- published: 02 Oct 2009
- views: 231564
- author: patcondell

The arrogance of clergy
published: 02 Oct 2009
author: patcondell
The arrogance of clergy
A word to the faithful BOOK OF VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS NOW AVAILABLE www.lulu.com PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND SUPPORT THE GLOBAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST SHARIA LAW www.onelawforall.org www.shariapetition.com You can download an audio version of this video at patcondell.libsyn.com
- published: 02 Oct 2009
- views: 231564
- author: patcondell

Clergy Rebukes Media for Asking Wrong Questions About Amendment One
May 6th, 2012 - In a press conference held in Greensboro, North Carolina, Clergy from arou...
published: 07 May 2012
author: Eric Preston
Clergy Rebukes Media for Asking Wrong Questions About Amendment One
May 6th, 2012 - In a press conference held in Greensboro, North Carolina, Clergy from around the state gathered together to pray for the wisdom of it's citizens regarding the May 8th vote on Amendment One. In that conference, Rev. Dr. William J. Barber took the time to rebuke the media for asking the wrong questions regarding the amendment. Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II is the President of the North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP.
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 133472
- author: Eric Preston

The Clergy/ laity Church lie
What every priest, pope and pastor doesn't want you to know! www.searchingtogether.org...
published: 09 Feb 2008
author: tjg2008
The Clergy/ laity Church lie
What every priest, pope and pastor doesn't want you to know! www.searchingtogether.org
- published: 09 Feb 2008
- views: 16101
- author: tjg2008

Clergy Response Teams
Feds Train Clergy To "Quell Dissent" During Martial Law, Pastors Will Cite Romans 13 To En...
published: 16 Aug 2007
author: Marc Moyer
Clergy Response Teams
Feds Train Clergy To "Quell Dissent" During Martial Law, Pastors Will Cite Romans 13 To Encourage Public's Submission To Police State. The Rabbit Hole on Facebook: www.facebook.com
- published: 16 Aug 2007
- views: 143276
- author: Marc Moyer

Catholic Church Gay Scandal
Priest accused of gay sexual acts...
published: 18 Dec 2007
author: southsidetokyo
Catholic Church Gay Scandal
Priest accused of gay sexual acts
- published: 18 Dec 2007
- views: 6947
- author: southsidetokyo

Clergy Members Arrested with Occupy Wall Street Protesters After Briefly Liberating Duarte Square
The events in this video happened today, December 17th, 2011, at roughly 3:45 PM as protes...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: mmflint
Clergy Members Arrested with Occupy Wall Street Protesters After Briefly Liberating Duarte Square
The events in this video happened today, December 17th, 2011, at roughly 3:45 PM as protesters, including clergy members, attempted to liberate the unused, fenced off section of Duarte Square on the corner of Canal Street and 6th Avenue in New York City on the three-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. Liberating your minds at www.michaelmoore.com
- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 10918
- author: mmflint

Gays in the Clergy
The homosexual network among Catholic priests and bishops has caused havoc in the Church ....
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: ChurchMilitantTV
Gays in the Clergy
The homosexual network among Catholic priests and bishops has caused havoc in the Church .. just as it always intended. Please watch this Special Report from Rome.
- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 22773
- author: ChurchMilitantTV

Cops and Clergy talk about the war on drugs
A remarkable new alliance of police officers and clergy who talk openly about the war on d...
published: 18 Jan 2010
author: CopsSayLegalizeDrugs
Cops and Clergy talk about the war on drugs
A remarkable new alliance of police officers and clergy who talk openly about the war on drugs. Featuring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, the Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative, and the Ordinary People Society.
- published: 18 Jan 2010
- views: 7144
- author: CopsSayLegalizeDrugs

