- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 3054
- author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 18/12/11
published: 25 Dec 2011
author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 18/12/11
- published: 25 Dec 2011
- views: 3054
- author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 04/12/11
published: 11 Dec 2011
author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 04/12/11
- published: 11 Dec 2011
- views: 1190
- author: la7intrattenimento
Gunwale Dulhania Le Jayenge - Episode 1- Full Episode
A mad family that worships criminals has interesting stories weaving comedy to the T! Bhai...
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: sabtv
Gunwale Dulhania Le Jayenge - Episode 1- Full Episode
A mad family that worships criminals has interesting stories weaving comedy to the T! Bhaiji the don of the mafia family has an ambition of having a leading empire of 'mafia-giri' but the members of his family though supportive are bizarre in their own way. Watch the madness that unfolds with each character being introduced individually and see yourself if they can be the next best in mafia-giri! Gunwale Dulhania Le Jayenge - is a wild and wacky comedy about the daily lives of a family that has a traditional family business of crime and criminal activities. Set against this unique backdrop, the normal domestic lives and daily chores of the 3 generations living together become fodder for a rib-tickling comedy series with endless possibilities.
- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 5326
- author: sabtv
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 - Watch Full Episode 29 of 6th January 2013
Watch latest "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012" episodes on www.youtube.com...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: SRGMPMegaChallenge
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 - Watch Full Episode 29 of 6th January 2013
Watch latest "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012" episodes on www.youtube.com
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 42475
- author: SRGMPMegaChallenge
Lets Play Modern Warfare 3 - MW3 Fire Le Missiles! ... And then take a nap.
BebopVox continues MW3 kicking his ass! In le Paris! SUBSCRIBE: www.Youtube.com TWITTER: t...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: BebopVox
Lets Play Modern Warfare 3 - MW3 Fire Le Missiles! ... And then take a nap.
BebopVox continues MW3 kicking his ass! In le Paris! SUBSCRIBE: www.Youtube.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com BebopVox Shirts: minecraftmondays.spreadshirt.com Subscribe to Specific Shows: Minecraft Mon Show: www.youtube.com MW3 Lets Play: www.youtube.com Bebop's Vloggy: www.youtube.com
- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 3795
- author: BebopVox
Public Sénat : Le 19h 10/21/2010
La synthèse de l'information parlementaire et politique de la journée, suivie d'un « entre...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: publicsenat
Public Sénat : Le 19h 10/21/2010
La synthèse de l'information parlementaire et politique de la journée, suivie d'un « entretien » politique approfondi. Michel Grossiord anime du lundi au jeudi et Pierre-Henri Gergonne le vendredi à 19h cette tranche d'information de la soirée. Rythmée par des chroniques, des reportages; des interviews et des mini-débats, Le 19 H accueille chaque soir un invité du jour pour un entretien approfondi. Toutes les émissions du 19H en VOD en accès gratuit et illimité sur le site de Public Sénat.
- published: 22 Oct 2010
- views: 184
- author: publicsenat
NPS - Non può essere - Le nuove divise
Le ragazze sono infuriate: cosa diamine è successo alle loro divise? Anche se forse un lat...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: NPSnonpuoessere
NPS - Non può essere - Le nuove divise
Le ragazze sono infuriate: cosa diamine è successo alle loro divise? Anche se forse un lato positivo c'è: non dovranno più indossare le vecchie divise ma quelle NUOVE! Ma siamo sicuri che siano davvero nuove? Se sei un amante della musica e dello stile diventa fan sulla pagina ufficiale di NPS QUI:www.facebook.com Se non vuoi perderti tutte le puntate visita il canale ufficiale di youtube, clicca QUI: www.youtube.com
- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 546102
- author: NPSnonpuoessere
LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE - Puntata integrale (10) 08/04/11
Ospiti di Daria Bignardi: Carlo Conti, la direttrice del Tg3, Bianca Berlinguer, lo scritt...
