- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 558841
- author: CJENMMUSIC
프라이머리(Primary) - ?(물음표) (Feat.최자 of 다이나믹듀오, Zion.T)
프라이머리(Primary) - ?(물음표) (Feat.최자 of 다이나믹듀오, Zion.T) --------------------------------------...
published: 31 Oct 2012
프라이머리(Primary) - ?(물음표) (Feat.최자 of 다이나믹듀오, Zion.T)
프라이머리(Primary) - ?(물음표) (Feat.최자 of 다이나믹듀오, Zion.T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CJ E&M; Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M;의 음악사업 브랜드로 음원/음반의 투자•제작•유통부터 콘서트•페스티벌 개최까지 포함하고 있습니다. CJ E&M; MUSIC과 함께 하는 K-POP 아티스트들의 신곡과 뮤직비디오, 미공개 독점 영상 등을 이곳 YOUTUBE 채널에서 가장 먼저 만나보세요! CJ E&M; Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M;, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M; Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and exclusive video clips on the official YouTube of CJ E&M; Music. Wanna know more about your favorite K-pop artist? Visit global.mnet.com
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 558841
- author: CJENMMUSIC
Primary Colors
John Travolta leads an all-star cast including Oscar winners Emma Thompson, Kathy Bates an...
published: 30 Sep 2011
author: universalmoviesuk
Primary Colors
John Travolta leads an all-star cast including Oscar winners Emma Thompson, Kathy Bates and Billy Bob Thornton on a wild race to the White House in this savagely funny comedy.
- published: 30 Sep 2011
- author: universalmoviesuk
프라이머리 (Primary) - 씨스루 (See Through) (Feat. 개코, Zion.T)
예측할 수 없는 즐거움, 프라이머리 시리즈 그 세번째 앨범 'Primary And The Messengers Part.3' 작곡가 겸 프로듀서 프라이머리는 다채로...
published: 03 May 2012
프라이머리 (Primary) - 씨스루 (See Through) (Feat. 개코, Zion.T)
예측할 수 없는 즐거움, 프라이머리 시리즈 그 세번째 앨범 'Primary And The Messengers Part.3' 작곡가 겸 프로듀서 프라이머리는 다채로운 성향의 실력있는 뮤지션들과의 끊임없는 작업을 통해 언더그라운드 힙합씬에서는 천재 프로듀서로 그 명성을 드높이고 있으며, 이미 대중음악계 곳곳에 자리잡고 큰 사랑을 받고 있다. 2011년에 시작된 프라이머리의 시리즈 앨범인 'Primary And The Messengers'는 2012년에 접어들며 그의 풍부한 스타일의 곡과 실력파 뮤지션들의 만남을 통해 더욱 박차를 가해 진행 중이다. 다이나믹듀오가 참여한 '자니'에 이어 자이언티와 함께한 '만나', 빈지노가 합세한 '멀어'까지. 최근 채 한 달의 간격도 두지 않고 그가 세상에 내어놓은 곡들은 '실력파 천재 프로듀서'라는 그의 단골 수식어에 걸맞게 빠른 작업속도 만큼이나 다양한 스타일과 높은 완성도를 자랑한다. 프라이머리는 프라이머리 시리즈인 'Primary And The Messengers' 작업을 통해 그의 메신저들과 함께 그가 가진 다양한 음악적 스펙트럼이 과연 어디까지인지를 끊임없이 시험하고 도전해나가고 있으며, 그의 이런 시도의 결과물들은 대중들에게 큰 사랑을 받는 동시에 다음 작업에 대한 기대감을 상승시키고 있다. 다시 한 번 놀랄만큼 빠른 속도와 다양한 시도로 만들어진 프라이머리 시리즈 그 세번째 앨범, 'Primary And The Messengers Part.3'. 이번 앨범 역시 리스너들의 기대를 만족시킬만한 풍부한 사운드와 새로운 스타일의 시도를 보여준다. 물론, 언제나 프라이머리시리즈가 자부하는 탄탄한 실력의 뮤지션 참여도 빼놓지 않았다. 첫번째 트랙인 'Love'는 봄 날씨에 잘 어울리는 사랑노래로 레트로 감성이 세련되게 묻어난 소울풀한 곡이다. 범키의 따뜻하고 감미로운 보컬과 팔로알토의 ...
