- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 37273
Prayer Language, Praying in Tongues, How satan stops Christians from receiving the prayer language
Praying in Tognues. satan has had a very successful campaign in preventing Christians fro...
published: 19 Mar 2012
Prayer Language, Praying in Tongues, How satan stops Christians from receiving the prayer language
Praying in Tognues. satan has had a very successful campaign in preventing Christians from getting the Gift of Tongues. There are so many lies and misunderstanding in the church about this gift. In short, satan allows the Church to talk about it, study it, debate about it, have nice doctrinal discussions about it, as long as they just NEVER get it. What good is a soldier that knows all about guns, but doesn't have one. Not using this Gift has crippled the Church, preventing many believers from maturing on to the Higher Gifts. If you're a Christian who doesn't have the Prayer Language yet, Get IT! Stop making excuses of why you don't need it, or how you failed to get it before. JUST GET IT! and if you already have the gift?Use It, Stir It Up, It doesn't do any good if it lies dormant.
- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 37273
Jesus & Buddha.
If Jesus and Buddha were to meet, they would recognize one another as fellow prophets beca...
published: 01 Nov 2009
Jesus & Buddha.
If Jesus and Buddha were to meet, they would recognize one another as fellow prophets because they were teaching the same truths.
Both stayed in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and were tempted by evil, Jesus by Satan and Buddha by the demon Mara and his daughters.
Jesus's original teachings promoted peace and turning the other cheek, passive resistance rather than armed insurrection. Marcus Borg, a Christian and Jesus scholar, focuses on this basic aspect of Christianity by selecting a range of quotations from the Gospels and pairing them with parallel sayings by the Buddha. For example, whereas Jesus said, 'Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God,' Buddha said, 'Let us live most happily, possessing nothing; let us feed on joy, like the radiant gods.' It is surprising, to a reader familiar only with the Bible, to find how similar the words of the two religious leaders actually are.
When we compare two ancient spiritual traditions like Buddhism and Christianity, what we see is a striking similarity between the narratives of the founding masters: in the case of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and in the case of Buddhism, the Buddha. I see a very important parallel: in the very lives of the [founders] the essence of their teachings is demonstrated. For example... the essence of the Buddha's teaching is embodied in the Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering, the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the truth of the path leading to this cessation. These Four Noble Truths are very explicitly and clearly exemplified in the life of... the Buddha himself. I feel [it] is the same with the life of Christ. If you look at the life of Jesus, you will see all the essential practices and teachings of Christianity exemplified. And in the lives of both Jesus Christ and the Buddha, it is only through hardship, dedication and commitment, and by standing firm on one's principles that one can grow spiritually and attain liberation. That seems to be a central and common message.
Apart from that, there are few similarities, apart from living a simple life.
Buddha searched for the way. Jesus said "I am the Way"
Buddha searched for the truth. Jesus said "I am the Truth".
Buddha searched for a reason for living. Jesus said "I am the Life. No one comes to the Father, except by way of me." JOhn 14:6
Both claim royal descent;
Celestial bodiest announced the birth of both;
Both were tempted by the devil;
Both experienced supernatural events after the devil left;
Both were said to know the thoughts of others;
Both helaed blind men and claimed that the affliction was due to a previous sin;
Both required desciples to renounce worldly possessions;
Both had a disciple who walked on water.
- published: 01 Nov 2009
- views: 204714
T.D Jakes - How to resist the seducing tricks of Satan!
Holy Spirit, I ask that you show me anything else which I need to do or to pray so that I ...
published: 27 Dec 2009
T.D Jakes - How to resist the seducing tricks of Satan!
Holy Spirit, I ask that you show me anything else which I need to do or to pray so that I and my family may be totally free from the consequences of the sins of Masonry, Witchcraft, Mormonism and all related Paganism and Occultism.
(Pause, while listening to God, and pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.)
