- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 2742591
Bújj, bújj zöld ág (gyerekdal, rajzfilm gyerekeknek)
Bújj-bújj zöld ág
Bújj-bújj zöld ág
Fixing an old AG Doll!
Fixing an old AG doll (+BURNED HAIR FAIL!)
The Mall of AG
The Cursed Necklace - AGSM | For AG Darlings 350 Subscriber Contest
Fixing up an old AG Doll!
KPL2017王者榮耀 春季常规赛122 AG超玩会 vs QGhappy 1 必看 第五周
Përrallë me Tupan - Gold AG (Emisioni 8)
Gyerekdalok és mondókák animációs gyűjtemény mára ismert márka lett az országban. Igényes képi világa és finom humora a kisgyerekes szülők, pedagógusok és a gyerekek kedvence. Most már a YouTube-on is! :o) Iratkozz fel, hogy minden újdonságról értesülhess! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy8b8R1csgXcpVs44QIXQvg?annotation_id=annotation_1562154807&feature;=iv&src;_vid=1aWGYqYjLok⊂_confirmation=1 Keresd a matiné összeállításokat (lejátszási listák) a hosszabb egybefüggő műsorokért! Bújj,bújj,zöld ág, Zöld levelecske... Nyitva van az aranykapu, Csak bújjatok rajta. Nyisd ki rózsám Kapudat,kapudat, Hadd kerüljem Váradat,váradat. Szita,szita péntek, Szerelem csütörtök, Dobszerda. Gyűjtötte: Domonyi Rita Tervezte: Fülöp József Animáció: Andrly Plugar Rendezte: Hegyi Magdolna Zene: Erdély...
A "Süss fel nap! - oktató-képző DVD gyerekeknek" c. kiadványon található. Kiadó: Zeneker Kft. http://www.zeneker.hu/ DALSZÖVEGEK: Bújj, bújj zöld ág, zöld levelecske, nyitva van az aranykapu csak bújjatok rajta! Nyisd ki rózsám kapudat, kapudat, Hadd kerüljem váradat, váradat! Szita, szita péntek, szerelem csütörtök, Dob szerda.
A "Bújj-bújj zöld ág - oktató-képző DVD gyerekeknek" c. kiadványon található. Kiadó: Zeneker Kft. http://www.zeneker.hu/ A "Süss fel nap! - oktató-képző DVD gyerekeknek" c. kiadványon található. Kiadó: Zeneker Kft. http://www.zeneker.hu/ DALSZÖVEGEK: Bújj, bújj zöld ág, zöld levelecske, nyitva van az aranykapu Csak bújjatok rajta! Rajta, rajta leszakadt a pajta, Bennmaradt a macska.
**UPDATE 5/222016** Felicity has been sold on eBay! If you are interested in purchasing another doll fixed by me, check out this eBay listing: http://tinyurl.com/zm7hzhw If you need to fix up your old AG doll, this video may help you! I go over repainting, skin cleaning, and rewigging. For anyone wondering, here are the items I used: -Mr. Clean Magic Eraser -Acrylic paint (various pink, beige, and brown shades) -Glazing medium (to thin out the paint and make the application smoother) -Tacky glue -AD0008E Wavy Brunette Parting Wig (from ruby red galleria! they have great doll wigs) This was so much fun and I think she turned out beautiful! Check out my instagram- https://www.instagram.com/agsnapshotss/ Music by Kevin Macleod @incompetech.com
Yikes...This was not my best moment. Luckily I had a backup wig to save her hair! I think that despite the drama, she turned out well! I'm in love with the blonde wig with her blue eyes. What do you think about the brighter pink lip? Hope everyone has had a good spring break/Easter Sunday! :) INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/agsnapshotss Music by Kevin Macleod @incompetech.com
♡ Snail mail us at our PO Box. ♡ UrbanChickenStudios P.O. Box 4681 Austin, TX 78765 Eava goes on a shopping spree! FAQ Q. Where did you get the green dress? (The one Eava is wearing.) A. I got that from target, but sadly, they don't sell it anymore. Q. Where did you get the doll camera? A. The miniature canon camera was made by Chloe. It's made of polymer clay. Q. What camera do you use? A. Canon Rebel t1i. Q. What dolls are used in the video? A. (In order of appearance.) Eava (MAG #43) Elizabeth (A retired historical doll.) Sophia (MAG #33) McKenna (Girl of the Year 2012, retired) Felicity (A retired historical doll.) Ana (Rebecca Rubin, a historical doll.) Q. What is the music called at 0:35? A. It's called Dolce Vita on iMovie. Q. What is the music called at 1:39? A. It's cal...
