- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 19546
Terror At Sea - Sinking Of The Lusitania (Documentary)
RMS Lusitania was a British ocean liner, holder of the Blue Riband and briefly the world's...
published: 19 Nov 2012
Terror At Sea - Sinking Of The Lusitania (Documentary)
RMS Lusitania was a British ocean liner, holder of the Blue Riband and briefly the world's biggest ship. She was launched by the Cunard Line in 1907, at a time of fierce competition for the North Atlantic trade.
As German shipping lines tended to monopolise the lucrative passage of continental emigrants, Cunard responded by trying to outdo them for speed, capacity and luxury. The Lusitania was fitted with revolutionary new turbine engines, able to maintain a speed of 25 knots. Equipped with lifts, wireless telegraph and electric light, she provided 50% more passenger space than any other ship, and the First Class decks were noted for their sumptuous furnishings.
On the outbreak of war in 1914, she was commandeered by the Admiralty as an armed cruiser, but proved unsuitable in this role, and was allowed to resume passenger services on condition that she carried government cargoes. When she left New York for Liverpool on what would be her final voyage on May 1st 1915, submarine warfare was intensifying in the Atlantic. Germany had declared the seas around Great Britain (which still included Ireland) to be a war-zone, and Germans in America had been specifically warned by their embassy not to sail in the Lusitania.
On the afternoon of May 7th, the Lusitania was torpedoed by a German U-Boat, 11 miles off the Southern coast of Ireland, and sank in just 18 minutes with a loss of 1198 lives. The loss of 128 Americans among the dead helped to stimulate anti-German sentiment in the USA, leading eventually to its own declaration of war several years later. Although denied by the British at the time, recent underwater explorations have proved that the ship was carrying war munitions, and was thus a legitimate military target in terms of the laws of the day.
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 19546
The Sinking of the Lusitania 1915 (2007)
The story of Lusitania's last transatlantic voyage.
Titanic fans and history buffs see...
published: 20 Mar 2012
The Sinking of the Lusitania 1915 (2007)
The story of Lusitania's last transatlantic voyage.
Titanic fans and history buffs seeking a thought-provoking docudrama about a big ship disaster during the ocean liner era (sans fictional teen romance) will enjoy this movie about a pivotal event that indirectly contributed to the U.S. involvement in WWI.
The shaky hand held camera work during the panic after the ship was torpedoed and the sudden cut to the ship's stern disappearing into the sea were the two things I didn't like about the movie. Although the movie centers around two survivors, screen time is given to the admiralty, the bridge crew, the passengers and the u-boat crew.
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 80682
Der Untergang der Lusitania - Tragödie eines Luxusliners (Doku)
Der Luxusdampfer Lusitania war Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts der ganze Stolz der britischen ...
published: 08 Oct 2012
Der Untergang der Lusitania - Tragödie eines Luxusliners (Doku)
Der Luxusdampfer Lusitania war Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts der ganze Stolz der britischen Cunard-Line. Seit 1907 legte das schnellste und glanzvollste Passagierschiff seiner Zeit die Fahrt von New York nach Liverpool in nur viereinhalb Tagen zurück. Der Linienverkehr wurde auch nach Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs aufrechterhalten, denn das Schiff galt als unerreichbar für die langsamen deutschen U-Boote. Dennoch kam es zur Katastrophe.
Das weltweite Entsetzen nach der Versenkung der Lusitania zwang die deutsche Marineführung, den U-Boot-Krieg einzuschränken. Doch Empörung und Wut blieben - vor allem in den USA. Unter den Opfern befanden sich nämlich auch 124 Amerikaner. In seinem Zorn nannte der amerikanische Präsident Wilson die Tat "den schlimmsten Akt von Seeräuberei in der Geschichte der Menschheit". Zwei Jahre später traten die USA in den Krieg ein.
Doch war es kaltblütiger Mord auf Befehl eines deutschen U-Boot-Kommandanten? Spätere Theorien besagen, dass eine von zwei fürchterlichen Explosionen an Bord der Lusitania von der Detonation der Munition ausging, die das Schiff an Bord hatte. Und damit wäre der Angriff eine legitime Kriegshandlung gewesen.
Andere Theorien behaupten, dass der damalige erste Lord der britischen Admiralität, Winston Churchill, den Luxusliner absichtlich geopfert habe, um Amerika in den Krieg zu zwingen. Die Lusitania wurde als bewaffneter Hilfskreuzer der Royal Navy geführt. Es gibt gefälschte Ladepapiere, Pläne für die Bewaffnung des Schiffes, unterdrückte Zeugenaussagen und undurchsichtige Aktivitäten des britischen Marinegeheimdienstes.
