgressions deviennent-elles si fréquentes ? A quelles évolutions politiques et personnelles correspondent-elles ? Et quel impact ont-elles ? Pour répondre à ces questions et pour déshabiller, en tout bien tout honneur, François Fillon, Manuel Valls, NKM et Marine Le Pen, quatre invités : Avec : Jean-Daniel LEVY, Directeur du département opinion de Harris Interactive Sophie CADALEN, Psychanalyste Pascal DE SUTTER, Docteur en psychologie - Université de Louvain Stephen BUNARD, Synergologue (spécialiste du langage corporel) - Coaching&com; Hélène RISSER, Public Sénat Toutes les infos et vidéos sur http://www.publicsenat.fr/- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 34
shreerup goswami on O TV
published: 03 Aug 2013
shreerup goswami on O TV
shreerup goswami on O TV
- views: 3
GUDIYAM a palaeolithic site in tamilnadu
gudiyam , palaeolithic site , handaxe , scrapper , burin , allikuzhi , poondi , gudiyam ca...
published: 26 Aug 2009
author: mrarchaeologyindia
GUDIYAM a palaeolithic site in tamilnadu
GUDIYAM a palaeolithic site in tamilnadu
gudiyam , palaeolithic site , handaxe , scrapper , burin , allikuzhi , poondi , gudiyam caves , archaeology , pleistocene , tamilnadu , stone age , archaeolo...- published: 26 Aug 2009
- views: 2181
- author: mrarchaeologyindia
Marine Angel Boat Monitoring and Command device
Marine Angel is a product that monitors and informs you of problems that may occur with yo...
published: 15 Sep 2012
author: James Fisher
Marine Angel Boat Monitoring and Command device
Marine Angel Boat Monitoring and Command device
Marine Angel is a product that monitors and informs you of problems that may occur with your boat, containing Vigil marine technoligy the device has a built ...- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 124
- author: James Fisher
Transgressions - Large.m4v
A work in progress Guitar Solo Rock....
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: JacobGroverMusic
Transgressions - Large.m4v
Transgressions - Large.m4v
A work in progress Guitar Solo Rock.- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 7
- author: JacobGroverMusic
Apples corporate transgressions
published: 24 May 2013
author: elin jones
Apples corporate transgressions
Le Pen et Wilders scellent une alliance "historique" contre l'UE
La présidente du Front national Marine Le Pen et le chef de file de l'extrême droite néerl...
published: 13 Nov 2013
Le Pen et Wilders scellent une alliance "historique" contre l'UE
Le Pen et Wilders scellent une alliance "historique" contre l'UE
La présidente du Front national Marine Le Pen et le chef de file de l'extrême droite néerlandaise Geert Wilders ont conclu mercredi 13 novembre à La Haye une alliance selon eux "historique", en vue des élections européennes de mai 2014. Durée: 01:11- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 168
Marine Le Pen contre "l'euraustérité".
Marine Le Pen a rencontré mercredi à La Haye aux Pays Bas le chef de file de l'extrême dro...
published: 14 Nov 2013
Marine Le Pen contre "l'euraustérité".
Marine Le Pen contre "l'euraustérité".
Marine Le Pen a rencontré mercredi à La Haye aux Pays Bas le chef de file de l'extrême droite néerlandaise Geert Wilders dans le but de conclure une alliance en vue des élections européennes de 2014. Elle a fortement critiqué l'Europe. européen' Vidéo : Zoomin.TV Belgique- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 107
L'image hebdo : Cahuzac, histoire d'une transgression
Chaque semaine le décryptage politique par Sylvain Courage du service politique de l'Obs....
published: 05 Apr 2013
author: nouvelobservateur
L'image hebdo : Cahuzac, histoire d'une transgression
L'image hebdo : Cahuzac, histoire d'une transgression
Chaque semaine le décryptage politique par Sylvain Courage du service politique de l'Obs.- published: 05 Apr 2013
- views: 188
- author: nouvelobservateur
Marine Le Pen amenaza con demandar a Madonna por el interludio del MDNA Tour
La ambición rubia vuelve a sembrar polémica esta vez por relacionar la imagen de la políti...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: FarandulistaTV
Marine Le Pen amenaza con demandar a Madonna por el interludio del MDNA Tour
Marine Le Pen amenaza con demandar a Madonna por el interludio del MDNA Tour
La ambición rubia vuelve a sembrar polémica esta vez por relacionar la imagen de la política ultraderechista Marine Le Pen con símbolos nazis durante uno de ...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 1009
- author: FarandulistaTV
longboarding marine park
run lil dawgy....
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: Daniel Chapman
longboarding marine park
Apéro géant en Burqa, le summum de la transgression
A quand un apéro Géant en Burqa, le summum de la transgression.
