- published: 14 Mar 2012
- views: 6652
- author: CambridgeUniversity
Theology and Religious Studies
Religion is central to world history, society and human life. This degree explores the var...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: CambridgeUniversity
Theology and Religious Studies
Religion is central to world history, society and human life. This degree explores the varied ways humans have expressed their religious convictions, and how the search for meaning has impacted thought and culture throughout history. In Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge, you can either concentrate on Christianity or incorporate a range of religious traditions. The course caters for numerous interests -- biblical, historical, philosophical and comparative, as well as a mixture of any or all of these. You don't have to be religious to study this degree: our students belong to all religious traditions and none. To find out more about Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge, see www.study.cam.ac.uk Some of the students who appear in our course films are also featured in the 60 Second Impressions series, which can be found at www.cam.ac.uk - keep checking back as we'll be adding new films every couple of weeks!
- published: 14 Mar 2012
- views: 6652
- author: CambridgeUniversity
Rice University's Anthony Pinn and Bun B discuss religion and hip-hop
Rice University Religious Studies Professor Anthony Pinn and HERE Distinguished Lecturer B...
published: 20 Jan 2011
author: RiceUniversity
Rice University's Anthony Pinn and Bun B discuss religion and hip-hop
Rice University Religious Studies Professor Anthony Pinn and HERE Distinguished Lecturer Bun B talk about their Rice course "Religion and Hip-Hop Culture."
- published: 20 Jan 2011
- views: 7125
- author: RiceUniversity
Stanford student sings in Cambodian dharma song tradition
As part of his senior thesis, Religious Studies major Trent Walker produced the first ever...
published: 19 Jul 2010
author: StanfordHumanities
Stanford student sings in Cambodian dharma song tradition
As part of his senior thesis, Religious Studies major Trent Walker produced the first ever full-scale study of the Cambodian dharma song tradition. During the course of his research, Trent learned how to sing religious texts in the complex musical style called smutr.
- published: 19 Jul 2010
- views: 34737
- author: StanfordHumanities
Freshman Studies Lecture - Zhuangzi's BASIC WRITINGS
Karen Carr, Lawrence University Professor of Religious Studies, delivered this lecture con...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: LawrenceUniversity
Freshman Studies Lecture - Zhuangzi's BASIC WRITINGS
Karen Carr, Lawrence University Professor of Religious Studies, delivered this lecture concerning Zhuangzi's BASIC WRITINGS on March 2, 2011. This lecture was designed for students and faculty in the college's Freshman Studies program. Freshman Studies, a multidisciplinary introduction to the liberal arts, has been the cornerstone of the Lawrence curriculum for over fifty years.
- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 2799
- author: LawrenceUniversity
Adakah Tuhan MATI Disalib ? - Shabir Ally VS Jay Smith (subtitle BM)
Shabir Ally holds a BA in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury,Ontario,...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: sunnahrasul
Adakah Tuhan MATI Disalib ? - Shabir Ally VS Jay Smith (subtitle BM)
Shabir Ally holds a BA in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury,Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature, and an MA in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis. He is now nearing completion of his PhD thesis in Quranic Exegesis at the University of Toronto. He is the president of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International in Toronto where he functions as Imam. He travels internationally to represent Islam in public lectures and interfaith dialogues. He explains Islam on a weekly television program called 'Let the Quran Speak'. www.shabirally.com
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 5692
- author: sunnahrasul
The School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh
Discover Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Edinburgh's School of Divinit...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: EdinburghUniversity
The School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh
Discover Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Edinburgh's School of Divinity. The School has been rated one of the top research units in Theology & Religious Studies in the UK in successive national research assessments
- published: 15 Sep 2009
- views: 6293
- author: EdinburghUniversity
Kantian Ethics in less than 6 minutes
This video aims to explore and explains all aspects of Kantian Ethics within 6 minutes. It...
published: 30 Mar 2010
author: Komilla Chadha
Kantian Ethics in less than 6 minutes
This video aims to explore and explains all aspects of Kantian Ethics within 6 minutes. It has been read and created by Komilla Chadha and a-level religious studies student. Please find the further information on my blog: kdkchadha.blogspot.com
- published: 30 Mar 2010
- views: 28896
- author: Komilla Chadha
NEW MUSLIM COOL educational trailer
NEW MUSLIM COOL is now available for educational and institutional purchases! The acclaime...
