- published: 07 Jan 2011
- views: 3014

"Question and Anchor" with Jeff Glor
Jeff answers a number of questions for "The Early Show" series "Question and Anchor," givi...
published: 07 Jan 2011
"Question and Anchor" with Jeff Glor
Jeff answers a number of questions for "The Early Show" series "Question and Anchor," giving an inside look into the personal life of the recently-appointed news anchor.
- published: 07 Jan 2011
- views: 3014

The Early Show - Gourmet tailgating - It's not just burgers and dogs
Jeff Glor reports on how tailgating has evolved from burgers and hot dogs to jambalaya and...
published: 30 Sep 2011
The Early Show - Gourmet tailgating - It's not just burgers and dogs
Jeff Glor reports on how tailgating has evolved from burgers and hot dogs to jambalaya and lamb skewers.
- published: 30 Sep 2011
- views: 478

CBS This Morning
Jeff Glor interviews Blueseed co-founders Max Marty and Dario Mutabdzija on CBS This Morni...
published: 20 Aug 2012
CBS This Morning
Jeff Glor interviews Blueseed co-founders Max Marty and Dario Mutabdzija on CBS This Morning, 2012-Jul-30.
Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505268_162-57482030/floating-city-for-high-tech-start-ups
- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 3194

More young adults moving back in with parents
As the economy continues to slowly recover, the number of available jobs is much lower tha...
published: 05 May 2012
More young adults moving back in with parents
As the economy continues to slowly recover, the number of available jobs is much lower than the number of people looking, prompting young adults to move back in with their parents in numbers not seen in decades. Rebecca Jarvis and Jeff Glor speak with Jack Otter and Dr. Jennifer Hartstein about the trend's impact on the people involved -- and the economy.
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 622

Wall Trampoline: Jeff Glor learns new sport - WEB EXTRA
Jeff Glor learns the basics of wall trampoline from experts of the extreme sport....
published: 20 Mar 2012
Wall Trampoline: Jeff Glor learns new sport - WEB EXTRA
Jeff Glor learns the basics of wall trampoline from experts of the extreme sport.
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 6239

The five types of marriages
Relationship experts Heide Banks and Ian Kerner spoke with Jeff Glor and Rebecca Jarvis ab...
published: 19 May 2012
The five types of marriages
Relationship experts Heide Banks and Ian Kerner spoke with Jeff Glor and Rebecca Jarvis about all five and their chances of lasting.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 769

Burn Pit Exposure Causes Lung Disease In Veterans
From: http://www.youtube.com/user/CBSNewsOnline
Please like PigMine's FaceBook page here:...
published: 10 Mar 2013
Burn Pit Exposure Causes Lung Disease In Veterans
From: http://www.youtube.com/user/CBSNewsOnline
Please like PigMine's FaceBook page here: http://www.facebook.com/PigMineNews
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March 09, 2013 - A mysterious illness causing disease of the lungs has affected many veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who were exposed to open-air burn pits, which were used to burn everything from batteries to body parts. CBS News' Jeff Glor has the story.
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
- published: 10 Mar 2013
- views: 45

The Week In Haiti
CBS News' Jeff Glor is in Haiti and provides a timeline of the events immediately after a ...
published: 17 Jan 2010
The Week In Haiti
CBS News' Jeff Glor is in Haiti and provides a timeline of the events immediately after a devastating earthquake struck.
- published: 17 Jan 2010
- views: 507526

