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Die Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen
Mit dem Trecker nach Mallorca  | DIE REPORTAGE | NDR
NDR - The Art of Manscaping
Ex-Pornostar Kelly Trump | NDR Talkshow
Die Intensiv-Station - Satire in Emden | Intensiv-Station | NDR
Die Reportage - Der letzte Milchbauer von Sylt | NDR Fernsehen
Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR
NDR Reportage/Lohnunternehmen Henke
Komiker Paul Panzer | NDR Talk Show | NDR
NDR Comedy Contest - Best of | NDR Comedy Contest | NDR



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Die Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:31
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2013

Die Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen

Am Bezahlteich der Familie Rath gibt es Angelabenteuer mit Erfolgsgarantie. Vater Harry sorgt dafür, dass sich immer genügend Forellen im Wasser tummeln.
  • published: 30 Sep 2013
  • views: 2453 Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen
Mit dem Trecker nach Mallorca  | DIE REPORTAGE | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:18
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Mit dem Trecker nach Mallorca | DIE REPORTAGE | NDR

Bis Mallorca sind es 1.900 Kilometer. Mit dem Flugzeug ein Klacks. Aber Rentner Winfried Langner aus Lauenförde in Niedersachsen will die Strecke mit seinem ...
  • published: 26 Jul 2013
  • views: 4235
  • author: ARD dem Trecker nach Mallorca | DIE REPORTAGE | NDR
NDR - The Art of Manscaping
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:08
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

NDR - The Art of Manscaping

Created by Noam Ash and Austin Bening Written by Noam Ash and Austin Bening @MrNoamAsh @MyGayRoommate69 Directed by Austin Bening Shot and Edited by Austin B... - The Art of Manscaping
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:02
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013


เป็นคลิปที่ผมเคยทำครั้งแรกในชีวิต .. . น้องเป้ย.
  • published: 12 Oct 2011
  • views: 34448
  • author: DoDClub2011
Ex-Pornostar Kelly Trump | NDR Talkshow
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:30
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

Ex-Pornostar Kelly Trump | NDR Talkshow

In den 1990er Jahren galt Kelly Trump als die "Königin des deutschen Pornos". 2001 zog sie sich aus der Branche zurück. Heute genießt sie ihre neu gewonnene ...
  • published: 23 Jul 2013
  • views: 1871
  • author: ARD Kelly Trump | NDR Talkshow
Die Intensiv-Station - Satire in Emden | Intensiv-Station | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:06
  • Updated: 05 Oct 2013

Die Intensiv-Station - Satire in Emden | Intensiv-Station | NDR

Die Intensiv-Station diesmal im Neuen Theater Emden - unter anderem mit Jochen Busse, Guido Cantz, dem A-cappella-Quartett LaLeLu sowie "Angie Merkel" und Oberpfleger Fritzschensen.
  • published: 05 Oct 2013
  • views: 741 Intensiv-Station - Satire in Emden | Intensiv-Station | NDR
Die Reportage - Der letzte Milchbauer von Sylt | NDR Fernsehen
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:33
  • Updated: 20 Sep 2013

Die Reportage - Der letzte Milchbauer von Sylt | NDR Fernsehen

Bauer Nielsen macht sich Sorgen um die Zukunft seiner Landwirtschaft. Er ist der letzte Milchbauer auf Sylt. Wer wird den altmodischen Bauernhof einmal weiterführen? Die Rechte unterliegen dem Norddeutschen Rundfunk
  • published: 20 Sep 2013
  • views: 8 Reportage - Der letzte Milchbauer von Sylt | NDR Fernsehen
Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:27
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2013

Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR

Diese Frau ist ein wandelndes Energiebündel, und nur sie kann so schön "singen und sabbeln". Ihre Sendungen sind Kult. Jetzt hat sie ein neues Album produziert.
  • published: 28 Oct 2013
  • views: 735ängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:58
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

"Generation Casting": Teilnehmer packen aus | ZAPP Medienmagazin | NDR

Wer nach einer Castingshow als zickige Sexbombe gilt, hat nicht viel gewonnen. Dennoch sehen viele Jugendliche ihre Zukunft in solchen Formaten mit teils gra...
  • published: 16 May 2013
  • views: 6943
  • author: ARD"Generation Casting": Teilnehmer packen aus | ZAPP Medienmagazin | NDR
NDR Reportage/Lohnunternehmen Henke
  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:34
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

NDR Reportage/Lohnunternehmen Henke

Die Silomaisernte 2009 ist für die meisten LUs bereits gelaufen. Einen besonderen Einblick in die Lohnunternehmerarbeit zeigt der NDR auf N3 in einer Fernseh... Reportage/Lohnunternehmen Henke
Komiker Paul Panzer | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:34
  • Updated: 10 Nov 2013

Komiker Paul Panzer | NDR Talk Show | NDR

In über 800 Scherzanrufen hat Dieter Tappert alias Paul Panzer seine Opfer in den Wahnsinn getrieben. In seiner neuen Bühnenshow entführt er das Publikum in die Steinzeit.
  • published: 10 Nov 2013
  • views: 568 Paul Panzer | NDR Talk Show | NDR
NDR Comedy Contest - Best of | NDR Comedy Contest | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:46
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

NDR Comedy Contest - Best of | NDR Comedy Contest | NDR

Im "Comedy Contest - Best of" seht ihr das Beste aus den Shows der ersten Jahreshälfte 2013. Mit dabei: Bernhard Hoecker, Guido Cantz, Lisa Feller. Jetzt angucken!
  • published: 06 Aug 2013
  • views: 260 Comedy Contest - Best of | NDR Comedy Contest | NDR
Stargeiger David Garrett | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:21
  • Updated: 14 Dec 2013

Stargeiger David Garrett | NDR Talk Show | NDR

Er hat Millionen Platten und Konzerttickets verkauft. Im Kino beweist David Garrett jetzt auch sein schauspielerisches Talent, er spielt den Geiger Niccolo Paganini.
  • published: 14 Dec 2013
  • views: 301 David Garrett | NDR Talk Show | NDR
Sängerin Ina Müller   | NDR Talkshow
  • Order:
  • Duration: 22:37
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talkshow

Mit ihrer Sendung "Inas Nacht" hat sie sich selbst zum Kult erhoben.. Sie ist das Nordlicht, das bis zu den Alpen strahlt. Mit ihrer Sendung "Inas Nacht" im ...
  • published: 16 Oct 2012
  • views: 99804
  • author: ARDängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talkshow
  • Die Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen
    Die Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen
  • Mit dem Trecker nach Mallorca  | DIE REPORTAGE | NDR
    Mit dem Trecker nach Mallorca | DIE REPORTAGE | NDR
  • NDR - The Art of Manscaping
    NDR - The Art of Manscaping
  • NDR
  • Ex-Pornostar Kelly Trump | NDR Talkshow
    Ex-Pornostar Kelly Trump | NDR Talkshow
  • Die Intensiv-Station - Satire in Emden | Intensiv-Station | NDR
    Die Intensiv-Station - Satire in Emden | Intensiv-Station | NDR
  • Die Reportage - Der letzte Milchbauer von Sylt | NDR Fernsehen
    Die Reportage - Der letzte Milchbauer von Sylt | NDR Fernsehen
  • Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR
    Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • 6:58
    "Generation Casting": Teilnehmer packen aus | ZAPP Medienmagazin | NDR
  • NDR Reportage/Lohnunternehmen Henke
    NDR Reportage/Lohnunternehmen Henke
  • Komiker Paul Panzer | NDR Talk Show | NDR
    Komiker Paul Panzer | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • NDR Comedy Contest - Best of | NDR Comedy Contest | NDR
    NDR Comedy Contest - Best of | NDR Comedy Contest | NDR
  • Stargeiger David Garrett | NDR Talk Show | NDR
    Stargeiger David Garrett | NDR Talk Show | NDR
  • Sängerin Ina Müller   | NDR Talkshow
    Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talkshow

Die Nordreportage - Dicke Fische im Minutentakt | NDR Fernsehen

Am Bezahlteich der Familie Rath gibt es Angelabenteuer mit Erfolgsgarantie. Vater Harry sorgt dafür, dass sich immer genügend Forellen im Wasser tummeln.
  • published: 30 Sep 2013
  • views: 2453

Die Nor­dreportage - Dicke Fis­che im Minu­ten­takt | NDR Fernse­hen
Am Bezahlte­ich der Fam­i­lie Rath gibt es An­ge­laben­teuer mit Er­fol­gs­garantie. Vater Harry so...
pub­lished: 30 Sep 2013
Mit dem Treck­er nach Mal­lor­ca | DIE RE­PORTAGE | NDR
Bis Mal­lor­ca sind es 1.900 Kilo­me­ter. Mit dem Flugzeug ein Klacks. Aber Rent­ner Win­fried L...
pub­lished: 26 Jul 2013
au­thor: ARD
NDR - The Art of Man­scap­ing
Cre­at­ed by Noam Ash and Austin Ben­ing Writ­ten by Noam Ash and Austin Ben­ing @M­rNoa­mAsh @My...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2013
เป็นคลิปที่ผมเคยทำครั้งแรกในชีวิต .. . น้องเป้ย....
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2011
au­thor: DoD­Club2011
Ex-Pornos­tar Kelly Trump | NDR Talk­show
In den 1990er Jahren galt Kelly Trump als die "Königin des deutschen Pornos". 2001 zog sie...
pub­lished: 23 Jul 2013
au­thor: ARD
Die In­ten­siv-Sta­tion - Satire in Emden | In­ten­siv-Sta­tion | NDR
Die In­ten­siv-Sta­tion dies­mal im Neuen The­ater Emden - unter an­derem mit Jochen Busse, Guid...
pub­lished: 05 Oct 2013
Die Re­portage - Der let­zte Milch­bauer von Sylt | NDR Fernse­hen
Bauer Nielsen macht sich Sor­gen um die Zukun­ft sein­er Land­wirtschaft. Er ist der let­zte Mi...
pub­lished: 20 Sep 2013
Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk Show | NDR
Diese Frau ist ein wan­del­ndes En­ergiebündel, und nur sie kann so schön "sin­gen und sabbeln...
pub­lished: 28 Oct 2013
"Gen­er­a­tion Cast­ing": Teil­nehmer pack­en aus | ZAPP Me­di­en­magazin | NDR
Wer nach einer Cast­ing­show als zick­ige Sexbombe gilt, hat nicht viel gewon­nen. Den­noch seh...
pub­lished: 16 May 2013
au­thor: ARD
NDR Re­portage/Loh­nun­ternehmen Henke
Die Silo­mais­ernte 2009 ist für die meis­ten LUs bere­its gelaufen. Einen beson­deren Ein­blick...
pub­lished: 02 Sep 2012
Komik­er Paul Panz­er | NDR Talk Show | NDR
In über 800 Scherzan­rufen hat Di­eter Tap­pert alias Paul Panz­er seine Opfer in den Wahnsinn...
pub­lished: 10 Nov 2013
NDR Com­e­dy Con­test - Best of | NDR Com­e­dy Con­test | NDR
Im "Com­e­dy Con­test - Best of" seht ihr das Beste aus den Shows der er­sten Jahreshälfte 201...
pub­lished: 06 Aug 2013
Stargeiger David Gar­rett | NDR Talk Show | NDR
Er hat Mil­lio­nen Plat­ten und Konz­erttick­ets verkauft. Im Kino be­weist David Gar­rett jetzt ...
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2013
Sängerin Ina Müller | NDR Talk­show
Mit ihrer Sendung "Inas Nacht" hat sie sich selb­st zum Kult er­hoben.. Sie ist das Nordlich...
pub­lished: 16 Oct 2012
au­thor: ARD
Youtube results:
7 Tage ... Beim Bund | NDR
05:50 Uhr, Kaserne Fünfe­ichen, Neubran­den­burg. "Und eins!" brüllt der Aus­bilder durch den ...
pub­lished: 03 Jun 2013
au­thor: ARD
Tanz den "Xaver"-Style | NDR
Einen Live­bericht auf tagess­chau24 nutzen zwei junge Männer für eine Tanzein­lage. Mit nack...
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2013
Lena Mey­er-Lan­drut in der NDR Talk­show am 26.10.2012
Lena im In­ter­view und ab 10:19 Star­dust live! "Ihr neues Album heißt "Star­dust", Ster­nenst...
pub­lished: 26 Oct 2012
au­thor: LenaFanKanal
Schlagersänger Heino | NDR Talk­show
Mit seinem neuen Album be­weist der 73-Jährige, wie jung und mod­ern er immer noch ist. Er i...
pub­lished: 18 Feb 2013
au­thor: ARD
photo: AP / Rick Bowmer
In this May 5, 2011, shows a unidentified man smoking medical marijuana during karaoke night at the Cannabis Cafe, in Portland, Ore
Edit Peace FM Online
20 Jan 2014
US President Barack Obama has said smoking marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, but still called it a "bad idea". Speaking to The New Yorker magazine, he said it was wrong to think legalising the drug would be "a panacea" that could solve many social problems ...       ....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: AP / SANA
n this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian citizens carry a dead body, at the scene where two mortar rounds exploded near an orphanage, at al-Boukhtyar area, in Damascus, Syria, Wednesday March 13, 2013. The state-run SANA news agency said two mortar rounds exploded near an orphanage in al-Boukhtyar area, killing and wounding an unknown number of people. Syrian government troops fought fierce battles with rebels on Wednesday for control of key neighborhoods in the north of Damascus, residents and activists said.
Edit BBC News
21 Jan 2014
There is clear evidence that Syria has systematically tortured and executed about 11,000 detainees since the start of the uprising, a report by three former war crimes prosecutors says. One of the authors told the BBC there was evidence of government involvement. Damascus has denied claims of abuse. The investigators examined thousands of images of dead prisoners reportedly smuggled out of Syria by a defector ... Please turn on JavaScript ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
photo: AP / Vincent Thian
Anti-government protesters wave Thai national flags during a protest rally in Bangkok, Thailand.
Edit Herald Tribune
21 Jan 2014
BANGKOK - Thailand's government has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas to cope with protests that have stirred up violent attacks. Labor Minister Chalerm Yubumrung announced that the measure will take effect Wednesday. The emergency decree greatly expands the power of security forces to issue orders and search, arrest and detain people, with limited judicial and parliamentary oversight ... All rights reserved ... ....(size: 3.2Kb)
photo: WN / RTayco
Senor Sto. Nino is lifted up by the lead dancer, as others lift up their props of bounty, during the Sinulog festival in Cebu City.
Edit Sun Star
20 Jan 2014
CEBU CITY (Updated, 4.53 p.m.) -- The winners of the Sinulog 2014 Grand Parade were announced Monday afternoon at the Cebu City Sports Complex. Here is a list of the winners.. A. Street Dancing Category. First Place -- Lumad Basakanon. Second Place -- Tangub City's Sinanduloy Cultural Troupe. Third Place -- Kulturang Placereño of Masbate Dance Troupe-Placer, Masbate. Last year's second placer, this year's champion ... B ... School) ... C ... D ... E ... F....(size: 2.7Kb)

