- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 8724
- author: AfricanCEO

Olivine Oil Advert
From Olivine Industries advertisements archives, a great old advert showing some musical i...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: AfricanCEO
Olivine Oil Advert
From Olivine Industries advertisements archives, a great old advert showing some musical inventiveness
- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 8724
- author: AfricanCEO

Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal - Violet City/Olivine City
The music that plays while in Violet City as well as Olivine City. Aw the memories....
published: 14 Feb 2008
author: pokemonmusicmaster
Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal - Violet City/Olivine City
The music that plays while in Violet City as well as Olivine City. Aw the memories.
- published: 14 Feb 2008
- views: 176804
- author: pokemonmusicmaster

Meteorite NWA 6232 Olivine Diogenite
600grams beautifull olivine diogenite. Complete specimen with small window where endpiece ...
published: 17 May 2010
author: Polandmet
Meteorite NWA 6232 Olivine Diogenite
600grams beautifull olivine diogenite. Complete specimen with small window where endpiece was cut-off for classification.
- published: 17 May 2010
- views: 3479
- author: Polandmet

Violet/Olivine City Pokémon Guitar Cover
MP3: bit.ly While playing the wonderful, nostalgia filled Pokémon HeartGold, I walked into...
published: 30 Nov 2010
author: FamilyJules7X
Violet/Olivine City Pokémon Guitar Cover
MP3: bit.ly While playing the wonderful, nostalgia filled Pokémon HeartGold, I walked into Violet city and the nostalgia hit me like a brick to the face. I suddenely was brought back to my childhood and it was so awesome. I thought, well, I seem to be getting you guys all sorts of nostalgic with these Pokémon covers, so this one's perfect! I'm having a lot of fun with Pokémon songs so my amazing subscribers will be treated with a lot more! Hope you enjoy this! Arranged and Performed by: FamilyJules7X Composed by: Junichi Masuda and Go IchinoseElectric Guitar: Schecter Damien FR Bass Guitar: Rogue LX200B Drums: Toontrack EzDrummer (Strings synthesized with Mixcraft) Interface: Pod X3 Mixer: Yamaha MG102c Audio Software: Mixcraft 5 Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro Video Camera: iPhone 4 I always change the camera angle for a different take of the leads. Notice how after 30 seconds the main lead line never changes for the rest of song? 2 minutes of straight playing... I don't think I've ever done a single take for that long. It was quite a challenge!
- published: 30 Nov 2010
- views: 22572
- author: FamilyJules7X

Let's Play Pokemon: HeartGold - Part 14 - Olivine Gym Leader Jasmine
She's mean, she's tough, she's pretty, and ready to fight us for the Mineral Badge! Today ...
published: 04 May 2012
author: PurpleRodri
Let's Play Pokemon: HeartGold - Part 14 - Olivine Gym Leader Jasmine
She's mean, she's tough, she's pretty, and ready to fight us for the Mineral Badge! Today all will be reeveealed as we make our way back to Olivine City and face off against it's Gym Leader Jasmine, the steel type Pokemon user! Enjoy! -- Stay connected with me! Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com
- published: 04 May 2012
- views: 67973
- author: PurpleRodri

Pokemon G/S Remix: Olivine/Violet City
A remix I made of the Violet town and Olivine City theme...
published: 28 Feb 2008
author: PokeRemixStudio
Pokemon G/S Remix: Olivine/Violet City
A remix I made of the Violet town and Olivine City theme
- published: 28 Feb 2008
- views: 83555
- author: PokeRemixStudio

Pokémon Soul Silver - Part 20: Olivine City Gym Leader Jasmine
Subscribe to the SHOW to make sure you don't miss a thing: www.youtube.com This is a Co-Op...
published: 21 Apr 2012
author: cuddleofdeath
Pokémon Soul Silver - Part 20: Olivine City Gym Leader Jasmine
Subscribe to the SHOW to make sure you don't miss a thing: www.youtube.com This is a Co-Op LP with DE SEXY ASHHBEARR: www.youtube.com Ashley's Part 20: www.youtube.com In this episode: ♥ We meet up with Eusine after Suicune runs off and battle him. ♥ We head back to Olivine City and deliver to Secret Potion to Amphy and Jasmine ♥ Jasmine returns to her gym and we battle her. Let's Lets Play Pokémon Pokemon Gold Silver Crystal HeartGold SoulSilver Walkthrough Playthrough Nintendo DS 3DS Emulator Part Episode AshhBearr AshBear AshhBear AshBearr Ashh CuddleofDeath CoD Cuddle of death Cuddledeath Kristen Co-Op LP
- published: 21 Apr 2012
- views: 6208
- author: cuddleofdeath