Now, dear Father God, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, your Son and my Saviour, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit, my soul, my mind, my emotions and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins, in the name of Jesus Christ. I also command every cell in my body to come into divine order now, and to be healed and made whole as they were designed to by my loving Creator, including restoring all chemical imbalances and neurological functions, controlling all cancerous cells, reversing all degenerative diseases, and I sever the DNA and RNA of any mental or physical diseases or afflictions that came down through my family blood lines. I also ask to receive the perfect love of God which casts out all fear, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I ask you, Lord, to fill me with your Holy Spirit now according to the promises in your Word. I take to myself the whole armour of God in accordance with Ephesians Chapter Six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. I enthrone you, Lord Jesus, in my heart, for you are my Lord and my Saviour, the source of eternal life. Thank you, Father God, for your mercy, your forgiveness and your love, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
For more info visit http://www.H3AL.com
- published: 27 Dec 2009
- views: 223867
Orthodox Christianity: Pascha not "Easter" ( named for "Ishtar")
Judith Irene Matta, MTh discusses the reason that the term "Easter" (derived from the godd...
published: 28 May 2012
Orthodox Christianity: Pascha not "Easter" ( named for "Ishtar")
Judith Irene Matta, MTh discusses the reason that the term "Easter" (derived from the goddess Ishtar,) has replaced the original name of Pascha, denoting Christ's Passover from Death to Life as He raises bodily from the dead. Christ's Descent into Hades has not been taught in the western Christian churches. The Early Church teaching, still sung in the Orthodox hymns of Matins and Pascha, help us understand Christ's defeat of Death, the result of Adam's Sin passed along to each of us. UFO abductions, Astrology, and Native American worship are the Babylonian religion of Ishtar still permeating much of today's subcultures. The satanic myth of her descent into the underworld to rescue her lover counterfeits Christ's true Descent in His soul into Hades to rescue Adam and Eve, raising them and the OT saints from Hades and Death, routing Satan and opening Paradise to all who believe in Him for their salvation. The Orthodox Icon of the Resurrection depicts this defeat! Free materials and this video (with a small donation to cover shipping 1st class) are available from the Orthodox Christian Mission website.
Producer: Orthodox Christian Mission San Luis Obispo, CA
- published: 28 May 2012
- views: 425
Teaching People the Truth about Satan
Christadelphian Missionary Training Program Session 5
Duncan Heaster discusses how to Bib...
published: 02 Sep 2012
Teaching People the Truth about Satan
Christadelphian Missionary Training Program Session 5
Duncan Heaster discusses how to Biblically educate people about satan, lucifer, demons and the devil; how to make theology and the true understand of God relevant in practical Christian life.
1. Write out and explain the strategy which works or seems best for you in talking to people about Satan
2. What are the most common objections to our understanding of Satan?
3. How best can we answer them?
4. The disciples believed in demons at times, and the New Testament speaks as if they exist. But we say they do not. Does this have implications for our approach to other Bible teachings? What other examples of "language of the day" are there in the Bible? Are there any other explanations of the "demon" passages without reference to the "language of the day" argument?
- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 118
The Body of Christ - Biblical Teaching - 1 Corinthians 12 : 12 - 26
If you feel led to support this ministry and equip us with materials fo...
published: 04 Sep 2012
The Body of Christ - Biblical Teaching - 1 Corinthians 12 : 12 - 26
If you feel led to support this ministry and equip us with materials for future projects you can make a donation here:
Hey everyone make sure to check out The Vigilant Christian Facebook Fan Page and click Like. https://www.facebook.com/thevigilantchristianmario ... You never know how long Youtube is going to allow me to do this. Or you can connect with me on twitter ( the link is on my channel )
Fair Use Notice: The use of the above media material is protected by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and Canada's Fair Dealing Copyright Act of 1921, which allows for the rebroadcast of copyrighted materials for the purposes of commentary, criticism, and education.
- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 1721
RASTAFARI RIGHT KNOWLEDGE: "Turn The Other Cheek" V Rasta Devil's Advocate REBUTTAL
www.lojsociety.org "Give Us The Teachings of His Majesty..." In This Video: Wendim YADON/R...
published: 12 Jul 2012
RASTAFARI RIGHT KNOWLEDGE: "Turn The Other Cheek" V Rasta Devil's Advocate REBUTTAL
www.lojsociety.org "Give Us The Teachings of His Majesty..." In This Video: Wendim YADON/RAS IADONIS TAFARI reveals, explains & teaches in Amharic/English The RASTAFARI RIGHT KNOWLEDGE: "Turn The Other Cheek" V Rasta Devil's Advocate REBUTTAL 2 "Devil's Advocate" & "Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah" 2006 Article et al....
