
Mezamrim Choir sings "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" Chilu Posen
Mezamrim Choir led by Chilu Posen sings Yitzchak Fuchs "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" at a Weddin...
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: shiezoli
Mezamrim Choir sings "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" Chilu Posen
Mezamrim Choir sings "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" Chilu Posen
Mezamrim Choir led by Chilu Posen sings Yitzchak Fuchs "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" at a Wedding October 18 2010 in Boro Park.- published: 25 Oct 2010
- views: 19038
- author: shiezoli

Yitzchak Fuchs with Mezamrim "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" יצחק פוקס
Yitzchak Fuchs with Mezamrim Choir led by Chilu Posen Singing "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" at t...
published: 27 Jan 2011
author: shiezoli
Yitzchak Fuchs with Mezamrim "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" יצחק פוקס
Yitzchak Fuchs with Mezamrim "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" יצחק פוקס
Yitzchak Fuchs with Mezamrim Choir led by Chilu Posen Singing "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" at the Bar Mitzvah of Ari the son of Sholi Richter 2010.- published: 27 Jan 2011
- views: 29668
- author: shiezoli

Yankel Am Ha'aretz
Rabbi Pollock's 6th Graders from Emek Hebrew Academy in LA act out Abie Rottenberg's class...
published: 10 Apr 2011
author: Yisroel Pollock
Yankel Am Ha'aretz
Yankel Am Ha'aretz
Rabbi Pollock's 6th Graders from Emek Hebrew Academy in LA act out Abie Rottenberg's classic song from Journeys II. This was a project that we worked on week...- published: 10 Apr 2011
- views: 9440
- author: Yisroel Pollock

Shira Choir sings "Lashem Haaretz Umloah"
The Shira Choir led by Shraga Gold are singing "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" at a Melava Malka i...
published: 09 Mar 2011
author: shiezoli
Shira Choir sings "Lashem Haaretz Umloah"
Shira Choir sings "Lashem Haaretz Umloah"
The Shira Choir led by Shraga Gold are singing "Lashem Haaretz Umloah" at a Melava Malka in Williamsburg Song Composed by Yitzchak Fuchs Pinny Ostreicher at ...- published: 09 Mar 2011
- views: 7806
- author: shiezoli

Lecha Eten et haAretz hazot - To You I will Give this Land
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. כי את כל הארץ אשר אתה רואה לך, לך, לך אתננה ...
published: 31 Jan 2011
author: Ahavat Israel
Lecha Eten et haAretz hazot - To You I will Give this Land
Lecha Eten et haAretz hazot - To You I will Give this Land
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. כי את כל הארץ אשר אתה רואה לך, לך, לך אתננה ולזרעך עד עולם לך אתן את הארץ הזאת את הארץ, הארץ הזאת וברך כל מיני ...- published: 31 Jan 2011
- views: 17721
- author: Ahavat Israel

Shloime Taussig - Brand New Free Single - Lashem Haaretz Umloah
Teem Productions presents a newly composed single sung by Shloime Taussig. The song, Lashe...
published: 20 Jul 2010
author: Gruntig2008
Shloime Taussig - Brand New Free Single - Lashem Haaretz Umloah
Shloime Taussig - Brand New Free Single - Lashem Haaretz Umloah
Teem Productions presents a newly composed single sung by Shloime Taussig. The song, Lashem Haaretz Umloah was composed by and also guest starring, R' Yitzch...- published: 20 Jul 2010
- views: 9032
- author: Gruntig2008

Haaretz columnist stands up for the Haredim, and Bibi tells us what he really thinks
In this week's Tribal Update we interview Haaretz columnist Demon Levy about his surprise ...
published: 06 Jan 2012
author: LatmaTV
Haaretz columnist stands up for the Haredim, and Bibi tells us what he really thinks
Haaretz columnist stands up for the Haredim, and Bibi tells us what he really thinks
In this week's Tribal Update we interview Haaretz columnist Demon Levy about his surprise defense of Haredim, we present a public service message for the I...- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 8247
- author: LatmaTV