29 mai 2010 - ONPC...
published: 30 May 2010
Apéro géant en Burqa, le summum de la transgression
Apéro géant en Burqa, le summum de la transgression
A quand un apéro Géant en Burqa, le summum de la transgression. 29 mai 2010 - ONPC- published: 30 May 2010
- views: 6955
Youtube results:
Halong Bay, Vietnam - Vietnam Tourist - Vietnam Visa to Ha Long Bay for tourism
Ha Long Bay, in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600 islands and islets, forming a spec...
published: 22 Aug 2013
Halong Bay, Vietnam - Vietnam Tourist - Vietnam Visa to Ha Long Bay for tourism
Halong Bay, Vietnam - Vietnam Tourist - Vietnam Visa to Ha Long Bay for tourism
Ha Long Bay, in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1,600 islands and islets, forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Because of their precipitous nature, most of the islands are uninhabited and unaffected by a human presence. The site's outstanding scenic beauty is complemented by its great biological interest. Ha Long Bay, situated in the Gulf of Tonkin, includes some 1600 islands and islets forming a spectacular seascape of limestone pillars. Because of their precipitous nature, most of the islands are uninhabited and relatively unaffected by human influence. The geomorphology of Ha Long Bay is known as a drowned karst landscape due to the exceptional combination of its limestone karst features which have been subject to repeated regression and transgression of the sea over geological time. The limestones of Ha Long Bay have been eroded into a mature landscape of fengcong (clusters of conical peaks) and fenglin (isolated tower features) karst features, modified by sea invasion at a later stage. The smaller islands are fenglin towers of 50m to 100m high with height. Many have vertical walls on all or most sides and these continue to evolve by rock falls and large slab failures. Marine invasion of Ha Long Bay has added an extra element to the normal process of lateral undercutting of the limestone towers and islands. The most conspicuous feature being the main notch cut into the entire rocky coastline. Notches are a feature of limestone cliffs worldwide, but those of Ha Long Bay are exceptionally well developed and, at many sites, extend into arches and caves. This process of undercutting and subsequent erosion maintains the steep faces of the fenglin karst towers and thereby perpetuates the spectacular nature of the landscape. A distinctive feature of Ha Long Bay is the abundance of lakes within the larger limestone islands. Extensive limestone caves represent another important feature of Ha Long Bay, with three main types able to be identified: old phreatic caves formed below the water table of the time; old karstic foot caves formed by lateral undercutting of cliffs at base level; and marine notch caves formed at sea level where rock structures are powerfully eroded and eventually reduced to a wave cut platform. In summary, Ha Long Bay possesses a tremendous diversity of caves and other landforms which derive from the unusual geomorphological process of marine invaded tower karst. These areas provide a unique and extensive reservoir of data for the future understanding of geoclimatic history and the nature of karst processes in a complex environment.- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 2
Grand Canyon Geology - Recent.mp4
The history of the multicolored, horizontal layers of sedimentary rock that rise above the...
published: 01 Nov 2010
author: natpodnan
Grand Canyon Geology - Recent.mp4
Grand Canyon Geology - Recent.mp4
The history of the multicolored, horizontal layers of sedimentary rock that rise above the Inner Gorge to the rims and also found beyond the park to the nort...- published: 01 Nov 2010
- views: 1364
- author: natpodnan
"A Single Day" - a team SMG Wake film
"A Single Day" produced by Remedy Films, is exactly what the title says it is, a single da...
published: 14 Feb 2013
author: TheRemedyFilms
"A Single Day" - a team SMG Wake film
"A Single Day" - a team SMG Wake film
"A Single Day" produced by Remedy Films, is exactly what the title says it is, a single day filled with wakeboarding, tight schedules, shooting, helicopter j...- published: 14 Feb 2013
- views: 1356
- author: TheRemedyFilms
"DO or DIE" A Midwest Wakeboard Film
"DO or DIE" A Midwest Wakeboard Film created and dedicated to midwest wakeboarders and bus...
published: 23 Sep 2013
"DO or DIE" A Midwest Wakeboard Film
"DO or DIE" A Midwest Wakeboard Film
"DO or DIE" A Midwest Wakeboard Film created and dedicated to midwest wakeboarders and businesses. Special thanks to Gordy Bubolz wakeboard camp, Nordic Wake Park, The Teamlab, Roswell, and the Boat House Marine. The riders include Jamie McCauley, Timmy Burnier, Ethan Rau, Jim McVey, Gordy Bubolz, Megan Blashka, John Zdeblick and Gordy Bubolz. Each of their parts was filmed in about two sets of riding time or less. Filmed and edited by Ryan Murphy. -I do not own any of the music used in the video INTRO- Om Nashi Me by Edward Sharpe and the Magentic Zone 1ST SONG- Sprawl II by Arcade Fire 2ND SONG- The Bloom by Gypsy and The Cat 3RD SONG- Swimming in The Flood by Passion Pit 4TH SONG- Quality Control by Jurassic 5 5TH SONG- Out The Blue by Sub Focus CREDITS- Where the Kids are by Blondfire- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 2425