- published: 25 Jun 2007
- views: 1054623
- author: NJRoadfan

Silly MS-DOS 5 Promo Video
Found this in the back room of my old job. It was titled "YO MS Raps!" MS-DOS 5.0 was the ...
published: 25 Jun 2007
author: NJRoadfan
Silly MS-DOS 5 Promo Video
Found this in the back room of my old job. It was titled "YO MS Raps!" MS-DOS 5.0 was the first version available in a retail package. Looks like MS spent a few $$$ to produce the effects in this video to promote it. High Quality Here: www.youtube.com
- published: 25 Jun 2007
- views: 1054623
- author: NJRoadfan

Chain of Fools : Upgrading through every version of windows (HQ)
For further information on this experiment see my blog : rasteri.blogspot.com...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: TheRasteri
Chain of Fools : Upgrading through every version of windows (HQ)
For further information on this experiment see my blog : rasteri.blogspot.com
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 2323091
- author: TheRasteri

MS DOS for beginners
This tutorial shows some simple commands and how to use ms dos. To use this on a PC go to ...
published: 30 Jan 2009
author: macmaster4848
MS DOS for beginners
This tutorial shows some simple commands and how to use ms dos. To use this on a PC go to run and type cmd. Go to www.computerhope.com for some commands.
- published: 30 Jan 2009
- views: 59917
- author: macmaster4848

LGR - NCR 386 MS-DOS Computer Overview
When the 386 came to market in 1986, it blew everything else away. Having one of these was...
published: 08 Apr 2010
author: phreakindee
LGR - NCR 386 MS-DOS Computer Overview
When the 386 came to market in 1986, it blew everything else away. Having one of these was considered "life in the fast lane" and until the 486 & Pentium, it was the ultimate CPU to use. This is an overview of the NCR Comten PC 386SX from 1989, a 386 processor-based sort of IBM PS/2 35SX ish clone, as well 386 machines in general. Also compares its speed to the IBM PC and XT range of machines. Footage of: Windows/386 2.1 Commander Keen 4 Goodbye Galaxy Arkanoid Test Drive III The Passion Bubble Ghost World Class Leader Board This is a response to some requests for footage of some of my systems "in action" instead of just a review. But that would be boring I think so lots of facts, commentary and history as well. Oh and I paid about $25+shipping for this PC, no monitor or extras. I have since added a 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive, 210MB HDD and Sound Blaster 2.0 card.
- published: 08 Apr 2010
- views: 54805
- author: phreakindee

MS DOS (Command Prompt) Basics
Some MS DOS (Command Promt) Basics -------------------------------------------------------...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: Adikaaaaaaaaaa
MS DOS (Command Prompt) Basics
Some MS DOS (Command Promt) Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: www.Adikaaaamods.comxa.com Twitter www.Twitter.com Facebook: www.Facebook.com
- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 43895
- author: Adikaaaaaaaaaa

MS-DOS computer
Here's an old MS-DOS computer for you. Slow as hell to boot up, has all the original flopp...
published: 28 Jul 2008
author: anthonycargile
MS-DOS computer
Here's an old MS-DOS computer for you. Slow as hell to boot up, has all the original floppies. Computer is a zenith. complete with RS-232 serial port, serial-style monitor port, and a parallel port on the back. Processor is an Intel 8088. I boot it up and run a directory listing on the floppy disk. very hard to read the screen, and i adjust the contrast after running the directory command. If anyone is interested in other videos of servers, old as/400 mainframes, microcomputers, unix system v machines or my modern 5 computer mosix cluster, pm or leave a comment. www.anthonycargile.com
- published: 28 Jul 2008
- views: 38973
- author: anthonycargile

LGR - Compaq Contura Aero 4/33c MS-DOS Laptop Overview
Before the netbooks of today, there was a subcompact laptop computer that was rather impre...
published: 07 May 2010
author: phreakindee
LGR - Compaq Contura Aero 4/33c MS-DOS Laptop Overview
Before the netbooks of today, there was a subcompact laptop computer that was rather impressive, the Contura Aero from Compaq. This is just an overview of the system and its features, showing how it runs and what it is (or is not) capable of. Tetris Crystal Caves Epic Pinball Sorry there's not more game footage, camera is acting up like mad and as such the frame rate was a bit choppy.
- published: 07 May 2010
- views: 24111
- author: phreakindee