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 474008
- author: CJENMMUSIC
Sesame Street: OK Go - Three Primary Colors
Mix it up with OK Go! Then, come color with the new "OK Go Color" game at Sesame Street: w...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: SesameStreet
Sesame Street: OK Go - Three Primary Colors
Mix it up with OK Go! Then, come color with the new "OK Go Color" game at Sesame Street: www.sesamestreet.org For more fun games and videos for your preschooler in a safe, child-friendly environment, visit us at www.sesamestreet.org Sesame Street is a production of Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit educational organization which also produces Pinky Dinky Doo, The Electric Company, and other programs for children around the world.
- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 5827926
- author: SesameStreet
Halo 4 Tips and Tactics - Choosing a Primary Rifle (DMR, BR, Carbine and Light Rifle Breakdown)
Make sure to Like and Subscribe if you enjoy Halo! Watch Halo on AmazYn Channel: youtube.c...
published: 12 Nov 2012
author: arCtiCvBi
Halo 4 Tips and Tactics - Choosing a Primary Rifle (DMR, BR, Carbine and Light Rifle Breakdown)
Make sure to Like and Subscribe if you enjoy Halo! Watch Halo on AmazYn Channel: youtube.com Watch Episode #2: youtu.be During my first Halo 4 Tips and Tactics video, I break down the statistics of the Battle Rifle (BR), Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR), Covenant Carbine, and the Light Rifle. This video is to help you make the right decision when choosing your primary rifle for Halo 4. Here are the statistics for each of the the four starting rifles: Battle Rifle 3-shot burst 5 shots to Kill Time to kill:1.7 seconds (estimate) DMR Semi-Auto rifle 5 shots to kill Time to kill: 1.7 seconds (estimate) Carbine Semi-auto trigger 7 shots to kill Time to kill: 1.6 seconds (estimate) Light Rifle Semi-auto trigger 5 shots to kill (unscoped) OR 4 shots to kill (scoped) Time to kill: 1.8 seconds (unscoped estimate) OR 1.5 seconds (scoped estimate) This video shows which of the starting rifles are the best, based on statistics. It also suggests how to use the rifles in Halo 4. Which halo 4 starting rifle is the best? best primary weapon in halo 4 best rifle in halo 4
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 22876
- author: arCtiCvBi
John F. Kennedy 1960 WV Primary
John F. Kennedy West Virginia 1960 TV Ad' Citizens for Kennedy, Courtesy John F. Kennedy P...
published: 08 Feb 2007
author: 4President
John F. Kennedy 1960 WV Primary
John F. Kennedy West Virginia 1960 TV Ad' Citizens for Kennedy, Courtesy John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Encoded by 4President.tv, 2007.
- published: 08 Feb 2007
- views: 74781
- author: 4President
★ Skyrim - Character Creation: Primary Archetype! - Make My Character - #3 - WAY ➚
GO HERE TO VOTE! poll.pollcode.com See the full show! ★ Skyrim-show.tgn.tv ★ WAY ➚ What is...
published: 17 Oct 2011
author: TGN
★ Skyrim - Character Creation: Primary Archetype! - Make My Character - #3 - WAY ➚
GO HERE TO VOTE! poll.pollcode.com See the full show! ★ Skyrim-show.tgn.tv ★ WAY ➚ What is WAY? - See http Character Creation: Choose My Race FINAL ROUND - Make My Character! Join the conversation at tgn.tv Welcome to video number 3 of Skyrim's Make My Character series. In this video you will be voting for my character's Primary Archetype! Choose if you want me to primarily play as a warrior, mage, or thief. Keep in mind that you will get a chance to vote for a Secondary Archetype to mix up my playstyle a bit, so think ahead and think creatively. Create a character that you would like someone else to play! Get creative with this! Go to the very top of the description, click the link, and vote! Make sure to comment, rate, and SUBSCCRIBE! DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL (yongaiming) www.youtube.com PARTNERS www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com PARTNER WEBSITES www.slashfacepalm.com ruinnation.com Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= ★ TGN Social tgn.tv ★ What is TGN? http ★ TGN Times news.tgn.tv ★ TGN on Facebook http ★ TGN on Twitter twitter.com ★ We Are YouTube -- WAY! way.tgn.tv
- published: 17 Oct 2011
- views: 72552
- author: TGN
Modern Warfare 3 - Primary Weapons - Community Suggestions Ep. 1
In this first episode of MW3 Community Suggestions we give our ideas for primary weapons. ...
