- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 160
- author: ABNDigital
The Visegrad Group of EU countries & South Africa
(www.abndigital.com) The Visegrad Group is made up of EU members Poland, Slovakia, the Cze...
published: 10 May 2012
author: ABNDigital
The Visegrad Group of EU countries & South Africa
(www.abndigital.com) The Visegrad Group is made up of EU members Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. With Europe being South Africa's biggest trade and investment partner, the group aims to intensify and highlight the opportunities for trade and investment between its countries and SA. Joining ABN's Mashudu Masutha in studio to discuss synergies with South Africa is Ryszard Nowosielski, Commercial Counsellor at the Polish Embassy in South Africa.
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 160
- author: ABNDigital
Central European Republic (Czech Rep-Poland-Hungary-Slovakia)
CER (official Central European Republic or Slavic-Magyar Union, Republika Střední Evropy, ...
published: 04 Feb 2012
author: Michal P
Central European Republic (Czech Rep-Poland-Hungary-Slovakia)
CER (official Central European Republic or Slavic-Magyar Union, Republika Střední Evropy, Republika Strednej Európy, Köztársaság Közép-Európa, Republika Środkowoeuropejska) - country located in Central Europe, consisting of 4 regions - Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Central European Republic border with Germany, Austria and Slovenia to the west, Croatia, Serbia to the south, Romania, Ukraine and Belarus to the east, and Lithuania, Russia and Baltic Sea to the north. The CER was created in ... in Visegrad, Hungary Poland-Czech Republic-Hungary-Slovakia - always together! Polsko-Česká republika-Maďarsko-Slovensko - vždy spolu! Polska-Czechy-Węgry-Słowacja - zawsze razem! Together we will be strong, not be ruled us Germany and France. Ten klip ma na celu promować współpracę oraz dobrosąsiedztwo między Polską, Czechami, Węgrami a Słowacją. Osobiście uważam iż z tymi krajami Polska powinna utrzymywać wzorowe relacje oraz budować silne struktury tak by kraje te wzajemnie się wspierały.
- published: 04 Feb 2012
- views: 920
- author: Michal P
HazardZone v4
Beast W@W BkR and not going any more its a sick menu comment like and subscribe add me on ...
published: 06 Sep 2012
author: T7xHyPeZz
HazardZone v4
Beast W@W BkR and not going any more its a sick menu comment like and subscribe add me on skype x3ch05-_-ninjazz psn T7xHyPeZz
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 2410
- author: T7xHyPeZz
V4 Summit in Karlovy Vary 2010
Short video from V4 Summit in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic in 2010. Presidents of the Czec...
published: 14 Nov 2010
author: Petr Lněnička
V4 Summit in Karlovy Vary 2010
Short video from V4 Summit in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic in 2010. Presidents of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia - Visegrad Group (V4) - met to discuss countries' common interests and priorities. Author: 2 M STUDIO sro for city of Karlovy Vary Music: Moby (www.mobygratis.com)
- published: 14 Nov 2010
- views: 664
- author: Petr Lněnička
Dispatch: Poland's Ascent in Central Europe
For more analysis, visit: www.stratfor.com Analyst Eugene Chausovsky discusses the challen...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: STRATFORvideo
Dispatch: Poland's Ascent in Central Europe
For more analysis, visit: www.stratfor.com Analyst Eugene Chausovsky discusses the challenges and constraints facing Poland as it emerges as a leader of central Europe.
- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 3279
- author: STRATFORvideo
2012 Aprilia Tuono V4 Walk-Around & Firing Up with Akrapovik Exhaust System
A friend had a brand new Tuono and we got a good look at this beautiful piece of Italian m...
published: 07 May 2012
author: MonicaRidesMoto
2012 Aprilia Tuono V4 Walk-Around & Firing Up with Akrapovik Exhaust System
A friend had a brand new Tuono and we got a good look at this beautiful piece of Italian machinery! Song: "Intro" by The XX
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 2738
- author: MonicaRidesMoto
Hungary Magyarorszag
Brief introduction: Hungary Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is a mem...