Darkseed (MS DOS) - PBG
NormalBoots.com A (very early) Halloween special from PeanutButterGamer in which he covers...
published: 10 Oct 2010
author: PeanutButterGamer
Darkseed (MS DOS) - PBG
NormalBoots.com A (very early) Halloween special from PeanutButterGamer in which he covers a very intriguing MSDOS game called "Darkseed". Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com
- published: 10 Oct 2010
- views: 177371
- author: PeanutButterGamer

A+ Computer Repair Training Course - MSDOS Basics - Lesson 1
MSDOS Basics Course Lesson 1. This segment discusses DOS internal and external commands....
published: 29 May 2009
author: Greg French
A+ Computer Repair Training Course - MSDOS Basics - Lesson 1
MSDOS Basics Course Lesson 1. This segment discusses DOS internal and external commands.
- published: 29 May 2009
- views: 50201
- author: Greg French

I deliberatly infected my old computer system (Standalone PC) with a computer virus and re...
published: 20 Oct 2007
author: Ripspawnguild
I deliberatly infected my old computer system (Standalone PC) with a computer virus and recorded the results. I did this for my University project, but the video is online for anyone with an interest in Viruses and virus payloads.
- published: 20 Oct 2007
- views: 95431
- author: Ripspawnguild

LGR - Compaq All-in-one 486 MS-DOS Computer Overview
This is an overview of the Compaq Presario 425 from 1993, a 486sx processor-based PC, as w...
published: 16 Apr 2010
author: phreakindee
LGR - Compaq All-in-one 486 MS-DOS Computer Overview
This is an overview of the Compaq Presario 425 from 1993, a 486sx processor-based PC, as well 486 and Overdrive chipped machines in general. Also compares its speed to the 386 range of machines. During the early 90's the 486 ruled all. But when things started progressing so quickly, it wasn't enough and Overdrive CPUs and such addons became quite popular. Also following in the Macintosh's footsteps came all-in-one case designs for some PCs. Footage of: Windows 3.1 PFS WindowsWorks Symantec Game Pack Test Drive III The Passion DOOM Duke Nukem 3D Wolfenstein 3D This is a response to some requests for footage of some of my systems "in action" instead of just a review. But that would be boring I think - so lots of facts, commentary and history as well. You can still read up on the official HP site about this particular machine: h10025.www1.hp.com
- published: 16 Apr 2010
- views: 44500
- author: phreakindee

How To: Install MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1 + DOWNLOAD LINKS
Review of MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 installation. By Francis Smith. ----- Download Links ----...
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: Francis Smith
How To: Install MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1 + DOWNLOAD LINKS
Review of MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 installation. By Francis Smith. ----- Download Links ----- MS-DOS 6.22 boot floppy Mirror1: www.ulink.net Mirror2: 1gighost.com Mirror3: boot.oldos.net MS-DOS 6.22 Install disks + CD driver spikeco.info Windows 3.1 Install disks spikeco.info Windows 3.1 Software (IE5, Mosaic, more...) wiki.oldos.org Visit us at CommodoreToday.com
- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 3978
- author: Francis Smith

Gouwe Ouwe: MS-DOS computer (Consumentenbond)
Meneer Strubbe is 86 jaar oud en stokdoof. Zijn MS-DOS computer uit 1996 is hem nog erg di...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: consumentenbond
Gouwe Ouwe: MS-DOS computer (Consumentenbond)
Meneer Strubbe is 86 jaar oud en stokdoof. Zijn MS-DOS computer uit 1996 is hem nog erg dierbaar. Nooit storingen en nooit een virus. Maar een nieuwe ontwikkeling heeft de MS-DOS computer toch een beetje naar de zolderkamer verdreven. Bekijk alle Gouwe Ouwe's via www.consumentenbond.nl De video kan ook bekeken worden met ondertitels in het Nederlands of Engels. The deaf Mr Strubbe tells about his much loved 1996 MS-DOS computer. His personal computer has been working fine for years and he has never suffered problems with viruses and hackers. But his love for his MS-DOS was dampened somewhat after his daughter bought him an iPad. Mr Strubbe: 'My world has turned into a lap dog' Wil je meer weten over wat de Consumentenbond doet? Kijk dan op: www.consumentenbond.nl
- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 394585
- author: consumentenbond