published: 10 Sep 2009
author: NewMuslimCool
NEW MUSLIM COOL educational trailer
NEW MUSLIM COOL is now available for educational and institutional purchases! The acclaimed and award-winning PBS documentary from Specific Pictures and POV can now be acquired for classroom use and campus screenings. The film is highly recommended by leading scholars for a broad range of academic disciplines including Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, Religious Studies and Inter-Faith Events, and Hip-Hop Studies. The Educators' Toolkit ships with one DVD containing the full theatrical film, a 56 minute version, 30 minutes of extra features, and four standards-based lesson plans. Special pricing for high schools and libraries. Order today from Seventh Art Releasing, www.7thart.com!
- published: 10 Sep 2009
- views: 9733
- author: NewMuslimCool
The Jesus Debate
METAPHOR, PROPHET, or SON OF GOD? Continue the Discussion @ www.jesuslife.ca About the Deb...
published: 17 Feb 2012
author: Graydon Baker
The Jesus Debate
METAPHOR, PROPHET, or SON OF GOD? Continue the Discussion @ www.jesuslife.ca About the Debaters: Dr. Christopher Dicarlo (rep. Jesus Metaphor) is a Philosopher of Science and Ethics whose interests in cognitive evolution have taken him into the natural and social sciences. His research focuses on how and why humans reason, think, and act the way they do. cdicarlo.com Shabir Ally (rep. Jesus Prophet) holds a BA in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury,Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature, and an MA in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis. He is now nearing completion of his PhD thesis in Quranic Exegesis at the University of Toronto. www.shabirally.com Dr. Tony Costa (rep. Jesus Son of God) has earned a BA and an MA in the study of religion from the University of Toronto. He has also earned a PhD with Radboud University in the Netherlands. Tony is also a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Philosophical Society. His area of expertise is biblical and systematic theology, cults, the New Age Movement, and comparative world religions. Tony is also an ordained minister. As a Christian apologist, Dr. Costa gives reasons for the valid belief in Christianity, and also advocates the unique claims of Jesus Christ. www.freewebs.com _____________________________________________ THE JESUS DEBATE: Metaphor, Prophet, or Son of God ...
- published: 17 Feb 2012
- views: 14342
- author: Graydon Baker
Was Paul The Founder Of Christianity? - Debate - Shabir Ally VS Dr. V. George Shillington
Was Paul The Founder Of Christianity? - Debate - Shabir Ally VS Dr. V. George Shillington ...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: shakirshuvo
Was Paul The Founder Of Christianity? - Debate - Shabir Ally VS Dr. V. George Shillington
Was Paul The Founder Of Christianity? - Debate - Shabir Ally VS Dr. V. George Shillington Shabir Ally: Shabir Ally holds a BA in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury,Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature, and an MA in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis. He is now nearing completion of his PhD thesis in Quranic Exegesis at the University of Toronto. He is the president of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International in Toronto where he functions as Imam. He travels internationally to represent Islam in public lectures and interfaith dialogues. He explains Islam on a weekly television program called 'Let the Quran Speak'. Past episodes of this show can be seen online at:www.quranspeaks.com.
- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 8047
- author: shakirshuvo
Eye on Atlanta- Who's who on planet earth-Part 1 of 5 continued
Eye on Atlanta is a weekly one hour program that covers a variety of cultural awareness an...
published: 25 Aug 2008
author: coreymck27
Eye on Atlanta- Who's who on planet earth-Part 1 of 5 continued
Eye on Atlanta is a weekly one hour program that covers a variety of cultural awareness and human interest topics, scientific & anthropological documentation, religious studies, including His-Story and Our-Story. eoatv@hotmail.