Edit Stuff
22 Jan 2014
Germany's ADAC car club, Europe's largest and most influential, says revelations it falsified results of its annual car award strike at the core of its credibility, and leaves critics questioning its car safety tests. Volkswagen said it was considering giving back the award ... ADAC has over 18 million members ... The ball's in the ADAC's court now,'' said Peter-Heinz Thul, head of VW's product communication, in an interview with NDR radio ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit noodls
21 Jan 2014
... and Münchner Philharmoniker. Urbański will also return to the Philharmonia Orchestra, Wiener Symphoniker, Orquesta y Coro Nacionales de Espana, NDR Sinfonieorchester Hamburg, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. In the U.S., engagements include a return to Washington's National Symphony Orchestra....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Reuters
20 Jan 2014
BERLIN/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany's ADAC car club, Europe's largest and most influential, said on Monday revelations it had falsified results of its annual car award struck at the core of its credibility and critics raised questions about its car safety tests ... Our goal is to restore our credibility." ... The ball's in the ADAC's court now," said Peter-Heinz Thul, head of VW's product communication, in an interview with NDR radio....(size: 5.1Kb)
Edit Sporting Life
17 Jan 2014
Player Profile. 15. Kevin De Bruyne ... Wolfsburg are on a mid-season trip in China, but sporting director Klaus Allofs told German broadcaster NDR. "Kevin is in Wolfsburg ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Orange News
17 Jan 2014
Wolfsburg are on a mid-season trip in China, but sporting director Klaus Allofs told German broadcaster NDR. "Kevin is in Wolfsburg ... ....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit noodls
15 Jan 2014
(Source. Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany). 15.01.2014 .. Petra Diroll is to take over as the head of the BMZ press office on 3 February 2014 ... Diroll also worked for the German stations SWR, WDR and NDR as a radio and TV reporter, and as an editor on the TV programme ARD-Themenwochen. Diroll will begin working at the BMZ on 15 January ... distributed by....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit Deutsche Welle
15 Jan 2014
In the wake of the NSA affair, Germany and the US have begun talks to find an agreement on the activities of their spy agencies. In November 2013, the minister responsible for the German intelligence agencies, Ronald Pofalla, said that negotiations on the so-called No-Spy Agreement were going well, but the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and state TV network NDR have reported that the talks are close to breaking down. Deutsche Welle ... ....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Deutsche Welle
14 Jan 2014
In the wake of the NSA affair, Germany and the US have begun talks to find an agreement on the activities of their spy agencies. In November 2013, the minister responsible for the German intelligence agencies, Ronald Pofalla, said that negotiations on the so-called No-Spy Agreement were going well, but the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and state TV network NDR have reported that the talks are close to breaking down. Deutsche Welle ... ....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit noodls
13 Jan 2014
(Source. Isle of Man Government). 13th January 2014. This notice is issued by the Financial Supervision Commission ("the Commission") in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under Section 30 of the Financial Services Act 2008. Winston & Churchill Private Equity. Ralph Mendoza ... The Commission wishes to draw attention to the following observations. ... OR ... NDR/01/2014 Financial Supervision Commission. P.O....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit noodls
13 Jan 2014
(Source. FSC - Financial Supervision Commission). This notice is issued by the Financial Supervision Commission ("the Commission") in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under Section 30 of the Financial Services Act 2008. Winston & Churchill Private Equity. Ralph Mendoza ... The Commission wishes to draw attention to the following observations. ... OR ... FSC reference. NDR/01/2014 ... P.O. Box 58. Finch Hill House....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Mail Guardian South Africa
09 Jan 2014
The ANC turned 102 years old this week. The old great trees have fallen one by one – men and woman who held the ANC's revolutionary morality ... Machiavelli goes on to write that " ... Leading a life that reflects commitment to the strategic goals of the NDR [National Democratic Revolution] includes not only being free of corrupt practices; it also means actively fighting against corruption."  ... Twitter. ....(size: 7.5Kb)
Edit BBC News
08 Jan 2014
The A47 Postwick Hub could be linked to the proposed Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NDR), intended to run around the east and north of the city ... They also feared it would pave the way for the separate NDR scheme, which has yet to be approved ... The Postwick Hub and NDR were awarded £86.5m from the Department of Transport in ......(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit noodls
08 Jan 2014
The real celebrations however will start with a positive decision relating to the go-ahead for the NDR application which  is still waiting for approval and is subject of a public examination during 2014." ... The scheme was reviewed by the new Coalition Government and £19m in funding for the junction was confirmed as part of the £86.5m allocation for Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NDR)....(size: 3.1Kb)

NDR may refer to:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Kelly Trump (born August 27, 1970 in Bottrop, Germany) is the stage name of German pornographic actress Nicole Heyka.

She has performed in story-driven German adult films, such as German Beauty (an adult adaptation of American Beauty), Eiskalte Engel (the German title of Cruel intentions), the 00Sex series (based on James Bond) and Ariella the Mermaid. She has also acted in a small number of American adult films, including films for Wicked Pictures.

One unusual career move was her involvement in RTL Promiboxen, German TV's version of celebrity boxing. For the 2003 program, she trained as a potential substitute in case the announced boxers, Tanja Szewczenko and Samantha Fox, were unable to participate in their bout.

For the 2004 program, Trump was announced as one of the celebrity boxers, with her opponent being Juliane Ziegler, the 22-year-old star of German TV reality program Der Bachelor. Trump underwent four weeks of intensive training with noted martial arts trainer Klaus Waschkewitz. Trump's ring name was "Bad Babe" while Ziegler's was "Red Rose".

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Paul Panzer (3 November 1872 – 16 August 1958) was a German-American silent film actor. He appeared in 333 films between 1905 and 1952. Panzer was best known for playing Koerner/Raymond Owen in The Perils of Pauline.

He was born in Würzburg, Bavaria, and died in Hollywood, California.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Jürgen Drews (born April 2, 1945 in Nauen near Berlin) is a German singer.

In his childhood Drews lived in Schleswig. After school Drews studied medicine in Kiel at the University of Kiel, but dropped out of medical school to work as a singer.

Drews married first Corinna Drews, with whom he has one son. Since 1995 Drews has been married to Ramona Drews, with whom he has one daughter. He lives in Dülmen-Rorup in Germany and spends a lot of his time working on the Spanish island Mallorca.

He is most know for being a member of the 70's pop group The Les Humphries Singers.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -ürgen_Drews

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Jutta Speidel (born 26 March 1954 in Munich) is a German actress.

She had her first television role at the age of 15. Jutta Speidel appeared in Schulmadchen Report 1 (1970), which was directed by Ernst Hofbauer and produced by Wolf C. Hartwig. She acted mainly in German television series and TV films like Rivalen der Rennbahn. She is remembered for playing several roles in the very popular TV series Derrick. She has two daughters. She founded the HORIZONT e.V. charity in 1997 for homeless children and their mothers.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

I rap for all thug cliques bloods and crips
Niggas who hate the cameras and loving the chips
Caught in solitude old timers taught me how to move
Fort apache Queensbridge corner athlete
At 6-1 170 plus
Hennyed up walk around like I could never be touched
The whole clique be heavily truck
Peep the style though
Tricking house notes and whips on these foul hoes
Wild as Alpo crack crusade rap bu-ffets
A rare site like blacks in toupees
Keep the Rollie shinin' true players know the science
And those that's behind me be the Giants
While y'all are Jets
Last place niggas minor threats
Stay on the move till it's time to rest
Aint it bugged?
So take it back to the time Rickle's with Doug
I used to fiend to hear my shit in the club
Torchin it for the less fortunate y'all need to watch me
Bitches start to swarm like the paparazzi
Pussy and money it made me cocky
Celebrity getting no sleep
Drinking heavily and live the life some will never see
I got a fist full of dollars (and you talking that shit)
Rich rap scholar (and you talking that shit)
We plan to live forever (don't be talking that shit)
You better get your shit together (stop talking that shit)
It's the top of the division (still talking that shit)
Knock'em out position ('cause we talking that shit)
Anything can happen (so don't be talking that shit)
Now watch me go platinum (just for talking that shit)
1'S for the money 2's for the weed spot
Undercover cops follow me though they need not
It's like I'm Rick James
Caught in the mix rockin' thick chains
From hood to hood aint shit changed
Supplying hits
The type of cat hoes eye and dip
Tricking the same loot that some'll try and flip
Why attempt to go against the livest clique?
Firm knowing you'll burn soon as the fire's lit
And by the time it sets in I'll be a veteran
Aiming for the waistline hit you at the midsection
Trick questions for game shows
Call me arrogant too thugged out who do you blame though
Payroll the whole clique salute the rich
Moving out of the hood kids play where we used to piss
Niggaas is humorous it's Nature who this?
Claiming desperado aim shoot and they miss
But the fact is I'm giving back to the bridge
From the athletes to the hoes and blow trafficers
I'll do anything to be the man
From competing with fam
Hold guns squeeze with either hand
It's like I'm ambidexterous somehow stress this
Talking about blowing knowing the family's restless
How many ways can you correct this?
So with that I exit I guees it's up to the experts
I got a fist full of dollars (and you talking that shit)
Rich rap scholar (and you talking that shit)
We plan to live forever (don't be talking that shit)
You better get your shit together (stop talking that shit)
It's the top of the division (still talking that shit)
Knock'em out position ('cause we talking that shit)
Anything can happen (so don't be talking that shit)

"yo nate, shit is crazy, I shook hands with mad dead niggas yo, all the
Niggas that used to be on the block, ill will, marty, black ed, yo son,
Mad niggas is gone, rest in peace though."
Verse 1:
Fifty-two blocks, gazelle frames
Bald heads and heavy chains
Somehow caught in the game
Back in '83, before cable tv
When these so called thug niggas played in the street
I used to hear the stories
Live niggas here before me
Like the rich porters, the fat cats, the pauly's
Outlaw league, from the street to the pen
Eyes glossy, niggas only speak when they bent
Off the perfect mixture
Forcin' down herbs and liquor
Only hot slugs 'll hurt ya quicker
Think it out and elevate, I gave years to the state
As a 92-r-7478, it set me straight
The changing of a stubborn cat
The one that used to hustle on the block mad hard and loved to rap
In goose down coats and wool hats, the youth in me
I guess life on the streets ain't what it used to be.
I remember! (echo)
When niggas used to live it up, live it up
Flashin' dough all night
I remember! (echo)
When niggas didn't give a fuck, gettin' drunk
Shootin' guns all night.
Verse 2:
Straight shots of hen with no chaser
Mo' paper, stubborn, hard headed like joe frazier
The gremlins, the pack that I come with
Keep gats by the stomach
Act up and stack hundreds
Niggas don't want it, see me I be the ring leader, lion tamer
Do the bankhead and macarena
A black entertainer, bottom line
Ya'll niggas know who got the hottest rhymes
Face it, I got the whole globe on some nate shit
Straight from the corners to the covers of the latest rap pages
Turn the projects to black vegas
Don kingin' niggas, make 'em sign blank papers
It's the american way, do my enemies pray or is it just me?
Hustlin', hopin' the fiends trust me
Talkin' to us, hold up, let me walk you through this
Wannabe pimps, hoes, often shooters
Niggas need to know what the truth is
Fuck the sarcasm
I miss my nigga mark but God has 'em
When I see his flics I start spazzin'
I learned to let it go
But I guess livin' this life a nigga never know.
Verse 3:
I used to love starters, thug garments
Boppin' into spofford, r.o.r. on drug charges
Writin' on walls, florescent markers and krylon
Savin' my loot to buy a firearm
Broken safety, borough hall and jay street
Hopped the train not knowin' that a fall awaits me
Problems came when I started slingin'
Late night I hear revolvers ringin'
The echos cause cops to start rodney kingin'
Many riots, is there any silence?
Everybody sipped henny, hustled with many clients
Growin' up on the same block my pops was raised
Rocked waves, blend tapes playin' on hot days
Brought the speakers out
Police made us put the wrieffer out
Peep it, I was too young to leave the house
I'm tryin' to see the world, runnin' the streets without a care
I remember it well 'cause I was there.