published: 17 Nov 2012
author: guppieye
Hungary Magyarorszag
Brief introduction: Hungary Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is a member of the European Union, NATO, the OECD, the Visegrád Group, and is a Schengen state. The official language is Hungarian, also known as Magyar, which is part of the Finno-Ugric group and is the most widely spoken non-Indo-European language in the European Union. Hungarian population is app 10 million. It has beautiful Landscape, wildlife, architecture, pretty womens, amazing food and most of the domestic vege's growing in Hungary. Following a Celtic (after c. 450 BC) and a Roman (AD 9 -- c. 430) period, the foundation of Hungary was laid in the late 9th century by the Hungarian prince Árpád, whose great-grandson Saint Stephen I was crowned with a crown sent by the pope from Rome in 1000 AD. The Kingdom of Hungary existed for 946 years, and at various points was regarded as one of the cultural centres of the Western world. Hungary is one of the thirty most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracting 10.2 million tourists a year (2011). The country is home to the largest thermal water cave system and the second largest thermal lake in the world (Lake Hévíz), the largest lake in Central Europe (Lake Balaton), and the largest natural grasslands in Europe (Hortobágy). If you like it, please subscribe for more videos : guppieye Thanks for watching
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 10
- author: guppieye
Visegrad working group for mititary cemetery in Veľkrop [16.04.2011]
stebnicky.blogspot.com 16.04.2011 Veľkrope in the working meeting was held "Visegrad group...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: JozefStebnicky
Visegrad working group for mititary cemetery in Veľkrop [16.04.2011]
stebnicky.blogspot.com 16.04.2011 Veľkrope in the working meeting was held "Visegrad group working for mititary cemetery. Its aim was to reconstruct the village cemetery Veľkrop.
- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 469
- author: JozefStebnicky
「中央ヨーロッパから見たEUと日本:ヴィシェグラード4ヵ国との対話」 日本とポーランド、チェコ、スロバキア、ハンガリー(ヴィシェグラード4ヵ国)の外交政策立案者による対話が2011...
published: 26 Apr 2012
author: 東京 財団
「中央ヨーロッパから見たEUと日本:ヴィシェグラード4ヵ国との対話」 日本とポーランド、チェコ、スロバキア、ハンガリー(ヴィシェグラード4ヵ国)の外交政策立案者による対話が2011月9月に東京で実施されます。 これを機に、東京財団では、4ヵ国外務省の政務局長/次官補を迎え、日本の専門家らを交えたパネルディスカッションを開催します。 ヴィシェグラード4ヵ国はEUをどのように見ているのか? 日本との交流・連携に何を期待するのか? さらには、欧州発の金融危機再燃の可能性や今後の欧州における安全保障のあり方などについても分析します。 スピーカー: ・パヴェル・フィシェル(チェコ共和国 外務省政務局長) ・ペテル・ミハルコ(スロバキア共和国 外務省政務局長) ・ぺーテル・スターライ(ハンガリー共和国 外務省次官補・政務官) ・ヤロスワフ・ブラトキェヴィッチ(ポーランド共和国 外務省政務局長) コメンテーター: ・植田隆子(前EU日本政府代表部次席大使、国際基督教大学教授) ・畔蒜泰助(東京財団研究員、「ユーラシア情報ネットワーク」ロシア担当) ・鶴岡路人(東京財団研究員、「ユーラシ・ア情報ネットワーク」欧州担当) モデレーター: ・渡部恒雄(東京財団上席研究員兼政策研究ディレクター) 言 語: オリジナル(日英混合) ※この動画は、2011年12月19日に配信・録画されました。 Dialogue with the Visegrad Group The forty-fourth Tokyo Foundation Forum focusing on Japan's relations with Central Europe will be held on Monday, December 19, inviting political directors from the four Visegrad Group countries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The directors are visiting Japan for dialogue with Japanese government ...
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 124
- author: 東京 財団
Music V4
This video was made for Visegrad group competition. It shows development of music players ...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: Jakub Kvicinsky
Music V4
This video was made for Visegrad group competition. It shows development of music players during years and most famous bands from V4 countries during 20th.
