Odd Cure for a Rare Lung Disease
Odd Cure for a Rare Lung Disease
Michael Locke couldn't breathe and his doctors said he had very little time to live. Then Michael met Dr. Samir Gupta, Director of the Rare Lung Disease Program at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. Dr. Gupta vowed he would find out...
MEDICINE - Pulmonary Medicine,vssmch,burla-4
MEDICINE - Pulmonary Medicine,vssmch,burla-4
department of Pulmonary medicine,vss medical college,burla- In medicine, pulmonology (aka pneumology) is the specialty that deals with diseases of the lungs and the respiratory tract. It is called chest medicine and respiratory medicine in ...
Dr. Gerard Cox's Perspective
Dr. Gerard Cox's Perspective
Dr. Gerard Cox, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Division of Respirology at the McMaster University at St. Joseph's Healthcare, believes bronchial thermoplasty (BT) provides severe asthma patients with a new and beneficial opti...
A Rare Event for St. Michael's, made possible by Michael Locke
A Rare Event for St. Michael's, made possible by Michael Locke
Video from the Rare Event, a successful benefit event organized by grateful patient Michael Locke for the Rare Lung Disease Program at St. Michael's Hospital. Rare Lung Diseases like Michael's are not understood by doctors yet. Why ...
Vitamin D linked to health benefits
Vitamin D linked to health benefits
DOWNLOAD ANIMATION WITH VOICE-OVER: newsdirect.nma.com.tw DOWNLOAD ANIMATION ONLY: newsdirect.nma.com.tw DESCRIPTION: Recent studies have linked Vitamin D to a number of health benefits. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denm...
Long-Term Ventilation Project Success Story at The March 09, 2011 Board Comittee Meeting
Long-Term Ventilation Project Success Story at The March 09, 2011 Board Comittee Meeting
Dr. David Leasa and Cathy Mawdsley talk about an exciting project to help people needing long-term mechanical ventilation (assisted breathing) to move out of intensive care into the best possible environment for them - whether that be home ...
HK Cough -- Interview with Dr. Daniel Ng (Part 2)
HK Cough -- Interview with Dr. Daniel Ng (Part 2)
HK Cough (Part 2) -- Dr. Daniel Ng (President of HK Society of Pediatric Respirology) talks about health impacts of air pollution on children: 1. Should asthmatic children exercise regularly? 2. What should schools do to tackle the impacts ...
Department of Pulmonary medicine,vss medical college,burla. In medicine, pulmonology (aka pneumology) is the specialty that deals with diseases of the lungs and the respiratory tract. It is called chest medicine and respiratory medicine in ...