Jah Love "Rastafari Movement (Religion)" rebuttal Exodus Repatriation Reparation Ethiopian-Hebrew Slavery "Black Messiah" Yeshua Ha-Moshiyach Jesus Christ Iyesus Kristos "Haile Selassie I" "Abba Keddus" Africa Unite right knowledge Ethiopia Beta Israel Black sheep Amharic Bible interpretation Hebrew Torah Lex Taliones "Turn the other cheek" "Devil's Advocate" "Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah" Rastas Christianity "Hebrew Language (Human Language)" "How-to make a slave" White Supremacy
- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 768
Man Sees Satan In Hell After He Died Of A Drug Overdose! ( Near Death Experience )
Rev 12:7 Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon an...
published: 04 Jul 2012
Man Sees Satan In Hell After He Died Of A Drug Overdose! ( Near Death Experience )
Rev 12:7 Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. And the dragon lost the battle, and he and his angels were forced out of heaven. This great dragon—the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world—was thrown down to the earth with all his angels. Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, "It has come at last— salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth— the one who accuses them before our God day and night.
2Cr 11:14 But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Satan is a wicked spiritual being. The bible teaches us that in appearance he can take on many forms. He can translate to many places. Remember, he is a spirit-being who does not have the limitations of the human body. What locations can Satan travel to currently? Job 1:6 shows us that he comes to the heavenly court to interact with the heavenly beings. He cannot defy God's will because he is subservient to Him. Rev 12:10 also confirms that Satan appears in the heavenly court "day and night" to accuse the brethren before God. At one point he was cast upon the Earth. Job 1:7 says that Satan "patrols the Earth watching everything that's going on". Hell is his residence. 2 Pe 2:4 For God did not spare even the angels who sinned. He threw them into hell, in gloomy pits of darkness, where they are being held until the day of judgment.
In Rev 12:9, we are told that Satan was the one who deceived the whole world. How could he deceive the entire world if he was limited by our sense of time? Because he isn't. One day on earth is the equivalent of what would be like a thousand years in the spiritual realm. (Reference verses are 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4).
Lucifer and 1/3rd of the angels were cast out of Heaven after they attempted to overtake God's kingdom. God took away Lucifer's beauty and now he is known as the "great dragon" (Rev 12:7). He transformed into a new demonic form. God also changed his name to Satan, which translates into "the accuser" in Hebrew. Then the Creator gave him a kingdom of his own, Hell. It was not exactly what Lucifer had in mind.
Isa 14:12 "How you are fallen from heaven, O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, 'I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.' Instead, you will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depths. Eze 28:13 (God is speaking to the King of Tyre in this verse. But he is reminiscing about his past experiences with Lucifer). You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone— red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone, blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper, blue lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald— all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created. I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire. "You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you. Your rich commerce led you to violence, and you sinned. So I banished you in disgrace from the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian, from your place among the stones of fire. All who knew you are appalled at your fate. You have come to a terrible end, and you will exist no more."
I believe most NDEs are delusions given by Satan. Those NDE experiences do not teach about the need to repent of sins and turn to Christ so one can be saved. A true NDE should be a warning to them if they are headed to Hell or a comfort to them if they are on their journey to God's kingdom of Heaven.
This video was uploaded by a Christian for educational purposes. The bible teaches us that Hell is real and so few take this seriously. If you remain a faithful servant to the risen Christ you will be invited to his father's Kingdom, Heaven. It will become your eternal home after you die.
- published: 04 Jul 2012
- views: 144872
Learn Why Jesus BANNED Heaven From Famous Uganda Pastor!
Renowned Pastor in Uganda with a "successful ministry" in saving many souls, many healed a...
published: 16 Jan 2012
Learn Why Jesus BANNED Heaven From Famous Uganda Pastor!