published: 21 Aug 2011
author: AwesomeSauceFilms
Modern Warfare 3 - Primary Weapons - Community Suggestions Ep. 1
In this first episode of MW3 Community Suggestions we give our ideas for primary weapons. Primary Weapon Suggestions: -Shotguns from secondary to primary and still effective! -More gun variety, especially in the LMG and Sniper category. -Equipment primaries, riot shield attachments. Leave your ideas as a comment, or video response.
- published: 21 Aug 2011
- views: 44967
- author: AwesomeSauceFilms
The Caucus - Romney's Money Primary
July 22, 2011 - Megan Liberman and Nicholas Confessore discuss Mitt Romney's fund-raising ...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: TheNewYorkTimes
The Caucus - Romney's Money Primary
July 22, 2011 - Megan Liberman and Nicholas Confessore discuss Mitt Romney's fund-raising and campaign approach. Michael D. Shear talks about Jon M. Huntsman Jr.'s recent campaign upheaval. Related Article: nyti.ms Related Article: nyti.ms Please visit nyti.ms in order to embed this video. Watch more videos at nytimes.com
- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 838
- author: TheNewYorkTimes
★ Skyrim - Character Creation: Primary Weapon! - Make My Character - #5 - WAY ➚
GO HERE TO VOTE! www.acepolls.com See the full show! ★ Skyrim-show.tgn.tv ★ WAY ➚ What is ...
published: 24 Oct 2011
author: TGN
★ Skyrim - Character Creation: Primary Weapon! - Make My Character - #5 - WAY ➚
GO HERE TO VOTE! www.acepolls.com See the full show! ★ Skyrim-show.tgn.tv ★ WAY ➚ What is WAY? - See http Character Creation: Choose My Primary Weapon - Make My Character! Join the conversation at tgn.tv Welcome to video number 5 of Skyrim's Make My Character series. The playstyle I will be playing when I do my review is a blend between thief and mage. Now you get to choose my Primary Weapon! Do you want me to use One-Handed Blades like swords and daggers, or do you want me to use bows and arrows? Up-close and personal or long range assassinations? Go to the link at the top of the description and cast your vote. Results will be revealed on the next video, Secondary Weapon, coming October 26th! Make sure to comment, rate, and SUBSCRIBE! DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL (yongaiming) www.youtube.com PARTNERS www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com PARTNER WEBSITES www.slashfacepalm.com ruinnation.com Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= ★ TGN Social tgn.tv ★ What is TGN? http ★ TGN Times news.tgn.tv ★ TGN on Facebook http ★ TGN on Twitter twitter.com ★ We Are YouTube -- WAY! way.tgn.tv
- published: 24 Oct 2011
- views: 101637
- author: TGN
Z: Armoury (Nazi Zombies Weaponry Guide) - Grenades (Primary: Stielhandgranate, M67 Frag, Semtex)
Welcome back to the Z: Armoury. In this episode we look at the primary grenades. These bei...
published: 04 May 2012
author: playthegamehome
Z: Armoury (Nazi Zombies Weaponry Guide) - Grenades (Primary: Stielhandgranate, M67 Frag, Semtex)
Welcome back to the Z: Armoury. In this episode we look at the primary grenades. These being, the Stielhandgranate from World at War, the M67 Frag grenade from Black Ops and the latest addition, the Semtex. Please note that the semtex does not exist in real warfare in grenade form. We hope the information presented in this transmission, has been enlightening. If so, consider giving the video a LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and FAVOURITE if you feel it is deserved. Eternal thanks to those that do. Music, Graphics and Gameplay: Benn Down www.youtube.com Voiceover Artist and Writer: Jack 'Boop' Andrews www.youtube.com ---------------------------- COMMUNITY LINKS ---------------------------- Be sure to subscribe to our other channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com For instant updates follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com or @playthegameco For community updates follow our Facebook page: www.facebook.com Be sure to visit our community forum: www.playthegame.co And Our Brand New News Site www.playthegamenews.com ------------------------------------ MERCHANDISE LINKS ------------------------------------ For Official PLAYtheGAME Merchandise playthegame.spreadshirt.co.uk Get a 10% Discount on ANY KontrolFreek purchase www.kontrolfreek.com Promo code: PlaytheGame Your support is incredibly appreciated! - The PTG Team
- published: 04 May 2012
- views: 11627
- author: playthegamehome
Video walkthrough for Primary levels 10-20 Part 1
Video walkthrough for levels 10-20 of the flash game Primary by Jacksmack.com...