published: 09 Apr 2011
author: la7intrattenimento
LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE - Puntata integrale (10) 08/04/11
Ospiti di Daria Bignardi: Carlo Conti, la direttrice del Tg3, Bianca Berlinguer, lo scrittore Antonio Pennacchi, il famoso arrampicatore e guida alpina Manolo - al secolo Maurizio Zanolla - e il conduttore Carlo Conti. Al centro del talk di attualità le ripercussioni del "caso Ruby" sui media
- published: 09 Apr 2011
- views: 3208
- author: la7intrattenimento
NPS - Non può essere - Le cacciatrici
Se sei un amante della musica e dello stile diventa fan sulla pagina ufficiale di NPS QUI:...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: NPSnonpuoessere
NPS - Non può essere - Le cacciatrici
Se sei un amante della musica e dello stile diventa fan sulla pagina ufficiale di NPS QUI:www.facebook.com Rosie è terribilmente affamata, così affamata da aver sognato di mangiare per tutta la notte, per fortuna ora è tempo di fare colazione. Ma dove sono finiti tutti? Come mai sono state abbandonate? Tatiana e Carmelo staranno ridendo da qualche parte? Se non vuoi perderti tutte le puntate visita il canale ufficiale di youtube, clicca QUI: www.youtube.com
- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 294477
- author: NPSnonpuoessere
Le invasioni barbariche 13/04/12
In puntata: oltre alla straordinaria partecipazione del fenomeno Lana Del Rey, artista fin...
published: 15 Apr 2012
author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 13/04/12
In puntata: oltre alla straordinaria partecipazione del fenomeno Lana Del Rey, artista finora vista solo da Letterman e al Saturday Night Live, Michele Serra commenterà la settimana bollente della Lega con filmati esclusivi. Apre la punatat l'intervista a Paolo Bosusco, liberato da poche ore. Per la prima volta in tv la storia di Franco Antonello, papà di Andrea, ragazzo autistico che oggi ha 18 anni. Insieme hanno fatto un viaggio di tre mesi on the road in America, un'avventura straordinaria e toccante che viene raccontata nel libro "Se ti abbraccio, non aver paura" di Fulvio Ervas pubblicato da Marco y Marcos, in libreria da ieri. Ed ancora ospiti della puntata: le leggendarie "Gemelle Kessler", Alice ed Ellen, ballerine e cantanti tedesche che hanno segnato un'epoca; lo scrittore Alessandro Baricco con il suo ultimo libro di successo "Tre volte all'alba" e Geppi Cucciari, il personaggio televisivo dell'anno, attrice comica e conduttrice della striscia quotidiana "G Day" su La7. In studio la collaborazione del giornalista Claudio Cerasa. Inviato: lo scrittore Antonio Pascale, l'"intellettuale di servizio" del programma.
- published: 15 Apr 2012
- views: 4485
- author: la7intrattenimento
LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE - Puntata integrale (9) 13/07/11
Le Invasioni Barbariche di Daria Bignardi vedono al centro del talk d'attualità il film "S...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: la7intrattenimento
LE INVASIONI BARBARICHE - Puntata integrale (9) 13/07/11
Le Invasioni Barbariche di Daria Bignardi vedono al centro del talk d'attualità il film "Silvio Forever", autobiografia non autorizzata di Silvio Berlusconi già diventata un caso. In studio, gli autori del film Gian Antonio Stella e Sergio Rizzo, il comico Antonio Cornacchione, Gianluigi Nuzzi, giornalista e Concita De Gregorio, direttore de L'Unità. Protagonisti delle interviste barbariche: il Presidente della Regione Lombardia Roberto Formigoni, Marta Marzotto e Lea T, modella internazionale alla sua prima intervista televisiva italiana dopo la partecipazione al The Oprah Winfrey Show. A commento dell'attualità l'intervento di Beppe Severgnini e ancora Barbaricamente di Adele Cambria. In Venezuela il Presidente Hugo Chavez si è scagliato contro la moda del silicone, sempre più diffusa in America Latina. La chirurgia plastica è al centro del talk -- show di costume. Se ne discuterà con lo scrittore Carlo Pizzati, la modella Jennifer Rodriguez, il direttore di Rolling Stone Italia Carlo Antonelli, l'attrice Alessandra Faiella e il Dottor Giacomo Urtis, chirurgo plastico.
- published: 17 Jul 2011
- views: 1562
- author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 03/02/12
Venerdì 3 febbraio in prima serata su LA7 la terza puntata de Le Invasioni Barbariche di D...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 03/02/12
Venerdì 3 febbraio in prima serata su LA7 la terza puntata de Le Invasioni Barbariche di Daria Bignardi. Ospiti delle interviste: la comica e conduttrice di G Day Geppi Cucciari, il segretario generale della Spi-Cgil, Carla Cantone, l'attrice Veronica Pivetti, che ha raccontato come ha sconfitto la depressione in un libro appena uscito, "Ho smesso di piangere". Parleremo di tasse e crisi con, tra gli altri, il giornalista e scrittore Alessandro Robecchi. Natalia Aspesi e Matteo Bordone discuteranno di Shame, pluripremiato film di Steve McQueen che divide il pubblico maschile e femminile e sta diventando una pellicola di culto. In studio la collaborazione del giornalista Claudio Cerasa. Inviato: lo scrittore Antonio Pascale, l'"intellettuale di servizio" del programma.