Renowned Pastor in Uganda with a "successful ministry" in saving many souls, many healed and many delivered was SHOCKED when JESUS told him "if I came today to take my Bride...I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU." At that moment, he said "ALL HIS THEOLOGIES COULD NOT ACCEPT THAT", but JESUS is still saying: "I WOULD NOT TAKE YOU." Will YOU be like HIM when JESUS RETURNS?
Please watch the whole testimony, it will really make you think and hopefully bring you to your KNEES in HUMILITY in DEEP REPENTANCE.
There is so much lies and the spirit of the Anti-Christ floating around videos / FB messages / false grace preaching on the internet and in the churches that SOUNDS GOOD when in fact they are absolutely false. The devil is using these false teachings to MAKE MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS (who think they are ready to see God) to be ABSOLUTELY LEFT BEHIND when all of this happens (which will be ANYTIME NOW). Please examine yourself honestly today, please everyone.
- published: 16 Jan 2012
- views: 99338
What´s Wrong With Mormonism? Ex-Temple-Mormon explains, Bill Schnoebelen
What has the "Church of Jesus Christ" to do with Lucifer, the devil? Shocking facts which ...
published: 04 Jun 2012
What´s Wrong With Mormonism? Ex-Temple-Mormon explains, Bill Schnoebelen
What has the "Church of Jesus Christ" to do with Lucifer, the devil? Shocking facts which every true believer in Jesus Christ should know. Listen to former Temple-Mormon and ex-Freemason Bill Schnoebelen, now Born Again Christian.
more tags:
prophecy club whats wrong mormonism full length Mason Joseph Smith Freemason Lucifer temple utah wiccah occult ritual LDS Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ RLDS pentagram hexagram druid catholic priest deacon elder seventy twelve apostles bishop home teaching lucifer god of mormon temple freemasonry most occultic ritual initiation salt lake temple utah christian devil satan deceiver black people racism fascism nazism golden plates egypt americas angel dark skin darkened evil white light new world
- published: 04 Jun 2012
- views: 28536
Joel Osteen: Satanist? (Luciferian) His Occult/ Witchcraft/ New Age Teachings in Church
(mirror) "Joel Osteen: Origins and Errors of his Teachngs" (a film by Keith Thompson, YT) ...
published: 24 Nov 2012
Joel Osteen: Satanist? (Luciferian) His Occult/ Witchcraft/ New Age Teachings in Church
(mirror) "Joel Osteen: Origins and Errors of his Teachngs" (a film by Keith Thompson, YT) ----- INTERESTING FOR ALL! Now, you must not be surprised that a person looking so innocent and loving like Joel Osteen is a Luciferian - this is common in "Christianity" today and being "loving and kind" is also common in Luciferianism. If someone professes to be Christian - dont believe them, the Bible might say sth totally contrary to your assumption of what you "think" the Bible says how a Christian ought to be and whether it is biblical to judge or not. The Bible gives clear instructions for judging heresies, false teachers - in order to warn other fellow christians from these wolves in sheeps clothing - of whom there are MOST (if not ALL) behind the pulpits of tv preachers, "christian" tv programmes (who might be spotted by their usage of Freemasonry symbol logos!!) and big ministries on the net - take care and watch out for them and EXPOSE them and warn others - "prove all things" God says to us all and "be not deceived" by their "fair speeches"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Furthermore: if you have already had the opportunity to educate yourself a bit on "Freemasonry" (they´re all Freemasons = Luciferians) and its symbology, you would see the symbology of Babylons Mystery Religiion, Freemasonry, in each and every of the tv churches stage sets Joel Osteen speaks from - the "globe" for example is a FM symbol, from greater distance you can even spot the "all seeing eye" (of satan) disguised in the stage set of the church!!! He IS an Occultist, no doubt about it. A Luciferian. He is not the only one. Most are whom you even might highly esteem as "brother in Christ" preaching so very impressively the "word of God" and preaching Jesus. With Joel Osteen it is obvious, however and even more dangerours: there are MANY who are not SUSPICIOUS AT ALL - YET THEY ARE LUCIFERIANS AND THEY TEACH AND PRAY AND EVEN "EXPOSE" OTHER LUCIFERIANS BEHIND PULPITS - can you believe that? But this is how they work - how the Illuminati operates, they "expose" themselves in order to infiltrate some of their lies again besides the truth that they reveal so that they can go on to deceive and to get us there where they want us to be!!