I don't give a fuck about your Girlfriends
I don't give a fuck about your Man boo
I don't give a fuck about your friends
And your friends ain't shit, and sometimes I can't understand you
I don't even know why you page me
I don't even know if I can trust you
Yo, is you jumpin' it off?
Is you jumpin' it off?
If not then keepin' movin' bitch, fuck you
I got a whole 'lotta problems that I gotta resolve
Like 4 in the mornin' I get anonymous calls
They let it ring once, they let it ring twice
Damm, it rang twelve times, chickens ain't right
Cussin' like a sailor, fuckin' in trailors
Photoshoots, niggas did it and told me the head was much realer
Shouldn't have did it boo, you shouldn't have did it boo
Now you forgettin' exactly how many niggas you did it too
Cut you off, shit's critical, gimme my space
I admit, I was the one that made the silly mistakes
The Fifty state roamer
Had to throw the fake on her
Heavyweight, ringside seats in Nate's corner
Wait for her, it might take days
But back home's where the fight takes place
Punches and scratches
Headlocks and hatchets
Screamin' at the top of her lungs, this bitch is spazzin'
Comin' at ya, whats up with that shit?
I don't give a fuck about your Girlfriends
I don't give a fuck about your Man boo
I don't give a fuck about your friends
And your friends ain't shit, and sometimes I can't understand you
I don't even know why you page me
I don't even know if I can trust you
Yo, is you jumpin' it off?
Is you jumpin' it off?
If not then keepin' movin' bitch, fuck you
Hugs turn to kisses, kisses turn to intercourse
Engagement, marriage, then divorce
Devellish acts, sinnin' thoughts
Secrets bein' spilled out, soon as it happens the pigeons talk
I try to keep her close by, don't mind lettin' go
Let her know who the fuck she wit'
Like any Man unless he's whipped
A messy script leads to domestic disputes
All your friends gettin' caught in our beef 'cause they thought it was
Dressin' in suits, I used to get you from work
Checked your feelings, even flipped on you first
Stripped down your purse
One night I found your phonebook
Hidin' spots, look in all the places you thought I won't look
Never said shit, but dead shit immediate
Ripped out the numbers that I needed to rip
Heated quick, did what I had to do
Sat her down, she flipped it around, looked in my eyes and quickly
Caught this attitude
I don't give a fuck about your Girlfriends
I don't give a fuck about your Man boo
I don't give a fuck about your friends
And your friends ain't shit, and sometimes I can't understand you
I don't even know why you page me
I don't even know if I can trust you
Yo, is you jumpin' it off?
Is you jumpin' it off?
If not then keepin' movin' bitch, fuck you
Some nights you might talk in your sleep, pig Latin
Drunk, the next mornin' actin' like I didn't happen
Should I cheat? give me reasonable doubt
Is the next Man trickin' on you? huh? is he eatin' you out?
You're poppin' up with mysterious gifts
When I ask you just laugh, brushin' off the seriousness
There's nothin' worse than a curious bitch
With some nosey friends
Six deep in a old BM
Pushin' it to the limit
Ripped up seats with cushion in it
Change on the rug
She give brains to all the thugs
While she drives, somethin' called dangerous love
Got a airbag on both sides, no lie
Doin' shit the average hoes don't try
Wanna know why I'll never leave you?
You're intelligent, young, and evil
The definition of a real bitch, some'll G you
Come and see you like "Next!"
Right after their ex
I don't give a fuck about your Girlfriends
I don't give a fuck about your Man boo
I don't give a fuck about your friends
And your friends ain't shit, and sometimes I can't understand you
I don't even know why you page me
I don't even know if I can trust you
Yo, is you jumpin' it off?
Is you jumpin' it off?

A yo, you love to hear the story
Again and again
How a nigga used to hustle in scuffed up tim's
Queensbridge let the battle begin,
I keep my best on
Police arrest me when they dead wrong
Bring it to a pitfall
Everybody nice in stickbal
It's new york new york
Nigga similar to crenshaw
Hot summer nights
Niggas running the dice
Lil'hoes start fucking
Moms running they life
Served the same fiends
Since I was eighteen
Never voted
Ask yourself how the hell I wrote it?
Figure niggas out like they frost works
I be the author, hitting you up
Like one shot from a mossburg
Kep my money wrinkled
Cause some fiends a try to beat you
If you ain't fam, don't even speak to
Ain't no need to,
Cause y'all niggas softer than clay
Wanna bet that's a cost you pay, muthafucka!
(beat plays!!!!!!)
Nature's 2nd:
A yo hot peas & butter
Now we pop at each other
Play the same corne,
Some stand
On top of each other
Getting better view
Crime be federal
Queensbridge, ambulance never arrive
Ahead of the news
Niggas jump from the fifth floor
Land on they feet
Go to court give the judge quick insanity pleas
Yammi we need, hearing that the blue van out
Understand niggas do stand out
Change ya jeans young man
Change ya plans and schemes
They cuff niggas on they hands and knees
Jump thugs like we trampelines
The shock program is getting too packed
Running through cats
Crazy bony, thun ya lady know me
Madison square,
I was drunk when I got in the air
Niggas thumpd, I let a shot in the air
Whipw my prints off
Before I had to toss it away
I had to use it, a cost that you pay
Beat plays!!!!
Yo thun!
Polla verse like a dutch
When a nigga frustrated
Relase anger on the paper
Record it on tape
Play it on the block
On ya box
While you get off rocks
And down heavy swallows
Of scotch white label
Put it on the table thun
I could see it clear
Not too many niggas do it like this here
Throw guns up in nautica hoods
And got inside parties
Shots u in there
Left wounds severe
Thun, tunnel nightd
Club fihgts, throwing chairs
I could recall
So many shanks
And blood tears
Burnt dutch tryin' to get so high
I swear, come to find out it was all in the mind
Now let's celebrate my thugs
Still told shit to spill yours insides on the floor
Qb, back'em to the wall
Mobb shirts, nas hoods and firm leatheers
A yo nate we straight
Don't it feel real
Now let a nigga peel
Ain't the main topin
Stay on top
And put an end to ya life
For trying to stop it
You can't block this!
Word up thun!

When you thought it was no love
It's always love around the world
When you think it's no war
It's always war
[Verse 1]
Ayo, ayo I almost got caught by this young bitch, a dumb bitch
I offered her ones, she wanted hundreds
She don't even drink, shorty sips SunKiss
Caught me on the one on one, always try to tongue kiss
She aint the type of girl that I'll have my son wit
Days are fun wit, fucked everywhere brought stuffed teddy bears
Told me that she loved me and she very scared
Up until now, she never trusted any man
She never knew about my other boo, comin through
My dimepiece teachin summer school, part time
At night, honey was a stripper
Givin cats lap dances, the money was quicker
Mid town Manhattan crib, shorty live by herself
Raisin little man, five and still shit on hisself
In the fridge, wasn't shit on the shelf
Roach legs and cheese
She was the head pro, you know she got a extra key
She met my dog, slept in my draws
Now she go in my pockets, intercept my calls
Like the other day, Young Love called me from school
She answered and hung up, arguments was brung up
For a hot second, hit me with tears, somethin not expected
Stared at my eyes like I got her pregnant
Said Nate, I never really ever want you to go
I said it's somethin that I want you to know
You're my Young Love
My lady (knawmean)
You're everything in this world there is to me
(That's the way it's supposed to be)
I gotta be with you, or someone
Fly Young Love, my Young Love
[Verse 2]
Yo, yo, yo in the cut, Young Love still diggin her guts
In school sick, callin me to pick her up, jumped in the whip
Swervin on my way to Murry Bergdrom
I could tell by her voice phone call was kinda urgent
Lights I run through, she might be in the lunch room
I get there, sign her out, fakin like her uncle
Back to the rest, I give her Tylenol
The bitch supposed to be sick, showin no signs at all
Playin Sega, laughin 'cause she made me wake up
My punishment, when all she really wanted was dick
Not thinkin 'bout my other chick, the one with the key
Off work at 5 o'clock, today somethin to three
Jumpin in while I'm humpin this freak, I heard the door lock
Nature I'm home, went straight for the phone
Call her friend up, talk ten minutes, me and shorty gettin dressed
No record, nothing more to discuss
She start flippin, put her bra on, she told her I'm wrong
The door opened, automatic time bomb
My lady blanked out, reach in her purse, pull a shank out
I side stepped, still she caught me on my bicep
My young shorty never tried to run
She stood there toe to toe with this hoe, and took alotta lump
Sheddin blood til one of them go
She a thug but I want her to know
[Verse 3]
Uh huh, what, what, what
I woke up the next morning feeling guilty
10:30, the phone rang, shorty wanna bill wit me, chill wit me
Askin me to snatch her up
I couldn't tell it was fake, thought she wanna patch it up
Like it's all love, shorty's grill was all gauzed up
She tried to smile, though she sore as fuck
Apologize, tears ran outta my eyes
Not even one swear as I started to drive
Thought nothing of it, I put the tape on
See they caught up in some love shit, knowin they wrong
I pulled up right in front of the store, hopped out of the car
50 cent quickly got a cigar
Said we need to find a place where we can park and talk
Where police don't come, we can spark and talk
I know the spot, it's just about a block from us now
Comin up on your right, where we might could sit down
I never knew that my boo had a gun in her hand
Til she put it to my chest where she want it to land
Post up, before she let one of them go
I said it's something that I want you to know...

Do you see what I see?
Do you smoke what I smoke?
Do you wanna smoke?
Do you wanna ride?
Yeah aiyyo aiyyo
When I walk into a room, niggas feel a slight breeze
Stay a little while till they feel they might freeze
Never understood why they never liked me
'cause when I locked the door, they turned into to Icees
Starin at my feet all you see is Nikes
Bet you never seen a ill pair like these
Size ten, never find me in a tight squeeze
At the airport, minutes before my flight leaves
Round trip tickets to who knows where
Stay boarding, never at least a day's warning
Previous plans, they spoiling
A dollar and a dream, the theme to New York, stay Torrance
>From St. John's to Wake Forest, wait for us
Straight ballers, you hearin it first
Nate flawless in almost every event
Puttin up point, while niggas like ya'll stay scoreless
All my niggas from the projects, light one up
To my bitches from the projects, light one up
And stay high, high
And pass me a cup of that good shit (so high),
we on some hood shit (so high)
Niggas from the projects, light one up
To my bitches from the projects, light one up
And stay high, high
And pass me a cup of that good shit (so high),
we on some hood shit (so high)
What's me without the hood?
A tree without wood, a dutch wit no bud
A cut wit no blood
A fuck but don't nut, I be incomplete
If me and the street wasn't in between the sheets
I'm a product of hard luck, the money and murder game
Here's Nature, kill a faker, man you heard of the name
>From the cold streets of QB, old beef to new beef
No peace, through the song, what I see you see
Mad bitches wanna smoke wit me
Niggas wanna roll wit me
Usually in my hood, find me in yo' city
Grimy-ette so pretty, it's like there's two me's
Wit no favorites, I try to love both of me
Thinkin of a way where I can better myself
Sometimes I get a head of myself
Holdin weed wit intention, frontin like I got it prescribed
So high I must be outta my mind
It's like hoppin in a glass pool, half full
Niggas only hit the bottom when they crash through
Mash fools out like they fast food
Bon' appetit, platinum or not, it ain't no match for me
I sum niggas whole careers up, scared tough niggas
Bluff niggas into thinkin that their year's up
It ain't a game, took six months off, the shit jumps off
Mini-Me's are gettin punched in they jaw
My dunn call this shit Animal Rap
Me, I call it dumbin
My near-sighted niggas saw it comin
More stunnin, brand new flows to toy wit
Neck flooded on some Hurricane Floyd shit
Back and forth to St. Crouix kid, same plan
Playin Sega Dreamcast till the plane lands
A changed man, niggas don't know, they never will
And if they don't understand, then they ain't fam, simple as that

(nature talking)
Yo it's mad bitches in the world today
That just wanna get a nigga for what he got...
Verse 1:
Yo, woke up one morning turned your radio on
You couldn't find your money and your hooker was gone
Ran to the kitchen found mad grams missin'
You thought it couldn't happen thought she had ambition
Man listen them tricks come a dime a dozen
They stay lying on the phone to they man saying I'm her cousin
Nothing like the type that won't give me no play
Coming home to the womb two jobs it's okay
Reads her horoscope she don't drink nor smoke
But suck a good dick called her a.t. all throat
Pussy wide enough to catch a small boat
Nah I like the witty big tittie type
Not hip to city life
Checking accounts mad weed next to the couch
Butt naked adt protect the house
Kinda righteous satellite dish
Jew-els be priceless all I gotta do is pipe it
(chorus) nature: I know what you want from me
(lady singing) I got love for you baby mad love for you baby
(nat)you say you wanna fuck wit me
(lady) let me smother you baby see the thug in you baby
(nat) if the time is right
(both) I need you inside my life
(nat) if you know what I 'm looking for then take it off..
Verse 2:
I hate a bitch with a weak mind and slick mouth
In the crib all the time spittin kids out
See me on the humble knowing that I be with jungle
It's funny once you got doe somehoes seem to hunt you
No remorse no regrets they phone your rest
Breaking up your home known as pests
Walking thin lines make you dial star 69
It's how the game goes
Some will page you put in strange codes
Fuck for pesos ven aqui can I see
Every time we get together gotta spend a g
You gotta pay for the room and pay for the meal it's like a catch 22 yo
Gettin slayed in the deal
Mama behind closed doors find no flaws
I can hold mine down question is can you hold yours?
Verse 3:
I got winter bitches summer biches a hundred bitches
Trickin on them with mcdonalds number sixes
Super size'em for the fly ones
Introduce them to the hood those prepared to hear sirens
Episodes choker chains x and o's
I got'em coming back my sex exceptional
21 and up overnight stays in the honeycut
They don't need a man they just wanna fuck
Outlaws opened up lke mouth sores
Picture me switching up my style southpaw
Forget it hoe a real nigga never give you doe
I kiss your cheek tell you not this week my shit is low
Hit the exit sorry we don't play like that
Thought we came to party? nah ma we ain't like that
I change chics like I change kicks I know it's bugged
But I once had love before it came to this

Peep the reprucussions, causing deep discussions
Brothers that fight might only speak to cousins
Rugged life but niggas in my fleet is stubborn
Grandma's they turn to Stella's when they need some loving
My name holds weight, bigger than a Saint Bernard
Some think because it's rap that it ain't a job
Think again, I try to sepearate my do's from don'ts
Niggas be slittin' they wrist, losing they hoes
Some dudes be confused when they broke
Misrabale, looking death in the eye don't blink quick to smile
My hoodrats be women now, [unverified] lot
Yall'a always be my bitches lonely or not
How much ass can I pass up? Tilt your glass up
This one's for the kids in Arkansas that shot they class up
When I smoke I like my hash crushed beleive it or not
Q-B forever niggas keeping it locked
Smoking cheeba, some supply it some'll grow it
Reefer, some'll buy it some'll roll it
The chronic, if you try'd it then you know it
The toxic, I'm getting high when I roll it
You know I wanna hit the chocolate
Some brothers love to see them clouds
The hydro, some brothers love to get aroused
The la-la, in some paper or a dutch
The ganja, I can't wait to get a rush, marijuana
I play cards with Ray Charles, cheat for a grand
Once I deal out the deck take a peak at his hand
He got blackjacks but still losing is weak
I write a hook and feel my beat
Trayino, Mike G should read his feet
Play these niggas, now in 98 no time to graze niggas
'Cause they might tell, white judges, like the icegrill
Hoes set you up the same way that Pac and Mike fell
Private affairs if I know your wife well
Switch to different subjects
Some of the styles that I hit you up with
I make it hard for you to kick your tough shit
Major adjustments, I package a flame for all you bustas
Wrapped up put on a shelf full of substance
I drug clicks, anti-biotic, rarely spotted
Niggas hear my name periodic
I feel we got it King of New York
Only the real'll cop it
Smoking cheeba, some supply it some'll grow it
Reefer, some'll buy it some'll roll it
The chronic, if you try'd it then you know it
The toxic, I'm getting high when I roll it
You know I wanna hit the chocolate
Some brothers love to see them clouds
The hydro, some brothers love to get aroused
The la-la, in some paper or a dutch
The ganja, I can't wait to get a rush, marijuana
I been all across the world on my quest for some herb
Spots be selling dirt keep the federal resevere
Smoking in bongs, niggas know that its 'dro in the Bronx
I like that stinky green shit that be growing in swamps
Half-Baked puff, puff, then you pass it to me
Good weed'll make you eat the last shit on your plate
Forget your songs seperate stix from stones
If your chronic come with stix leave that shit alone
Smoking cheeba, some supply it some'll grow it
Reefer, some'll buy it some'll roll it
The chronic, if you try'd it then you know it
The toxic, I'm getting high when I roll it
You know I wanna hit the chocolate
Some brothers love to see them clouds
The hydro, some brothers love to get aroused
The la-la, in some paper or a dutch
The ganja, I can't wait to get a rush, marijuana
Smoking cheeba, some supply it some'll grow it
Reefer, some'll buy it some'll roll it
The chronic, if you try'd it then you know it
The toxic, I'm getting high when I roll it
You know I wanna hit the chocolate
Some brothers love to see them clouds
The hydro, some brothers love to get aroused
The la-la, in some paper or a dutch

24-7, 365 days
Niggas coming sideways, not me
Some are sloppy
My style sharper than a three-piece suit
Plus a tie, and deper than the look,
In a thugs eyes
Why do slugs fly?
Ask ya'self that
Why does uncle sam got us held back?
My niggas sell crack, to survive
Thun it ain't what you wear,
It's what you drive
Them crackers in the bank don't give a fuck if you live
No offense, but y'all just gotta know
That it's tense
I'm energized, everytime that I rhyme,
I go the length
From point a to point z
I guess you slept,
I guess you'll never realize how hot my joints be
So turn it up,
I found a new way to earn a buck
Rappin' for the people
Hustla's and murderers
Doctors and lawyers
Cops and tom sawyr type niggas
Ball playas earning nice figures
Everybody, play my shit loud at every party
Bitches get dicked down
Now they praying that they pregnant by me,
On purpose, I be the nigga that you worship
Staying in ya tape deck
Spraying ya favorite verses
Again and again
Peep my adrenaline
Thugged the fuck out
At the same time
A perfect gentleman
You ain't never heard no shit like this(6x)
Now who else could take a beat like this and twist it
Speak wisdom, and sound clear on a cheap system
It gotta be me, you know my policy I keep you on ya toes
Like high heel shoes for real though
Irritating like when ya beard grow
Try to trim it, the hottest nigga in the rap game
Without a gimmick
Keep my hat on matching my wears
Bitches ask me for loot
Only after my deal
It's all real
I'm critically acclaimed
My shit bang
From here to quebec
Niggas show me either fear or respect
You could dance
Put ya ear to the deck
Either or, you could do it at work,
Try to teach ya boss,
Messin wit fate
Y'all fake niggas
Stay stressin' my tape
Think y'all ready for hits
Step up next to the plate
Wit ya low percentage
Low value, no value
Ya shits slow mo
Mine is thrown at you, homo
I don't make the rules
Nigga I just break'em
Rap for the fouls
Lay my jewels out for the takin'
Pick'em up
Listen well
Critics predicted
Since the firm that my shit a sell
Straight doing it
Can y'all picture me not movin'em
I know you'll love it so much

Queensbridge, 41st side
Yo yo yo
I gots no birth records, no next of kin
Know a lot of mothafuckers, got no best friends
Know the weather checkin ten-ten winds a.m
First and fifteenth I'm layin at the check cashing
Think I'm playin, blink and I'm sprayin
Wrong move, ask yourself what leg you wanna lose 'cause you gon' lose
I cripple niggas, from the complex to simple niggas
Keep showin y'all what difficult is
Half the world sayin "Dunn" but never been to the Bridge
What type of shit is that, fraudulence, what's the cause of it
Nature came threw erasing all of it, stop the presses
Goofy niggas ask a lot of questions
I repeat this is not a question
If you don't reply quick enough I gotta press em
Keep the glock by the intestines, 38 waist
Wit a belt, regardless of your stats you can catch a shell
Believe me when I tell you this (Believe me when I tell you this)
There's nuttin y'all can do for me (There's nuttin y'all can do for me)
I don't believe in selfishness, this time I want my crew to eat (My crew)
We comin through a hundred strong (Comin through a hundred strong)
We comin wit a hundred miles (A hundred miles)
Bumpin shit all summer long (Bump that)
We want it dead and want it now (We want it now)
Yo aiyyo I rap for my niggas and rap for the hoes
Rap when I'm gettin dressed, when I iron my clothes
Depressed, I kick raps that change your whole mood
And somehow stick to your ribs like soul food
Rap for wheelchairs, rap for canes
Ace bandages and niggas wit sprain, stay limpin in pain
I rap for math, english, even rap for science
Gotta try to laugh, keep myself from cryin
I rap for Giants, the Jets, the Yankees, the Mets
It's New York New York, from Clue to Flex
New cassettes stay poppin up, your boo let me throw my cock in her
Rappin got me two proper nuts
It's crazy, I even rap for high school coach
White folks fiend out like in Michael Doates
Creamed out, dope stashin
For those askin, I flow for TV, HBO and closed caption
Believe me when I tell you this (Believe me when I tell you this)
There's nuttin y'all can do for me (There's nuttin y'all can do for me)
I don't believe in selfishness, this time I want my crew to eat (My crew)
We comin through a hundred strong (Comin through a hundred strong)
We comin wit a hundred miles (A hundred miles)
Bumpin shit all summer long (Bump that)
We want it dead and want it now (We want it now)
Aiyyo aiyyo aiyyo aiyyo
Don't go to Texas, don't go to Watts
Don't go to Queensbridge, nigga don't go to cops
Don't snitch when you're gettin bagged
In the penns, don't bitch when you gettin stabbed
Just hold that, I pose for Kodak's, rose to stardom
Hoes in Harvard, sophmores get knocked off, nigga watch yours
I watch the game like it's Saint John's
It ain't wrong, take a blank piece of paper, a pen paint songs
Type colorful, writin that shit a thug'll do
In the heat of the moment, type to make a sudden move
Some'll snooze, some'll snore, they won't admit that dunn is pure
Once I quit, niggas wanted more
Cop my shit once it come in store
The first week be at the top of the charts, got it jumpin off
Hot verses wit a hundred thoughts
One theme, gettin caught in my zone you'll become a corpse
Believe me when I tell you this (Believe me when I tell you this)
There's nuttin y'all can do for me (There's nuttin y'all can do for me)
I don't believe in selfishness, this time I want my crew to eat (My crew)
We comin through a hundred strong (Comin through a hundred strong)
We comin wit a hundred miles (A hundred miles)
Bumpin shit all summer long (Bump that)
We want it dead and want it now (We want it now)
Believe me when I tell you this (Believe me when I tell you this)
There's nuttin y'all can do for me (There's nuttin y'all can do for me)
I don't believe in selfishness, this time I want my crew to eat (My crew)
We comin through a hundred strong (Comin through a hundred strong)
We comin wit a hundred miles (A hundred miles)
Bumpin shit all summer long (Bump that)

Nigga, this is a man's world
Lies and rumors, money and hoes
It?s the world that I'm attached to, the world that I know
Influential, never stable in the mental
But clever, spittin' that same shit niggas is into
I'll bleed for the craft if I have to, think rational
Lovin' money and weed, pussy and fast food
Tatoo a dead man's name on my arm
I'm a thug in the street that?s still afraid of his moms
Everyday I watch a player get robbed, player get popped
Tryna drink the pain away and pray that it stop
In the mornin' head straight to the spot, the juice bar
Niggas tried all that other shit and what's the use God?
For the paper, nature takes it too far, perfectionist
Rep the bridge, where everything's foul except the kids
We get it on and contradict livin' long
Though the clock'll still tic when you gone
Now, if you a man, be a man
(You need a plan)
If you fall
(I'ma put you on your feet again)
When you call
(I'ma show you how to eat again)
Been through it all
(I'll show you how to be a friend)
Now, when you in charge be in charge
(You need a squad)
If you bored
(I'ma show you how to be involved)
I give 'em more
(Niggas know they can't see the God)
I can't believe it God
(I gotta eat or starve)
Keep the livest image, high percentage, four in the mornin'
Niggas blitzin' on corners like the line of scrimmage
Convicts turnin' confident
Enter the phase of niggas and they feminine ways
Love my Timberlands, cinnamon suede
Bottles mo proof for all the problems that a nigga go through
It's forever real 'cause some scars could never heal
I'd rather throw the cards in and pray I get a better deal
Guns excite me, keep atleast a hundred wifeys
My duns up in the pens y'all need to write me
Street cadets, alias names and re-arrests
It doesn't take much to know that wrieffer helps relieve the stress
We make moves or get caught for the loot, wild niggas on the block
Look for more to recruit, gettin' chips from an alternate route
But the same breed, it's been twenty-some years now
I'm still lookin' for the same dream
Now, if you a man, be a man
(You need a plan)
If you fall
(I'ma put you on your feet again)
When you call
(I'ma show you how to eat again)
Been through it all
(I'll show you how to be a friend)
Now, when you in charge be in charge
(You need a squad)
If you bored
(I'ma show you how to be involved)
I give 'em more
(Niggas know they can't see the God)
I can't believe it God
(I gotta eat or starve)
In my world police recognize names
Know us niggas by the walk or by the size of their chain
You know the motto, 'We live for the day, like no tomorrow'
We only makin' time for the hoes that swallow
Fuck a role model, I need therapy
Seven nights out the week, jump out my sleep breathin' heavily
Keep my head up, only the strong survive
Livin' in a man's world still belongs to a tribe
Took the family along for a ride, watch 'em eat
Now, I'm movin' with the same cats that'll rock me to sleep
Never close your eyes, learn to roll with the wise
'Cause some niggas'll talk shit and play close to the sides
While I call the shots and stay supportin' the block
We livin' above the law until all of it stops
I still open doors, a thug nigga overall
And if you ain't know then black man go for yours
Now, if you a man be a man
(You need a plan)
If you fall
(I'ma put you on your feet again)
When you call
(I'ma show you how to eat again)
Been through it all
(I'll show you how to be a friend)
Now, when you in charge be in charge
(You need a squad)
If you bored
(I'ma show you how to be involved)
I give 'em more
(Niggas know they can't see the God)
I can't believe it God
(I gotta eat or starve)
Nigga, this is a man's world
Nigga, this is a man's world
Nigga, this is a man's world

Yeah, gotta give 'em what they want
Yeah, make it hurt, make it hurt (Nature)
Gotta give 'em what they want
Uh huh, yo, yo
[Verse 1]
Now who the one that got it locked down
The top down
In the coupe or the yacht now
Just watch out
I'm comin' thru for the block now (Heard it's on)
Niggas front, they gettin' knocked out (Word is bond)
When you pump, you gotta work til the bird is gone
I love a low, but your ho in a dirty thong
Cuz I'm a crazy nigga (and)
Keep it gravy nigga (and)
She wanna fuck with me, but need a babysitter, listen up
I drive home, switchin' lanes, still twistin' up
In the club getcha witcha one, c'mon getcha cup
I feel the hate on my back when it's inchin' up
I got the eight on my back so I wish 'em luck
And it don't matter if you're black or white, hermaphrodite
Slip, it's a rap tonite
I give it all for the cause, for the sacrifice
For my dogs cuz we after life
Make noise
Make noise in the streets
For the fellas and freaks
In the club with the thugs
Inhalin' the weed
When you see somethin' nice
And you ready to leave
Tell me what you know about (What you know about this)
Everyday we be ready to play
Callin' shorty to the crib
She be ready to stay
I'm a pimp by blood
Makin' all of 'em pay
Tell me what you know about (What you know about this)
[Verse 2]
The first CL5 with four doors
And it's on, the female's eyes is like dog
It even got a fridge and a toaster in it
Like every time I'm in the hood
I be approached in it
No surprise to the hood
When my soldiers in it
Every nigga on my team is a co-defendant
I be, team captain, call me the coach (Nature)
If things happen, call me the loc
And I'll be right there
Like the black knight, minus the jokes (Get a feelin')
Y'all invited to smoke
What's the dealy with the ladies that be doin' it right, like
Fuck a car, comin' through on a bike, like
Snowflakes, no two is alike, right
It's OK, we can do it tonite
And if you can't do it good then it won't be done
The one and only, the only one
Now make noise
[Verse 3]
Drinks in the air, bottles on us
Niggas ain't partyin', probably on dust
Bitches knock it off, somebody gon' touch
Tellin' all ya friends we party all rough
We Queensbridge niggas don't like to dance (Do we)
Comin' out the club, fightin' for cabs (Do we)
Fight the bouncers, light the hash and ???
Stay away, if ya face look like the cooties
Otherwise you can tell me ya name and image
Where you be, where you work and explain the business
What ya check say, roastin' it
Black jack be the game, betta know what to bet
When I reach for the thang, betta know when to jet
Got a decent little team, you ain't notice it yet?
You never know when you're chasin' the dough, chasin' the hoes
Laid back nigga full of gangsta soul
All day everyday
In the streets and the clubs
Wild Gremlinz
Nuthin' but gangstas (What you know about this)
Hustlas, pimps, hoes
Smell me, ya understand

We aint friend (guess it gotta be like dis) no more, howd it end (you made it like dis) cold war, we aint close (i thought we was gonna be here foreva) like we use to be (you and me) we aint friends
yo yo ( we aint friends) how long'd ya think that you could get away with it? (no more) did ya think the bullshit would stay hidden? (how'd it end) ya'll nukkas fuked up makin me choose (cold war) yo i use ta have love for you now i refuse (we aint close) to have anything other then hate my brothers fate finished (like we use to be) i wonder how the evil got up in us (we aint friends) , you throw dirt on my name when you bleed then you game when i need then you came but not now we aint friends
do the math yo add and subtract every year i lose a close friend too many havnt come back i've seen nukkas on the night of there death i sat in on nukkas baggin up goin home inspired the chef i tried to make alittle money dunn and buy it myself not knowin that this drug shit required some help i had no where to turn yo what could i do when you gave me your back like nukka fuk you now i see what i couldnt b4 ya nose divin like ya'll Egypt air i put ya'll right in the morgue there aint a line that ya'll couldnt absorb i'll makes it clear for ya and makes it get up in ya area handle ya'll business let it be known that i know fuk tryna spread a rumor the lead is goin throw ya, ya neva grow too old ta get your revenge when its on then its on dont talk we aint friends
( we aint friends) how long'd ya think that you could get away with it? (no more) did ya think the bullshit would stay hidden? (how'd it end) ya'll nukkas fuked up makin me choose (cold war) yo i use ta have love for you now i refuse (we aint close) to have anything other then hate my brothers fate finished (like we use to be) i wonder how the evil got up in us (we aint friends) , you throw dirt on my name when you bleed then you game when i need then you came but not now we aint friends
i know nukkas that are neutral and nukkas that move quick ta shoot ya throw ya stitchin stop ya twitchin cant sell no rocks without my permission nukkle head bring alot of friction the bullshit be non-existing so if you livin a lie that means you only welcome for a limited time i dont care who you know interfere with my doe then i'll come where you stay you was cool yesterday but now im livin for tomorrow a brand new me i move on never hesitate when you wrong catch me in the crib with one shoe on gettin the mail nuthin but bills and coupons over power ya'll im too strong im ? the kids they going crazy in the house when the juice gone are you as stubborn as me is it love is it beef then we all make amends if not we aint friends
( we aint friends) how long'd ya think that you could get away with it? (no more) did ya think the bullshit would stay hidden? (how'd it end) ya'll nukkas fuked up makin me choose (cold war) yo i use ta have love for you now i refuse (we aint close) to have anything other then hate my brothers fate finished (like we use to be) i wonder how the evil got up in us (we aint friends) , you throw dirt on my name when you bleed then you game when i need then you came but not now we aint friends

Do you see what I see?
Do you smoke what I smoke?
Do you wanna smoke?
Do you wanna ride?
Yeah aiyyo aiyyo
When I walk into a room, niggas feel a slight breeze
Stay a little while till they feel they might freeze
Never understood why they never liked me
'cause when I locked the door, they turned into to icees
Starin at my feet all you see is nikes
Bet you never seen a ill pair like these
Size ten, never find me in a tight squeeze
At the airport, minutes before my flight leaves
Round trip tickets to who knows where
Stay boarding, never at least a day's warning
Previous plans, they spoiling
A dollar and a dream, the theme to new york, stay torrance
>from st. john's to wake forest, wait for us
Straight ballers, you hearin it first
Nate flawless in almost every event
Puttin up point, while niggas like y'all stay scoreless
All my niggas from the projects, light one up
To my bitches from the projects, light one up
And stay high, high
And pass me a cup of that good shit (so high),
We on some hood shit (so high)
Niggas from the projects, light one up
To my bitches from the projects, light one up
And stay high, high
And pass me a cup of that good shit (so high),
We on some hood shit (so high)
What's me without the hood?
A tree without wood, a dutch wit no bud
A cut wit no blood
A fuck but don't nut, I be incomplete
If me and the street wasn't in between the sheets
I'm a product of hard luck, the money and murder game
Here's nature, kill a faker, man you heard of the name
>from the cold streets of qb, old beef to new beef
No peace, through the song, what I see you see
Mad bitches wanna smoke wit me
Niggas wanna roll wit me
Usually in my hood, find me in yo' city
Grimy-ette so pretty, it's like there's two me's
Wit no favorites, I try to love both of me
Thinkin of a way where I can better myself
Sometimes I get a head of myself
Holdin weed wit intention, frontin like I got it prescribed
So high I must be outta my mind
It's like hoppin in a glass pool, half full
Niggas only hit the bottom when they crash through
Mash fools out like they fast food
Bon' appetit, platinum or not, it ain't no match for me
I sum niggas whole careers up, scared tough niggas
Bluff niggas into thinkin that their year's up
It ain't a game, took six months off, the shit jumps off
Mini-me's are gettin punched in they jaw
My dunn call this shit animal rap
Me, I call it dumbin
My near-sighted niggas saw it comin
More stunnin, brand new flows to toy wit
Neck flooded on some hurricane floyd shit
Back and forth to st. crouix kid, same plan
Playin sega dreamcast till the plane lands
A changed man, niggas don't know, they never will
And if they don't understand, then they ain't fam, simple as that

Yo Nate, shit is crazy, I shook hands with mad dead niggas yo, all the
Niggas that used to be on the block, Ill Will, Marty, Black Ed, yo Son
Mad niggas is gone, rest in peace though
Fifty-Two blocks, Gazelle frames
Bald heads and heavy chains
Somehow caught in the game
Back in '83, before cable TV
When these so called thug niggas played in the street
I used to hear the stories
Live niggas here before me
Like the Rich Porters, the Fat Cats, the Pauly's
Outlaw league, from the street to the Pen
Eyes glossy, niggas only speak when they bent
Off the perfect mixture
Forcin' down herbs and liquor
Only hot slugs 'll hurt ya quicker
Think it out and elevate, I gave years to the state
As a 92-R-7478, it set me straight
The changing of a stubborn cat
The one that used to hustle on the block mad hard and loved to rap
In goose down coats and wool hats, the youth in me
I guess life on the streets ain't what it used to be
I remember
When niggas used to live it up, live it up
Flashin' dough all night
I remember
When niggas didn't give a fuck, gettin' drunk
Shootin' guns all night
Straight shots of Hen with no chaser
Mo' paper, stubborn, hard headed like Joe Frazier
The Gremlins, the pack that I come with
Keep gats by the stomach
Act up and stack hundreds
Niggas don't want it, see me I be the ring leader, Lion tamer
Do the bankhead and Macarena
A black entertainer, bottom line
Ya'll niggas know who got the hottest rhymes
Face it, I got the whole globe on some Nate shit
Straight from the corners to the covers of the latest Rap Pages
Turn the Projects to black Vegas
Don Kingin' niggas, make 'em sign blank papers
It's the American way, do my enemies pray or is it just me?
Hustlin', hopin' the fiends trust me
Talkin' to us, hold up, let me walk you through this
Wannabe pimps, hoes, often shooters
Niggas need to know what the truth is
Fuck the sarcasm
I miss my nigga Mark but God has 'em
When I see his flics I start spazzin'
I learned to let it go
But I guess livin' this life a nigga never know
I remember
When niggas used to live it up, live it up
Flashin' dough all night
I remember
When niggas didn't give a fuck, gettin' drunk
Shootin' guns all night
I used to love Starters, thug garments
Boppin' into Spofford, R.O.R. on drug charges
Writin' on walls, florescent markers and krylon
Savin' my loot to buy a firearm
Broken safety, borough hall and Jay street
Hopped the train not knowin' that a fall awaits me
Problems came when I started slingin'
Late night I hear revolvers ringin'
The echos cause cops to start Rodney Kingin'
Many riots, is there any silence?
Everybody sipped Henny, hustled with many clients
Growin' up on the same block my Pops was raised
Rocked waves, blend tapes playin' on hot days
Brought the speakers out
Police made us put the wrieffer out
Peep it, I was too young to leave the house
I'm tryin' to see the World, runnin' the streets without a care
I remember it well 'cause I was there
I remember
When niggas used to live it up, live it up
Flashin' dough all night
I remember
When niggas didn't give a fuck, gettin' drunk
Shootin' guns all night
I remember
When niggas used to live it up, live it up
Flashin' dough all night
I remember
When niggas didn't give a fuck, gettin' drunk
Shootin' guns all night
I remember
When niggas used to live it up, live it up
Flashin' dough all night
I remember
When niggas didn't give a fuck, gettin' drunk

[Verse 1]
This goes out to them sensitive niggaz
I'll put dent in y'all niggaz
If it's extension my niggaz
Runnin out like half-back pressin for y'all
Confiscate you at the light now your weapons dissolve
Confiscate your fuckin life now steppin to the fog
Last record was debate, wait now I respond
Silly rappers that lacked the credibility, killin me
Shoutin out the hood, though the hood show hostility
So that you know here is the truth about Nas:
In the window so long, chipped his tooth on the bars
Nigga never got involved, he was none to clown
Try to front on my block and I'ma knuckle you down
You hear me
[Verse 2]
I gots to chew you, cops sue you
Beside Ether, Build and Destroy is lots of doo-doo
And even if the Bravehearts sign, it ain't poppin
Just tell 'em make Oochie again, if not drop 'em
Cause we don't want to hear the shit they tryin to do
Before they get to drop and album they retirin too
Dividin the crew, you Jung, Wiz, and Nashawn
With out you which one of them can stay on
So think about it yo
[Verse 3]
The nigga 'Pac called you out, you ain't neva respond
B.I.G. put it down and you knew he was warned
Jay-Z called you right in front of your home
Everybody called you out cuz you runnin alone
Use to be a shorty buster wit Killa and High
Black head in the jeep, you was feelin my size
Coming through every other day changin your ways
Was it fate, why you showin so many anger today
Talkin Ill Will neva even feedin his moms
Why she livin in Queensbridge still eatin them worms
You be at the fortune teller probably readin your pomp's
Mislead your own kind can't you see it's wrong
It's about time, all the shit come to and end
And this time all the hood see its current event
Niggaz know you got ice, why you tuckin it in?
You supposed to be a fighter why you stuck in the trench?
Terrorized by a nigga named Nut, tied time move
Diggin it like this shit is made up, you might find truth
Callin for my niggaz for help
When you was cornered then you tell me you come by yourself
You was recordin, I'm cool we had a team
But your thugin was warrin'
And you wouldn't sold double if it wasn't for Lauryn
So the next time you talkin if you lyin for is foul
Nigga brace your self for the drama dunn the time is now
[Verse 4]
Nas is like…King Jafi, the mummy returns
Ass whole of the year, maggot runnin with worms
The little freaks that we see on tapes
Fuckin R. Kelly raw, did he pee on your face?
A false prophet, Lucifer son
Spreadin lies to people, amusin the young
Sayin that I stole cars and I took pocket books
Just to cover the fact that…the hood got you shooked
Think about it, a scared little boy on the corner
I'm prepared to go as far you wanna
From the winter to the summer, you be hirin cops
Tellin niggaz you a thug sendin right to a box
Life like J Reed, you In Too Deep
Faggot voice ass rappin nigga been too sweet
So the next time I see you, we can straight it out
And if you don't know what Nature is about

Yeah, this how we get rich, for all the mothafuckin' thug niggas, niggas
Get bodied, some niggas snitch, knowwhatimsayin'? throughout the world
It's the thugs, the laws of nature, this is how we eat, don't ever try
To take food from a starving man, he's goin' at you.
Verse 1:
It was a murder contract on these cats that owe
They tried workin' for the boss, never brung back dough
So I chose to hit 'em
The reward was four million
Two if I hit a bitch or any small children
Check it, they had a picture of the first cat
He out in bx, I know where he rest and where to search at
So I'm right there, I'm peeped duke in jerry rice gear
Came from behind, put the shine to his ear
Took a snap shot, brought that back, collect the chips
Half a million knocked off before we talk about the next hit
The next flic was a older cat
He had a short arm, crippled at birth but still he hold a gat
Bachelor, placin' his bets up in aqueduct
First of the month some how he stayed rackin' up
I reached first, he started backin' up
Stopped to reach for his piece, I squeezed, he never got to duck
I hit him dead in his chest, eternal fire
Returnin' for the chips when it's murder for hire.
Verse 2:
I got a knack for this
Bodyin' shit, escape miraculous
Exchange money for death, they can't tax the chips
I got trapped by a bad bitch
The contracts on my own head, she actin' like she catcholic
Met her on some high class shit
Halftime, watchin' the knicks against the mavericks, my g was average
Skip that, she took me back to where she live at
Stripped and gave me mad head, I'm 'bout to push her shit back
We pulled our guns at the same time
The same frame of mind
I told her to chill
Relax, unload the steel
Here's the plan for us
I know the perfect man to bust
They call him top dog
Weak links need to be popped off
He's hard to reach, I know a friend that know a friend
That could get him on the phone for a fee, a quick ten
The next victim, we both could hit 'em
Catch him while he sleepin', when he wakes up the lord is wit' em.
Sometimes it happens in the streets, sometimes it happens in the crib,
You can't escape death.
Verse 3:
A week went by and I'm losin' sleep
They sent niggas out to get me so now I gotta move with heat
Persuin' beef, while hearin' stories untrue
Nowhere to run to, seein' my face on newyork one news
High profile crime, shit caught on tape
With no ski mask so therefore I'm takin' all the weight
Shorty's wit' me and she tryin' to thug it
Makin' me paranoid, seducin' me like michael douglass
Mad stressed, back to back cigarettes
Fuck it, honey got chips, skip duke, she could get it next
I need to trust you
You could be the brain, I'll be the muscle
One false move and i'm'a bust you
Kissed her on the cheek before I dicked her to sleep
Told her we gettin' closer we can get him this week
Be she never awoke to see a niggas face
I skipped town with her bread, her head spread across the pillow case.
Leavin' them bitches where they lay, I don't got no time to love them
Hoes, money come first, money and murder, we were raised off this shit,
You can't escape it, it's on every street, every corner, I'd rather get

"For Next Rome, Carthage, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah
when some could finally get their libidinal
satisfaction only through the sex acts of the Marquis
de Sade"
In a Shangri-La de Sade on the westside
I came across a canceled relic from '85
Said the licorice whip to the red vine:
come down...come down...
She said I used to be a star, do you remember me?
Said yes, I always wanted to fuck Mallory...
and now, if you're of a mind for lubricity...
come down...come down...
Justine - that name brings something to mind;
Justine - something I Read one time.
Justine - You're not so libertine, but come Sunday
You'll be mine.
Said I can put you right in line for a juicy role,
But first you've got to take a turn at the glory hole
Until you're fit to be tied to the May pole;
come down...come down...
Now by the time the cloak of dark has descended
You know I know you'll be begging me to end it
Yeah, but your protestations only make it splendid.
come down...come down...
Justine - that name brings something to mind;
Justine - something I Read one time.
Justine - You're not so libertine, but come Sunday
You'll be mine.
" The change haters are with us, they are seducing the
young of america, changing their moral standards,
causing them to revert to a primitive atavistic
standard of plesurable plesuracy, with no respect and
no morality and none of the character molding precepts,
that made this country the greatest power in all the
Justine - that name brings something to mind;
Justine - something I Read one time.
Justine - You're not so libertine, but come Sunday
You'll be mine.
Justine - that name brings something to mind;
Justine - something I Read one time.
Justine - You're not so libertine, but come Sunday,

(singer singing)
If I ain't a thug why do I feel this way?
Why does crime stay on my mind?
And if you ain't a thug why do you front so bad?
You're just a bitch ass cat inside
Verse 1:
All my stocking cap niggas, jean suit niggas
My stand still niggas, breeze through niggas
My choppin' crack niggas, d's knew niggas
Somethin' for the superthug see through niggas
Transparent, can't panic
Gemstars in the bandana
Scratch my skin on accident
You thought you heard the rumors then you asked 'em again
But they don't fuck with me, they harass my friends
Close associates, mostly it's the young ones tryin' to eat
Whats funny is they remind me of me
Ironic ain't it? problems came wit' no solutions
No donations, no contributions
No charity, hoes carry me
Out the spot drunk, cussin', but it don't matter b
I got legs with no gravity losin' my keys
On the loose, a young wolf in the street
Chorus -
If I ain't a thug why do I feel this way?
Why does crime stay on my mind?
(all I know is this, I can't go legit)
And if you ain't a thug why do you front so bad?
You're just a bitch ass cat inside
(I can't go legit, all I know is this)
Verse 2:
Niggas bark and don't bite, I bite and don't bark
Be lookin' from the outside in with no heart
Never did shit, scared to death with no courage
Feminine niggas hold grudges
Four brothers, three of 'em blood, one of em lord
Runaways on the run, niggas never get caught
I seen it happen in alot of ways
In the hood young killers get alot of praise
The hotter days bring music and pussy, even chicken and kids
Older folks discuss life and how different it is
Shit has changed since the fifties
Niggas fiend to hang wit' me
Some go to jail and get banged quickly
Two inch wounds duke, must've thought you were bulletproof
Realizin' theirs shit you couldn't do
When you come face to face with the most hated
Drive by's if there's no way in
And drive off wavin'.
Chorus 2x
Verse 3:
I got an alter ego, approach me slow
Feel I don't know these niggas still they know me though
Either way lead the way to the front line and heat will spray
Do I need employment or need a shave?
Be the wave of the future for thugs on the rise
Patient, waitin' for the day one of y'all try
Off point like none of the time
I don't sleep much
Fully dressed, pants on my tux be cuffed
You a creampuff in disguise
Sympathize with those that give a fuck
My blows will hit 'em up
I got a hot head and cold heart
So don't start
Wet lighters ain't broke they just don't spark
Thug niggas don't park, they just take the key out and be out
Go in the crib
Countin' they dough, layin' low with they ho and their kids
Unaware of the enemy
So don't pretend to be.....

(nature talking) yeah I got alot of fuckin' friends in this world man,
But I don't think this nigga right here is my fuckin' friend, I heard
Alot of shit right here, I think I'm 'bout to explain what a fuckin'
Friend is, knowwhati'msayin'? a friend is a nigga that'll be there to
Squeeze for you, count your cheese for you, whatever, push your ki's for
You, bone the same bitch and catch the same disease wit' you, if it
Don't go down like that then they aint' your friend.
Verse 1: (e-money bags)
You can hate or love this
No matter what you think a thug is
Bitches who know the stee, they all wanna plug with this god
You hear my name in the beauty salon
And nails too
My name properly branded up in there tatoo
Blow their back too, I'm popular
Put the glock to ya
Empower ya, in fact
You won't believe it 'till you don't get your shit back
Yo luckily I lived that
Niggas on your team tell you "damm you shouldn't have did that"
I sit back and observe ya'll
Reminiscent when I herbed all ya'll
E-money bags in blood printed on the wall
Who you gonna call? toast busters
Niggas who roller coast behind drug connects don't trust us
Some can't relate to this, outta state we flip
I won't come back without a new house and a whip
I do shit that you kick
If you do it too, then you sick
I move dolo, co-defendants is a no-no.
Chorus (all 3)
It be the money niggas with the respect and all the power
Keep the teck beside the shower
Condos be on the towers
We livin' what comes out of our mouth for all you cowards,
Introducin' nature, he be a friend of ours...
Verse 2: (nature)
Handshakes turn to hugs and hugs turn to headlocks
You violate I let the led pop
Makin' you a movin' target
I'll send a slug through ya garments
Think I give a fuck who you involved wit'?
Q.b. smooth pirahnnas
The young minister's menace
I dropped out the tenth grade, never finished
Merked off, for these chips I be the work horse
Workin' overtime, you'll get your first loss fuckin' with us
Set trends, some are original like us and some'll mimic
I try to seperate fact from gimmick
Crack from women
Platinum driven
Automatic results
I'm hearin' attica will shatter your hopes
Habits I broke, like talkin' on the phone when I'm fired up
Niggas be wired up like human aiwa's
Could it be that they be snitchin' or they just admirers
A friend of ours, in a non-trustworthy environment.
Chorus (all 3)
It be the money niggas, with the respect and all the power
Keep the teck beside the shower
Condo's be on the towers
Livin' what comes out the mouth of all you cowards,
Introducin' kool g. rap, he be a friend of ours.
Verse 3: (kool g. rap)
Godfather saga
Hit you dead in the chest like shots of vodka
Funerals crowded like soccer while I'm watchin' opera
Last like sinatra, blast like binaca
Binoculars is how I watched you droppin' from the chopper
Mafia imposter
Get left for dead with your face inside of your plate of pasta
For bein' a hasa, salude to my crew to prosper (salude)
You know how we do, we ice pick your boulder
You meet death over glasses of ice with the bola
Blood on your shoulder
Mink cosa nostra
Keepin' the heater with the toasters
Dough in the sofa's
Cashmere with gator loafers
We bulletproof the rovers and pimp smack you sober
My whole crew is menaces, lieutenants and soldiers
Flip on you the way that montana did to minola
Convincin' voters holdin' mad dough thats older than yoda
Leave bad odors when we leave cobras twisted like yoga
Colder than the cats thats in ebola
Bubble like soda
Bendin' these young mamacitas over
Cross me I'll cut out your mama's ovaries
Kid, you know the steez
Have your wake smellin' like potpourri
On the low key, ship ki's to overseas
My shit gets sold quicker than groceries

Fire.. it's fire, put the fire out
Aiyyo, aiyyo, aiyyo
I got the whole city stoppin, O.G.'s diddy-boppin
Playin my shit, critics sayin my shit
Tryin to get me for that ice that lay on my wrist
It's like flippin on your wife, cause I made her my bitch
Feel me? I play with any card you niggaz deal me
Every nigga out the fam is guilty, I plead the fifth
Queens niggaz be the strength, the lock and chain
Thugs on the block know I got the game
You mighta heard me with The Firm and forgot my name, pardon me
It's N-A-T-U-R-E
The latest Barkley's, known to smack niggaz nonchalantly
Queensbridge, same hood as Nas and Mobb Deep
Ghettofabulous, class of nine-eight my fellow graduates
Well known savages, we elbow cabbages
Niggaz better duck or I'ma spray a round
I make it like the O.K. Corral, blazin 'til I lay 'em down
[Chorus - repeat 2X]
If you need flames, you need this
If you resist, you need help
Third degree burns, the heat felt
Blaze when I know that it's on, what you thought it was a false alarm?
Yo, yo, aiyyo
I got more twists than Six Flags, more chicks than gym class
Overweight momma sippin Slim Fast, glad to meet Nate
The casualty rate, risin like yeast
And they label me surprise of the streets, Cobra Commander
I smoke Newports, meanin I roll with cancer
Fuck what y'all thought, y'all know the answer, is psychological
Tone and Poke beats, make me write phenomenal
I give lifetime scars like drama do, it's gangsta chronicles
Turn to page one, hurricanes come, I call 'em twisters
It's deeper than life Dunn, I'm four dimensions
More suspensions, SV-12; gettin pressed my cassettes need shells
Fuckin Mets need help
It's therapeutic, I lay it out clear
Y'all niggaz better use it
Nowhere else you find better music
You try to find it in the hall of fame
My man's callin shit fire, I just call it flame
Yo, aiyyo, aiyyo, aiyyo
Queens to the heart from the start it was Run and them
No love faggot MC's respect none of them
Niggaz stop mumblin, get popped you're fumblin
Regulatin raps to rocks the block's bubblin
Five percent days, in the Bridge bobbin off calente
Wise enough to drop out the 10th grade
Hold that thought, twist up nigga, roll that short
Catch me with my chick that let me go back door
Hall of famer, don't make me shoot your game up
at close range, stand back watch the toast flame
Yo it's funny, the way a nigga act like that
It's only money, that make a nigga rap like that
Keep a roscoe, peep me on the Chris Rock show
You either beat me or you get your eye swoll, y'all know the rules
Faggot niggaz like y'all, chose to lose
I give meaning to the phrase smoke'n'brew, fire nigga

Don't stop, uh huh
Don't stop, real hot, it's crazy hot in here
Don't stop, word, yeah, uh huh, yo, ayo
Don't stop, keep going
Ayo, many people tell me my style is terrific
It is kinda different, but let's get specific
1998, I appear for the listeners
The hoes, same ones appearin' at my shows
It's niggas in this game tryin' na be like me
You could see 'em in the club playin' V.I.P.
Ain't nothin' wrong, all of my dogs came to ball
And when we play the dance floor, y'all play the wall
Like graffiti, changin' my style weekly
Niggas know, we recognize cats into dough
We A alike, B alike, gotta twist the 'dro
Shittin' on my name might get a nigga smoked
Tension when he wit' his wiz, hit him in the throat
Like blau, thugs ain't 'posed to back down
Bitches only love them cats that act wild
What you grossin', eatin' shit up, when you fuckin' frozen
And eat you up like a fuckin' vulture
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Battle of the beat shit, I heat shit
It's real, five nights straight a steep hill
Call me Mr. Clutch, nigga, my game's tight
Spittin' out the hot shit, my slang's tight
In the back of the club, spottin' hoes
Yeah, we drunk, but that don't mean we can't fuck
It's beats like this that keep me amped up
Niggas on the block that need that anthem
Weed be Branson, cleans out the lungs
Niggas talk shit, need to bring out they guns
Double barrel, imagine the thugs comin' at you
Once you get hit, you can't run the slugs travel
Careful what you wish for, or live for
Goin' up against yours, my shit's raw
I'm hopin' that you zoom in, soon you'll get the picture
Now ask yourself who's the victor
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Ayo, imagine if I quit now, forfeit
Or pause, thugs won't love me no more
It's niggas like y'all that hope I fall off
Unbelievable how I show no flaws
Rated retarded, regardless I made it
Niggas favorite, admit it, my shit's crazy
Play it on the radio on different stations
It's something that you gotta have, like immunization
I came too far to stop in my tracks
Probably have a charge if it wasn't for rap
With my royalties, payin' off lawyer's fees
My niggas be gorillas, fuck authority
25 to life, I can't afford to see
We livin' it, meanin' my business be legitimate
Turn the beats down just to be considerate
I started something big, in time I finish it
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'
Don't stop, keep goin'

Johnny said, mom, I’m gone
I’m ditching this town
Ain’t gonna catch me hanging around
Hollywood is the place for me
I’m gonna be a star ma, wait and see
No place to stay, no food to eat
Started pushing drugs just to make ends meet
Living too fast, there was no escape
God save Johnny before it’s too late
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
He packed his bags and headed west
To beat the odds and to do his best
You could hear his mama cry
Don’t go, cause you’re gonna die
Johnny said things are getting bad
Don’t think they’ll get good
I got to get off this crack
Yeah, I think I should
A life of crime ain’t the life for me
No place to stay and no food to eat
Now I’m shooting up and living on the streets
Living too fast and there’s no way out
God save my soul, I’ve just got to get out
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
He packed his bags and headed west
To beat the odds and to do his best
You could hear his mama cry
Don’t go, cause you’re gonna die
No place to stay and he couldn’t see straight
Died shooting up and he was full of hate
Died so fast, there was no escape
God could have saved Johnny, but it was too late
So damn young, just a kid, what a waste
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
On Christmas Johnny died
He packed his bags and headed west
To beat the odds and to do his best
You could hear his mama cry

Show me, show me what I want
I wanna take you down and-a never come up
Why don’y you show me, show me what I need
You know that you’re the only girl who can make this boy bleed
You’re the one, girl
So hot, whatcha gonna do, I want you
I’m gonna get you girl
I’m gonna steal your heart away
I want you, I want you, my baby
I want you, I want you
I want you, yes a, yes a, yes I do
Shake me, take me, never stop
Use me and abuse me, spin me like a top
Why don’t you do me, do me, do you wanna go
Do I want your body, baby I think so
You’re the one, girl
So hot, whatcha gonna do, I want you
I’m gonna get you girl
I’m gonna steal your heart away
I want you, I want you, my baby
I want you, I want you

I want it hot, wet, dripping with sweat
If you know what I mean
With those nasty, naughty, nasty girls
Little sex machines
Really turns me on when she’s taking it off
And she wants to play
I don’t wanna work all night
I just wanna sleep all day
Hot wet dripping with sweat
Hot wet dripping with sweat
I want it hot, wet, dripping with sweat
Got a nasty reputation and I’m gonna get
Hot wet dripping with sweat, sweat
Hot, wet, dripping with sweat
Got a nasty reputation and I’m gonna get
Hot wet dripping with sweat, sweat
Hot wet dripping with sweat
So hot and so wet and dripping with sweat
I want my sex when I flex
Wanna get hard core
With those nasty, naughty, nasty girls
Lying on the floor
Really gets me off when she’s going down
Mrs. Goindownonme, me and you, so wet and hot
So hot and wet, we’ll never stop
Hot wet dripping with sweat
Hot wet dripping with sweat
I want it hot, wet, dripping with sweat
Got a nasty reputation and I’m gonna get
Hot wet dripping with sweat, sweat
Hot, wet, dripping with sweat
Got a nasty reputation and I’m gonna get
Hot wet dripping with sweat, sweat
Hot wet dripping with sweat
So hot and so wet
Hot – wet - sweat
Hot – wet - sweat
I want it hot, wet, dripping with sweat
Got a nasty reputation and I’m gonna get
Hot wet dripping with sweat, sweat
I want it hot, wet, dripping with sweat
Got a nasty reputation and I’m gonna get
Hot wet dripping with sweat, sweat
Hot wet dripping with sweat

They tell me what to do, they tell me what to say
They try to tell me how to live my life
Each and everyday, they're walkin' over me
Gotta let go, gotta set me free
They don't care, (what's wrong or what's right) or what's fair
(Watch out world) ready or not
I'm like a freight train
Full speed ahead I'll see you at the top (top)
I'm like a freight train
I'm like a freight train comin' [x2]
(Watch out world) ready or not
I'm like a freight train
Full speed ahead I'll see you at the top (top)
They tell me what is wrong, they tell me what is right
They turn around the truth, then tell me not to lie
Never turnin' back I'm goin' for it all or nothin'
I won't ever fall
They don't care, (what's wrong or what's right) or what's fair
(Watch out world) ready or not
I'm like a freight train
Full speed ahead I'll see you at the top (top)
I'm like a freight train
I'm like a freight train comin' [x4]
I'm like a freight train
I'm like a freight train comin' [x4]
(Watch out world) ready or not
I'm like a freight train
Full speed ahead I'll see you at the top (top)
I'm like a freight train
I'm like a freight train comin' [x4]
Freight train comin'

You never crossed me, I hope you never will
Backed in a corner, I’m force to kill
Don’t say I haven’t warned you, you’re fucking with your life
Nothing can save you, not even a knife
I’m screaming with pleasure, you’re screaming with pain
When I’m through with you, you’ll never be the same
My fist, hard as steel, gonna ram it through your head
Beat you like a dog, you’re gonna wish you were dead
Fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Walking the streets, I am death stalking my prey
Marked for humiliation, you got into my way
Blood stained streets, it ain’t mine, cause I don’t bleed
Prisoner of war, you’ll never be freed
Guns will not help you, they’re useless you’ll see
Go ahead, pull the trigger, bullets don’t faze me
One thing to remember, you are but a fly
I am the swatter and you’re gonna die
Fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Because I’m fighting mad
Fighting mad Fighting mad
Fighting mad Fighting mad
Fighting mad Fighting mad
Fighting mad Fighting mad

Heads I win, tails you pay
You’ve got the stuff – no way
You’re gonna lose and there’s no way out
Cause I’m the one your mother warned you about
Ready or not, here I come, better run
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause I’m a six-shooting mother and I’m ready to blow
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause you lit my fuse and I’m gonna explode
The lights go out on judgement day
You think you’re tough, baby no way
You’re gonna lose and there’s no way out
Cause I’m the one your mother warned you about
Ready or not, here I come, better run
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause I’m a six-shooting mother and I’m ready to blow
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause you lit my fuse and I’m gonna explode
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause I’m a six-shooting mother and I’m ready to blow
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause you lit my fuse and I’m gonna explode
The blackened sky fills your heart with emptiness and pain
Fills our heart with desperation, you’re the only one to blame
I blame it on you, you better believe me
Cause there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to run, run or hide
Ready or not, here I come, better run
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause I’m a six-shooting mother and I’m ready to blow
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause you lit my fuse and I’m ganna explode
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause I’m a six-shooting mother and I’m ready to blow
Cause you know you’re in trouble, in double trouble
Cause you lit my fuse and I’m gonna …

Staring out the window, you’re not there
I guess my dad was right when he said
That love isn’t fair
Lord, I’ve got this feeling so alone
I’ve got to get my baby back
To make this empty house a home
I’d sell my soul, be the air you breathe
I’d do anything girl, just don’t leave
Don’t go, don’t go away my baby now
Don’t go, don’t you throw my love away
From the start I knew that you weren’t mine
Just a boy with a dream, with a dream, just a boy
Love made me blind
What’s he got that I ain’t got to give
I’d give you my heart, my love, my life
I’d die so you could live
I’d sell my soul, be the air you breathe
I’d do anything girl, just don’t leave
Don’t go, don’t go away my baby now
Don’t go, don’t you throw my love away
Don’t go, girl I love you so
Don’t go away, I’m begging you to stay
Don’t go away
I’d sell my soul, be the air you breathe
I’d do anything girl, just don’t leave
Don’t go, don’t go away my baby now
Don’t go, don’t you throw my love away
Don’t go, girl I love you so, I love you
Don’t go away, I’m begging you to stay
Don’t go away
Don’t go away

Let me tell you a little story ‘bout me and a girl
Breaking all the rule in a fairytale world
Do you know what I mean
We were high school sweethearts so in love
My everything from heaven above
The angel in my dreams
Cause love turned into hate turned in to love
Loving turned into fighting, little push n shove
Crazy, crazy, crazy love
We never knew life was give and take
Or push and shove
Crazy, crazy, crazy love
Just a couple of kinds in crazy love
We were crazy kids with a crazy dream
I was only about 17
I thought we had it all
Many questions asked, many lies were told
About everything , including the past
Yeah, that’s how the story goes
Cause love turned into hate turned in to love
Hugging turned into slugging, little push n shove
Love turned into hate turned in to love
Whatever happened with the girl that fell in love
Crazy, crazy, crazy love
We never knew life was give and take
Or push and shove
Crazy, crazy, crazy love
Just a couple of kinds in crazy love
In crazy love, in crazy love
Heaven sent my angel
Making love all thru the night
Never had that feeling, god it felt so right
Cause love turned into hate turned in to love
Loving turned into fighting, little push n shove
Love turned into hate turned in to love
Whatever happened with the girl that fell in love
Crazy, crazy, crazy love
We never knew life was give and take
Or push and shove
Crazy, crazy, crazy love

Well I don't know where they come from
But they sure do come
And they’ll be comin' for me
And I don't know how they do it
But they sure do it good
And they’ll be doin' it for free
They give me cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
The first time that I got it
I was just ten years old
I got it from a kitty next foor
I went to the Dr. and
He gave me the cure
I think I got it some more
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
It's nothin dangerous , I feel no pain
I've got to ch-ch-change
You know you got it when you're going insane
It makes a grown man cry, cry, cryin'
Won't you make my bed
Well, I make the pussy purr with
The stroke of my hand
That’s why they call me the Dean
And I don't know how they do it
But they sure do it good
And they’ll be doin' it for free
I got the cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever

It’s 9 o’clock and it’s time to rock
We’ll hit the stage and baby we’ll never stop
We’ll rock you hard, then we rock you harder
We’ll thrash you fast and shatter glass
On the stage, got to rage
Born to rock, never stop
Animals in our cage
Never (never) never (never) never (never) stop
Wow, bring down the house tonight
Wow, bring down the house tonight
Wow, bring down the house
Bring it down
It’s getting hotter and we start to sweat
We’re getting rowdy baby, that much I can bet
Cause we’re the baddest boys around
Just wait and see, when we play your town
On the stage, got to rage
Born to rock, never stop
Animals in our cage
Never (never) never (never) never (never) stop
Wow, bring down the house tonight
Wow, bring down the house tonight
Wow, bring down the house
Bring it down
Bring down the house
Bring down the house
Bring down the house
Bring down the house
Bring down the house
Bring down the house
Wow, bring down the house tonight
Wow, bring down the house tonight
Wow, bring down the house
Wow, bring down the house
On the stage, got to rage
Born to rock, never stop
Animals in our cage
Never (never) never (never) never (never) stop

Shake roll rattle
Babe, I’m back in the saddle
Got an itchy trigger finger
And I’m coming at you
Live like a firecracker, bump in the night
I’m gonna getcha, gectcha, getcha, gotcha
Come on take it outside, sing it
Boys will be boys
Always making lots n lost of noise, sing it
Boys will be boys
Always making lots n lost of noise, sing it
Boys will be boys
Boys will – boys will be boys
Boys will – boys will be boys
Wild women going naked swimming
Skinny dipping , finger licking, oh that’s living
Next to living I like fighting, it’s the best
I got to find a little lady
In the north, south, east or west, sing it
Boys will be boys
Always making lots n lost of noise, sing it
Boys will be boys
Always making lots n lost of noise, sing it
Boys will be boys
Boys will – boys will be boys

I’m just gonna give you all the love I can
Just close you eyes, pretty baby, gonna be your superman
I’ll luv you tender and I will love you true
Action, satisfaction, baby gonna love you black ‘n’ blæues
Making love
Making love
Oh, making love
You’re hot like fire, desire, ecstacy
Stay with me, you won’t regret
Gonna show you what you mean to me
Burning up with passion, love is not a crime
Pick up the phone cause I’m always home
You can call me anytime
Making love
Making love
Oh, making love
Making love tonight
We’ll be making love tonight
We’ll be making love
Making love tonight
Triple X is how I rate
Undercover lover just right
I’m the one your parents hate
But keep you warm at night
Making love tonight
We’ll be making love tonight
We’ll be making love
Making love tonight
Making love tonight
We’ll be making love tonight
We’ll be making love
Making love, making love all night
Making love, making love all night

Krueger seems like Romper Room and Elm Street ain’t so bad
When you meet death it ain’t no dreams
A serpent in the form of a man
Tormentor, evil masacrator, betrayer, creator of sins
Fallen angel, king of lies, mock believers mesmerized
He steals the souls from young and old, the rotten bastard never dies
But I’ll take you higher and I’ll put Hell in it’s place
I’ll take you higher, cause Lucifer’s a disgrace
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie
No pain no gain, no guts no glory
A blood-thirsty, power-hungry man
Face to face I felt the fury of 100,000 demons commands
Dictater, Satan’s terminator, desecrator, terror begins
Fallen angel, king of lies, Jack the Ripper’s soul now cries
I threw him in the fiery pit and now the bastard’s eating shit
Fought fire with fire, I put Hell in it’s place
Fought fire with fire, cause Lucifer’s a disgrace
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie
Machine Gunn Eddie

It’s been so long since I felt your touch, baby
When I’m all alone I know how much yeah, yeah, baby baby
Baby, I’ll be back to you someday (someday)
Cause when I get home, I’ll be there to stay
Long way from Home, in your arms back where I belong
Long way from Home, so baby please don’t cry
Cause I’ll be Home tonight from this long and winding road
Long and winding road
Minutes turn to hours baby, can we pass the test of time
I love you baby, cause I am yours and you are mine
Baby, I’ll be back to you someday (someday)
Cause when I get home, I’ll be there to stay
Long way from Home, in your arms back where I belong
Long way from Home, so baby please don’t cry
Cause I’ll be Home tonight from this long and winding road
Long and winding road
Long way from Home
Long way from Home
Long way from Home
Long way from Home
Baby, I’ll be back to you someday (someday)
Cause when I get home, baby I’ll be there to stay
Coming Home, yes I’m coming Home, baby
Coming Home, yes I’m coming Home, baby
Coming Home, yes I’m coming Home, baby
Coming Home, yes I’m coming Home, baby
Coming Home, yes I’m coming Home, baby
Coming Home, yes I’m coming Home, baby

Turning me, turning me, turning me........
I don’t know what I’ve been doing baby
I don’t know what you’re talking about
Don’t ask me what’s been going on lately
I don’t know if I’m in or I’m out
Oh girl, you’re playing games
So tell me, am I the one to blame
Just tell me what to do, what to do
Cause baby, I don’t want you
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Dazed an confused, misunderstanding you are
A mystery without a clue
So far, so bad, so bad it’s scary lady
Just tell me what, what I should do
Oh girl, you’re playing games
So tell me, am I the one to blame
Just tell me what to do, what to do
Cause baby, I don’t want you
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on
Turning me on, turning me off and on

If you wanna know just what you mean to me
Just dream a little dream
And you’ll be my queen, girl you make me scream
Take me with you
Take me with you
I just want to know what’s up and where it’s at
Jus tell me where we’re going
Cause you know I’ll be coming in 5 seconds flat
If you wanna take me, take me where you wanna
Take me, take me anywhere will be alright
Just atke me baby, take me tonight
Take me with you, take me away
Take me with you, take me away, won’t you
Take me, take me with you
Anything you wanna do, I’ll do it with you
Won’t you take me, take me with you
Anything you wanna do, I’ll do it with you
Won’t you take me, take me, take me away
Anywhere you want to go is good with me
Just tell me when and where
When we’ll be leaving and that’s where I’ll be
If you wanna take me anythere’ll be so fine
Just talk me baby, you blow my mind
Take me with you, take me away
Take me with you, take me away, won’t you
Take me, take me with you
Anything you wanna do, I’ll do it with you
Won’t you take me, take me with you
Anything you wanna do, I’ll do it with you
Won’t you take me, take me, take me away
Take me
Won’t you take me, take me with you
Anything you wanna do, I’ll do it with you
Won’t you take me, take me with you
Anything you wanna do, I’ll do it with you

Everybody around the world, are you ready to rock with me
Yeah, the night is young and so are we
We got the Red, White and Blue for you and me, yeah
We stand united (united) so nobody falls
So stand and be counted (be counted)
All for one and one for all
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
Shout out loud and stick to your guns if you want your rock ‘n’ roll to stay
We’ll win the fight and I’ve got to say that you can still rock hard
In the U.S.A., yeah
We stand united (united) so nobody falls
So stand and be counted (be counted)
All for one and one for all
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
We stand united (united) so nobody falls
So stand and be counted (be counted)
All for one and one for all
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world
It’s the shot heart around the world

We got the balls and like to prove it, anyplace or anytime
We’re like a drug but you can’t abuse us
We’re gonna blow youre fucking mind
We are strong, we are one with the pack
Serious as a heart attack, Jack
Don’t look back
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
We got the first afuckingmendment in the U.S. fucking A
The P.M.R.C. can fuck off baby, ain’t gonna tell me what to say
We are strong, we are one with the pack
Serious as a heart attack, Jack
Don’t look back
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous
Out Fucking Rageous

Nasty reputation
Nasty reputation
Take me baby, I really want you, she whispered to me through the door
Slow down, you’re no friend of mine
You’re talking too fast ‘bout a real good time
Wanna score – too dirty
There’s no way to disguise, never has no alibis
She’s got a
Nasty reputation
Nasty reputation
Baby, baby you want my body
Ain’t no way, no how, don’t ask me no more
The word is out, know what I’m talking about
You wanna score – too dirty
There’s no way to disguise, never has no alibis
She’s got a
Nasty reputation
Nasty reputation
Nasty reputation
She’s nasty
There’s no way to disguise, never has no alibis
There’s no way to disguise, never has no alibis
She’s got a
Nasty reputation

From the first time we met each other
I knew that we’d be together
I saw in your eyes
It’s just a matter of time
Verse 2
Don’t know if this feels like the real thing
Tell me what to do where do I begin
Don’t know where to start
Should I let you in my heart?
Pre Chorus
And all it took was on touch, one kiss
I’ve never felt love like this
I pray, I wish we can have this forever
I told you from the very start
It’s always gonna be about us
Just don’t go and break my heart
Just don’t go and break my heart
I knew that we would make it this far
No nothing’s gonna tear us apart
Just don’t go and break my heart
Baby don’t go and break my heart
Verse 3
Girl you know now that we’re together
I won’t leave your side forever
You know that I’m yours
Baby you’re my only girl in the world
Verse 4
Now I have no reason to be alone
Fell in love with you, you are now my home
I’ll always be true
I see no one else but you

It’s time for you and me to go our separate ways
I’ll always cherish of our days like there is no
Your love was like the heavens from above
And it felt so real like a dream for me
I’ll always keep you close here in my sleep
Even though it has been too long but we know we are
always still holding on
Every time I see you, you make me wanna sing all of my
favorite songs
From the time when the sun goes down
Till the time it makes another round
You keep coming back to me oh boy you know I’d do it
Coz you are more than a friend
It’s just something that I can’t comprehend
Coz you are more than a friend
I tell my friend’s that I’ll be okay
That things are over and I’m over it
It just keep getting better
Everybody thinks that I’m just lying to myself
They don’t even know that I am proving to myself
That I can be ok without you in my life
Baby I’ll do just fine like I know you’ll be fine
Even though we move on but we know that we will always
be the same
There are things that we keep holding on that we know
will always remain unchanged
From the time when the sun goes down
Till the time it makes another round
You keep coming back to me oh boy you know I’d do it
Coz you are more than a friend
It’s just something that I can’t comprehend

sehe Dich fast jeden Tag, mit Deiner Tasche in der Hand. Deine
Schönheit bringt mein Herz in Wallung, bringt mich fast um den
Verstand. Ich stell mir vor, wie schön ews wär mit Dir zusammen
zu sein, zu Lieben, zu Lachen, Scherze machen einfach alles mit
Dir zu teiln. Mein Deutsches Mädchen, ich hab Dich lieb, mein
Deutsches Mädchen, ich bin so froh dass es Dich gibt.
Deine Augen erzählen mir Geschichten, die ich alle hören will.
Tage, Woche Jahre lang davon krieg ich nie zu viel. Ich lieg oft
wach und stell mir vor, Du liegst neben mir. Nur noch wir und
unsre Gefühle, keine Bosheit und keine Gier, keine Gier und
keine Gier. Mein Deutsches Mädchen ich hab Dich unheimlich lieb,
mein Deutsches Mädchen, ich bin so froh dass es Dich gibt.
Doch heute werd ich zu ihr gehn, nehm mir extra nichts Anderes
vor, ich seh ihr in die augen oder besser noch ich flüstere es
ihr ins Ohr. Das ich sie halten und beschützen will und niemals
lassen werde im Stich, das meine Welt sich nur noch um sie dreht
und ich sie haben will ganz für mich. Mein Deutsches Mädchen...
Und sie sieht mich an, und sie schaut mich an und ich weiß
dqarauzf hab ich nur gewartet!
Mein Deutsches Mädchen.