The Spielberg Archive - This Is The Land (Zot Hi Haaretz)
Name: This Is The Land (Zot Hi Haaretz) Year: 1935 Duration: 01:00:00 Language: Hebrew Abs...
published: 01 Nov 2011
author: HebrewUniversity
The Spielberg Archive - This Is The Land (Zot Hi Haaretz)
The Spielberg Archive - This Is The Land (Zot Hi Haaretz)
Name: This Is The Land (Zot Hi Haaretz) Year: 1935 Duration: 01:00:00 Language: Hebrew Abstract: Baruch Agadati's seminal film depicting Zionist settlement i...- published: 01 Nov 2011
- views: 3223
- author: HebrewUniversity

HaAretz (The Land)
A music video by Christene Jackman of FringersSphere.com, featuring the song, "HaAretz" by...
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: PlanetJackman
HaAretz (The Land)
HaAretz (The Land)
A music video by Christene Jackman of FringersSphere.com, featuring the song, "HaAretz" by Carolyn Hyde. A celebration of the heart and spirit of Israel and ...- published: 12 Sep 2008
- views: 9134
- author: PlanetJackman

Natasha Mozgovaya of Haaretz Newspaper
Natasha Mozgovaya, of Haaretz Newspaper, speaks at the 2nd Dr. Morton and Toby Mower Israe...
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: BZDIsrael
Natasha Mozgovaya of Haaretz Newspaper
Natasha Mozgovaya of Haaretz Newspaper
Natasha Mozgovaya, of Haaretz Newspaper, speaks at the 2nd Dr. Morton and Toby Mower Israel Symposium. May 1, 2011.- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 1508
- author: BZDIsrael

Why Haaretz's Aluf Benn thinks Ariel Sharon was good for Israel
Haaretz Editor-in-Chief and former Diplomatic Correspondent Aluf Benn reflects on the comp...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Why Haaretz's Aluf Benn thinks Ariel Sharon was good for Israel
Why Haaretz's Aluf Benn thinks Ariel Sharon was good for Israel
Haaretz Editor-in-Chief and former Diplomatic Correspondent Aluf Benn reflects on the complicated legacy of the late Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 29

Yankel Am Ha'aretz
A new video by Middos Productions featuring an inspiring story. A story of hope. A MUST SE...
published: 01 Oct 2009
author: MahNishmah DotCom
Yankel Am Ha'aretz
Yankel Am Ha'aretz
A new video by Middos Productions featuring an inspiring story. A story of hope. A MUST SEE!!! For more videos visit http://www.mahnishmah.com.- published: 01 Oct 2009
- views: 5433
- author: MahNishmah DotCom

Shloime Taussig - Lashem Haaretz Umloah
The vocal version of Shloime Taussig's hit song, Lashem Haaretz Umloah, off the 2012 album...
published: 23 Nov 2013
Shloime Taussig - Lashem Haaretz Umloah
Shloime Taussig - Lashem Haaretz Umloah
The vocal version of Shloime Taussig's hit song, Lashem Haaretz Umloah, off the 2012 album, Taussig 2. The single was released on July 10, 2012.- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 55

Yankel Am Ha'aretz updated preview
Inspired by the song Yankel by Abie Rotenberg, Yankel Am HaAretz is about a simple man who...
published: 13 Dec 2009
author: MahNishmah DotCom
Yankel Am Ha'aretz updated preview
Yankel Am Ha'aretz updated preview
Inspired by the song Yankel by Abie Rotenberg, Yankel Am HaAretz is about a simple man who endures hardship in his Torah studies. Deep in his heart he loves ...- published: 13 Dec 2009
- views: 4736
- author: MahNishmah DotCom
Vimeo results:

Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Th...
published: 23 Dec 2010
author: franklyn wepner
Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Therapy provides us with many tools to help us get past our own ego trips and really speak to God. Part 1 of this project shows us "dumb hitbod'dut", all the wrong things to do, while parts 2-7 of this project attempt to demonstrate some of the right things to do to be more successful if and when you do talk to God.
by franklyn wepner
december 2008
The teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, as embodied in today's Breslav Hassidic sect of Judaism embody a form of what traditionally goes by the name of "Pietism". Pietism emphasizes faith and simplicity over against complex intellectual explanations of religious matters. But from the day that the Baal Shem Tov, it is said, sought God by talking to Him in the woods and jumping back and forth from one side of a stream to the other, until the day Nachman published his collected essays, "Likutei Moharan", much water in the stream of Jewish Pietism has passed under the bridge. That is to say, Likutei Moharan is not simple stuff. In order to write what he writes in those pages, Rabbi Nachman had to be well versed in the complex tradition of Pietist religion. Whether he got it from the original sources or from other compilations, he had to know something about the Neoplatonism of Philo, Ibn Gabirol, Judah Halevy , Abu-l-Barakat and Leone Ebreo. He had to know something about the responses of Hasdai Crescas to the Aristotelian Jewish tradition which crystallized in Maimonides "Guide For The Perplexed". To these two traditions, Nachman of Breslav added a strong emphasis upon the philosophy of language, in the sense that the Word of God is coming to us from a Jewish God who in a profound mystical sense is a speaking God, speaking to us and speaking through us. Though it is hard to find precedents to this in Judaism, we can find it in the work of the Christian theologian Johann Georg Hamann, which appeared, shortly before the time Nachman was born, in Konigsberg, East Prussia, not far from where Nachman lived in Eastern Europe. In the work of Hamann we find much of the philosophy of language which Nachman incorporated into his teachings. In other words, since the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav are so saturated with the complex tradition of Pietism, they are anything but a return to the naivete of the Bal Shem Tov. In this respect Nachman is deliberately deceptive when he tells his disciples again and again to keep it simple, and rely mainly on prayer.
But he also tells them to study! So he is not preaching mindlessness. Nor is he teaching blind following. His elevation of "the tsaddik of the generation" to the level of highest authority in the community of Hassidim is to be read both in the literal, "pshat", sense, and also in the profoundest philosophical sense as the Moses-Mashiach element potentially available in every person who submits himself to the theological process outlined in Likutei Moharan. Traditionally in Judaism it is said that each Jew shares in the living reality of Moses receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, but for Nachman this notion is merely the tip of an iceberg which is available to those who take the trouble to fathom the ideas of Likutei Moharan.
In view of these elements contained in Nachman's teachings, it should not be surprising that in what follows here I discover profundity rather than naivete in Nachman's advice to his disciples that they ought to sequester themselves every day and talk directly to God. Of course, we can talk naively to God in the manner of Tevye in Fiddler On the Roof. That procedure here I label "dumb hitbod'dut". Dumb hitbod'dut in that sense is in most cases better than no hitbod'dut at all. It can't hurt, and it might even be more useful than talking to oneself. But I am after bigger fish than that. My goal here is to begin to apply the principles of Likutei Moharan itself to the process of hitbod'dut. This introduction is not the place to spell out the complex principles of Likutei Moharan. You will find some of that in the sequel. Here I will just outline my basic assmptions for this project, which are that
(i) Since Neoplatonism and Hamann's philosophy of language are examples of dialectical thinking, therefore Likutei Moharan likewise is dialectical thinking.
(ii) Gestalt Therapy also is dialectical thinking, containing both Platonic and Aristotelian aspects.
(iii) Therefore, applying dialectical thinking and Gestalt Therapy principles to hitbod'dut is entirely appropriate.
(iv) Hitbod'dut divested of the Gestalt Thrapy list of "self-interruptions" that rob our actions of their potential for authenticity and effectiveness is better than hitbod'dut saturated with this nonsense. Th

Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Th...
published: 23 Dec 2010
author: franklyn wepner
Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Therapy provides us with many tools to help us get past our own ego trips and really speak to God. Part 1 of this project shows us "dumb hitbod'dut", all the wrong things to do, while parts 2-7 of this project attempt to demonstrate some of the right things to do to be more successful if and when you do talk to God.
by franklyn wepner
december 2008
The teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, as embodied in today's Breslav Hassidic sect of Judaism embody a form of what traditionally goes by the name of "Pietism". Pietism emphasizes faith and simplicity over against complex intellectual explanations of religious matters. But from the day that the Baal Shem Tov, it is said, sought God by talking to Him in the woods and jumping back and forth from one side of a stream to the other, until the day Nachman published his collected essays, "Likutei Moharan", much water in the stream of Jewish Pietism has passed under the bridge. That is to say, Likutei Moharan is not simple stuff. In order to write what he writes in those pages, Rabbi Nachman had to be well versed in the complex tradition of Pietist religion. Whether he got it from the original sources or from other compilations, he had to know something about the Neoplatonism of Philo, Ibn Gabirol, Judah Halevy , Abu-l-Barakat and Leone Ebreo. He had to know something about the responses of Hasdai Crescas to the Aristotelian Jewish tradition which crystallized in Maimonides "Guide For The Perplexed". To these two traditions, Nachman of Breslav added a strong emphasis upon the philosophy of language, in the sense that the Word of God is coming to us from a Jewish God who in a profound mystical sense is a speaking God, speaking to us and speaking through us. Though it is hard to find precedents to this in Judaism, we can find it in the work of the Christian theologian Johann Georg Hamann, which appeared, shortly before the time Nachman was born, in Konigsberg, East Prussia, not far from where Nachman lived in Eastern Europe. In the work of Hamann we find much of the philosophy of language which Nachman incorporated into his teachings. In other words, since the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav are so saturated with the complex tradition of Pietism, they are anything but a return to the naivete of the Bal Shem Tov. In this respect Nachman is deliberately deceptive when he tells his disciples again and again to keep it simple, and rely mainly on prayer.
But he also tells them to study! So he is not preaching mindlessness. Nor is he teaching blind following. His elevation of "the tsaddik of the generation" to the level of highest authority in the community of Hassidim is to be read both in the literal, "pshat", sense, and also in the profoundest philosophical sense as the Moses-Mashiach element potentially available in every person who submits himself to the theological process outlined in Likutei Moharan. Traditionally in Judaism it is said that each Jew shares in the living reality of Moses receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, but for Nachman this notion is merely the tip of an iceberg which is available to those who take the trouble to fathom the ideas of Likutei Moharan.
In view of these elements contained in Nachman's teachings, it should not be surprising that in what follows here I discover profundity rather than naivete in Nachman's advice to his disciples that they ought to sequester themselves every day and talk directly to God. Of course, we can talk naively to God in the manner of Tevye in Fiddler On the Roof. That procedure here I label "dumb hitbod'dut". Dumb hitbod'dut in that sense is in most cases better than no hitbod'dut at all. It can't hurt, and it might even be more useful than talking to oneself. But I am after bigger fish than that. My goal here is to begin to apply the principles of Likutei Moharan itself to the process of hitbod'dut. This introduction is not the place to spell out the complex principles of Likutei Moharan. You will find some of that in the sequel. Here I will just outline my basic assmptions for this project, which are that
(i) Since Neoplatonism and Hamann's philosophy of language are examples of dialectical thinking, therefore Likutei Moharan likewise is dialectical thinking.
(ii) Gestalt Therapy also is dialectical thinking, containing both Platonic and Aristotelian aspects.
(iii) Therefore, applying dialectical thinking and Gestalt Therapy principles to hitbod'dut is entirely appropriate.
(iv) Hitbod'dut divested of the Gestalt Thrapy list of "self-interruptions" that rob our actions of their potential for authenticity and effectiveness is better than hitbod'dut saturated with this nonsense. Th