先看的朋友们,尽量别剧透,毕竟很多人还没看。 AG vs QG 这场没有理由就肯定是必看局 KPL2017 最绝对的对决 AG vs QG 2 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn2vAFfHLtk
**UPDATE 5/222016** Felicity has been sold on eBay! If you are interested in purchasing another doll fixed by me, check out this eBay listing: http://tinyurl.com/zm7hzhw If you need to fix up your old AG doll, this video may help you! I go over repainting, skin cleaning, and rewigging. For anyone wondering, here are the items I used: -Mr. Clean Magic Eraser -Acrylic paint (various pink, beige, and brown shades) -Glazing medium (to thin out the paint and make the application smoother) -Tacky glue -AD0008E Wavy Brunette Parting Wig (from ruby red galleria! they have great doll wigs) This was so much fun and I think she turned out beautiful! Check out my instagram- https://www.instagram.com/agsnapshotss/ Music by Kevin Macleod @incompetech.com
❤ Teal's web page: http://tealswan.com/ ❤ Teal's Meditations: http://www.jointeallive.com/meditations/ ❤ Teal's eshop: https://gumroad.com/tealswan Divine feminine does not need to be cultivated or created within us as women. It is us. It is the essence of our choice to come into this life as women. And so, it is an ever-present energy that is always there. Divine feminine energy represents these aspects within the universe: Restoration, life, renewal, creation, birth, healing, receptivity, openness, motherhood, nurturing, love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, the moon, connection, harmony and sensuality. To allow the divine feminine within ourselves to surface, we need to search for these aspects within ourselves. You will find that you are more in ...
First video of the new Swedish Words Series! Thousands of words with native pronunciation. This video shows exactly 2007 common nouns in its indefinite form, with its corresponding "utrum" (en) or "neutrum" (ett) indefinite article. Voice over by Maria Kihlstedt (Gotland, Sweden). ► SWEDISH NOUNS INFO Nouns have two grammatical genders: "utrum" (common) and "neutrum" (neuter), which determine their definite forms as well as the form of any adjectives used to describe them. Noun gender is largely arbitrary and must be memorized; however, around three quarters of all Swedish nouns are common gender. Living beings are often common nouns, like in "en katt" (cat), "en häst" (horse), "en fluga" (fly), etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_grammar#Nouns ► WORKFLOW TIPS · Use the SPACE k...
The Obama administration initially continued longstanding American reticence in dealing with Burma after taking over in January 2009, preferring to prioritize broader security threats like Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan. Susan E. Rice, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, called the junta government's hold over Myanmar, known in the West as Burma, "one of the most intractable challenges for the global community". Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton claimed that the Obama administration was "looking at what steps we might take that might influence the current Burmese government and...looking for ways that we could more effectively help the Burmese people", though she echoed Rice's pessimism in noting the junta's historical isolationism and disregard for ec...
Learn and practice mandarin chinese with these words! This is the first video of the Chinese Words Series. Each video of the serie contains exactly 1000 common chinese words with Pinyin transcription and pronunciation. Expand your vocabulary! ► TRANSCRIPTION INFO The transcription system used in this video is called Pinyin, which is the official phonetic system for transcribing the Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet in mainland China, Taiwan and Singapore. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinyin ► PRONUNCIATION INFO Voice by Yue Tan (F/31), from the Liaoning province of the People's Republic of China, located in the northeast of the country. ► LIST OF WORDS You can find the list of words used for this video here: https://docs.google.com/spr...
A Fulbright Commission és a Magyar Fulbright Alumni Egyesület alapításuknak húsz éves évfordulójáról emlékeztek meg egy konferencia és kulturális gálaműsor keretében a Külügyminisztériumban 2012. május 11-én. A megnyitón ünnepi köszöntőt mondott Sztáray Péter, a Külügyminisztérium politikai igazgatója, Réthelyi Miklós miniszter úr (Nemzeti Erőforrás Minisztérium) és Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis nagykövet asszony, a Fulbright Alapítvány kuratóriumának tiszteletbeli társelnökei, valamint Bay Fang, az Egyesült Államok Külügyminisztériumának helyettes államtitkára. A konferencia előadói mind volt Fulbright ösztöndíjasok, többek között előadást tartott Frank Tibor professzor (ELTE), Glant Tibor intézetvezető (Debreceni Egyetem), Jeszenszky Géza és Magyarics Tamás nagykövetek, Kroó Norbert akad...