Birth of the Microsoft DOS
From the PBS documentry "Triumph of the Nerds" tape two. They talk about the deal with IBM...
published: 12 May 2007
author: thwyter
Birth of the Microsoft DOS
From the PBS documentry "Triumph of the Nerds" tape two. They talk about the deal with IBM and Mircosoft to get a O/S for the new IBM pc's.
- published: 12 May 2007
- views: 37243
- author: thwyter
Youtube results:

MS-DOS - Vídeo Aula com os principais comandos - www.professorramos.com
Vídeo Aula com Tutorial de MS-DOS - Os principais comandos deste Sistema Operacional Micro...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: ProfessorRamos
MS-DOS - Vídeo Aula com os principais comandos - www.professorramos.com
Vídeo Aula com Tutorial de MS-DOS - Os principais comandos deste Sistema Operacional Microsoft - Comandos: dir cls vol ver time date label copy move del xcopy prompt edit mem entre outros comandos Leandro Ramos - www.professorramos.com
- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 56203
- author: ProfessorRamos

Gérer l'USB sous MS-DOS
Cette vidéo montre comment utiliser une clé USB sous MS-DOS. MS-DOS peut être très utile s...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: djgab21
Gérer l'USB sous MS-DOS
Cette vidéo montre comment utiliser une clé USB sous MS-DOS. MS-DOS peut être très utile si on possède encore un vieil ordinateur à la maison. Une disquette de démarrage MS-DOS peut par exemple le formater, vérifier les erreurs, sauvegarder les données, etc... J'ai donc fait une disquette de démarrage (bootdisk) de MS-DOS 6.22. Cette disquette contient quelques utilitaires (que vous pouvez modifier) et cette disquette contient aussi des drivers permettant de gérer les port USB et le lecteur CD. Il m'a fallu pas mal de temps avant de réussir à faire cette disquette, c'est pour cela que je la met à disposition de tout le monde. Voici le lien pour télécharger l'image disquette (format .IMA à utiliser par exemple avec Winimage): www64.zippyshare.com
- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 1782
- author: djgab21

LGR - Paku Paku - DOS PC Game Review
A new MS-DOS game? From the year 2011? Yes, they DO exist, and this awesome Pac-Man game b...
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: phreakindee
LGR - Paku Paku - DOS PC Game Review
A new MS-DOS game? From the year 2011? Yes, they DO exist, and this awesome Pac-Man game by Jason Knight is living proof! Download Paku Paku (v1.5 was shown in video, v1.6 fixes the issues I was having with CMS sounds and freezing) www.deathshadow.com www.classicdosgames.com Play the game online www.deathshadow.com Jason M. Knight's Blog my.opera.com Enjoy LGR www.lazygamereviews.com Regarding gameplay logic, this is directly from the dev, Jason Knight: The game logic is similar in most respects to the original, though due to the 8:3 reduction in game resolution many elements had to be dropped or faked. For example the animation appeared jerky trying to make the ghosts move faster or slower than PakuPaku, so they are for the most part the same speed. In the original you could take corners faster than the ghosts by clipping the edges of each turn -- this was called "cornering" by most players. It was impractical to recreate that at such a low resolution so instead I gave the player a one pixel "boot in the patoot" at every corner to give a slight advantage. When the ghost go into 'flee' mode when you eat one of the four super-pellets the ghosts are cut to half speed -- this proved using the 'random movement' logic to be too easy despite being remarkably close to the original game's logic. As such I have changed their flee logic to be a bit more intelligent, making you have to put a bit more effort into hunting them down. Likewise their pursuit mode logic is a bit different ...
- published: 04 Nov 2011
- views: 16554
- author: phreakindee