- published: 01 Nov 2011
- views: 58
- author: Jakub Kvicinsky
poland packaging machine
poland packaging machine Poland , is a country in Central Europe, bordered by Germany to t...
published: 05 Sep 2012
author: saralz sumzal
poland packaging machine
poland packaging machine Poland , is a country in Central Europe, bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north. The total area of Poland is 312679 square kilometres (120726 sq mi),[5] making it the 69th largest country in the world and the 9th largest in Europe. Poland has a population of over 38.5 million people,[5] which makes it the 34th most populous country in the world[6] and the sixth most populous member of the European Union, being its most populous post-communist member. Poland is a unitary state made up of 16 voivodeships. Poland is a member of the European Union, NATO, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Economic Area, International Energy Agency, Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, International Atomic Energy Agency, G6, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Visegrád Group, Weimar Triangle and Schengen Agreement. Foshan Coretamp packing machine co.,Ltd Email:coretamp@hotmail.com Website:www.onepacking.com automatic,Horizontal,food,biscuit, bread,noodles,chocolate,cookies, ice lolly,soap,cutlery,disposable goods,grain, powder packaging equipment(china supplier)
- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 27
- author: saralz sumzal
kinda bionic v4
made by crafty bionics crafty stun and crafty bionicz and crafty stun...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: CraftyBioNiCz
kinda bionic v4
made by crafty bionics crafty stun and crafty bionicz and crafty stun
- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 9
- author: CraftyBioNiCz
Kind of BioNiC v4
i have a new gamertag its Crafty Swirv...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: CraftySwirv
Kind of BioNiC v4
i have a new gamertag its Crafty Swirv
- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 25
- author: CraftySwirv
Youtube results:
PS3 4.11 Jailbreak NEW June 2012 Beta V4 (Full HD)
PS3 4.11 Jailbreak NEW June 2012 Beta V4 (Full HD)...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: Ainol Novo
PS3 4.11 Jailbreak NEW June 2012 Beta V4 (Full HD)
PS3 4.11 Jailbreak NEW June 2012 Beta V4 (Full HD)
- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 111
- author: Ainol Novo
Hesus Navas - gostovanje u emisiji ''Vikend Cafe'' OSM TV
Gostovanje tri člana Hesusa Navasa u emisiji ''Vikend Kafe'' na OSM Televiziji 3. septembr...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Hesus Navas
Hesus Navas - gostovanje u emisiji ''Vikend Cafe'' OSM TV
Gostovanje tri člana Hesusa Navasa u emisiji ''Vikend Kafe'' na OSM Televiziji 3. septembra 2012 godine.
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 279
- author: Hesus Navas
ERROR Festival 2010 (Homeless & Disabled Theatre Festival)
ERROR '10 -- an international festival of homeless and disabled theatres -- was held on De...
published: 19 Jan 2011
author: djjamin
ERROR Festival 2010 (Homeless & Disabled Theatre Festival)
ERROR '10 -- an international festival of homeless and disabled theatres -- was held on December 3 and 4 in the premises of Štúdio 12 at the Theatre Institute in Jakubovo Square in Bratislava, Slovakia. The 4th year of this international festival of plays performed by homeless and disabled people consisted of eight theatre groups from Visegrad Group countries -- Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia -- and also a special guest from India. Miroslav Zwiefelhofer from Štúdio 12 told the SITA newswire that three Czech theatres accepted this year's invitation: Ježek a Čížek theatre with their play The Experts, the Dryada theatre with their performance of Dr. Haniball and Neslyším theatre with its drama Vizualizace literárního žánru (Visualisation of Literary Genres). From Hungary the AHA theatre presented the drama Of Mice and Men (O myšiach a ľuďoch). Poland was represented by Teatr Grodzki with its performance of Hľadanie si práce (Looking for a Job) featuring people with impaired hearing. The host of the event was Slovakia's Divadlo bez domova (Theatre With No Home) offering its play Kuca Paca. Visitors also enjoyed the performance Sea Maidens (Morské paničky) by the Slovak theatre group Len Tak Tak in which physically handicapped people danced. The special guest from India was Sanal, an actor. Zwiefelhofer said the festival creates space where theatre groups working with homeless or handicapped groups of people can present their original works to a wide audience ...
- published: 19 Jan 2011
- views: 1085
- author: djjamin
Dispatch: Europeans Discuss Ballistic Missile Defense
For more, visit: www.stratfor.com STRATFOR Analyst Marko Papic discusses the trilateral me...
published: 23 May 2011
author: STRATFORvideo
Dispatch: Europeans Discuss Ballistic Missile Defense
For more, visit: www.stratfor.com STRATFOR Analyst Marko Papic discusses the trilateral meeting between the foreign ministers Russia, Poland and Germany and the implications for ballistic missile defense in Europe.
- published: 23 May 2011
- views: 3206
- author: STRATFORvideo