- published: 08 Oct 2012
- views: 10472
RMS Lusitania
May 7th 1915: RMS Lusitania, enrute from New York to England was torpedoed and sunk by the...
published: 10 Feb 2007
RMS Lusitania
May 7th 1915: RMS Lusitania, enrute from New York to England was torpedoed and sunk by the German Submarine U-20
Sequel to my USS Indianapolis Video
It is to the victims that this video is declared
Music: Sleeping Sun
Artist: Nightwish
Subject: RMS Lusitania
- published: 10 Feb 2007
- views: 3546592
18 minutes of terror-lusitania part 1
In may of 1915, the RMS Lusitania sailed into warring waters. After being hit by a torpedo...
published: 15 Apr 2008
18 minutes of terror-lusitania part 1
In may of 1915, the RMS Lusitania sailed into warring waters. After being hit by a torpedo, the Lusitania sank in 18 minutes taking down 1200 souls with her. I own NOTHING in this video. The song is Missing by Evanescence, and the clips are from the movie Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea.
- published: 15 Apr 2008
- views: 136689
The Great Lusitania
The Cunarder 'Lusitania' was struck by a german torpedo and sank nose down in just 18 minu...
published: 29 May 2007
The Great Lusitania
The Cunarder 'Lusitania' was struck by a german torpedo and sank nose down in just 18 minutes. 1,200 perished (many forget the four germans locked up in her brig) She also had a strong list to starboard, this coupled with a mysterious second explosion caused her third funnel to fall over right ontop of two lifeboats being lowered, killing the occupants. The wreck today is disfigured, either by the strong current and fishing nets, or by another mysterious reason.
- published: 29 May 2007
- views: 209251
Lusitania (90s Version Documentary?) - Part One
I found this on the television before so I decided to show off. I don't know that much abo...
published: 15 Feb 2009
Lusitania (90s Version Documentary?) - Part One
I found this on the television before so I decided to show off. I don't know that much about this documentary but if anyone else does please talk about it.
- published: 15 Feb 2009
- views: 35631
John Chatterton Lusitania Expedition 1994
John Chatterton narrates his video footage from the 1994 Lusitania expedition. Watch and ...
published: 08 Jul 2012
John Chatterton Lusitania Expedition 1994
John Chatterton narrates his video footage from the 1994 Lusitania expedition. Watch and listen to John as he describes what it was like to visit the final resting place of this tragic shipwreck.
- published: 08 Jul 2012
- views: 4393
Andrew Bird - Lusitania (Featuring Annie Clark of St. Vincent)
Performance from Andrew Bird: Fever Year, directed by Xan Aranda. This song, and more, ava...
published: 04 Dec 2012
Andrew Bird - Lusitania (Featuring Annie Clark of St. Vincent)
Performance from Andrew Bird: Fever Year, directed by Xan Aranda. This song, and more, available on Andrew Bird's Break It Yourself + Hands of Glory Deluxe Edition.
Get Physical on Amazon: http://smarturl.it/andrewbirddeluxe
Get Digital on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/birddeluxeitunes
- published: 04 Dec 2012
- views: 42755
Bob Ballard is a hero of mine, as I'm sure he is for many people. Richard & Judy just did...
published: 07 Jan 2011
Bob Ballard is a hero of mine, as I'm sure he is for many people. Richard & Judy just didn't seem the right platform! However, The Lusitania is a story worthy of as much attention as The Titanic in my opinion.
- published: 07 Jan 2011
- views: 3895
Untergang der Lusitania Part 1 deutsch
7. Mai 1915: Professor Holbourn ist mit der Lusitania auf dem Weg in sein...
published: 25 Jun 2010
Untergang der Lusitania Part 1 deutsch
7. Mai 1915: Professor Holbourn ist mit der Lusitania auf dem Weg in seine schottische Heimat. Der Atlantikliner ist eines der größten Passagierschiffe seiner Zeit. Er gilt als unsinkbar und unerreichbar für U-Boote. Doch während die Menschen sich an Deck amüsieren, nimmt das deutsche U20 den Ozeanriesen ins Visier. Trotz Zweifeln gibt Kapitänleutnant Schwieger das Kommando zum Feuern. Er glaubt ohnehin nicht, dass er das riesige Schiff versenken kann. Plötzlich weigert sich einer seiner Soldaten, den Befehl auszuführen. Schnell ist er überwältigt, aber die Chance auf einen erfolgreichen Abschuss scheint jetzt verschwindend gering. Doch das Schicksal hat kein Einsehen: Der deutsche Torpedo trifft und bringt den schwimmenden Palast zum Erzittern. Schlimmer noch, er verursacht eine gewaltige Folge-Explosion, die das Schiff kentern lässt. In nur 18 Minuten sinkt der prunkvolle Atlantikliner völlig - 1198 Menschen ertrinken im eiskalten Wasser der irischen See.