- published: 25 Aug 2008
- views: 17747
- author: coreymck27
History Of Bible! 1/10
History of Bible By Bart Ehrman Professor or Religious Studies of the University of North ...
published: 09 Apr 2008
author: ImageOFlove
History Of Bible! 1/10
History of Bible By Bart Ehrman Professor or Religious Studies of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- published: 09 Apr 2008
- views: 15422
- author: ImageOFlove
God's Problem-Bart Ehrman (I)
It's one of the oldest faith questions: If there's an all-powerful and loving God, why do ...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: pangeaprogressblog
God's Problem-Bart Ehrman (I)
It's one of the oldest faith questions: If there's an all-powerful and loving God, why do human beings suffer? In his latest book, religious studies professor Bart D. Ehrman wrestles with that question — and with the implications of the often-contradictory answers he finds. In God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question — Why We Suffer, Ehrman meditates upon how the Bible explains human suffering, why he finds the explanations unconvincing, and why he gave up on being a Christian. Ehrman, author of Misquoting Jesus and more than a dozen other books, chairs the religious studies department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- published: 01 Apr 2010
- views: 10708
- author: pangeaprogressblog
GCSE RE, So Many Questions, So Many Answers
Within GCSE RE, there really is so many questions, and there is often more than one answer...
published: 23 Dec 2008
author: 06clared
GCSE RE, So Many Questions, So Many Answers
Within GCSE RE, there really is so many questions, and there is often more than one answer to each question, which makes you explore and analyse your own beliefs even more. It truly is an amazing course, sort of brief when you consider what the A Level course covers, but still so very deep, and thought provoking. Most schools split the GCSE RE course over 2 years (10 and 11) my school now split it over year 9 and 10, and the year 9's have loved it! If you still want to ask more questions about the course (say you're wondering more about it) don't hesitate to contact me via: ClareDempsey.RE@gmail.com Also email me if you'd like to find out how to get a better quality copy of this video, as it's rather rubbish on youtube.
- published: 23 Dec 2008
- views: 6112
- author: 06clared
Vimeo results:
HavvAda Island
HAVVADA: A new land and a vision
commissioned by turkish developer Serdar Inan
A centur...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: Dror
HavvAda Island
HAVVADA: A new land and a vision
commissioned by turkish developer Serdar Inan
A century after the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed; Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan presents the Canal Istanbul project and offers to re-visit the map of the city. One billion cubic meter of soil may be carved out of the main land in order to create the canal. Turkish developer, Mister Serdar Inan, proposes to reconstitute the soil to create an island off the shore of Istanbul and a home for a new community. Mister Inan commissions New York based designer Dror Benshetrit to draw his vision for the project; one that blends innovative design ideas, state of the art technology and cultural legacy with inspirations from the work of chief Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan.
Like the Nurai Island in 2008, this project came to Dror as the most-unexpected chance to investigate the idea of the living environment at a scale his mind had never touched before. Dror chose to look at the intimidating project as an opportunity to think about urban design and the life of a community. He spearheaded a reflection group to explore ideas. The team of experts included the Buckminster Fuller Institute, Buro Happold, Shoji Sadao from Fuller, Sadao & Zung Architects. Six months of rich interdisciplinary dialogs have allowed him to draw a radical urban design vision that aims to make the island a home for a new community with the highest quality of life and a positive environmental impact. Dror's vision for HavvAda is one that raises question rather than one that intends to bring answers.
The vision unveiled in Istanbul on September 29, results from Dror's fascination for structure and spatial geometry. With HavvAda, he stretches physics principals that he has long investigated such as the Quadror geometry. He offers to revisit concepts and ideas for urban environment, such as urban design theories, including the Garden City by Ebenezer Howard and studies of Buckminster Fuller's legacy in structural engineering. Today, Dror has drawn a landscape that will keep adapting to the dynamics of the site.
A green island made of 6 hills of different sizes circling the downtown center of the land. Each hill up rises on top of a mega structural sphere that supports the residences on the hillsides and a community life at the center. The diameter of the island is 3 km long with a 1 km diameter valley in the center.
Each hill is drawn as a mega-dome structure inspired by engineering and structural principals studied and implemented in architecture since ancient times and further developed as a geodesic dome in the last century by Buckminster Fuller.
The design proposed for most of the island relies on compression and tensional integrity; it maximizes the material utilized to build the structure and infra-structure of the island. The urban planning optimizes the slopes of the hills and their panoramic view on each side for greater residential areas.