Let's Play Pokemon: HeartGold - Part 12 - Olivine Lighthouse
Today we make our way to the top of the Olivine Lighthouse and meet Jasmine the Olivine Ci...
published: 30 Apr 2012
author: PurpleRodri
Let's Play Pokemon: HeartGold - Part 12 - Olivine Lighthouse
Today we make our way to the top of the Olivine Lighthouse and meet Jasmine the Olivine City Gym Leader, who wants us to help her get some medicine from Cianwood city for a Pokemon! Enjoy! -- Stay connected with me! Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com
- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 62607
- author: PurpleRodri

Pokemon Heart Gold - Rematch with Jasmine, Olivine City Gym Leader
Status of my team: Pidgeot Lv65, Rhydon Lv65, Tangrowth Lv65, Lapras Lv65, Magneton Lv66, ...
published: 10 Dec 2009
author: MegamanNG
Pokemon Heart Gold - Rematch with Jasmine, Olivine City Gym Leader
Status of my team: Pidgeot Lv65, Rhydon Lv65, Tangrowth Lv65, Lapras Lv65, Magneton Lv66, Typhlosion Lv66 Up next is Jasmine, Gym Leader of Olivine City and skilled with Steel. She has a Lv50 Bronzong, a Lv52 Skarmory, a Lv52 Empoleon, a Lv52 Metagross, a Lv56 Magnezone and a Lv62 Steelix. All her Steel-type Pokemon are weak against Fire except for Empoleon who is part-Water so that's where you bring an Electric-type in. All her Steel-type Pokemon have secondary types which require you to think a bit differently. But regardless, Jasmine isn't that tough just watch out because she can put up a serious struggle especially when Metagross uses Gravity which can make even Flying-type get hit by Ground-type attacks. For Jasmine's number, head to the Olivine Dining Room between 1:00 - 2:00 PM. On Wednesday afternoons, you can call her to schedule a rematch. Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak. This is for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.
- published: 10 Dec 2009
- views: 6505
- author: MegamanNG

Pokemon Gold and Silver - Violet City, Olivine City (music)
Pokemon Gold and Silver soundtrack. Song is called Violet City, Olivine City . © Game Frea...
published: 27 May 2009
author: ultddave
Pokemon Gold and Silver - Violet City, Olivine City (music)
Pokemon Gold and Silver soundtrack. Song is called Violet City, Olivine City . © Game Freak/Nintendo,The Pokémon Company, all rights reserved. Pokemon is a trademark of Game Freak/Nintendo,The Pokémon Company. Album published and distributed by Game Freak.
- published: 27 May 2009
- views: 18670
- author: ultddave

Olivine Tuku Advert
Olivine Tuku Advert...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: AfricanCEO
Olivine Tuku Advert
Olivine Tuku Advert
- published: 03 Feb 2012
- views: 500
- author: AfricanCEO

SoulSilver 15: Lovin' Olivine!
Marriland's Pokemon SoulSilver Adventure Part 15! In this episode, I catch a new Pokemon f...
published: 24 May 2012
author: Marriland
SoulSilver 15: Lovin' Olivine!
Marriland's Pokemon SoulSilver Adventure Part 15! In this episode, I catch a new Pokemon for my team, then explore the sights in Olivine City, including a trip up to the top of the Lighthouse. Keep in mind that there is not anything actually accomplished in the Lighthouse at this point, but the Trainer battles help give you some valuable EXP. -------------- HeartGold and SoulSilver are remakes of the classic games for the Gameboy Color, Pokemon Gold and Silver, except they are improved with better graphics and for the Nintendo DS now. This is Marriland's Pokemon SoulSilver Adventure series, started in 2010 (and continued in 2012), which is a compilation of how to get through the game, and additionally showing some of the things that may have changed from your childhood gaming experience. Keep in mind that this video series follows the style of my Pokemon Platinum series in the fact that I do a lot of cutting and editing to provide you an easy to digest experience and more comprehensive coverage in a shorter amount of time. If you're looking for more of a Let's Play style where minimal cutting is done, check out my Diamond, Yellow, or Pokemon White series instead. -------------- Website: pokemon.marriland.com Forums www.marriland.com Twitter: www.twitter.com Facebook: www.marriland.com
- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 3436
- author: Marriland

Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough 22 - Olivine City
Let's Explore Olivine City!...
published: 17 Sep 2009
author: giancarloparimango11
Pokemon Heart Gold Walkthrough 22 - Olivine City
Let's Explore Olivine City!
- published: 17 Sep 2009
- views: 96837
- author: giancarloparimango11

Pokemon Soul Silver Walkthrough 37 - Olivine City
I Think Toto Wants To Go For a Swim...
published: 12 Apr 2010
author: giancarloparimango11
Pokemon Soul Silver Walkthrough 37 - Olivine City
I Think Toto Wants To Go For a Swim
- published: 12 Apr 2010
- views: 56731
- author: giancarloparimango11
Youtube results:

Pokemon HG/SS Walkthrough Episode 29: Olivine Lighthouse! What? Ampharos!
Welcome to episode 29 of my Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver walkthrough. I sped this ep...
published: 27 Mar 2010
author: nizardbz21
Pokemon HG/SS Walkthrough Episode 29: Olivine Lighthouse! What? Ampharos!
Welcome to episode 29 of my Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver walkthrough. I sped this episode up, because otherwise it would be 28 minutes!! In this episode we go tot he Olivine Lighthouse, where we battle all the trainers, pick up items like Rare candy etc. Then we see Jasmine and here sick Amphy at the top, we must get a medicine for her! Then we go through Route 40 & 41 and buy a SecretPotion at Cianwood city (oh yeah we arrive at Cianwood City) and much more!! Enjoy! Pokemon HG and SS Walkthrough, Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver Walkthrough Part 29 US / U / English version / Europe version High quality, Both screens recorded Songs: Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness - Miror B theme Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness - SIM challenge Pokemon Platinum - Giratina Theme Dragonball Infinite World - Warrior's Room
- published: 27 Mar 2010
- views: 37982
- author: nizardbz21

Pokemon Soul Silver Part 34- The Olivine City Light House Part 1
in this part i get to Olivine city and get started on the light house so i hope u all enjo...
published: 26 Sep 2009
author: thegamemaster27
Pokemon Soul Silver Part 34- The Olivine City Light House Part 1
in this part i get to Olivine city and get started on the light house so i hope u all enjoy the video any way and b sure 2 rate comment and subscribe
- published: 26 Sep 2009
- views: 59423
- author: thegamemaster27

Pokémon HeartGold - Episode 12 - Olivine City!
Lots and lots of trainers! Leaving a "Like" shows some appreciation! (: In this episode we...
published: 27 Aug 2012
author: Polkiemaawn
Pokémon HeartGold - Episode 12 - Olivine City!
Lots and lots of trainers! Leaving a "Like" shows some appreciation! (: In this episode we: - Go to Route 42 and obtain the TM 65 Shadow Claw - Obtain HM04 Strength - Head through Routes 38 & 39 - Make our way into Olivine City Subscribe if you want more! goo.gl Twitter: twitter.com FaceBook: www.facebook.com Site where I get my resources (information/pictures/etc.): bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net Pokémon HeartGold - Episode 12 - Olivine City!Pokémon HeartGold - Episode 12 - Olivine City!Pokémon HeartGold - Episode 12 - Olivine City!
- published: 27 Aug 2012
- views: 639
- author: Polkiemaawn

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver - Violet City/Olivine City
This is the music that plays in Violet City in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Enjoy!...
published: 10 Sep 2009
author: SexeiAlexy
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver - Violet City/Olivine City
This is the music that plays in Violet City in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Enjoy!
- published: 10 Sep 2009
- views: 63681
- author: SexeiAlexy