2 | Clergy Fashion -- Chuck Knows Church
2 | Chuck Knows Church -- CLERGY FASHION. Have a chuckle and learn with Chuck when he expl...
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: ChuckKnowsChurch
2 | Clergy Fashion -- Chuck Knows Church
2 | Chuck Knows Church -- CLERGY FASHION. Have a chuckle and learn with Chuck when he explains the differences between a robe and an alb -- even if your pastor wears neither! Ever wonder why one is white and the other black? That's why Chuck is talking about clergy fashion on his SECOND SHOW! Chuck Knows Church is a WEEKLY online series. Check back each Friday for the next episode! Use each episode in worship, youth groups, fellowship groups, confirmation classes, worship teams, new member classes and late night snack viewing! Follow Chuck on his website: www.ChuckKnowsChurch.com (You can also download Chuck shows here for free) Facebook: www.Facebook.com/ChuckKnowsChurch Twitter: @ChuckKnows Chuck Knows Church is produced for all people by The General Board of Discipleship (GBOD) of The United Methodist Church. Please embed Chuck episodes on your website. It's free, informative, and fun.
- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 5948
- author: ChuckKnowsChurch

Clergy Call For Justice Press Conference
This week, hundreds of clergy members from all 50 states are in Washington, DC, lobbying i...
published: 18 Apr 2007
author: hrcmedia
Clergy Call For Justice Press Conference
This week, hundreds of clergy members from all 50 states are in Washington, DC, lobbying in support of fairness for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans. These faith leaders are urging Congress to pass laws preventing hate crimes and employment discrimination against GLBT people.
- published: 18 Apr 2007
- views: 3575
- author: hrcmedia

Clergy Speak Out Against the War on Drugs
Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Clergy Speak Out Against "The War On Drugs" Produced by Mi...
published: 30 Mar 2008
author: drugsense
Clergy Speak Out Against the War on Drugs
Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Clergy Speak Out Against "The War On Drugs" Produced by Mike Gray, mike-gray.org of Common ... all » Sense for Drug Policy, csdp.org with help from Chuck Thomas of Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform, uudpr.org and the Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative. See extended interviews at video.google.com For more information, or to request copies of the DVD, please visit IDPI at www.idpi.us
- published: 30 Mar 2008
- views: 6071
- author: drugsense

John Paul II Singing Dynamite (Autotune the Clergy Ep 1)
Episode 1 of the new series "Autotune the Clergy." If there is a speech/video you would li...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: ClarkJaman
John Paul II Singing Dynamite (Autotune the Clergy Ep 1)
Episode 1 of the new series "Autotune the Clergy." If there is a speech/video you would like to see autotuned, leave a comment and I will do my best! :) Tshirts: jungleheartproductions.spreadshirt.com Download this song jungleheartproductions.com This video is from a speech that John Paul II delivered at in 1979 in Washington, DC to the students of the Catholic University of America: www.youtube.com My second channel: www.youtube.com You can follow me on the book of faces: www.facebook.com And on Twitter: twitter.com I am very grateful to AndrewzSpace for making the beat for this video: www.youtube.com Lyrics: Authentic love and true freedom are in Jesus Christ Christ Christ To be full of hope and joy, give of yourself to others We love you, we love you, we love you Perhaps I love you more To all of you I offer peace and joy of Jesus Christ, of Jesus Christ You are redeemed by him and taken up in his love, in His love If the Son frees you, you'll be free indeed He's the way the truth and the life indeed X2 It's only God God God God God made man in Jesus Christ Know what you think about yourselves Search for the meaning of your life That He alone can fill your hearts He alone You are truly free You are truly free You are made truly free In Him Truly free in Him free in Him free in Him Him Him Him... Materialistic concerns and one sided values Are never sufficient to fill the heart
- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 67034
- author: ClarkJaman