They themselvves say that "only in the "end" one will know who the "good" or the "bad" ones are. I thnk with this they are saying absolutely the truth. My recommendation: make yourself very very familiar with your King James Bible - these others are made by the same Luciferians/New Agers - it is just the truth, research it - stick to the Bible - do not hang your heart on any preacher / pastor / church / YT ministry but prepare for very hard times for our faith, let the word of God prepare you, the Holy Spirit guide you (us) in all truth and the Lord give us strength and keep us until the end. God bless you all!!! hc
This might blow your mind - 2 or 3 other occultists exposed: James White (AOmin) and Chuck Missler, "christian" vocalists Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, more in video: "Hidden Luciferians in Christianity - Scott Johnson). Beware of Pentecostalism, "speaking in tongues", contemplative prayer, laying hand for "healing" etc. A whole ton of churches I could name here of whom most christians are not aware of the fact that they always were Illuminati and shamelessly show it in their church logos or webpage logos or publications. please check this out yourself. go to google pictures and type whatever interests you. you will soon see the connections.
Watch "Riddles in Stone" (Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginning) and alike - educate yourself, Mike Hoggard "Freemasonry Symbols Revealed" and many more.
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 6078
Bible Teaching for Christian Singles Dating Fellowship Friendship (Part #2 of 5)
http://www.ChristianSinglesInDenver.com offers a Tuesday night meal, message, and mixer fo...
published: 12 Jan 2012
Bible Teaching for Christian Singles Dating Fellowship Friendship (Part #2 of 5)
http://www.ChristianSinglesInDenver.com offers a Tuesday night meal, message, and mixer for single and single-again Christians. This audio teaching is part of a 5 week series by bestselling author and speaker, Brian Kluth.
- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 203
CHRISTIANITY or ISRAELITE Teaching Series Part 1
Many people ask me the question why I oppose the religion of Christianity. And why do I co...
published: 01 Mar 2011
CHRISTIANITY or ISRAELITE Teaching Series Part 1
Many people ask me the question why I oppose the religion of Christianity. And why do I continually refer to myself as an Israelite.
So please listen, I have answered this question many times before in other videos. Most will not go back into the acrhives a see what I said. So for that reason, this will be my last video series about this question.
I hope you have ears to hear. Remember I am not the one that can open your understanding. My job is to tell you the truth and that is it. All I offer is the truth.
- published: 01 Mar 2011
- views: 9813
RASTAFARI EYE Teachings: Ethiopian HERUY, True KRISTOS Vs Anti-Horus, Anti-Christ Zeitgeist Matrix
Eye Teaching of Rastafari: True Horus, True Christ Vs Anti-Horus, Anti-Christ Zeitgeist Ma...
published: 11 Feb 2013
RASTAFARI EYE Teachings: Ethiopian HERUY, True KRISTOS Vs Anti-Horus, Anti-Christ Zeitgeist Matrix
Eye Teaching of Rastafari: True Horus, True Christ Vs Anti-Horus, Anti-Christ Zeitgeist Matrix
Eye Teaching of Rastafari: Ethiopian Horus, Ethiopian Christ Vs Anti-Horus, Anti-Christ Zeitgeist Matrix
Yadon Rastafari Revelator on True Horus, True Christ Vs Anti-Horus, Anti Christ Matrix
Jah people,Rastafari Movement (Religion),Black Madonna,Jesus (Deity),Egyptian Mysteries,Gnostic Christ,Antichrist,Horus,Hebrew Exodus,Moses,Ethiopia,Hebrews (Ethnicity),Black Jews,Ethiopian-Hebrews,Spiritual Egypt,Isis Papers,Sophia Stewart,Matrix,Archons,Bondage,New Age Movement,Zeitgeist,Eye of Ra,Eye of Horus,Gerald Massey,Christ Conspiracy,Whitewash,White Supremacy,NWO,Illuminati,Babylon,Rome,
- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 268
Vimeo results:
The Most Astounding Fact
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxSchlick?feature=mhee
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Max Schlickenmeyer
The Most Astounding Fact
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MaxSchlick?feature=mhee
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked in an interview with TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer.