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 3993
- author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 27/01/12
Venerdì 27 gennaio in prima serata su LA7 la seconda puntata de Le Invasioni Barbariche di...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: la7intrattenimento
Le invasioni barbariche 27/01/12
Venerdì 27 gennaio in prima serata su LA7 la seconda puntata de Le Invasioni Barbariche di Daria Bignardi. Ospiti delle interviste: Roberto Maroni, in questi giorni al centro delle polemiche interne della Lega Nord, l'attore Pierfrancesco Favino protagonista "cattivo" del film sulle forze dell'ordine, Acab, e infine Luca Bizzarri e Paolo Kessisoglu. Nel corso della puntata Giorgio Faletti, autore del recente bestseller "Tre atti e due tempi" e Ettore Mazzanti insieme con Stella Egidi e Loris De Filippi di Medici senza Frontiere parleranno dell'Italia "bloccata" e di due modi diversi di reagire alla paura del presente e del futuro. E ancora la testimonianza sconvolgente di un professore di sociologia - Massimiliano Verga, padre di un figlio disabile - scritta in "Zigulì", un libro duro e molto sincero sulla sua esperienza. In occasione de La Giornata della Memoria, Marco Paolini leggerà per Le Invasioni stralci del libro "Se questo è un uomo" di Primo Levi. In studio la collaborazione di Folco Terzani e del giornalista Claudio Cerasa. Inviato: lo scrittore Antonio Pascale, l' "intellettuale di servizio" del programma.
- published: 03 Feb 2012
- views: 1360
- author: la7intrattenimento
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 - Watch Full Episode 27 of 30th December 2012
Watch latest "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012" episodes on www.youtube.com...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: SRGMPMegaChallenge
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012 - Watch Full Episode 27 of 30th December 2012
Watch latest "Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2012" episodes on www.youtube.com
- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 46212
- author: SRGMPMegaChallenge
Vimeo results:
Timelapse - The City Limits
*UPDATE May 10th:
Here's a video interview that I did this morning for MSNBC : http://ph...
published: 03 May 2011
author: Dominic
Timelapse - The City Limits
*UPDATE May 10th:
Here's a video interview that I did this morning for MSNBC : http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2011/05/10/6617741-time-lapse-video-contrasts-urban-and-rural-scenes
I shot this timelapse montage from late 2010 through early 2011.
One year in the making.
My goal was to show the duality between city and nature.
Locations include :
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Quebec city, Quebec, Canada
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Manhattan, New York, USA
- Chicago, Illinois, USA
You can visit my website at www.dominicboudreault.com
Follow me on twitter :
Follow me on Facebook :
Contact : dom@dominicboudreault.com
For timelapse stock footage, you can browse through some of my represented work at Getty Images :
Music is "Time" by Hans Zimmer
Remember to crank the volume way up before watching this and turn HD on !
J'ai tourné ces images entre la fin de 2010 et le début de 2011.
Mon but était de montrer la dualité entre les grandes villes et la nature.
Les lieux de tournages principaux sont :
- Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Québec, Québec, Canada
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Manhattan, New York, USA
- Chicago, Illinois, USA
Je vous invtite à visiter mon site web au www.dominicboudreault.com
Vous pouvez me suivre sur twitter :
et sur Facebook :
Pour visionner et acquérir certaines de mes séquences de timelapse, visitez l'agence Getty Images :
Pour me contacter directement : dom@dominicboudreault.com
Musique : «Time» de Hans Zimmer
Et n'oubliez pas de monter le volume avant d'écouter la vidéo et d'activer le HD !
Coffee Time
Every cup of coffee contains its own soul, extracted from your feeling today.every cup of ...
published: 08 May 2011
author: wan-tzu
Coffee Time
Every cup of coffee contains its own soul, extracted from your feeling today.every cup of coffee is like a magic show containing different journey and bringing the unending imagination and surprises.With a sip of coffee, you not only taste your own story, but also change your perspective of the world.
it's my first time try to make a stop-motion animation.