published: 16 Feb 2010
author: JacksmackDotCom
Video walkthrough for Primary levels 10-20 Part 1
Video walkthrough for levels 10-20 of the flash game Primary by Jacksmack.com
- published: 16 Feb 2010
- views: 105404
- author: JacksmackDotCom
Chris R. and Myers R. Primary Purpose Workshop (Part 1 of 3) AA Speakers
Speaking in Cannes, France. Awesome workshop! Click the link for Part 2 :) youtu.be From t...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: OdomtologyBooks
Chris R. and Myers R. Primary Purpose Workshop (Part 1 of 3) AA Speakers
Speaking in Cannes, France. Awesome workshop! Click the link for Part 2 :) youtu.be From the book Alcoholics Anonymous: "In spite of the great increase in the size and span of this Fellowship, at its core it remains simple and personal. Each day, somewhere in the world, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic, sharing experience, strength, and hope." Make sure to like us on facebook :) We'd love to have ya stop in and see us! www.facebook.com What is the Twelve Step Model? How is it a "treatment for alcoholism" or "alcohol abuse?" From Wikipedia: "A twelve-step program is a set of guiding principles (accepted by members as 'spiritual principles,' based on the approved literature) outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems. Originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a method of recovery from alcoholism, the Twelve Steps were first published in the book Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism in 1939. The method was then adapted and became the foundation of other twelve-step programs. Twelve-step methods have been adopted to address a wide range of substance-abuse and dependency problems." You can find out more at: www.aa.org - Alcoholics Anonymous Official Site (And as should be blatantly obvious, we are in no way affiliated with them or any other 12 step program. We are just looking to provide hope to those suffering from ...
- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 357
- author: OdomtologyBooks
Transformers Fall of Cybertron Campaign - Electro Bolter Primary Weapon
Fear this Moby Dick!!!! Campaign Playlist: www.youtube.com More Links: www.youtube.com www...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: SoooMungry
Transformers Fall of Cybertron Campaign - Electro Bolter Primary Weapon
Fear this Moby Dick!!!! Campaign Playlist: www.youtube.com More Links: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.twitch.tv (Live Stream) www.twitter.com www.facebook.com Escalation: www.youtube.com Multiplayer: www.youtube.com Customization: www.youtube.com
- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 8883
- author: SoooMungry
Vimeo results:
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 came...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: Rick Mereki
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films.....
= a trip of a lifetime.
move, eat, learn
Rick Mereki : Director, producer, additional camera and editing
Tim White : DOP, producer, primary editing, sound
Andrew Lees : Actor, mover, groover
These films were commissioned by STA Travel Australia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BrDlrytgm8
Thanks heaps to Adam Fyfe, Brendan, Simon and Crissy at STA.
All Music composed and performed by Kelsey James (kelseyanne.james@gmail.com)
Soundtrack available here:
Music Recorded and mixed by Jake Phillips
Colour Grade : Edel Rafferty and Roslyn Di Sisto
Online Edit : Peter Mirecki
Assistance in titles and production design : Lee Gingold, Jason Milden, Rohan Newman
Big Ups to Michelle, Kiri, Renee, Hana, Andre, Ross, Bernie & Julie for your patience and support and awesomeness.....
Huge Thanks to :
Marco, Juliana and Julio at GAP Argentina and Peru
Ariana Cardenas, Toni Figuera and cooltra scooters in Barcelona,
Abete Zanetti Glass blowing school, Murano, Venice (http://www.abatezanetti.it)
Annabel, Rosario and Carolina (Pitu) in France
Juane and Andrea from the Princeca Insolenta hostel in Chile
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. The response has been phenomenal and overwhelming. We never thought this little project would reach out to so many people. x
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 came...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: Rick Mereki
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films.....