- published: 25 Jun 2010
- views: 35935
Lusitania - Nearer My God To Thee
A lament to the sinking of the RMS Lusitania in 1915, using the rendition of "Nearer My Go...
published: 03 Oct 2008
Lusitania - Nearer My God To Thee
A lament to the sinking of the RMS Lusitania in 1915, using the rendition of "Nearer My God to Thee" from the film "Titanic" and scenes from the Discovery Channel film "Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea."
- published: 03 Oct 2008
- views: 82455
Andrew Bird & Annie Clark - Lusitania
"Le corde non hanno anima, vibrano solamente attraverso il cuore di chi le fa vibrare", ri...
published: 17 Feb 2012
Andrew Bird & Annie Clark - Lusitania
"Le corde non hanno anima, vibrano solamente attraverso il cuore di chi le fa vibrare", ripeteva sempre ai suoi allievi il grande violinista Shinichi Suzuki. "Imparare a suonare - sosteneva - è come imparare a parlare: nasce da un processo di imitazione. La chiave dell'educazione è semplice come lo sguardo di un bambino". La musica esiste allo scopo di far crescere un meraviglioso cuore. Anche il cuore di Andrew Bird è cresciuto secondo i dettami del metodo Suzuki. A quattro anni imbracciava già il suo primo violino: poco importa che si trattasse solo di una scatola di cartone con un righello, quel violino ha finito per diventare per lui la maniera più naturale per esprimere il suo cuore. Nei suoi sogni di madre, Mrs. Bird immaginava i figli intenti a suonare musica da camera nel salotto della loro casa nei sobborghi di Chicago. Nella realtà, invece, solo Andrew ha raccolto la scintilla della passione per la musica: "Ho imparato a suonare a orecchio e fino a dodici anni per me è stato solo un gioco", ricorda. "Prima che la mia identità si fosse formata, me la cavavo già alla grande con il violino. Quindi mi ci sono semplicemente buttato a capofitto". Al conservatorio della Northwestern University di Chicago, però, tutto cambia: quello che prima era solo un divertimento comincia a diventare come una prigione. C'è un momento, nella vita, in cui l'eredità che hai ricevuto deve essere rimessa in discussione perché possa diventare davvero tua. Per Andrew Bird quel momento coincide con la scoperta che la musica classica con cui è cresciuto non è che il punto di partenza della sua strada. "Non sono mai stato orientato verso la musica classica", ammette. "Una melodia di Mozart o di Bach o una vecchia canzone folk venivano assorbite dal mio orecchio allo stesso modo". È così che Bird comincia a dedicarsi ad assimilare le influenze più disparate. "La fase più intensa per me - dichiara Andrew - è stata la passione per il primo jazz, tra i 19 e i 24 anni. Non riuscivo a immaginare musica migliore di quella di Johnny Hodges o degli altri artisti di quell'epoca, erano un'enorme influenza per me. Era per lo più jazz anteguerra, non be-bop, quando lo scopo era quello di creare melodie. Poi mi sono appassionato agli anni Cinquanta con Lester Young e i dischi della Verve". Nel 1995, a ventidue anni e con un diploma al conservatorio nel carniere, Bird si trasferisce a Chicago e comincia a suonare il violino dovunque gli capiti, dai pub irlandesi alle fiere in stile rinascimentale. "Il violino è il modo più semplice che ho di esprimere quello che mi passa per la testa. Lascio che quel suono accada in maniera del tutto inconsapevole". La chimera del rock, però, non tarda a far sentire il suo richiamo: nel 1996 si aggrega a una band locale, i Charlie Nobody, partecipando alla realizzazione dell'album "Soup"; il gruppo non brilla certo per originalità, ma nel disco si può ascoltare la primitiva versione di un brano autografo di Bird, "Nuthinduan Waltz". Un brano destinato a comparire, di lì a poco, anche nel primo album autoprodotto da Bird a proprio nome, "Music Of Hair": nel disco, quasi interamente strumentale, Bird offre un saggio del suo virtuosismo al violino, senza però spingersi oltre ad un approccio calligrafico. Seguono una decina di album, collaborando con artisti del calibro di Jeff Tweedy, Glenn Kotche, Ani DiFranco, Rufus Wainwright e Bonnie "Prince" Billy e dando vita ad uno stile raffinato e originale ed affermandosi come uno dei talenti più geniali della scena indipendente americana degli ultimi 20 anni. Le esperienze che ha attraversato hanno contribuito a rendere la sua musica inconfondibile: quel fischiettìo svagato, quel violino dalle movenze eclettiche, quella voce capace di librarsi con grazia buckleyana. Eppure la sua alchimia non suona in alcun modo scontata: il segreto sta tutto nella leggerezza con cui ogni elemento sa intessersi insieme agli altri, senza che le cesellature della trama finiscano per suonare ridondanti. È stata una lunga conquista, la sua. Ma in fondo lo insegna anche il metodo Suzuki: il tempo è fatto apposta per svelare il cuore dell'uomo.