Traditionally, communities have built their residential areas around the center of the town where political decisions or trade was made, and spiritual and religious temples were built—the community would grow around those centers with extended skirts of residence buildings and neighborhoods. The center valley of the island offers ideal space and planning for parks and recreation centers. Some of the buildings are covered with green living-roof. They fade in the natural environment in an organic way, while contributing to the constant energy recycling of the island.
More information on http://www.studiodror.com/html/work/architecture/dror-for-hava/
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. Th...
published: 22 Sep 2009
author: Victoria and Albert Museum
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. The purpose of the lecture is to celebrate the legacy of the Museum’s founding director, and explore its implications for museums, culture and society today.
The lecture, entitled 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum' was delivered by Professor Sir Christopher Frayling. He presented new research on the “chamber of horrors” (a contemporary nickname for one of the V&A;'s earliest galleries, 'Decorations on False Principles', that opened in 1852) and the myths and realities of its reception, then opened up a wider debate on design education and museums from the nineteenth century to the present day.
Mark Jones: The annual Henry Cole lecture has been initiated to celebrate Henry Cole's legacy and to explore the contribution that culture can make to education and society today. It has also been launched to celebrate the opening of the Sackler Centre for arts education, including the Hochhauser Auditorium in which we sit tonight. There could be no one better than Professor Sir Christopher Frayling to give the inaugural Henry Cole Lecture. Christopher is a rare being: an intellectual who is a great communicator; a theorist who has a firm grip on the practical realities of life: a writer who truly and instinctively understands the words of making design and visual communication. As an enormously successful and respected Rector of the Royal College of Art, as Chairman of the Arts Council, and as a member and chair of boards too numerous to mention - but not forgetting the Royal Mint Advisory Committee which has recently been responsible for redesigning the coinage (personal interest) and as by far the longest-serving Trustee of the V&A;, he brings together culture, education and public service in a way which Henry Cole would have approved and admired. So it's more than fitting that he should be giving this first Henry Cole Lecture, 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum'.
Thank you very much indeed Mark and thank you very much for inviting me to give this first Henry Cole Lecture. Just how much of an honour it is for me will I hope become clear as the lecture progresses.
Mark, Chairpeople, ladies and gentlemen:
Hidden away in the garden of the South Kensington Museum - now the Madejski Garden of the V&A; - there is a small and easily overlooked commemorative plaque that doesn't have a museum number. It reads: 'In Memory of Jim Died 1879 Aged 15 Years, Faithful Dog of Sir Henry Cole of this Museum'. Jim had in fact died on 30 January 1879. He was with Henry Cole in his heyday, as the king of South Kensington - its museums and colleges - and saw him through to retirement from the public service and beyond. And next to this inscription there's another one dedicated to Jim's successor, Tycho, and dated 1885. The dogs are actually buried in the garden. Now we know from Henry Cole's diary that between 1864 and 1879 Jim, who was a cairn terrier, was often to be seen in public at his master's side. In 1864 they were together inspecting the new memorial to the Great Exhibition of 1851 just behind the Albert Hall - a statue of Prince Albert by Joseph Durham on a lofty plinth covered in statistics about the income, expenditure and visitor numbers to the Great Exhibition: 6,039,195 to be exact. Cole had been a tireless champion of Prince Albert and according to the Princess Royal (later Empress of Prussia) there was a family saying in Buckingham Palace at the time, invented by Albert himself, that when things needed doing 'when we want steam we must get Cole'. We may therefore assume that when looking at the memorial, Cole was interested in the inscription, the statistics and the likeness of Prince Albert, while Jim was more interested in the possibilities of the plinth. In early 1866 - these are five studies of Jim, an etching by Henry Cole himself of 1864. In early 1866, first thing in the morning, soon after the workmen's bell had rung, Henry and Jim would set forth together from Cole's newly constructed official residence in the Museum (where he moved in July 1863) to tour the building sites of South Kensington - a name which was first invented by Cole when he re-named the museum The South Kensington Museum to describe the new developments happening around Brompton Church. According to 'The Builder' magazine, these two well-known figures would 'be seen clambering over bricks, mortar and girders up ladders and about scaffolding'. Several buildings in the South Kensington Renaissance Revival style were springing up all around them: The Natural History Museum, The College of Science, the extension to this Museum. And on the morning the Bethnal Green Museum opened - 24 June 1872 - Jim showed a healthy distaste for his master's well-known predilection for pomp and
Can you tell the difference??
Sacred music vs. secular music at Mass.
published: 05 Apr 2010
author: Corpus Christi Watershed
Can you tell the difference??
Sacred music vs. secular music at Mass.
more than 80,000 pages of free Sacred music
and hundreds of free Mp3 files and videos.
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.
For example, some people have problems telling the difference between me and my twin sister.
But when it comes to Church music, it’s actually not very hard to tell the difference between music that's appropriate for Mass, and music that's not.
If you want to tell the difference between me and my twin, you'll have to spend some time with us.
If you want to tell the difference about Church music, you'll have to spend some time with the Church documents.
The good news is, the Church has clearly laid things out for us.
First of all, a few quotes from the Church documents:
In 2003, Pope John Paul II quoted from Paul VI: "if music - instrumental and vocal - does not possess at the same time the sense of prayer, dignity and beauty, it precludes entry into the sphere of the sacred and the religious"
John Paul II went on to say: With regard to compositions of liturgical music, I make my own the "general rule" that St. Pius X formulated in these words: "The more closely a composition for church approaches in its movement, inspiration, and savour the Gregorian melodic form, the more sacred and liturgical it becomes; and the more out of harmony it is with that supreme model, the less worthy it is of the temple"
Cardinal Arinze reminded us that:
"People don't come to Mass in order to be entertained. They come to Mass to adore God, to thank him, to ask pardon for sins, and to ask for other things that they need."
Or, we look to the 1967 document: MUSICAM SACRAM:
those instruments which are, by common opinion and use, suitable for secular music only, are to be altogether prohibited from every liturgical celebration and from popular devotions.
instruments are suitable for sacred use, or can be adapted to it, that they are in keeping with the dignity of the temple, and truly contribute to the edification of the faithful."
Pope Pius XII wrote in 1955, 41. First of all, the chants and sacred music which are immediately joined with the Church's liturgical worship should be conducive to the lofty end for which they are intended.
In 1958, the Sacred Congregation of Rites stated clearly:
b) The difference between sacred, and secular music must be taken into consideration. Some musical instruments, such as the classic organ, are naturally appropriate for sacred music; But there are some instruments which, by common estimation, are so associated with secular music that they are not at all adaptable for sacred use.
b) they are to be played with such seriousness, and religious devotion that every suggestion of raucous secular music is avoided, and the devotion of the faithful is fostered;
The Second Vatican Council, in its document on the Liturgy, said this:
The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman Liturgy: therefore, other things being equal, it should be given first place in liturgical services.
Because there are hundreds and hundreds of Sacred Music directives, let's just stop reading quotes, because otherwise we're going to run out of time.
The first thing I noticed when I read these quotes was, it's WRONG when people say, “All types of music are allowed at Mass. As long as the music moves me, it can be used at Mass.” This idea is obviously not in accordance with the Church documents.
It's also important to realize that the CAUSE or REASON for this copious Ecclesiastical legislation is very serious. After all, the Mass is the reenactment of the Sacrifice at Calvary. Think about this for a minute. The Mass is the reenactment of the Crucifixion our Lord. Is it any wonder, then, that the Church wants dignified music at Mass?
It always reminds me of the priest or Bishop, who wears precious Vestments at Mass. The celebrant does not wear these ornate vestments to exult himself, or to amuse the congregation. One of the reasons why he wears them is they're the same kind of clothes the ancient Romans wore, serving as a visible reminder of the antiquity of our Faith. The traditional vestments are also a type of “uniform” which unite us to all the Catholics who have gone before us. The beauty of the vestments also edifies the faithful, since God is the Author of all beauty, and it reminds them, in some small way, of the splendor and loftiness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. All of these reasons are the same reasons why we use Sacred music at Mass. And all of these reasons help us to pray.