Thank You for Fracking by Tom Chiarella
Jeff Glor talks to Tom Chiarella about "Thank You for Fracking," his article published in ...
published: 13 Jan 2013
Thank You for Fracking by Tom Chiarella
Jeff Glor talks to Tom Chiarella about "Thank You for Fracking," his article published in the January 2013 issue of Esquire magazine. The piece examines the debate surrounding hydrofracturing -- a controversial technique used to extract petroleum or natural gas from shale. Chiarella is a writing professor at DePauw University and writer-at-large and fiction editor of Esquire.
There's a gold rush going on right now. Man is breaking the earth, looking for natural gas — just as we always have. It's a mad scene, with hucksters on every side of the issue. And that's just on the surface. You won't believe what's happening underground.
Crude oil looks like poison. Messy poison. On a drill site, it covers everything like a hemorrhage. It coats, smothers, smudges. The image of a gusher, where oil ejaculates from the earth through the latticed construction of a derrick, is an American cultural essential. You're covered in poison. You're letting the earth be covered in it, too. Because you're rich. Blood, poison, money. Oil shows itself.
Natural gas hides from sight. It is invisible, and its capture through the controversial process of high-pressure, high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing — fracking — takes place a mile or more beneath the ground, in space we never see.
In the black of the earth, where stone is broken by water, gas permeates the rock. Therein lies our salvation, the answer to our energy needs for a century, for a decade, for some stopgap moment in our history. There we are breaking the earth to get what we need. Fracking doesn't promise a mere possibility; it is not exploration. It is our most ancient certainty that we can break the earth to take what we must have.
The gas, though, never makes an appearance. What does show up, the only substance you can see, smell, and touch at the surface end of this process, is used fluid, forced upward by the weight of the earth and the initial pressure of the gas. The fluid is the primary poison in this process, the source of much of the controversy over fracking. It is fairly harsh stuff, but mostly in the same way swimming-pool water is harsh: chemicals diluted in water, making it, in fact, something other than water. On its return to the surface, it carries murk that settled down there 390 million years ago — mud, rock, and water that have not seen light or oxygen for several epochs. It is positively nasty.
But the gas? Billions of cubic feet fed through fracked wells daily. Replacing a generation's worth of demand until now met largely by imports. Pushing billions of dollars into the economies of states, including Pennsylvania and West Virginia and Wyoming, millions into the pockets of erstwhile farmers and other landholders. Heaping more millions in tax revenue from a source no one imagined just ten years ago. On a fracking site, the gas is always gone: to market, down the pipeline, to the cities, often burned within a few days of collection. And the gas keeps coming. The wells hiss the exhalation of the broken shale just as oil flows from the piercing of the earth.
People protest. They see the earth broken, fear toxins pooling, work to halt the industry. But everyone knows the gas is there. So it must be had. And when that's gone, we'll look for more — deeper in the earth, at the bottom of the ocean, in moons, in the sun, probably in the stars. Now, we crack more crust, seeking power.
Read Full Article:::::http://www.esquire.com/features/cabot-oil-gas-catskills-fracking-0113
VDO Source:::CBS News Video
You will get fracked.
You have been fracked.
You will be fracked again.
- published: 13 Jan 2013
- views: 78

Small GDP growth and U.S. debt hurts world markets
The U.S. debt crisis has caused prices in world stock markets to fall, and the Commerce De...
published: 29 Jul 2011
Small GDP growth and U.S. debt hurts world markets
The U.S. debt crisis has caused prices in world stock markets to fall, and the Commerce Department released its second quarter report on U.S. GDP, which shows minimal growth of 1.3 percent. Jeff Glor reports.
- published: 29 Jul 2011
- views: 395

Do men need women more than women need men?
An article in the New York Times says that men need a partner more than women do. Rebecca ...
published: 21 Jan 2012
Do men need women more than women need men?
An article in the New York Times says that men need a partner more than women do. Rebecca Jarvis and Jeff Glor speak with relationship experts Cooper Lawrence and Ian Kerner about its validity.
- published: 21 Jan 2012
- views: 903

Avoiding, treating hangovers
Thinking ahead for New Years, Jeff Glor and Rebecca Jarvis speak with Dr. Holly Phillips f...
published: 30 Dec 2011
Avoiding, treating hangovers
Thinking ahead for New Years, Jeff Glor and Rebecca Jarvis speak with Dr. Holly Phillips for the best hangover prevention methods -- and treatments.
- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 198

Jeff Glor Testimonial
Jeff Glor from CBS' the Early Show stops by the HopNews office to interview Editor Robert...
published: 29 May 2008
Jeff Glor Testimonial
Jeff Glor from CBS' the Early Show stops by the HopNews office to interview Editor Robert Falcione for an upcoming story about Neil Entwistle's trial. A few words after the interview questions.
- published: 29 May 2008
- views: 1757
Vimeo results:

User Profile
A short film about a lonely girl who creates an extravagant identity for her internet fans...
published: 07 May 2011
author: Jeff Zhao
User Profile
A short film about a lonely girl who creates an extravagant identity for her internet fans.
Directed by Andrew Glor
Produced by Jordan Kolb
Recorded, scored, and sound design by Jeff Zhao

Good Microbes: The Untold Story
Group 22: Elizabeth Bernstein, Louisa Glor, Jeff Ryder, Cole von Glahn...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: Elly B
Good Microbes: The Untold Story
Group 22: Elizabeth Bernstein, Louisa Glor, Jeff Ryder, Cole von Glahn

Beer Shepherd
A typical day at work is different for everyone, and for some its more entertaining than f...
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: Paige Kendig
Beer Shepherd
A typical day at work is different for everyone, and for some its more entertaining than for others. We followed Jeff Glor's brother around for a day at his job - which entails literally tasting beer for a living.