I used to be a senior student majoring in commercial design who had no interest whatsoever in animation. However, last summer I saw a amazing work "SNASK" (http://vimeo.com/10435821) , which awakened in me a huge interest in Stop-Motion. This was also my very first encounter towards videos.
Indeed, "Coffee Time" was adapted from Mike Crozier's animation "SNASK", I used that as a template for my own first practice video made with stop-motion. I tried to recreate the effects from "SNASK" (http://vimeo.com/10435821) , and I learned so much from this process. At the end of the video, I mixed in an animation containing my personal favorite coffee elements.
It's not apply to any commercial act. It only served as my first practice of stop-motion, and I show great appreciation and respect for Mike Crozier. The original producer was notified prior to the publishing of the video. My initial intention was to humbly share my practicing result with relatives and friends. But now the consequence was totally out of my expectation. I am greatly honored by all the feedback and encouragement, which I am deeply appreciative of.
I hope that everyone can put more emphasis on the processing. For me, a heart-touching film is like a good mentor, exerting much influence. And "SNASK" is just like a mother to me, bearing the interests for stop-motion, and inspiring me with the motive of learning. All the praises and admiration the video has received undoubtedly belongs to Mike Crozier.
It took me one month for deliberation, production, prop preparation, almost two weeks of shooting, and 1,705 pieces of photos to finish the video.
Music by Les Filstool from Puberté des oreilles album (http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/70112)
Solidarités International et BDDP Unlimited veulent faire couler de l'encre
A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l'Eau le 22 mars prochain, Solidarités Internationa...
published: 17 Mar 2011
author: BDDP Unlimited
Solidarités International et BDDP Unlimited veulent faire couler de l'encre
A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l'Eau le 22 mars prochain, Solidarités International et BDDP Unlimited lancent une campagne pour sensibiliser au fléau de l'eau insalubre.
On estime aujourd'hui que 3,6 millions de personnes décèdent chaque année des maladies hydriques provoquées par l'eau insalubre. Pour symboliser le danger silencieux et invisible de l'eau insalubre, BDDP Unlimited a choisi un parti pris à la fois minimaliste, esthétique et étonnant jouant exclusivement avec de l'eau et de l'encre. Le film illustre la capacité de l'encre à révéler ce qui est invisible.
Imaginé par BDDP Unlimited, ce film a été produit par Hush et réalisé par Clément Beauvais, jeune réalisateur, illustrateur, musicien et photographe. Sa palette de talents et sa maîtrise de différentes techniques lui ont permis à la fois de concevoir les dessins et la réalisation du spot. Un site internet votregouttedeau.org recueille les signatures de la pétition destinée à êtres remise en mains propres au Président de la République.
To mark World Water Day, on March 22nd Solidarités International and its agency BDDP Unlimited will roll out a campaign to build awareness of the scourge of undrinkable water.
Today, it is estimated that 3.6 million people, including 1.5 million children under the age of 5, die every year of diseases borne by undrinkable water, making it the world’s leading cause of death.
Yet the public isn’t aware of it and political leaders do not demonstrate the drive it takes to end the terrible deaths. The campaign calls on journalists to spread awareness of this scourge and appeal to readers to sign a petition that will be personally handed to the French president during the 6th World Water Forum in March 2012. To evoke the silent and invisible threat of unhealthy water, BDDP Unlimited opted for a minimalist approach that is both visually appealing and surprising, using water and ink exclusively. The spot shows the power of ink to reveal the invisible.
The spot, created by BDDP Unlimited, produced by Hush and directed by Clément Beauvais, a young director, illustrator, musician and photographer. His multiple talents and mastery of various techniques enabled him to both create the drawings and direct the spot. The campaign will be seen from mid-March on TV, in cinemas, on the Internet and in print. A dedicated web site, votregouttedeau.org, will gather signatures for the petition.
‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic)
"Yekpare" is a storyteller which narrates the 8500 year story of Istanbul. The story embra...
published: 15 Jun 2010
author: nerdworking
‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic)
"Yekpare" is a storyteller which narrates the 8500 year story of Istanbul. The story embraces symbols from Pagans to Roman Empire, from Byzantine Empire to Latin Empire, and finally from Ottoman Empire to Istanbul at the present day.