Following the Church documents we quoted earlier, we have to be careful what kind of music is used at the reenactment of Calvary. Music that may be absolutely wonderful at a party
The Importance of Our Church Covenant
A mere two months after the Los Angeles Dodgers inked a new, two–year, $45 million guarant...
published: 08 Sep 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
The Importance of Our Church Covenant
A mere two months after the Los Angeles Dodgers inked a new, two–year, $45 million guaranteed deal with power hitter Manny Ramirez, the slugger got hit with a 50–game suspension for using a banned performance–enhancing substance. The reason, a “Behavior” clause written into his contract. The 50 game suspension will save the Dodgers 8 million dollars.
Earlier this year Kellogg’s backed out of an endorsement deal with Michael Phelps because of a “Behavior Clause” they had written into the contract. You know them as “Morality Clauses”, but because of changing morals, they have become specific “behavior” clauses.
There was once a time when an advertiser could get an agent to agree to the following clause: “If [Celebrity] has committed any act that offends the community or any segment thereof and/or public morals and decency, such behavior shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement incapable of cure, and if in [Advertiser’s] sole judgment such breach is likely to cause a diminution in the value of the [Advertiser’s] commercial association with [Celebrity], then [Advertiser] shall have the right, in addition to any other rights [Advertiser] may have as a result of such breach, to immediately terminate this Agreement on written notice to [Celebrity]. In such event, there shall be no further compensation payable to [Celebrity] and such termination shall not limit or effect any other rights [Advertiser] may have against [Celebrity] under this Agreement on account of such termination.”
However, society’s views of morality have changed, so contracts have gotten to be very specific as regards the “behavior” of the celebrities. With Michael Phelps, public drug use was clearly prohibited.
These behavior clauses have even entered the world o Big Banks. The latest banking crisis underscored the importance of not appearing greedy in the face of massive government bailouts at taxpayer expense. The government refused to give “Bailout Funds” unless certain behavior standards were met. Corporate executives lost their jobs and had their pay cut because of lavish extravaganza’s and exorbitant bonuses while Americans saw Billions of dollars in savings wiped out.
In the sports world, in the corporate world, in the banking world, how we behave and act is very important, so important that people lose millions when they fail to live up to certain standards.
Even in the church, our behavior is important. George Barna has become well-known because of the extensive research and surveys he conducts. He has noticed some alarming trends in the church, particularly in regards to our “Biblical World view”. A Survey published in March of this year produced these results:
For the purposes of the survey, a “biblical worldview” was defined as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today. In the research, anyone who held all of those beliefs was said to have a biblical worldview.
The same questions were asked of respondents in national surveys by Barna in 1995, 2000 and 2005. The results indicate that the percentage of adults with a biblical worldview, as defined above, has remained unchanged for more than a decade. The numbers show that 7% had such a worldview in 1995, compared to 10% in 2000, 11% in 2005, and 9% now. Even among born again adults, the statistics have remained flat: 18% in 1995, 22% in 2000, 21% in 2005, and 19% today.
Varying numbers of Americans embrace the different aspects of biblical worldview thinking. The survey found that:
* One-third of all adults (34%) believe that moral truth is absolute and unaffected by the circumstances. Slightly less than half of the born again adults (46%) believe in absolute moral truth.
* Half of all adults firmly believe that the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches. That proportion includes the four-fifths of born again adults (79%) who concur.
* Just one-quarter of adults (27%) are convinced that Satan is a real force. Even a minority of born again adults (40%) adopt that perspective.
* Similarly, only one-quarter of adults (28%) believe that it is impossible for someone to earn their way into Heaven through good behavior. Not quite half of all born again Christians (47%) strongly reject the notion of earning salvation through their deeds.
* A minority of American adults (40%) are persuaded that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life while He was on earth. Slightly less than two-thirds of the born again segment (62%) strongly believes that He was sinless.
