Graca Machel.VOB
Graca Machel.VOB
Graca Machel's address for the AMREF Stand Up for African Mother's launch on March 2nd 2012 at Laico Regency Nairobi, Kenya. Graca Machel is the patron of the campaign.
Graca Machel on Education for All
Graca Machel on Education for All
Graca Machel speaks about the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2011 "The hidden crisis: armed conflict and education"
Graça Machel: Traditional practices put women in positions of inferiority
Graça Machel: Traditional practices put women in positions of inferiority
Graça Machel argues that traditional practices put women in positions of inferiority; this is detrimental to womens rights.
Graca Machel - Edinburgh Business School in Johannesburg, South Africa
Graca Machel - Edinburgh Business School in Johannesburg, South Africa
At an event in Johannesburg, South Africa, Mrs Graca Machel tells of the Graca Machel Mentoring programme and its induction of several Edinburgh Business School graduates onto the programme.
Graca Machel talks to Al Jazeera - 17 July 08 - Part 1
Graca Machel talks to Al Jazeera - 17 July 08 - Part 1
As her husband turns 90, Nelson Mandela's wife Graca Machel speaks with Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna in South Africa.
Graca Machel at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg 2011
Graca Machel at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg 2011
Registo da criança: Graça Machel
Registo da criança: Graça Machel
A senhora Graça Machel, presidente da Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade (FDC), fala sobre a importância do registro da criança. É um direito e uma obrigação por parte dos pais, assegurar que, a criança tenha identidade dentro da familia e no estado moçambicano.
Graca Machel Machel said she is angry1.MP4
Graca Machel Machel said she is angry1.MP4
People in Mozambique desagree. Graca machel is angy because Polititians all over the world keep on reepeting themselves year after year and nothing realy happens.
Graça Machel Mandela, marraine de la campagne Stand Up For African Mothers de l'AMREF
Graça Machel Mandela, marraine de la campagne Stand Up For African Mothers de l'AMREF
Graça Machel Mandela est marraine de la campagne Stand Up for African Mothers. Elle apporte son soutien, aux côtés d'autres personnalités, à cette campagne lancée par l'AMREF qui vise à former 15 000 sages-femmes africaines d'ici 2015. Vous pouvez aussi vous engager ! Signez la pétition pour décerner le Prix Nobel de la Paix 2015 aux sages-femmes africaines sur www.standupforafricanmothers.com
Mrs Graça Machel (Part01)
Mrs Graça Machel (Part01)
Mrs Graça Machel, Founding Trustee of Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS), gives some insights on MINDS work in Africa.
TEDxChange: Graça Machel
TEDxChange: Graça Machel
In her TEDxChange speech, Graça Machel calls on the world to put women and girls at the center of the efforts to fulfill the Millennium Development Goals. She argues that the targets outlined by the MDGs are not enough—people from every nation in the world must commit and mobilize in order to make fulfilling the goals a reality.
Mrs Graça Machel (Part02)
Mrs Graça Machel (Part02)
Mrs Graça Machel, Founding Trustee of Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS), gives some insights on MINDS work in Africa.
Graca Machel Mandela - ALA Grand Opening
Graca Machel Mandela - ALA Grand Opening
Graca Machel Mandela gives the keynote address for the Day-in-Life, Day 1 of theGrand Opening Celebration of African Leadership Academy. On February 6-7, 2009, African Leadership Academy hosted its Grand Opening, celebrating the establishment of this school seeking to transform Africa. The first day brought one hundred visitors to campus to experience a Day-in-the-Life at ALA, complete with class visits, business pitches, and student performances. For more information, visit www.africanleadershipacademy.org
Graca Machel talks to Al Jazeera - 17 July 08 - Part 2
Graca Machel talks to Al Jazeera - 17 July 08 - Part 2
As her husband turns 90, Nelson Mandela's wife Graca Machel speaks with Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna in South Africa.
Graca Machel Mandela PRM faz comedia Politica MDM nao gosta politicos de Nachinguea 1 001.MP4
Graca Machel Mandela PRM faz comedia Politica MDM nao gosta politicos de Nachinguea 1 001.MP4
PRM-Partido Republicano de Mozambique nao tem tropas nao tem Policias porque eo Partido do povo que participa sem guerra. PRM gosta da Policia e Tropa de Mozambique.
World Economic Forum: Graca Machel - President, Foundation for Community Development
World Economic Forum: Graca Machel - President, Foundation for Community Development
Graca Machel, President of the Foundation for Community Development, speaking at the World Economic Forum on Africa
(Part 1 of 2) UCT Chancellor Graca Machel
(Part 1 of 2) UCT Chancellor Graca Machel
UCT Chancellor Graca Machel talks on the importance of giving back.
Mrs Graça Machel (Part03)
Mrs Graça Machel (Part03)
Mrs Graça Machel, Founding Trustee of Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS), gives some insights on Promotion African Identity.
Graça Machel Addresses the UNFPA at the Africa Regional Planning Meeting
Graça Machel Addresses the UNFPA at the Africa Regional Planning Meeting
Graça Machel, advocate for the rights of women and children, addresses the issues facing women in Africa. February 16, 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa.