Hastur (The Unspeakable One, Him Who Is Not to be Named, Assatur, Xastur, H'aaztre, or Kaiwan) is an entity of the Cthulhu Mythos. Hastur first appeared in Ambrose Bierce's short story "Haïta the Shepherd" (1893) as a benign god of shepherds. Hastur is briefly mentioned in H.P. Lovecraft's The Whisperer in Darkness; previously, Robert W. Chambers had used the name in his own stories to represent both a person and a place associated with the names of several stars, including Aldebaran.
In Bierce's "Haïta the Shepherd", which appeared in the collection Can Such Things Be?, Hastur is more benevolent than he would later appear in August Derleth's mythos stories. Another story in the same collection ("An Inhabitant of Carcosa") referred to the place "Carcosa" and a person "Hali", names which later authors were to associate with Hastur.
In Chambers' The King in Yellow (1895), a collection some of which are horror stories, Hastur is the name of a potentially supernatural character (in "The Demoiselle D'Ys"), a place (in "The Repairer of Reputations"), and mentioned without explanation in "The Yellow Sign". The latter two stories also mentioned Carcosa, Hali, Aldebaran, and the Hyades, along with a "Yellow Sign" and a play called The King in Yellow.
In geometry, the small snub icosicosidodecahedron or snub disicosidodecahedron is a uniform star polyhedron, indexed as U32. It has 112 faces (100 triangles and 12 pentagrams), 180 edges, and 60 vertices. Its stellation core is a truncated pentakis dodecahedron. It also called a holosnub icosahedron, ß{3,5}.
Its convex hull is a nonuniform truncated icosahedron.
Cartesian coordinates for the vertices of a small snub icosicosidodecahedron are all the even permutations of
where ϕ = (1+√5)/2 is the golden ratio and α = √(3ϕ−2).
Ja svoje loše dane
Volim gristi sam
Piti i lutati po kr
esto stignem samo
Do njenog pogleda
Ena je divna žena
Ena dobro zna
Da takvi dani svrše s gužvama
Zato me zove k sebi
Da bi mi pomogla
Ja Ena nisam tvoj sin
Zapamti to
To možeš raditi s njim
Za mene je ve kasno
Znam da bi Ena htjela
Da sam stalno njen
Valjda jer tako
esto nestanem
Ona me uvijek ima u
Svojim mislima
A kad joj zelim reci
Da je bolji kraj
Od naših bjegova i zasjeda
Ena me samo gleda
I kaže ne ne ne
I ne idi bez kaputa
Pogledaj sve je bijelo
Zima je
Ja Ena nisam tvoj sin
Zapamti to
To možeš raditi s njim
Za mene je ve kasno
Prošlo je dugo vrijeme
I daleki bijeg
I mada nemam
ak ni imena
esto sretnem Enu
U svojim snovima
Kad svoje loše dane
Ovdje grizem sam
I sretnem putnike po kr
Ja pitam da l' je znaju
I je li ponosna
Kažu da još je lijepa
I da ima stav
ak i kad je vesela
Opaze plavu sjenu
U crnim o
Ja Ena nisam tvoj sin
Zapamti to
To možeš raditi s njim
Za mene je ve kasno
Do mene nema puta
Pogledaj sve je bijelo