* Seven out of ten adults (70%) say that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of
Youtube results:
The Deen Show: Is Da`wah Obligatory? Shabir Ally answers
Da'wah to Allah is a duty on every Muslim in every age, and in our time this Da'wah is par...
published: 06 Sep 2008
author: MuslimByChoice
The Deen Show: Is Da`wah Obligatory? Shabir Ally answers
Da'wah to Allah is a duty on every Muslim in every age, and in our time this Da'wah is particularly important in light of the vicious attacks the enemies of Allah are waging to remove the importance of Da'wah from the hearts of Muslims Brother Shabir Ally is our guest on today's show, Brother Ally has earned a BA in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature, and an MA in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis. He is now in his fourth year of Ph.D studies in Quranic Exegesis at the University of Toronto. He is the president of the Islamic Information & Dawah Centre International in Toronto where he functions as Imam. He travels internationally to represent Islam in public lectures and interfaith dialogues. He explains Islam on a weekly television program called "Let the Quran Speak. The Topic: Da`wah - An Obligation In this interview Shabir Ally explains about our responsibility to deliver the message of God Almighty which is Islam(Surrender and submission to God Alone). Following us on twitter.com facebook www.facebook.com SUBSCRIBE www.youtube.com Our DVDS www.thedeenshow.com Our website thedeenshow.com
- published: 06 Sep 2008
- views: 12285
- author: MuslimByChoice
Geology Major -- Heather Meyer -- Undergraduate Research with NASA
Heather Meyer is a geology and religious studies major who has worked at NASA's Goddard Sp...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: CollegeofCharleston
Geology Major -- Heather Meyer -- Undergraduate Research with NASA
Heather Meyer is a geology and religious studies major who has worked at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and in Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. Much of her research has been funded by South Carolina Space Grant Consortium and as she says, "is rewriting textbooks." Heather has also designed graduate-level curriculum to help educate K-12 teachers about lunar science and the best ways to explain it to children. She says she wants all teachers to know there is not a "dark side" of the moon, but a "far side." The SC Space Grant Consortium offers a variety of fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing science-related disciplines. Each year, undergraduates and graduates have the opportunity to participate in research during the summer and/or throughout the year in ongoing projects sponsored by NASA, including actual internship opportunities at a NASA center. For more information, visit the NASA South Carolina Space Grant Consortium website: prosper.cofc.edu Students interested in scholarships should visit the scholarship overview page for more information: prosper.cofc.edu
- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 169
- author: CollegeofCharleston
Misquoting Jesus
Best-selling author and New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman picks apart the Gospels that mad...
published: 08 Jul 2009
author: wpsu
Misquoting Jesus
Best-selling author and New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman picks apart the Gospels that made him a disbeliever and discusses problems with "The Da Vinci Code." Ehrman gave the 2006 Luther H. Harshbarger Lecture in Religious Studies at Penn State.
- published: 08 Jul 2009
- views: 19459
- author: wpsu
Bart D. Ehrman 2009: Jesus Resurrection
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL & MY OTHER ONE TOO:- www.youtube.com This is Ehrman only ...
published: 28 Dec 2011
author: nightjarflying
Bart D. Ehrman 2009: Jesus Resurrection
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL & MY OTHER ONE TOO:- www.youtube.com This is Ehrman only ~ the full debate was too painful :) April 2009: Bart D. Ehrman v Michael R. Licona: "Can Historians Prove Jesus Rose From The Dead" www.ses.edu en.wikipedia.org Bart D. Ehrman (born 1955) is an American New Testament scholar, currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ehrman writes about the early Christians, using the term "proto-orthodox" to describe the Christian traditions that would later be defined as orthodox. He describes 1st- and 2nd-century Christians as not yet having a unified, orthodox tradition. He is the author of a number of books in this area, including Misquoting Jesus (2005), God's Problem (2008), and Jesus, Interrupted (2009). In his books, he recounts his youthful enthusiasm as a born-again, fundamentalist Christian, certain that God had inspired the wording of the Bible and protected its texts from all error. His graduate studies, however, eventually convinced him that one ought to acknowledge the contradictions in the biblical manuscripts rather than attempt to harmonize or reconcile discrepancies. He remained a liberal Christian for fifteen years but later became an agnostic after struggling with the philosophical problems of evil and suffering. en.wikipedia.org Michael R. Licona (born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1961) is a New Testament scholar and Evangelical Christian apologist ...
- published: 28 Dec 2011
- views: 10267
- author: nightjarflying