Pastors Who Don't Believe (The Clergy Project) - The Thinking Atheist Radio Podcast #40
Available on iTunes (search for The Thinking Atheist under podcasts), and on BlogTalkRadio...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: TheThinkingAtheist
Pastors Who Don't Believe (The Clergy Project) - The Thinking Atheist Radio Podcast #40
Available on iTunes (search for The Thinking Atheist under podcasts), and on BlogTalkRadio at www.blogtalkradio.com We talk with Dan Barker, President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, who is part of an exciting website called The Clergy Project The Clergy Project is a confidential safe haven for active and former clergy who do not hold the supernatural beliefs of their religious traditions. It's amazing how many pastors and ministers have left their faith or seek to do so. We also speak with an atheist still in the pastorate (speaking anonymously), and with Jerry DeWitt of www.recoveringfromreligion.org
- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 25830
- author: TheThinkingAtheist

Reincarnation: The Clergy of Unholy
Reincarnation: The Clergy of Unholy or TCOU is the next Mini in the Reincarnation series t...
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: BgroupProductions
Reincarnation: The Clergy of Unholy
Reincarnation: The Clergy of Unholy or TCOU is the next Mini in the Reincarnation series that takes place in a church on your quest to find Saul who has escaped from hell.
- published: 06 Aug 2010
- views: 440444
- author: BgroupProductions
Vimeo results:

Spread this message. Can you imagine going through something like this when you were in hi...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: John X. Carey
Spread this message. Can you imagine going through something like this when you were in high school?
-- OFFICIAL SELECTION - Austin Film Festival 2012 --
-- OFFICIAL SELECTION - LA Shorts Fest 2012 --
For screening and press inquires please contact Diana Espitia at: 832.607.9624 / dianaespitia17@gmail.com
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZhlScTZ-8Y&list;=HL1339802914&feature;=mh_lolz
Executive Producer : Curry Glassell
Producer : Diana Espitia and Luis Velez
Director: John X. Carey
site | www.johnxcarey.com
twitter | twitter.com/#!/Johnxcarey
instagram | statigr.am/johnxcarey
Directors of Photography : Chris Saul (http://www.chrissaul.com), Mike Mitchell (https://vimeo.com/mikemitchell)
Composer : Bill Francis | http://billfrancis.com
More info: http://www.illegalmovie.org
Friend us: http://www.facebook.com/IllegalMovie
Follow us: https://twitter.com/#!/illegalmovie
A compassionate look at undocumented youth in the United States. Through a series of interviews with undocumented kids, activists, policymakers, non-profit leaders, educators and members of the clergy Illegal seeks to raise the consciousness level of the American public regarding the importance of full immigration reform. Though an important step was taken with the president's order to halt the deportations of some young undocumented residents, we must remember that his executive order could change as early as January under a new administration. Our work is far from over.
Illegal is an independent documentary film financed by Houston philanthropist Curry Glassell.

A War For Your Soul-Birmingham version
Filmmaker and public speaker Reggie Bullock is one of the most sought after motivational s...
published: 15 Mar 2009
author: Erisai Films
A War For Your Soul-Birmingham version
Filmmaker and public speaker Reggie Bullock is one of the most sought after motivational speakers in the United States, traveling to over 60 cities in the past two years.
Reggie’s short film "A War For Your Soul" is a stirring, inspirational video for today’s generation. Over 10 million internet viewers have watched “A War For Your Soul” in 2 years. The video has garnered praise from mayors, city leaders, youth and civic organizations and almost every major country around the world, sparking dialogue in encouraging adults to play a more active role in educating children.
On Oct. 14th, Popular radio host Michael Baisden said "This is a must see film".
Reggie has received the "key to the city" award from the cities of Macon GA., Riviera Beach Fl. and Corpus Christi TX.
Reggie is currently active as a noted speaker, conducting speaking engagements throughout the country. For speaking engagements contact www.warforyoursoul.com or reggie.bullock@warforyoursoul.com
This video was created to inspire young at-risk African-Americans not to fall prey to some of the problems they face in society. The "Master of Darkness" represents that abstract concept of evil that has the potential to reside in the consciousness of mankind.
The use of the images of Richard Pryor and NAS, were used to show how we have publicly displayed the "N" word over the course of time. Richard Pryor, before his death, had gone on record to publicly denounce his use of the word, and the Rapper NAS ( one of the few socially conscious rappers ) intentions of wearing the jacket had nothing to do with the glorification of the word. I have enjoyed some of Pryor's masterful story telling and I have also enjoyed some of the thought provoking music from NAS.
This video should not to be used to divide people (Black & White).
This video should not be used to criticize all aspects of hip-hop culture.
This video should not be used to allow the rest of society to escape from their responsibility, to help with financial & academic support.
If used properly, this video will allow our youth to see some of the horrific conditions that their ancestors fought through and some of the horrific conditions they face today.
An extensive commentary about the film can be seen at www.warforyoursoul.com
Speaking Engagements for Reggie Bullock 2009 - 2011:
Apr 19 Florida African American Student Association, Orlando Fl.
Sep 23 Central Ct. Univ. New Britain CT.
Oct. 3 Kingdom Wood Film Festival, Lithonia GA .
Oct. 9 A. Phllip Randolph Org., Seattle WA.
Nov 16 Middle Tennessee St. Univ., Murfreesboro TN.
Nov 21 Theodore D. Young Community Center Greenburgh N.Y.
Nov 21 New York Medical College, White Plains N.Y.
Jan 10 Emmanuel Baptist Church Winston Salem NC
Jan 17 Lee University Cleveland TN.
Jan 20 Obama Election Committee, Macon GA.
Feb 1 New Faith Baptist Church, Chicago IL.
Feb 3 Central Fl. Comm. College, Ocala Fl.
Feb 3 Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church Jacksonville Fl.
Feb 4 Auburn University Auburn AL.
Feb 11 California St. Univ., Fullerton CA
Feb 15 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC
Feb 22 Miller Grove HS, Lithonia GA
Feb 27 Cedar Grove Missionary Church, Mt. Juliet TN
Mar 7 Open Word Christian Ministries, Fairburn GA.
Mar 13 New Hope Baptist Church, Chattanooga TN.
Mar 15 Norwich Free Academy Norwich CT.
Apr 3 New Olivet Baptist Church, Memphis TN.
Apr 10 Trinity Church, Pontiac MI.
Apr 15 Alabama A&M; Normal AL.
Apr 24 BEFY Networking & EDU, Wilson N.C.
Apr 30 Tabernacle Missionary Baptist, Tallahassee FL.
May 9 St Louis Coalition of Clergy, St Louis Mo.
May 21 UMADAOP - Cleveland Ohio
May 29 Sanctuary Evangelistic Church, Tulsa OK.
Jun 27 Word Of Life Church, Flint MI
Jul 21 West Palm Beach Fl.
Aug 1 Macon Georgia Fundraiser
Aug 7 California State University, Monterey CA
Aug 14 Fletcher's Chapel, Madison AL
SEP 10 Tabernacle Miss Baptist Church, West Palm Beach Fl.
Oct 30 Pilgrim Baptist Church, Greenville MS
Nov 7 Mount Zion Baptist Tullahoma TN
Nov. 15 New Faith Baptist Church, Chicago IL
Nov 21 Clairborn Family Worship Center, Nashville TN
Nov 29 Friendship Missionary Bapist Church, Indianapolis IN.
Jan 14 AAPAC - Rome GA- Cancelled Due to Weather
Feb 3 Auburn University Auburn AL.
Feb 7 Morgan State University, Baltimore MD
Feb 11 Memphis Academy, Memphis TN
Feb 12 South West Community College, Memphis TN
Feb 18 East Literature Magnet School Nashville TN
Feb 19 African American Day, Lebanon TN
Feb 27 New Commandment Missionary Baptist Church, Paramount CA
Mar 14 ADLA Goldsboro NC
Mar 16 Black Chamber of Commerce, Durham NC
Mar 29 NAACP Dorchester MD
Apr 9 Robbins Community Center Robbins, IL.
Apr 23 Urban Summit, Jacksonville FL
May 5 Embracing Arms Inc., Newark NJ
May 14 Economic Summit Chicago IL.
May 20 Sons of