= a trip of a lifetime.
move, eat, learn
Rick Mereki : Director, producer, additional camera and editing
Tim White : DOP, producer, primary editing, sound
Andrew Lees : Actor, mover, groover
These films were commissioned by STA Travel Australia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcOgjrRWx_Q
Thanks heaps to Adam Fyfe, Brendan, Simon and Crissy at STA.
All Music composed and performed by Kelsey James (kelseyanne.james@gmail.com)
Soundtrack available here:
Music Recorded and mixed by Jake Phillips
Colour Grade : Edel Rafferty and Roslyn Di sisto
Online Edit : Peter Mirecki
Assistance in titles and production design : Lee Gingold, Jason Milden, Rohan Newman
Big Ups to Michelle, Kiri, Renee, Hana, Andre, Ross, Bernie & Julie for your patience and support and awesomeness.....
Huge Thanks to :
Marco, Juliana and Julio at GAP Argentina and Peru
Ariana Cardenas, Toni Figuera and cooltra scooters in Barcelona,
Abete Zanetti Glass blowing school, Murano, Venice (http://www.abatezanetti.it)
Annabel, Rosario and Carolina (Pitu) in France
Juane and Andrea from the Princeca Insolenta hostel in Chile
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. The response has been phenomenal and overwhelming. We never thought this little project would reach out to so many people. x
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 came...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: Rick Mereki
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films.....
= a trip of a lifetime.
move, eat, learn
Rick Mereki : Director, producer, additional camera and editing
Tim White : DOP, producer, primary editing, sound
Andrew Lees : Actor, mover, groover
These films were commissioned by STA Travel Australia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc0d510zTA4
Thanks heaps to Adam Fyfe, Brendan, Simon and Crissy at STA.
All Music composed and performed by Kelsey James (kelseyanne.james@gmail.com)
Soundtrack available here:
Music Recorded and mixed by Jake Phillips
Colour Grade : Edel Rafferty and Roslyn Di sisto
Online Edit : Peter Mirecki
Assistance in titles and production design : Lee Gingold, Jason Milden, Rohan Newman
Big Ups to Michelle, Kiri, Renee, Hana, Andre, Ross, Bernie & Julie for your patience and support and awesomeness.....
Huge Thanks to :
Marco, Juliana and Julio at GAP Argentina and Peru
Ariana Cardenas, Toni Figuera and cooltra scooters in Barcelona,
Abete Zanetti Glass blowing school, Murano, Venice (http://www.abatezanetti.it)
Annabel, Rosario and Carolina (Pitu) in France
Juane and Andrea from the Princeca Insolenta hostel in Chile
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. The response has been phenomenal and overwhelming. We never thought this little project would reach out to so many people. x
Timelapse Montage
A montage of my timelapse shots through the summer of 2010.
The dolly moves were done us...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: Mike Flores
Timelapse Montage
A montage of my timelapse shots through the summer of 2010.
The dolly moves were done using two custom track and dolly systems that I engineered, utilizing off the shelf components with a bit of custom fabrication. My primary system consists of a set of Mumford rotary tables with a Time Machine for the motion control programming. The secondary system consisted of a lower tech servo city DC motor.
Music is by Hans Zimmer, "Dream is Collapsing" from the Inception soundtrack.
Youtube results:
Halo 4 Solace Infinity Slayer - Primary Weapons
Solace Infinity Slayer Gameplay. Hope you enjoy the commentary too, it's all about the Pri...
published: 03 Oct 2012
author: LiteralGaming
Halo 4 Solace Infinity Slayer - Primary Weapons
Solace Infinity Slayer Gameplay. Hope you enjoy the commentary too, it's all about the Primary rifles and my opinions on them. Thanks ;) Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Subscribe, Thumbs up, Favourite & Most of all leave a comment ;)
- published: 03 Oct 2012
- views: 4866
- author: LiteralGaming
프라이머리(Primary) - 만나 (Feat. ZION.T)
1년만에 선보이는 프라이머리(PRIMARY) 시리즈 'PRIMARY AND THE MESSENGERS Part.2' 많은 리스너들이 그의 새로운 곡에 대한 기대와...