Il suo nuovo CD, "Break It Yourself", che uscirà il prossimo 6 marzo 2012 per la Mom + Pop Music, a 3 anni dal precedente "Noble Beast", è stato registrato in uno studio improvvisato all'interno di un fienile nell'Illinois, vicino alle rive del fiume Mississippi, con un semplice 8 tracce. Dichiara Bird: "E' un mix di canzoni semplici e concise, con degli assoli selvaggi. Abbiamo iniziato a registrare mentre stavamo ancora imparando le canzoni e sorprendentemente siamo riusciti a registrarle giuste già al secondo take. Penso di essere riuscito ad ottenere una rude, semplice onestà da queste registrazioni".
"Lusitania" è una splendida canzone impreziosita dalla partecipazione della 29enne cantautrice e polistrumentista americana Annie Clark, che si esibisce anche con il nome di San Vincent.
- published: 17 Feb 2012
- views: 20587
Youtube results:
Untergang der Lusitania Part 2 deutsch
7. Mai 1915: Professor Holbourn ist mit der Lusitania auf dem Weg in sein...
published: 25 Jun 2010
Untergang der Lusitania Part 2 deutsch
7. Mai 1915: Professor Holbourn ist mit der Lusitania auf dem Weg in seine schottische Heimat. Der Atlantikliner ist eines der größten Passagierschiffe seiner Zeit. Er gilt als unsinkbar und unerreichbar für U-Boote. Doch während die Menschen sich an Deck amüsieren, nimmt das deutsche U20 den Ozeanriesen ins Visier. Trotz Zweifeln gibt Kapitänleutnant Schwieger das Kommando zum Feuern. Er glaubt ohnehin nicht, dass er das riesige Schiff versenken kann. Plötzlich weigert sich einer seiner Soldaten, den Befehl auszuführen. Schnell ist er überwältigt, aber die Chance auf einen erfolgreichen Abschuss scheint jetzt verschwindend gering. Doch das Schicksal hat kein Einsehen: Der deutsche Torpedo trifft und bringt den schwimmenden Palast zum Erzittern. Schlimmer noch, er verursacht eine gewaltige Folge-Explosion, die das Schiff kentern lässt. In nur 18 Minuten sinkt der prunkvolle Atlantikliner völlig - 1198 Menschen ertrinken im eiskalten Wasser der irischen See.
- published: 25 Jun 2010
- views: 18589
Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic (1 of 2)
Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic (2 of 2)
published: 10 Nov 2011
Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic (1 of 2)
Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic (2 of 2)
The Zionists are deliberately destroying all Western countries! They immigrated into our nations and then secretly declared war upon us!
They conspired to take control of our nation's infrastructure through carefully orchestrated acts of TREASON! They became our Bankers, Politicians & media owners. Their goal is to obliterate the middle class!!
For a FREE informative BOOKLET & video on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of White people go to:
youtube. com/watch?v=n663eVTSyS8
Click save file when downloading. Booklet updated on Dec 19, 2012
PDF file: http://www.mediafire.com/?5macjgb5yj8574d
(then click on the next mediafire link that youtube now displays)
MS Word file: http://www.mediafire.com/?r3np8ydkyi2c5tz
ZionCrimeFactory's PDF Essay: http://www.mediafire.com/?0bqocw833p1qc99
Notepad Promotional YouTube Comment: http://www.mediafire.com/?pqor02rpf2kgcgh
- published: 10 Nov 2011
- views: 11004
RMS Lusitania - Cunard's Luxury Liner
Video focusing on the sinking of he RMS Lusitania which was torpedoed by Germans on May 7t...
published: 07 May 2009
RMS Lusitania - Cunard's Luxury Liner
Video focusing on the sinking of he RMS Lusitania which was torpedoed by Germans on May 7th 1915 in the outbreak of WW1. The ship sank in 18 minutes with 1198 dead and 761 survivors. The wreck now lies approximately 7 miles (11 km) off the Old Head of Kinsale Lighthouse in 300 feet (91 m) of water.
The song feaured is 'Waiting for You'
- published: 07 May 2009
- views: 55943