Special thanks to:
Reid Gower http://saganseries.com/
Michael Marantz http://vimeo.com/2822787
Carl Sagan http://www.hulu.com/cosmos
Neil deGrasse Tyson http://www.facebook.com/neiltyson
NASA http://www.nasa.gov/
...for their inspiration.
Narration: TIME Magazine's "10 Questions for Neil Degrasse Tyson"
Music: "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson
Video (in order of appearance):
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Orion)
Animal Planet: Safari
Yellowstone: Battle for Life (Waterfall)
Supernova to Crab Nebula
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (formation of the solar system)
Accretion and First Eukaryotes from the 2011 film "Tree of Life" directed by Terrence Malick
BBC: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
"Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia" by Ayrton Orio (Model: Xharon Kendelker)
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (Brian Cox w/ telescope)
"Afghanistan - touch down in flight" by Augustin Pictures
"mongolia!" by wiissa
Excerpt from "Outside In", Copyright Stephen van Vuuren/SV2 Studios
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Inside Orion Nebula)
Shuttle Launch from 1985 IMAX film "The Dream is Alive"
"Earth -- Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over -- NASA, ISS" by Michael Konig
Excerpt from "The Island" - La Palma Time Lapse Video by Christoph Malin
Galaxy Map and Galaxy Formation by NCSA's Advanced Visualization Lab
"Mars sunset" captured by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (from BBC: Wonders of the Solar System)
Edited by Max Schlickenmeyer
Neil goes on to say "For me, that is the most profound revelation of 20th century astrophysics and I look forward to what the 21st century will bring us, given the frontiers that are now unfolding."
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of these videos.
Dirt Devil-The Exorcist
What an excellent day for an exorcism.
Dirt Devil - Exorcist (90")
Brand: Dirt Devil
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: MrPrice2U
Dirt Devil-The Exorcist
What an excellent day for an exorcism.
Dirt Devil - Exorcist (90")
Brand: Dirt Devil
Product: Centrino Cleancontrol
Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Creative/ Script: Andre Price
Producer: Christian Hergenröther
Director: Andreas Roth
Dop: Roland Stuprich
Music: The German Wahnsinn Team
Editor: Alexander Menkö
Postproduction: lafourmi postproduction, nhb video
Priest: David Gant
Possessed Daughter: Ann-Kathrin Doerig
Mother: Dorothea Hagenafather: Klaus Peeck
Grandmother: Marianne Schubert-Vibach
Thanks for your hard work folks!
Butterflies feat. John Malkovich
I have this idea in my mind for a painting about butterflies. Blue and green and yellow bu...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: Gentleman Scholar
Butterflies feat. John Malkovich
I have this idea in my mind for a painting about butterflies. Blue and green and yellow butterflies, tumbling out of my brain. I think it’s going to be good. I feel like I can almost touch them... like they’re right there for me to grab as they’re flying away... out of my skull and taking all those dark thoughts and little devils with them. Just fluttering away and leaving the good stuff behind. Butterflies. I’m going to get my canvas and my paints. I think I’m all better. I think I’m ready to leave.
