History of Västra Gotaland
The film is about the early history of Sweden, the first kings from Levene, King Stenkil a...
published: 30 Dec 2008
Author: borgfilm
History of Västra Gotaland
The film is about the early history of Sweden, the first kings from Levene, King Stenkil and King Inge and Birger Jarl from Long. The writing of Västgötalagen and a lot of interesting adventures. Leif Olsson is one of the famous actors.
Open your Heart - Enjoy a journey through Västra Götaland
Västra Götaland in West Sweden. A region of 1.6 million inhabitants and 130 nati...
published: 31 Oct 2011
Author: RegionutvecklingVG
Open your Heart - Enjoy a journey through Västra Götaland
Västra Götaland in West Sweden. A region of 1.6 million inhabitants and 130 nationalities. - Open for innovation - Let your ideas grow where R&D Invetsments are at the top in European rankings - World Leading Automotive Cluster - Development of Energy Saving Buldings - Largest Port in Scandinavia - Scandiavia's Textile Center - Science Parks and Incubators - 90 000 University Students Read more: www.vgregion.se
100 glimpses of Västra Götaland
Pictures from a period of 15 years during biking and trekking in the county of Västra...
published: 29 Nov 2009
Author: biketommy999
100 glimpses of Västra Götaland
Pictures from a period of 15 years during biking and trekking in the county of Västra Götaland in south part of Sweden.
fjortisar i västra götaland...
published: 13 Apr 2009
Author: Smeekbaby
fjortisar i västra götaland
FROM ENGLISH TO GERMAN = Västra Götaland county
published: 19 Dec 2011
Author: YTenglish2german
FROM ENGLISH TO GERMAN = Västra Götaland county
FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH = Västra Götaland county
published: 08 Nov 2011
Author: YTenglish2spanish
FROM ENGLISH TO SPANISH = Västra Götaland county
Häggesled, Västra Götaland
The small society Häggesled south of Lidköping in Sweden 2010. Looking at the th...
published: 01 Jan 2011
Author: biketommy999
Häggesled, Västra Götaland
The small society Häggesled south of Lidköping in Sweden 2010. Looking at the the church and two viking age rune stones. You can also see pictures from the area here: www.panoramio.com
Västra Götaland and Gothenburg - Home the European Maritime Day 2012
Enjoy a journey through Västra Götaland in West Sweden, a region of opportunitie...
published: 31 Oct 2011
Author: RegionutvecklingVG
Västra Götaland and Gothenburg - Home the European Maritime Day 2012
Enjoy a journey through Västra Götaland in West Sweden, a region of opportunities. Discover a part of the world thriving on ideas, trade, growth, culture and tourism. The region also holds the largest port in Scandianvia and has a long tradition in the martime industry. Västra Götaland and the city Gothenburg is also home of the European Maritime Day 2012. Read more on: www.emd2012.se
Järpås, Västra Götaland
The society Järpås south of Lidköping in Sweden 2010. Biking through centr...
published: 01 Jan 2011
Author: biketommy999
Järpås, Västra Götaland
The society Järpås south of Lidköping in Sweden 2010. Biking through centre and visits the folk museum and passing the church. You can also see pictures from the area here: www.panoramio.com
Biogas i Västra Götalandsregionen
A delegation from the European Interreg IVc project LoCaRe (Low Carbon Economy Regions) vi...
published: 27 Jan 2012
Author: StreamcodeSweden
Biogas i Västra Götalandsregionen
A delegation from the European Interreg IVc project LoCaRe (Low Carbon Economy Regions) visited Västra Götaland in November 2011 to see how the region work with the ambition to replace fossil fuels in the transport sector with renewable energy sources.
implantat Lidköping Västra Götalands län Örnen Tandvå
www.lokaldelen.se Tandläkarna och tandhygienisten hos Örnen Tandvård erbju...
published: 02 Jul 2009
Author: LokaldelenSverige
implantat Lidköping Västra Götalands län Örnen Tandvå
www.lokaldelen.se Tandläkarna och tandhygienisten hos Örnen Tandvård erbjuder bl.a. implantat, kronor och tandblekning. Älvgatan 16, Lidköping, 0, 0510-627 81
Laserdome Västra Götalands Län Borås Laserdome
www.lokaldelen.se Laserdome beläget i Västra Götalands Län Borås...
published: 02 Jun 2010
Author: LokaldelenSverige
Laserdome Västra Götalands Län Borås Laserdome
www.lokaldelen.se Laserdome beläget i Västra Götalands Län Borås är utmärkt om du letar efter Laserdome eller firmafest. För att veta mer ring 033-100320, besök oss på Bryggaregatan 18, 50338 Borås, eller kolla in hemsidan på ovanstående url.
Frozen Iller (Västra Götaland/Halland) - Livekarusellen Riksfinal 2012
Producerad av Viktor Rydbäck, Jonas Bengtson, Marcus Lindmark, Kim Hultmark, Mathias ...
published: 02 Jun 2012
Frozen Iller (Västra Götaland/Halland) - Livekarusellen Riksfinal 2012
Producerad av Viktor Rydbäck, Jonas Bengtson, Marcus Lindmark, Kim Hultmark, Mathias Nordlander, Emelie Lundqvist. Filmverket Skaraborg
massage Västra Götalands län Falköping Lilja friskvård
www.lokaldelen.se Lilja Friskvård i Falköping är utmärkt om du letar ...
published: 04 Nov 2010
Author: LokaldelenSverige
massage Västra Götalands län Falköping Lilja friskvård
www.lokaldelen.se Lilja Friskvård i Falköping är utmärkt om du letar efter massage eller friskvårdskonsultationer. För att veta mer ring 0722 - 50 80 04, besök oss i Falköping, eller kolla in infosidan på ovanstående url.
Youtube results:
European Maritime Day 2012 in Gothenburg
Meet, interact and discuss at European Maritime Day 2012 on May 21st & 22nd in Gothenb...
published: 16 May 2012
Author: DjarvMedia
European Maritime Day 2012 in Gothenburg
Meet, interact and discuss at European Maritime Day 2012 on May 21st & 22nd in Gothenburg, Sweden. The event is organised by the European Commission with the government of Sweden, Region Västra Götaland and the City of Gothenburg acting as local partners. Many thanks to Djärv Media for producing this video. www.djarv-media.com
Sölden 2010 B-team Västra Götaland.mp4
Åkare från Boge slalomklubb Ulricehamn, Falköpings AIK Slalom, Vitesse Sk...
published: 07 Nov 2010
Author: JAndersB
Sölden 2010 B-team Västra Götaland.mp4
Åkare från Boge slalomklubb Ulricehamn, Falköpings AIK Slalom, Vitesse Skövde och Mullsjö Alpina klubb
Rock-carvings in Bohuslän and Västra Götaland in Sweden, and one in Norway....
published: 02 Mar 2009
Author: biketommy999
Rock-carvings in Bohuslän and Västra Götaland in Sweden, and one in Norway.
V Götaland 2008 part 2, Tollered - Vårgårda
Part 2 of my bike trip goes from Tollered to Ödenäs, Skogsbygden, Kärtared,...
published: 26 Oct 2009
Author: biketommy999
V Götaland 2008 part 2, Tollered - Vårgårda
Part 2 of my bike trip goes from Tollered to Ödenäs, Skogsbygden, Kärtared, Siene and Vårgårda. The beautiful Västra Götaland in southwest part of Sweden.