
Basic abstract algebra, pt.1
Basic abstract algebra, pt.1
This will be a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. In this first introduction video I try to explain a little around group theory without defining a group. I talk shortly about sets and functions, and in the next videoes I will assume some knowledge about sets and functions between them. You can read about sets and functions here: mathworld.wolfram.com mathworld.wolfram.com (Music: Bob Sinclar - Yes You Are (Mylo Mix))

Basic abstract algebra, pt.2
Basic abstract algebra, pt.2
This will be a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the second video in the series, and we will define groups. (Music: Chemical Brothers - Hoops)

Basic abstract algebra, pt.3
Basic abstract algebra, pt.3
This will be a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the third video in the series, and we will look at an example of a group. We also find an example of something that is not a group.

Basic abstract algebra, pt.5
Basic abstract algebra, pt.5
This will be a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the fifth video in the series, and we will define a tool to compare groups. We define homomorphisms and isomorphisms between groups.

Abstract Algebra Test Question
Abstract Algebra Test Question
Step by step instructions on how to complete an Abstract Algebra test!

Basic abstract algebra, pt.8
Basic abstract algebra, pt.8
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the eighth video in the series. We define abelian groups and subgroups.

Abstract Algebra: prove 1+3+5+...+(2n+1)=(n+1)^2
Abstract Algebra: prove 1+3+5+...+(2n+1)=(n+1)^2
A www.door2math.com production.Abstract Algebra question? Prove that for all n larger than 1 1+3+5+...+(2n=1)=(n+1)^2

Abstract algebra: Groups part 1
Abstract algebra: Groups part 1
Recommended next video: Groups part 2

Lagrange's theorem - Basic abstract algebra pt. 15
Lagrange's theorem - Basic abstract algebra pt. 15
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videos. Music: The Planets - Contradanza This is the fifteenth video in the series. We prove Lagrange's theorem.

Basic abstract algebra, pt.11
Basic abstract algebra, pt.11
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videos. This is the eleventh video in the series. We look more at some elementary number theory, and do a few examples. (Music: Nine Inch Nails - The Four of Us are Dying)

Basic abstract algebra, pt.14
Basic abstract algebra, pt.14
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videos. This is the fourteenth video in the series. We start to look at factor groups and cosets.

Basic abstract algebra, pt.7
Basic abstract algebra, pt.7
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the seventh video in the series. Do not take anything for granted. Music Enya - Cursum Perficio.

Abstract algebra: Operations
Abstract algebra: Operations
Recommended next video: Groups part 1

My journey 1 - I used to get lost in abstract algebra, but there were two options at the end of my graduation
My journey 1 - I used to get lost in abstract algebra, but there were two options at the end of my graduation
Interview with MS Krishnan, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and Co-author of 'The New Age of Innovation' (with CK Prahalad) www.newageofinnovation.com, June 21, 2009, 7.30 am (Nageswara Rao Park)

Basic abstract algebra, pt.6
Basic abstract algebra, pt.6
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the sixth video in the series, and we will look at some examples of homomorphisms and isomorphisms between groups.

Basic abstract algebra, pt.9
Basic abstract algebra, pt.9
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videoes. This is the nineth video in the series. We look at subgroups, groups generated by a set and cyclic groups. (Music: Infected Mushroom - Deeply Disturbed)

Basic abstract algebra, pt.13
Basic abstract algebra, pt.13
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videos. This is the thirteenth video in the series. We start to look at factor groups and cosets.

Basic abstract algebra, pt.10
Basic abstract algebra, pt.10
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videos. This is the tenth video in the series. We start looking at elementary number theory, and only make a few definitions to get familiar with the concepts. (Music: Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral)

Abstract Algebra Lecture 01 Part 1
Abstract Algebra Lecture 01 Part 1
First lecture in abstract algebra. Topics include facts about functions and countable sets, infinite sets of numbers commonly found as underlying sets in algebraic structures, and algebraic and transcendental numbers. This lecture is in three parts.

Basic abstract algebra, pt.12
Basic abstract algebra, pt.12
This is a video series about basic abstract algebra and group theory. We will keep it basic so that anyone can follow the videos. This is the twelfth video in the series. We look more at some elementary number theory and connect it to group theory. (Music: Infected Mushroom - Blink)