Iconoclasia. Tete Álvarez, 2008
My Generation.
Todo empezó con ese fotograma, detenido en el tiempo, de Pete Townshend, g...
published: 01 Jul 2009
author: Ars Operandi Video
Iconoclasia. Tete Álvarez, 2008
My Generation.
Todo empezó con ese fotograma, detenido en el tiempo, de Pete Townshend, guitarrista de The Who, quien al romper su guitarra contra el escenario llegó a convertir el sacrificio de este instrumento en una marca registrada.
Aunque también estaban presentes, al igual que en el imaginario colectivo, la imagen de Jimi Hendrix, el más grande, en el festival de Monterrey del 67 prendiendo fuego a la suya y destruyéndola contra el palco y los amplificadores como tributo a la gloría del Rock; la mítica portada de The Clash del no menos mítico London Calling con el bajista Paul Simonon, destrozando su guitarra en el escenario. La imagen, tomada por Pennie Smith durante un concierto en el Palladium de Nueva York fue elegida como la mejor imagen del Rock & Roll de todos los tiempos por un sondeo realizado por la revista británica Q en la que participaron algunos de los mejores fotógrafos del mundo. Trozos de la guitarra destrozada se encuentran ahora en exposición en el Museo del Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll, en Cleveland, Ohio.
También flota aún en nuestras memorias la escena de Blow Up de Michelangelo Antonioni cuando el fotógrafo que encarna David Hemmings entra por azar a un antro rockero donde una banda, The Yardbirds, enloquece a los presentes. El grupo toca un tema frenético, cuando uno de los guitarristas, Jeff Beck, tiene problemas con la amplificación y destroza su instrumento para luego arrojarlo al público. Todos se pelean por quedarse con los restos de la guitarra, pero el protagonista huye con el trofeo, perseguido por los fans.
Para Ritchie Blackmore, guitarrista de Deep Purple, era frecuente golpear su Stratocaster contra los Marshall a media actuación, romper el puente o sencillamente dejar sonar algunos grupos de notas mientras variaba su sonido a golpes con el instrumento.
Más cercano en el tiempo, Kurt Cobain, el líder de Nirvana, ni siquiera esperaba a los bises para estrellar su Fender contra los amplificadores.
Éstos y otros tantos son algunos ejemplos de acciones que con una clara intención iconoclasta se han prodigado a lo largo de la historia del rock.
Aunque al pensar en otro arte también de origen popular como es el flamenco, comprobé que esta actitud de tratar de destruir el icono no había sido todavía secundada.
Este video no habría sido posible sin la inestimable colaboración del maestro José Antonio Rodríguez quien con su entendimiento ha aportado el toque necesario para la consecución de ésta, su obra.
Youtube results:

Natalie Wood's death: "48 Hours" uncovers new evidence
Erica Hill and Jeff Glor talk to Sam Kashner, contributing editor for Vanity Fair, about t...
published: 18 Nov 2011
Natalie Wood's death: "48 Hours" uncovers new evidence
Erica Hill and Jeff Glor talk to Sam Kashner, contributing editor for Vanity Fair, about the investigation they conducted with "48 Hours," surrounding new evidence in the drowning death of actress Natalie Wood.
- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 557

When kids stand behind scandal-scarred fathers
When men in power become embroiled in scandal, their most faithful supporters are often th...
published: 19 May 2012
When kids stand behind scandal-scarred fathers
When men in power become embroiled in scandal, their most faithful supporters are often their children, especially their daughters. Jeff Glor and Rebecca Jarvis spoke with CBS News contributor Lee Woodruff and author Doug Wead about the enduring support children have for their fathers during a crisis.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 358

Some GOPs Ask Palin To Leave
Sarah Palin's interview with CBS' Katie Couric has been called a "turning point" in the GO...
published: 29 Sep 2008
Some GOPs Ask Palin To Leave
Sarah Palin's interview with CBS' Katie Couric has been called a "turning point" in the GOP campaign and some conservatives are calling for Gov. Palin to leave the race, reports Jeff Glor.
- published: 29 Sep 2008
- views: 22341

The Early Show - Hall of Fame coach Marv Levy's new novel
Jeff Glor talks to former Buffalo Bills coach Marv Levy about his new novel, "Between the ...
published: 30 Aug 2011
The Early Show - Hall of Fame coach Marv Levy's new novel
Jeff Glor talks to former Buffalo Bills coach Marv Levy about his new novel, "Between the Lies," about a cheating scandal at a Super Bowl.
- published: 30 Aug 2011
- views: 169