Design/VFX - Gentleman Scholar
Creative Directors - Will Johnson & William Campbell
Producer - Tyler Locke
Executive Producer - Rob Sanborn
Editor - Josh Bodnar/The Whitehouse
Designers/Compositors - William Campbell, Will Johnson, Tommy Wooh, Daniel Blank, Paul Yeh, Heather Aquino, Claudia Yi Leon, Joseph Chan
Director - Sandro Miller
Music Composer - Matt Hutchinson
If you liked 'SCALE', please watch my next astronomy video: 'VISION - A plea to save the J...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: Brad Goodspeed
If you liked 'SCALE', please watch my next astronomy video: 'VISION - A plea to save the James Webb space telescope'. http://vimeo.com/30224434
Or have a look at my most recent video, about the human brain: http://vimeo.com/36973442
From http://bradblogspeed.com Check out this post at http://post.ly/1XOrk
Please follow me at http://twitter.com/bradgoodspeed
NOTE: THE FOLLOWING VIDEO DOES NOT REPRESENT THE ENTIRE NIGHT SKY, or at least it doesn't anymore. I've updated the video to omit the foreground landscape in an effort to account for an error in perspective. Unfortunately, due to my error, websites are widely reporting that Jupiter would fill the entire night sky, but it wouldn't. What's depicted here is a much narrower perspective than the previously mentioned 62 degrees, something that I imagine could be calculated by people much brighter than I. I imagine this view is closer to what you'd see through some very weak binoculars, but that's just a guess. For a somewhat technical explanation of what was wrong with the original version of this video, and what that realization can teach us about skepticism, please read the following: http://bradblogspeed.com/im-bad-at-math
Here's an animation I did to make you feel small, and also convey the deep awe I feel at the feet of the Universe.
While watching the video of the lunar eclipse I posted the other day I was looking at the curvature of the earth's shadow on the moon. It made me think about how large the earth might look if an exact copy of it was up there instead of the moon. Soon curiosity got the better of me, and I was animating!
So the basic idea is, each planet you see is the size it would appear in the sky if it shared an orbit with the moon, 380,000 kms from earth. I created this video in After Effects, and because of certain technical considerations had to keep the field of view at 62 degrees. That means the foreground element is not precisely to scale. I realized this after the fact and may update the video at some point in the future. All planets are to correct scale with one another in any case.
Please watch full screen in HD if possible. Oh! And please consider sharing with your friends on Twitter or Facebook.
Music: Where We're Calling From - Doves
Great write-up by Jessicsa Palmer at Bioephemera: http://scienceblogs.com/bioephemera/2011/02/art_vs_science_part_4_gas_gian.php
Youtube results:
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube ...
published: 19 Oct 2011
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) presents another broadcast of his radio program "Christian Answers Live!" hosted by Lee Meckley. The special guest for this broadcast is Jeff Fitzgerald, staff apologist & researcher for the organization "Christian Way" located in Phoenix, AZ ("We are former Christian Scientists -- former followers of Mary Baker Eddy, her religion, & her "textbook". We have all found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is based upon the Bible and not upon its spiritual interpretation as presented in "Science and Health." Our members belong to a variety of denominations, but we hold certain core beliefs that are central to Biblical Christianity." - website: CHRISTIANWAY ORG).
Of all the biblically-based cults in America today, Christian Science is one of the most ironic. Not only does it deny the essential doctrines of Christianity, but it has completely reinterpreted the Bible. It drastically redefines the Bible's culture and terminology and rips thousands of scriptures out of their historical and biblical contexts. The result is a non-Christian mixture of metaphysical and philosophical thoughts. Christian Science is so foreign to the Bible that, if it didn't use words like Jesus, Trinity, Love, Grace, Sin, etc., you'd never suspect it had anything to do with the Bible at all. Additionally, the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" written by "mind science" follower Mary Baker Eddy which is the Christian Scientist's mainstay of spiritual knowledge, reads with a rhythm of pseudo-logical statements that has the tendency to dull the senses. Is Christian Science Christian? No! This religion claims physical healing but has led to many deaths, particularly of children.
"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" is the primary interpretive source of the Bible and source guide of "Christian Science." It interprets the Bible in a radically different way. It is so different, in fact, that it absolutely rejects the substitutionary atonement of Jesus and states that it had no efficacious value (S&H;, 25:6). It denies that Jesus is God, second person of the Trinity (S&H;, 361:12-13). It says that sin is a false interpretation of Divine Mind and is nonexistent (S&H;, 335:7-15). And it says that the Holy Spirit is Divine Science which is best represented by Christian Science (S & H, 331:31). The list can go on and, unfortunately, it does.
To the Christian Scientist, God (the Father-Mother) is a Principle known as the Divine Mind. It has no personhood and no personality. A catch phrase used in their literature is that God is "All in All." In other words, God is all that exists and what we perceive as matter is an interpretation of divine mind. Since God is love, it means that sin and sickness are only errors of interpreting the Divine Mind and have no true reality (S & H, 330:25-274; 470:9-14).
To the Christian Scientist, Jesus is a Way-shower. He is someone who epitomized the true principle of the Christ Consciousness which indwells us all. Therefore, Jesus did not really die on the cross. He was not God in flesh. He made no atonement in shedding His blood (S&H;, 25:6).
Christian Science teaches that man does not have a sinful nature and is a reflection of Divine Mind. To achieve "salvation," he needs only to find the true reality of understanding, as revealed in Christian Science teachings. Unfortunately, these teachings are from Mary Baker Eddy a woman who founded the religion in the 1870's and are not from God. Rather much of what Eddy has put into her "Science & Health" book came from her occultic associations (see Deuteronomy 18:9-14) & her plagiarisms from mind scientist P.P. Quimby's manuscripts concerning his so-called "Science of Health." In 1862 Eddy committed herself to Quimby's care to heal her of her "spinal inflammation" which she claimed he did via his "Science of Health."
The Christian Scientists consider their philosophy to be consistent with the original teachings of Jesus. They consider truth a matter of higher understanding and learning. But the reality is that Christian Science has only produced unbiblical and false doctrines. Eternal destruction is the only thing that will result from its false teaching. The fires of hell will be a bitter reality for those who have been taught that they don't exist.
1. Authority of the Bible : Psalm 119:140, Isaiah 40:8, 2 Timothy 3:16
2. Atonement, Death & Resurrection of Christ: Exodus 12:13, Leviticus 17:11, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:26, Matthew 26:28, 28:5-7, Luke 24:39, John 1:29, 19:33, Romans 5:6-8, Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:20.
Type "LARRY WESSELS MIND SCIENCE" in the YOUTUBE search box for more videos.
John 14:6
- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 3700
Scott Rodriguez of Calvary Chapel Rebukes False Prophetess Dayna Muldoon
ATTENTION: Posting comments on this channel is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. I reserve the rig...
published: 16 May 2012
Scott Rodriguez of Calvary Chapel Rebukes False Prophetess Dayna Muldoon
ATTENTION: Posting comments on this channel is a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. I reserve the right to delete derogatory, expletive, blasphemy filled comments at my discretion and block anyone at any time. Express yourself. Disagree even, but do so respectfully.
UPDATE! Pastor Scott Rodriguez tells the story in his own words:
Scott Rodriguez is a pastor at Calvary Chapel in St. Petersburg Florida. He is seen here at the "tent meeting" of a woman named Dayna Muldoon who holds miracle crusades and gives her followers an "Anointed Stone of David" which curiously looks more like the little rocks you can buy 20 for $1 to decorate your fish tank and gardens.
Apparently there were "hecklers" who were in the crowd who were telling this woman she was a false prophet before the events in the video happened. Scott is addressing these people telling them that they should be respectful.
According to a Facebooker,
"This is a video of my friend Scott Rodriguez, a pastor at our church, as he spoke last night for a moment at a false prophet tent meeting. He calls the teaching out as false and proclaims the Truth. He is quickly rushed out by a mob of angry people and his bible is thrown to the ground."
The participants then precede to rebuke him and one woman even attacks him in the crowd. I pray more men of God have holy boldness.
To see the FULL VIDEO please check out this clip:
You can find Scott Rodriguez HERE:
And more information about Dayna Muldoon HERE:
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 77900
Why Many Don't Reign Over Sin and Satan || Teaching
"Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." That's ...
published: 26 Jun 2011
Why Many Don't Reign Over Sin and Satan || Teaching
"Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace." That's what the Scripture tells us, and so let us learn how to start walking in the great works Jesus Christ has set apart for us to walk in, and the key to that is knowing that we're dead to sin and alive in Christ Jesus our Lord, able to destroy the works of Satan because Jesus has already accomplished it. The foundation of believing we have eternal forgiveness of sins and destruction of sin and the devil's power is the key to this power working by the Holy Spirit.
- published: 26 Jun 2011
- views: 72