Az előadás címe: Akcióban a Katpol „sötét részlege - Adalékok a „B" (Támadólagos elhárítás) osztály működéséhez Az állambiztonság történeti kutatásában az elmúlt időszakban mind több résztanulmány, közlemény jelent meg a katonai hírszerzést és kémelhárítást egyesítő Katpol tevékenységéről, szervezetéről, vezetőiről. Bővülő ismereteink ellenére még mindig hiányos tudással rendelkezünk a hírszerzés és a támadólagos elhárítás szervezeti kereteiről, vezetőiről, a működtetett ügynökhálózat szervezési-vezetési elveiről, módszereiről és hatékonyságáról. A Katpol tevékenységében hosszú ideig nem különült el élesen e két funkció, az ügynökök számára megszabott tervekben egyaránt szerepeltek politikai, katonai, gazdasági felderítési és a preventív, bomlasztó feladatok. A figyelem középpontjában az ...
Fascinated by travelling clouds, so I had to make timelapse. Using Sj4000 HD camera with 1080P (1920*1080 ) 30FPS. If you are interested in seeing some mountain photos, visit my instagram profile: http://instagram.com/themountainfreak/ You can visit website: http://hopkoda.si/freak
Life In A Day is a historic film capturing for future generations what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July, 2010. Executive produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald. Soundtrack available here @ http://goo.gl/N9F6O For more information on Life In A Day, visit http://www.youtube.com/lifeinaday.
10 language translator , guide, gastronomical expert and world traveler looking for travel partners (group, single tourist or businessman) to discover the world, countries, people and culture. To take pictures and write books together. [HU]Expedíciókat szervezek Japán, Törökország, Grúzia, Bosznia, Ukrajna, Albánia, Gagauzia, Moldávia, a Duna delta egész területére. Vagy bárhová Ázsiába, Afrikába és Dél Amerikába. Nyugat Európa és Észak Amerika nem érdekel. Elkísérek utazókat, kereskedőket, vadászokat, üzletembereket vagy kalandos kedvű magánosokat. Belevaló és keménygatyájú útitársat vagy pénzestársat keresek hátizsákos kalandtúrákhoz, hogy fényképezzünk, filmezzünk, könyvet írjunk és őrültségeket csináljunk a sivatagban, a dzsungelben vagy a hegyekben. Berecz Edgár soknyelvű tolmács,...
[40 second skit to open about a girl with a finger in her ass]
The Dirty Version, G.D. motherfuckers
I got a girl with a girlfriend, she blow trees
Push V's and rock constant, shit
Just when I thought I had the bomb dick
I caught her cheatin but I kept it on some calm shit
Check me out yo
Now I met shorty 'bout 3 years ago, my type
We get dirty everywhere we go, get hype
From the telly to the studio, flicks cars and parks
Used to see me in the dark, I sparked
And I lounge and I chill with it
Smack it and flip it and ill with it
Intelligent type, I build with it
And if I ain't with her, I'm probably delf
Had to flip when she told me she was fuckin somebody else
One of my niggaz? Don't tell me it's him
Had to pause when she said it's her girlfriend Kim
What?! Say word son, stop playin
(Word son, that shit flipped me out son)
(That shit got me buggin right now)
What, what'chu gon' do son
(I don't even know what I'ma do son)
(I might have to get dirty)
(Straight might have to get dirty with both of 'em)
[Chorus: plays in background behind Interruption]
Son I met the other chick, we kicked it, blase blah
Next was menage-a-trois in a Hyundai car
And my shorty's buggin cause I'm wit it
She really thought I wouldn't hit it
Had to touch 'em both with the diddick
Now it's on yo and I'm pourin Mo'
My girl and her friend and it ended up porno
It ain't no wrong ho, I'm in beast mode
But they love it when I perform slow
That's the norm though
They feelin me, but better know that I'm out for the long dough
Stop my shine and I'm gone ho (bye bye)
But I'ma be patient and see, what the future look like for them and me
Now when I bounce, it's reservations for three
And I let 'em get they dirt on when I got places to be
(Just them two) while they waitin for me
We pack the showers, three be in the jacuzzi, catch a flick
Cause that's that shit, get head through the movie
[Chorus Two]
It's kinda real, but I'm tired of the nonsense
She asked if I wanna join, I had no comment
I kept my poise then I calmly responded