TALKING TO GOD (HITBOD'DUT) complete (90 minutes)
Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Th...
published: 23 Mar 2011
author: franklyn wepner
TALKING TO GOD (HITBOD'DUT) complete (90 minutes)
Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Therapy provides us with many tools to help us get past our own ego trips and really speak to God. Part 1 of this project shows us "dumb hitbod'dut", all the wrong things to do, while parts 2-7 of this project attempt to demonstrate some of the right things to do to be more successful if and when you do talk to God.
by franklyn wepner
december 2008
The teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, as embodied in today's Breslav Hassidic sect of Judaism embody a form of what traditionally goes by the name of "Pietism". Pietism emphasizes faith and simplicity over against complex intellectual explanations of religious matters. But from the day that the Baal Shem Tov, it is said, sought God by talking to Him in the woods and jumping back and forth from one side of a stream to the other, until the day Nachman published his collected essays, "Likutei Moharan", much water in the stream of Jewish Pietism has passed under the bridge. That is to say, Likutei Moharan is not simple stuff. In order to write what he writes in those pages, Rabbi Nachman had to be well versed in the complex tradition of Pietist religion. Whether he got it from the original sources or from other compilations, he had to know something about the Neoplatonism of Philo, Ibn Gabirol, Judah Halevy , Abu-l-Barakat and Leone Ebreo. He had to know something about the responses of Hasdai Crescas to the Aristotelian Jewish tradition which crystallized in Maimonides "Guide For The Perplexed". To these two traditions, Nachman of Breslav added a strong emphasis upon the philosophy of language, in the sense that the Word of God is coming to us from a Jewish God who in a profound mystical sense is a speaking God, speaking to us and speaking through us. Though it is hard to find precedents to this in Judaism, we can find it in the work of the Christian theologian Johann Georg Hamann, which appeared, shortly before the time Nachman was born, in Konigsberg, East Prussia, not far from where Nachman lived in Eastern Europe. In the work of Hamann we find much of the philosophy of language which Nachman incorporated into his teachings. In other words, since the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav are so saturated with the complex tradition of Pietism, they are anything but a return to the naivete of the Bal Shem Tov. In this respect Nachman is deliberately deceptive when he tells his disciples again and again to keep it simple, and rely mainly on prayer.
But he also tells them to study! So he is not preaching mindlessness. Nor is he teaching blind following. His elevation of "the tsaddik of the generation" to the level of highest authority in the community of Hassidim is to be read both in the literal, "pshat", sense, and also in the profoundest philosophical sense as the Moses-Mashiach element potentially available in every person who submits himself to the theological process outlined in Likutei Moharan. Traditionally in Judaism it is said that each Jew shares in the living reality of Moses receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, but for Nachman this notion is merely the tip of an iceberg which is available to those who take the trouble to fathom the ideas of Likutei Moharan.
In view of these elements contained in Nachman's teachings, it should not be surprising that in what follows here I discover profundity rather than naivete in Nachman's advice to his disciples that they ought to sequester themselves every day and talk directly to God. Of course, we can talk naively to God in the manner of Tevye in Fiddler On the Roof. That procedure here I label "dumb hitbod'dut". Dumb hitbod'dut in that sense is in most cases better than no hitbod'dut at all. It can't hurt, and it might even be more useful than talking to oneself. But I am after bigger fish than that. My goal here is to begin to apply the principles of Likutei Moharan itself to the process of hitbod'dut. This introduction is not the place to spell out the complex principles of Likutei Moharan. You will find some of that in the sequel. Here I will just outline my basic assmptions for this project, which are that
(i) Since Neoplatonism and Hamann's philosophy of language are examples of dialectical thinking, therefore Likutei Moharan likewise is dialectical thinking.
(ii) Gestalt

Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Th...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: franklyn wepner
Breslav Hassidim and Franciscan Catholics are told to talk to God in the woods. Gestalt Therapy provides us with many tools to help us get past our own ego trips and really speak to God. Part 1 of this project shows us "dumb hitbod'dut", all the wrong things to do, while parts 2-7 of this project attempt to demonstrate some of the right things to do to be more successful if and when you do talk to God.
by franklyn wepner
december 2008
The teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, as embodied in today's Breslav Hassidic sect of Judaism embody a form of what traditionally goes by the name of "Pietism". Pietism emphasizes faith and simplicity over against complex intellectual explanations of religious matters. But from the day that the Baal Shem Tov, it is said, sought God by talking to Him in the woods and jumping back and forth from one side of a stream to the other, until the day Nachman published his collected essays, "Likutei Moharan", much water in the stream of Jewish Pietism has passed under the bridge. That is to say, Likutei Moharan is not simple stuff. In order to write what he writes in those pages, Rabbi Nachman had to be well versed in the complex tradition of Pietist religion. Whether he got it from the original sources or from other compilations, he had to know something about the Neoplatonism of Philo, Ibn Gabirol, Judah Halevy , Abu-l-Barakat and Leone Ebreo. He had to know something about the responses of Hasdai Crescas to the Aristotelian Jewish tradition which crystallized in Maimonides "Guide For The Perplexed". To these two traditions, Nachman of Breslav added a strong emphasis upon the philosophy of language, in the sense that the Word of God is coming to us from a Jewish God who in a profound mystical sense is a speaking God, speaking to us and speaking through us. Though it is hard to find precedents to this in Judaism, we can find it in the work of the Christian theologian Johann Georg Hamann, which appeared, shortly before the time Nachman was born, in Konigsberg, East Prussia, not far from where Nachman lived in Eastern Europe. In the work of Hamann we find much of the philosophy of language which Nachman incorporated into his teachings. In other words, since the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav are so saturated with the complex tradition of Pietism, they are anything but a return to the naivete of the Bal Shem Tov. In this respect Nachman is deliberately deceptive when he tells his disciples again and again to keep it simple, and rely mainly on prayer.
But he also tells them to study! So he is not preaching mindlessness. Nor is he teaching blind following. His elevation of "the tsaddik of the generation" to the level of highest authority in the community of Hassidim is to be read both in the literal, "pshat", sense, and also in the profoundest philosophical sense as the Moses-Mashiach element potentially available in every person who submits himself to the theological process outlined in Likutei Moharan. Traditionally in Judaism it is said that each Jew shares in the living reality of Moses receiving the Torah on Mt. Sinai, but for Nachman this notion is merely the tip of an iceberg which is available to those who take the trouble to fathom the ideas of Likutei Moharan.
In view of these elements contained in Nachman's teachings, it should not be surprising that in what follows here I discover profundity rather than naivete in Nachman's advice to his disciples that they ought to sequester themselves every day and talk directly to God. Of course, we can talk naively to God in the manner of Tevye in Fiddler On the Roof. That procedure here I label "dumb hitbod'dut". Dumb hitbod'dut in that sense is in most cases better than no hitbod'dut at all. It can't hurt, and it might even be more useful than talking to oneself. But I am after bigger fish than that. My goal here is to begin to apply the principles of Likutei Moharan itself to the process of hitbod'dut. This introduction is not the place to spell out the complex principles of Likutei Moharan. You will find some of that in the sequel. Here I will just outline my basic assmptions for this project, which are that
(i) Since Neoplatonism and Hamann's philosophy of language are examples of dialectical thinking, therefore Likutei Moharan likewise is dialectical thinking.
(ii) Gestalt Therapy also is dialectical thinking, containing both Platonic and Aristotelian aspects.
(iii) Therefore, applying dialectical thinking and Gestalt Therapy principles to hitbod'dut is entirely appropriate.
(iv) Hitbod'dut divested of the Gestalt Thrapy list of "self-interruptions" that rob our actions of their potential for authenticity and effectiveness is better than hitbod'dut saturated with this nonsense. The
Youtube results:

Shenkar-Ha'aretz Project
Art, craft, fashion and furniture made from old newspapers: Special project between Shenka...
published: 29 Feb 2012
author: Shenkar Art. Design. Engineering
Shenkar-Ha'aretz Project
Shenkar-Ha'aretz Project
Art, craft, fashion and furniture made from old newspapers: Special project between Shenkar college and Ha'aretz newspaper Photographers and editors: Dvir Av...- published: 29 Feb 2012
- views: 104
- author: Shenkar Art. Design. Engineering

"Israel lost at sea" (Haaretz)
IN THE PAPERS - The Israeli press is divided this morning over yesterday's botched assault...
published: 01 Jun 2010
author: FRANCE 24 English
"Israel lost at sea" (Haaretz)
"Israel lost at sea" (Haaretz)
IN THE PAPERS - The Israeli press is divided this morning over yesterday's botched assault on a flotilla carrying aid to the Gaza Strip. Some defend the IDF'...- published: 01 Jun 2010
- views: 1651
- author: FRANCE 24 English

0319 Oriental - Adonai Ha Aretz
Inscrevam-se em nosso canal !!!...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Recanto de Luz
0319 Oriental - Adonai Ha Aretz
0319 Oriental - Adonai Ha Aretz
Inscrevam-se em nosso canal !!!- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 346
- author: Recanto de Luz

El Haaretz Import Andersen windows
El Haaretz imporrt is the Authorized importer of Andersen windows and doors to Israel. Che...
published: 24 Dec 2009
author: EL HAARETZ
El Haaretz Import Andersen windows
El Haaretz Import Andersen windows
El Haaretz imporrt is the Authorized importer of Andersen windows and doors to Israel. Check out our website at: www.el-haaretz.com.- published: 24 Dec 2009
- views: 1281
- author: EL HAARETZ