Loess Plateau - China
Loess Plateau - China
Home to more than 50 million people, the Loess Plateau in China's Northwest takes its name from the dry powdery wind-blown soil. Centuries of overuse and overgrazing led to one of the highest erosion rates in the world and widespread poverty. Two projects set out to restore China's heavily degraded Loess Plateau through one of the world's largest erosion control programs with the goal of returning this poor part of China to an area of sustainable agricultural production. More than 2.5 million people in four of China's poorest provinces -- Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu, as well as the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region -- were lifted out of poverty. Through the introduction of sustainable farming practices, farmers' incomes doubled, employment diversified and the degraded environment was revitalized.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 1/6
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 1/6
EarthsHope.org The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese People are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
Loess Plateau
Loess Plateau
The enormity and beauty of this film never fails to stun me. This film made by John D Lui and his Earth's Hope project is truly wonderful. The Loess Plateau and area the size of France, was an eroded desert fifteen years ago.. Watch this PTV interview with John and marvel at the ingenuity of humanity, and be astonished.
Loess Plateau
Loess Plateau
John Lui and his Earth's Hope project study the restoration of damaged eco-systems. This film shows the truly great results achieved at the Loess Plateau in China.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 2/6
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 2/6
EarthsHope.org The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese People are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 3/6
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 3/6
EarthsHope.org The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese People are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 4/6
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 4/6
EarthsHope.org The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese People are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 5/6
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 5/6
EarthsHope.org The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese People are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 6/6
The Lessons of the Loess Plateau 6/6
EarthsHope.org The Lessons of the Loess Plateau shows how an ancient civilization failed because they degraded their ecosystem functions. This parallels many if not all of the original cradles of civilization. But recently the Chinese People are showing that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems.
300% Increase in Agricultural Income on 8.6 Million Acres - Loess Plateau in China
300% Increase in Agricultural Income on 8.6 Million Acres - Loess Plateau in China
Excerpts from Hope in a Changing Climate (www.open.edu Part I: Loess Plateau, China - youtu.be Part II: Ethiopia - youtu.be Part III: Rwanda - youtu.be Large, decimated ecosystems can be restored. Bringing large areas back from environmental ruin is possible, and the results are key to stabilizing the earth's climate, eradicating poverty and making sustainable agriculture a reality. Under the guidance of a few people who have knowledge and vision, local uneducated rural poor can to restore empty, degraded ecosystems -- transforming them into fertile, life-sustaining environments which enable people to break free from entrenched poverty. This is the simple application of Agricultural Natural Technology Solutions and Permaculture Design principles, such as earthworks, water harvesting, soil building, creating biodiversity. The area of restoration on the Loess Plateau in China is the size of Belgium and thousands of years of subsistence farming had made it barren and infertile. In 1995 the Chinese Government, with support from The World Bank, took drastic action to rehabilitate the plateau, and local people -- seen as both perpetuators and victims of the devastation -- became part of the solution. They completely transformed 8.6 million acres of wasteland into hyper-productive land. This caused a 300% increase in agricultural income and enabled millions of local family farmers to break free from entrenched poverty. Anybody can take a Permaculture Design Course and learn how <b>...</b>
WORLD BANK CHINA - Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project 1/3
WORLD BANK CHINA - Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project 1/3
EL PROYECTO DE REHABILITACIÓN DE LA MESETA DE LOESS EN CHINA El objetivo principal del proyecto es el de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible aumentando la productividad agrícola y los ingresos así como el mejoramiento del medio ambiente en las cuencas del río Amarillo. THE LOESS PLATEAU REHABILITATION PROJECT IN CHINA The development objective of the Project is to contribute to a sustainable development in the Loess Plateau, increasing agricultural production and incomes, as well as improving the ecological conditions in tributary watersheds of the Yellow River. Banco Mundial / World Bank
Lessons Of The Loess Plateau
Lessons Of The Loess Plateau
Originally produced by John D. Liu; Re-edited by Ariane Wu. More on sites.asiasociety.org
Day 1 - 2nd Keynote: The Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Part 1)
Day 1 - 2nd Keynote: The Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Part 1)
Session D: Inspirations - Solution Ideas Topic: 2nd Keynote: The Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Part 1) Contributor: Mr. John D. Liu
Earth Report - Hope in a Changing Climate
Earth Report - Hope in a Changing Climate
Until recently China's Loess Plateau was one of the poorest regions of the country. But a major project is restoring fertility and hope. Centuries of continuous agriculture have removed the trees and leaving land vulnerable to erosion from wind and rain. An area the size of Belgium, its once fertile soils have been washed away, leaving a blighted land scarred with deep ravines - and farmers scarcely able to make a living. According to soil scientist John Liu, its a story repeated all over the world. For 15 years hes been following a remarkable project to replant trees and stablise the soils of the Loess Plateau. Once bare hillsides are now cloaked with green forest and productive fields. Earth Report follows John Liu on a journey from China to Africa to find out how the the lessons learnt re Loess Plateau could help restore degraded lands around the world.
WORLD BANK CHINA - Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project 2/3
WORLD BANK CHINA - Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project 2/3
EL PROYECTO DE REHABILITACIÓN DE LA MESETA DE LOESS EN CHINA El objetivo principal del proyecto es el de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible aumentando la productividad agrícola y los ingresos así como el mejoramiento del medio ambiente en las cuencas del río Amarillo. THE LOESS PLATEAU REHABILITATION PROJECT IN CHINA The development objective of the Project is to contribute to a sustainable development in the Loess Plateau, increasing agricultural production and incomes, as well as improving the ecological conditions in tributary watersheds of the Yellow River. Banco Mundial / World Bank
WORLD BANK CHINA - Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project 3/3
WORLD BANK CHINA - Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project 3/3
EL PROYECTO DE REHABILITACIÓN DE LA MESETA DE LOESS EN CHINA El objetivo principal del proyecto es el de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible aumentando la productividad agrícola y los ingresos así como el mejoramiento del medio ambiente en las cuencas del río Amarillo. THE LOESS PLATEAU REHABILITATION PROJECT IN CHINA The development objective of the Project is to contribute to a sustainable development in the Loess Plateau, increasing agricultural production and incomes, as well as improving the ecological conditions in tributary watersheds of the Yellow River. Banco Mundial / World Bank
Day 1 - 2nd Keynote: The Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Part 2)
Day 1 - 2nd Keynote: The Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Part 2)
Session D: Inspirations - Solution Ideas Topic: 2nd Keynote: The Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Part 2) Contributor: Mr. John D. Liu
Cave Dwellings on Loess Plateau, Northern China 中国窑洞-窑情
Cave Dwellings on Loess Plateau, Northern China 中国窑洞-窑情
The producer of this video comes from the Loess Plateau. This video shows the cave-dwellings there and his childhood memories. Just take a look! It will give you another image of China! 本片以黄土高原的窑洞建筑群为背景,展现了当地的风土民貌。