A War For Your Soul-regular version
Filmmaker and public speaker Reggie Bullock is one of the most sought after motivational s...
published: 16 Mar 2009
author: Erisai Films
A War For Your Soul-regular version
Filmmaker and public speaker Reggie Bullock is one of the most sought after motivational speakers in the United States, traveling to over 60 cities in the past two years.
Reggie’s short film "A War For Your Soul" is a stirring, inspirational video for today’s generation. Over 10 million internet viewers have watched “A War For Your Soul” in 2 years. The video has garnered praise from mayors, city leaders, youth and civic organizations and almost every major country around the world, sparking dialogue in encouraging adults to play a more active role in educating children.
On Oct. 14th, Popular radio host Michael Baisden said "This is a must see film".
Reggie has received the "key to the city" award from the cities of Macon GA., Riviera Beach Fl. and Corpus Christi TX.
Reggie is currently active as a noted speaker, conducting speaking engagements throughout the country. For speaking engagements contact www.warforyoursoul.com or reggie.bullock@warforyoursoul.com
This video was created to inspire young at-risk African-Americans not to fall prey to some of the problems they face in society. The "Master of Darkness" represents that abstract concept of evil that has the potential to reside in the consciousness of mankind.
The use of the images of Richard Pryor and NAS, were used to show how we have publicly displayed the "N" word over the course of time. Richard Pryor, before his death, had gone on record to publicly denounce his use of the word, and the Rapper NAS ( one of the few socially conscious rappers ) intentions of wearing the jacket had nothing to do with the glorification of the word. I have enjoyed some of Pryor's masterful story telling and I have also enjoyed some of the thought provoking music from NAS.
This video should not to be used to divide people (Black & White).
This video should not be used to criticize all aspects of hip-hop culture.
This video should not be used to allow the rest of society to escape from their responsibility, to help with financial & academic support.
If used properly, this video will allow our youth to see some of the horrific conditions that their ancestors fought through and some of the horrific conditions they face today.
An extensive commentary about the film can be seen at www.warforyoursoul.com
Speaking Engagements for Reggie Bullock 2009 - 2011:
Apr 19 Florida African American Student Association, Orlando Fl.
Sep 23 Central Ct. Univ. New Britain CT.
Oct. 3 Kingdom Wood Film Festival, Lithonia GA .
Oct. 9 A. Phllip Randolph Org., Seattle WA.
Nov 16 Middle Tennessee St. Univ., Murfreesboro TN.
Nov 21 Theodore D. Young Community Center Greenburgh N.Y.
Nov 21 New York Medical College, White Plains N.Y.
Jan 10 Emmanuel Baptist Church Winston Salem NC
Jan 17 Lee University Cleveland TN.
Jan 20 Obama Election Committee, Macon GA.
Feb 1 New Faith Baptist Church, Chicago IL.
Feb 3 Central Fl. Comm. College, Ocala Fl.
Feb 3 Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church Jacksonville Fl.
Feb 4 Auburn University Auburn AL.
Feb 11 California St. Univ., Fullerton CA
Feb 15 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC
Feb 22 Miller Grove HS, Lithonia GA
Feb 27 Cedar Grove Missionary Church, Mt. Juliet TN
Mar 7 Open Word Christian Ministries, Fairburn GA.
Mar 13 New Hope Baptist Church, Chattanooga TN.
Mar 15 Norwich Free Academy Norwich CT.
Apr 3 New Olivet Baptist Church, Memphis TN.
Apr 10 Trinity Church, Pontiac MI.
Apr 15 Alabama A&M; Normal AL.
Apr 24 BEFY Networking & EDU, Wilson N.C.
Apr 30 Tabernacle Missionary Baptist, Tallahassee FL.
May 9 St Louis Coalition of Clergy, St Louis Mo.
May 21 UMADAOP - Cleveland Ohio
May 29 Sanctuary Evangelistic Church, Tulsa OK.
Jun 27 Word Of Life Church, Flint MI
Jul 21 West Palm Beach Fl.
Aug 1 Macon Georgia Fundraiser
Aug 7 California State University, Monterey CA
Aug 14 Fletcher's Chapel, Madison AL
SEP 10 Tabernacle Miss Baptist Church, West Palm Beach Fl.
Oct 30 Pilgrim Baptist Church, Greenville MS
Nov 7 Mount Zion Baptist Tullahoma TN
Nov. 15 New Faith Baptist Church, Chicago IL
Nov 21 Clairborn Family Worship Center, Nashville TN
Nov 29 Friendship Missionary Bapist Church, Indianapolis IN.
Jan 14 AAPAC - Rome GA- Cancelled Due to Weather
Feb 3 Auburn University Auburn AL.
Feb 7 Morgan State University, Baltimore MD
Feb 11 Memphis Academy, Memphis TN
Feb 12 South West Community College, Memphis TN
Feb 18 East Literature Magnet School Nashville TN
Feb 19 African American Day, Lebanon TN
Feb 27 New Commandment Missionary Baptist Church, Paramount CA
Mar 14 ADLA Goldsboro NC
Mar 16 Black Chamber of Commerce, Durham NC
Mar 29 NAACP Dorchester MD
Apr 9 Robbins Community Center Robbins, IL.
Apr 23 Urban Summit, Jacksonville FL
May 5 Embracing Arms Inc., Newark NJ
May 14 Economic Summit Chicago IL.
May 20 Sons of