Haydarpaşa Train Station, with its brilliant architectural forms, is the building on which the story is projected. The connection between middle east to west has been provided by Istanbul and Haydarpaşa since 1906. In the 50’s it served as a door for millions of internal emigrants who have triggered the chaos in Istanbul's dialectical daily life scenes.The project's conceptual, political and geographical positioning, the location’s depth of field and the fact that the entire show can be watched from Kadıköy coast; make "Yekpare" a dramatic presentation.
The first day of the performance also marks the 47th deathday of Nazım Hikmet Ran, the famous Turkish poet. We started out with a quote from his epic novel, "Human Landscapes from My Country": “At Haydarpaşa Train Station, in the spring of 1941, it is three o’clock. Sun, exhaustion and rush lay on the stairs...”
Art Direction & Visuals:
Deniz Kader – Candaş Şişman
Music & Sound Design:
Görkem Şen
Project Management:
Erdem Dilbaz
Technical support : Alican Aktürk - Refik Anadol ( griduo.com)
Modelling: Gökhan Uzun – Can Dinlenmiş (prospektif.org)
Special Thanks to: Efor Production, Visio – Vox, Sinevizyon, Yakup Çetinkaya, Gökhan Kurtuluş, Lokman Doğmuş, Baran Güleşen, Ümit Özdemir, Tolga Dizmen, Yunus Dölen, Murat Durusoy, Ahmet Türkoğlu, Mustafa Nurdoğdu, Burhan Ersan.
Realized with mxwendler.net mediaserver
contact: nerd@nerdworking.org
Youtube results:
Medieval 2 Total War - France Campaign Part 3: Rennes pour le Roi!
Thanks for every Like and Favorite! They really help! Join ColdMeat's Army! tinyurl.com TW...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: ColdMeat247
Medieval 2 Total War - France Campaign Part 3: Rennes pour le Roi!
Thanks for every Like and Favorite! They really help! Join ColdMeat's Army! tinyurl.com TWITCH.TV | www.twitch.tv FACEBOOK | on.fb.me TWITTER | www.twitter.com GOOGLE+ | goo.gl Subscribe to the Medieval 2: Total War Show on Youtube! ► www.youtube.com ★Visit GameFanShop for some GREAT DEALS on Games! www.gamefanshop.com __________________________________________________ Playlists: www.youtube.com Main Channel: www.youtube.com ColdMeat's 24/7 ARCADE on STEAM! steamcommunity.com Tags: "medieval 2 total war" "medieval ii total war" "Total War" Gameplay "medieval 3 total war" Campaign Battle Machinima ColdMeat247
- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 8302
- author: ColdMeat247
Top Moches - Le Show de Diego, un vrai tombeur
Plus de webséries sur wizdeo.com . Concours dont le but est de faire éclater les codes de ...
published: 27 Dec 2010
author: citymoviz
Top Moches - Le Show de Diego, un vrai tombeur
Plus de webséries sur wizdeo.com . Concours dont le but est de faire éclater les codes de la beauté actuelle et d'offrir une exposition médiatique à ceux et celles qui n'ont rien en commun avec les tops models... Dans un univers de compétition, et sous forme de shows, il s'agira d'élire celui ou celle qui saura être le plus charismatique. Ecrit et réalisé par Ghislaine Zeh - Avec Sarah, Diego, Pascal, Dora, Pakita. Crédits : ©Citymoviz- Distribution Wizdeo
- published: 27 Dec 2010
- views: 539
- author: citymoviz
Bghit Ndouz F2M - 4ème Prime
Le talent n'a pas d'âge au plateau de Bghit Ndouz F2M! Samid et ses invités vous proposent...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: 2MTV
Bghit Ndouz F2M - 4ème Prime
Le talent n'a pas d'âge au plateau de Bghit Ndouz F2M! Samid et ses invités vous proposent un nouveau spectacle lors de ce 4ème Prime.
- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 42128
- author: 2MTV
euronews le mag - Polish art show to mark start of EU presidency
To celebrate the start of the Polish presidency of the EU in July, a selection of works by...
published: 04 May 2011
author: Euronews
euronews le mag - Polish art show to mark start of EU presidency
To celebrate the start of the Polish presidency of the EU in July, a selection of works by prominent modern and contemporary Polish artists is going on display in Brussels. Entitled "The Power of Fantasy", the exhibition aims to show how deeply rooted the exploration of the fantastic and the irrational is in Polish art. It will run from June 24 until mid-September at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels.... www.euronews.net
- published: 04 May 2011
- views: 1128
- author: Euronews