published: 04 Apr 2012
프라이머리(Primary) - 만나 (Feat. ZION.T)
1년만에 선보이는 프라이머리(PRIMARY) 시리즈 'PRIMARY AND THE MESSENGERS Part.2' 많은 리스너들이 그의 새로운 곡에 대한 기대와 궁금증을 갖기 시작했다. 어떤 곡인지, 언제 발매하는지, 누구와 작업했는지. 그는 계산하지 않는다. 그저 대중들에게 이 음악, 저 음악. 자신이 만든 음악을 들려주고 싶을 뿐. 실력있는 아티스트(Messengers)들과의 다양한 콜라보를 통해 새로운 사운드와 메시지를 전하기 위한 프로듀서 '프라이머리'의 시리즈 앨범 'PRIMARY AND THE MESSENGERS' 박스가면으로 자신의 모습을 숨김채 자기 마음 가는대로, 좋은대로, 하고픈대로 음악을 만들어 나가는 프라이머리가, 또 한번 대중과의 소통을 위해 새로운 메신저들과 함께했다. 리쌍의 개리, 슈프림팀, 얀키, 가리온 등 힙합씬의 내로라하는 뮤지션과의 작업으로 화제를 불러 일으켰던 프라이머리 시리즈 'PRIMARY AND THE MESSENGERS' 가 ZION.T, BEENZINO라는 독특하고 신선한 보컬의 떠오르는 신예 둘과 함께 1년여 만에 'PRIMARY AND THE MESSENGERS Part.2' 를 선보인다. 타이틀 곡 "만나"는 DOK2, SIMON D, 진보 등 힙합씬 최고의 뮤지션들과 함께 작업하며 힙합매니아들 사이에서 주목을 받고 있는 2012년 가장 핫한 신인 ZION.T가 피쳐링한 곡으로 70~80년대 소울 음악을 시대에 맞게 재해석한 신선한 느낌의 곡으로, 독특한 보컬 ZION.T의 맛깔스런 가사 표현과 신나는 브라스 연주가 곡의 분위기를 압도하고 있다. 이어 두번째 트랙 "멀어"는 Primary Skool 의 두번째 앨범 'Daily Apartment'의 객원 MC로 참여하는 등 Primary 와의 오랜 인연으로 최고의 호흡을 자랑하는 BEENZINO가 피쳐링한 곡으로 눈앞에 모든 상황이 그림처럼 펼쳐지는 듯한 섬세한 가사가 인상적인 곡으로, 오랜만에 함께 작업한 프라이 ...
- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 465011
- author: CJENMMUSIC
Battlefield 3: How To Get Revived w/Primary Weapon
a short BF3 battle-tip where I explain how to get revived and get in the fight immediately...
published: 16 Jan 2013
author: Crawlerz2468
Battlefield 3: How To Get Revived w/Primary Weapon
a short BF3 battle-tip where I explain how to get revived and get in the fight immediately with your primary weapon out. Special thank you to ZAZ969 for donating his body to science ►►Best viewed in full screen 1080p HD◄◄ ►►Medal of Honor: Warfighter style fire intro made by me. want one? PM me◄◄ ►►Best viewed in full screen 1080p HD◄◄ ►►Distorted BF3-Style Intro available to Subscribers for FREE◄◄ ►►my FB: www.facebook.com ►►my BL: battlelog.battlefield.com ►►Donate: tinyurl.com ►►Please check out my other videos! Don't forget to LIKE/SHARE/SUB◄◄
- published: 16 Jan 2013
- views: 238
- author: Crawlerz2468
Best Gun in Black Ops 2 (Call of Duty BO2 Best Primary Weapon in Multiplayer)
Thanks for watching guys, hope you all enjoyed! ● Best secondary weapon in BO2: youtu.be ●...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: TmarTn
Best Gun in Black Ops 2 (Call of Duty BO2 Best Primary Weapon in Multiplayer)
Thanks for watching guys, hope you all enjoyed! ● Best secondary weapon in BO2: youtu.be ● How to rank up fast in BO2: youtu.be My Twitter: www.twitter.com My Facebook: www.facebook.com 2nd Channel: www.youtube.com My Website: www.TmarTn.com -- Tags FTW call of duty cod black ops...
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 1375191
- author: TmarTn