The Power of A Mother's Love
Mother’s come in all sizes and ages. Some of us had young mothers, some had older mothers....
published: 11 May 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
The Power of A Mother's Love
Mother’s come in all sizes and ages. Some of us had young mothers, some had older mothers. Some of us had petite mom’s some had larger moms. Regardless of the age or size of our Mom’s, I know something all Mom’s have in common. When push comes to shove, when the gates of hell open up, when the world falls apart, there is nothing stronger than a mother’s love for her children. Sorry Dad’s. You don’t come close.
A mother’s love for her children is one of the strongest forces in this world. I believe it is so strong because it is chiseled directly from the heart of God!
What makes God’s Love so powerful, and what makes a mother’s love so powerful, is a special bond!
A Mother bonds with her child through countless hours, countless feedings. This is her baby, her child. God’s love is so powerful because of His relationship to those He loves. God had a special relationship with His people, the Jews. It was a covenant relationship. It made the Jews special, beloved to Him. His love for them was different than His love for the gentiles because of that Covenant Relationship. Through Jesus Christ, we have a New Covenant Relationship with God. We are born again and become children of God. We enter into a new and special relationship with God. He has a special Love for His children. Just as a Mother has a special love for her own children, so does God have a special love with His children.
Just like you don’t pull on superman’s cape, your don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off the old lone ranger and you don’t mess around with a Mom and her children.
Fremont, CA (KPIX) - A Fremont, California woman is recovering from severe injuries to her arms after a pit bull terrier attacked her in her own garage, forcing her to stash her baby in a garbage can for protection.
Thirty-two-year-old Angela Silva received 50 staples and countless stitches as a result of Tuesday's attack.
Silva says her neighbor's dog wandered into her open garage and lunged at her and her four-month-old son.
After she put the child in a plastic garbage bin, the 80-pound pit bull terrier, "Swisher", continued pursuing the baby and knocked over the bin as Silva fought the animal off with her arms. Two men across the street eventually came to her aid and chased away the dog.
"My flesh was flying off of my arms," she says. "I just don't think that I would have been able to stand up any longer."
Mighty Pharaoh tried to kill the Jewish babies.
The Jewish Mom’s were so tough they were having the babies one day and out working in the field the next, their babies hidden away. One Mom was bold enough to make a basket of reeds and then waterproof it, and then put her baby Moses in it to float downstream. Mom’s do amazing things because of their love for their children.
Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NASB) Thus says the Lord, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things," declares the Lord.
This morning we need to understand Three things that God Delights in, and once we understand these, we can better understand the power of a Mother’s Love. But first, let me ask you a couple of questions that this verse brings up…
1. What Do You Boast About?
let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me
You may be smart, you may have wealth, but God says that doesn’t matter. If you are going to boast in anything, boast in knowing and understanding God. That requires growing relationship with Him. That requires an intimacy with God such that any time you pick up His Word you are immediately overwhelmed with a flash from God!
Like the TV series Chuck, who has the Intersect in his brain. Whenever he sees someone or something that is in the Super Spy data base, he flashes on it and all this information comes to his mind. He always gets overwhelmed for just a bit when he “flashes” on the information.
Do you have that kind of relationship with God? Do you boast to your friends that you have such a special relationship?
I know that our world has become so infected with sin that homes and families are fractured and tormented. Not everyone has a wonderful mom who loved them and nurtured them. Our Mom’s may be flawed in several ways, but there is always something you can boast in about your mom. It may be her cooking, her crafts, her drive, her protection, her prayers, her drive. Dig deep and find something to boast in about your Mom. Boast about her to your children, and even your grandchildren. Honor her. She gave you life.
We honor God because He gave us life. If we are to boast, boast in God, in that you know Him and understand Him.
2. What Are God
Youtube results:

Cops & Clergy Condemn the War on Drugs
Ranking police officers and Religious leaders speak out against the Drug War. Former Seatt...
published: 03 Aug 2009
author: CSDPTube
Cops & Clergy Condemn the War on Drugs
Ranking police officers and Religious leaders speak out against the Drug War. Former Seattle Police Chief Norm Stamper calls it "The worst social policy since slavery." Rabbi Michael Feinberg of the NY Labor-Religion Coalition says, "The War on Drugs has been as devastating to our communities as the drugs themselves."
- published: 03 Aug 2009
- views: 5333
- author: CSDPTube

The Clergy's Take on Dr. Issam Nemeh
The Christian clergy members discuss the work of Issam Nemeh, MD, specifically his healing...
published: 19 Aug 2010
author: faithmiracles
The Clergy's Take on Dr. Issam Nemeh
The Christian clergy members discuss the work of Issam Nemeh, MD, specifically his healing services, their personal experiences with Dr. Nemeh, and their personal opinions about him. Featured in the video are: His Excellency, Bishop Roger Gries, OSB of the Cleveland Catholic Dioceses Fr. Joseph Fata, Pastor of St. Luke's Catholic Church, Boardman, Ohio Sr. Monica Maria Navin, Sisters of the Incarnate Word, Parma Heights, Ohio Rev. Channing Smith, Rector of Transfiguration Episcopal Church, San Mateo, California For more information on healing services, or to make an appointment with Dr. Nemeh please visit DrNemeh.com For Dr. Nemeh DVDs, please visit DrNemehDVD.com
- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 11308
- author: faithmiracles

Joy of Satan - Meet the Clergy
Joy of Satan Parody II - Meet the Clergy!...
published: 15 Jun 2007
author: circleofpoop
Joy of Satan - Meet the Clergy
Joy of Satan Parody II - Meet the Clergy!
- published: 15 Jun 2007
- views: 16466
- author: circleofpoop

The Procession of Clergy and Bishops for the Installation of the ACNA Archbishop Bob Duncan
The clergy and bishops participating in the installation of the first archbishop for the A...
published: 25 Jun 2009
author: BabyBlue Anglican
The Procession of Clergy and Bishops for the Installation of the ACNA Archbishop Bob Duncan
The clergy and bishops participating in the installation of the first archbishop for the Anglican Church in North America process in to Christ Church Plano, Texas on June 24, 2009.
- published: 25 Jun 2009
- views: 15750
- author: BabyBlue Anglican