- published: 29 Oct 2009
- views: 920
- author: Telegtv

The Royal Charter dvd promo
Promo for a documentary commemorating Wales' worst shipping disaster. Full details of the ...
published: 29 Oct 2009
author: Telegtv
The Royal Charter dvd promo
Promo for a documentary commemorating Wales' worst shipping disaster. Full details of the documentary 'The Royal Charter and The Perfect Hurricane' and online sales are available at www.theroyalcharter.co.uk
- published: 29 Oct 2009
- views: 920
- author: Telegtv

Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Felbridge Dressage Test 7, June 12th 2011
June 12th 2011 - Felbridge - BD Prelim Dressage Class Test 7 - 1st Place Royal Charter com...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: StargazeyFarms
Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Felbridge Dressage Test 7, June 12th 2011
June 12th 2011 - Felbridge - BD Prelim Dressage Class Test 7 - 1st Place Royal Charter competed at Felbridge Show Ground in West Sussex, she entered in the Dressage Prelim Test 7, taking her first ever First Place Ribbon. The judges complimented her rhythms, consistency, and commented on how pleasing it was to watch her in action. She has been invited back for the Felbridge Championship in September, where we hope she will come home with another first! Royal Charter Continues To Excel And Amaze Use Every Week, She Will Continue To Show And Compete Throughout The Summer. Watch This Space! This Mare Is Truly One In A Million!
- published: 12 Jun 2011
- views: 536
- author: StargazeyFarms

The Royal Charter of the College of William and Mary (An Abridged Reading)
The College of William & Mary was founded by Royal Charter on February 8, 1693. Enjoy this...
published: 29 Jan 2010
author: swemlibrary
The Royal Charter of the College of William and Mary (An Abridged Reading)
The College of William & Mary was founded by Royal Charter on February 8, 1693. Enjoy this reading of the Charter (abridged) by William & Mary faculty and staff produced by Swem's Media Center. The annual Charter Day celebration recognizes the strength and vitality that continue to define the College as a leading 21st century university. Additional information about the Royal Charter is available at scrc.swem.wm.edu
- published: 29 Jan 2010
- views: 1164
- author: swemlibrary

Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Sevenoaks Dressage Test 12, May 15th 2011
May 8th 2011 - Sevenoaks - BD Prelim Dressage Class Test 12 - 4th Place Royal Charter also...
published: 15 May 2011
author: StargazeyFarms
Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Sevenoaks Dressage Test 12, May 15th 2011
May 8th 2011 - Sevenoaks - BD Prelim Dressage Class Test 12 - 4th Place Royal Charter also competed in the British Dressage Prelim Test 12. The judges complimented her type, consistency, and praised her for only just turning four. . Royal Charter Continues To Excel And Amaze Use Every Week, She Will Continue To Show And Compete Throughout The Summer. Watch This Space! This Mare Is Truly One In A Million!
- published: 15 May 2011
- views: 318
- author: StargazeyFarms

*Telynau Royal Charter
*Telynau Royal Charter- Section B Welsh Pony Stallion...
published: 14 Nov 2010
author: onemorepony1
*Telynau Royal Charter
*Telynau Royal Charter- Section B Welsh Pony Stallion
- published: 14 Nov 2010
- views: 735
- author: onemorepony1

SOLD! 2004 Fancy Medium Welsh Pony by Royal Charter
2004 Medium Welsh Pony by Telynau Royal Charter Eye catching pony with great temperament t...
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: shakadoggie
SOLD! 2004 Fancy Medium Welsh Pony by Royal Charter
2004 Medium Welsh Pony by Telynau Royal Charter Eye catching pony with great temperament to match! Big canter strides and is doing lead changes now. (Video was made 5 months ago). Very brave pony. Easy to handle, no vices. Loves the trail. Excalibur is a talented young man and shows great potential to go far in the show ring. Just a really fantastic, hard to find pony all around!! NEW LOW PRICE! WOULD LIKE TO SELL NOW TO GOOD HOME. You won't find another pony this quality for the money. Excalibur was the CHAMPION in his classes on June 14th at Riverside Equestrian Center CA!!! Woodside CA - June 14-20. Now jumping 2'3" and winning! EXCALIBUR HAS BEEN MOVED TO A NEW FACILITY AND HAS A NEW TRAINER! PLEASE CONTACT OWNER DIRECTLY!!!
- published: 10 Jun 2009
- views: 2554
- author: shakadoggie

Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Felbridge Clear Round Jumping, June 25th 2011
June 25th 2011 - Felbridge - Clear Round Jumping (2'6) - Clear Round! Royal Charter compet...
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: StargazeyFarms
Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Felbridge Clear Round Jumping, June 25th 2011
June 25th 2011 - Felbridge - Clear Round Jumping (2'6) - Clear Round! Royal Charter competed at Felbridge Show Ground in West Sussex, she participated in her first ever clear round jumping, leaving every jump intact! She did great despite being in a totally new setting, and will continue to practice for her Jumping competition on the 10th of July. Royal Charter Continues To Excel And Amaze Use Every Week, She Will Continue To Show And Compete Throughout The Summer. Watch This Space! This Mare Is Truly One In A Million!
- published: 25 Jun 2011
- views: 681
- author: StargazeyFarms

Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, First Ever Time Jumping Cross Country (April 2011)
This Is Royal Charter's First Time Jumping On The Cross Country Course. She Did Amazingly ...
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: StargazeyFarms
Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, First Ever Time Jumping Cross Country (April 2011)
This Is Royal Charter's First Time Jumping On The Cross Country Course. She Did Amazingly Well, And Simon, Stargazey Farm's Camera Man, Followed On Foot Filming Everything He Could Keep Up With. Enjoy A Couple Highlights Of The Day. (April 2011) **Stargazey Farm's Doesn't Own The Soundtrack To This Video, And Gives Full Credit To The Artists And Producers, This Soundtrack Is Purely Used Out Of Admiration And Not For Producing Revenue**
- published: 02 Jul 2011
- views: 601
- author: StargazeyFarms

Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Felbridge Dressage Test 24, June 12th 2011
June 25th 2011 - Felbridge - BD Novice Dressage Class Test 24 - 1st Place Royal Charter co...
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: StargazeyFarms
Royal Charter, Registered Irish Draught Mare, Felbridge Dressage Test 24, June 12th 2011
June 25th 2011 - Felbridge - BD Novice Dressage Class Test 24 - 1st Place Royal Charter competed at Felbridge Show Ground in West Sussex, entered in the Dressage Novice Test 24, taking the First Place Ribbon yet again. The judges complimented her obediance, and calm character. She also has been invited back for the Felbridge Championship in September for this win, where we hope she will come home with another 1st! We are so proud of her and are happy that she is not only succeeding, but loving every minuet of it. Royal Charter Continues To Excel And Amaze Use Every Week, She Will Continue To Show And Compete Throughout The Summer. Watch This Space! This Mare Is Truly One In A Million!
- published: 25 Jun 2011
- views: 257
- author: StargazeyFarms

Creek Hollow Red Hawk by Telynau Royal Charter
Sec B Welsh Stallion Red Hawk in his pasture at Alwyn Welsh he is upset I am taking one of...
published: 02 Jan 2009
author: waymorewelsh
Creek Hollow Red Hawk by Telynau Royal Charter
Sec B Welsh Stallion Red Hawk in his pasture at Alwyn Welsh he is upset I am taking one of his girls home after being bred. This is an amazing pony watch him move....He is rated PREMIER by the North America Sport Pony Registry.
- published: 02 Jan 2009
- views: 240
- author: waymorewelsh

HM The Queen - University of Leicester
Royalty graced the University of Leicester for the official opening of the David Wilson Li...
published: 25 Jun 2009
author: UniversityLeicester
HM The Queen - University of Leicester
Royalty graced the University of Leicester for the official opening of the David Wilson Library as hundreds of staff and students converged on campus for the historic occasion. The Royal Standard was raised to mark the return of HM The Queen, together with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, fifty years after the Royal party were last at the University. On that occasion in 1958, a year after granting the University its Royal Charter, the Queen formally opened the Percy Gee building which houses the Students Union. Today, amongst a gathering of staff, students, graduates, donors, stakeholders and members of the public, HM The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh viewed the state-of-the-art facilities of the award-winning Library. The Chancellor of the University, Sir Peter Williams and the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Burgess, escorted the Royal Party along two floors of the building. At the end of the visit HM the Queen unveiled a plaque officially opening the University of Leicesters David Wilson Library. The Queen, along with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, then signed a portrait photograph which will be placed in the entrance to the state-of-the art building. Further information and photographs about the visit can be found at; www2.le.ac.uk A higher quality .wmv version of this video clip can be found at; www2.le.ac.uk
- published: 25 Jun 2009
- views: 8027
- author: UniversityLeicester

Hurricane Sandy FAQs
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Hank answers some frequently asked questions about it, and...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: scishow
Hurricane Sandy FAQs
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Hank answers some frequently asked questions about it, and how it got to be so crazy. What is up with this storm? Has this ever happened before? This is global warming right? Like SciShow on Facebook! www.facebook.com Follow SciShow on Twitter! www.twitter.com References and image licenses for this episode can be found in the Google document here: dft.ba scishow, science, hank green, weather, hurricane, sandy, storm, atmosphere, tropical cyclone, air, pressure, cloud, wind, rain, high, low, temperature, extra-tropical, autumn, winter, perfect storm, royal charter storm, britain, wales, meteorology, prediction, global warming, climate change, context, arctic, sea surface temperature, severe, greenland, record, insurance
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 126035
- author: scishow

Royal New Zealand Navy Charter Parade Takapuna North Shore City
On November 5, 2008, North Shore City witnessed the first Royal New Zealand Navy Charter P...
published: 05 Nov 2008
Royal New Zealand Navy Charter Parade Takapuna North Shore City
On November 5, 2008, North Shore City witnessed the first Royal New Zealand Navy Charter Parade in more than a decade. The parade celebrates the relationship between North Shore City and the Navy.
- published: 05 Nov 2008
- views: 5270
- author: NSCCVIDEO
Vimeo results:

Battle Royal (Charter)
Agency: Fallon
Production: Boxer Films, LA
Country: United States of America
Director: Rod...
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: DTan
Battle Royal (Charter)
Agency: Fallon
Production: Boxer Films, LA
Country: United States of America
Director: Rodrigo Garcia Saiz
Executive Creative Director: Bruce Bildsten
Art Director: Ned Munson
Art Director: colin booth
Copywriter: Ben Stiltz
Executive Producer: John Clark
Executive Producer: Beth Geore
DoP: Ramsey Nickell
Visual Effects: VOLT Studios
Editing Company: The Assembly Line
Agency Producer: Lauren May
Editor: Jesse Thompson
Music: Human Worldwide
Head of Production: Corey Esse
Director of Business Affairs: Brendan Lawrence
Business Manager: Jeremy Hager
Executive Producer/Line Producer: John Barreiro
Telecine: MPC, Worldwide
Colorist: Ricky Gausis
VFX Executive Producer: Charlie Lach
Director of VFX: Steven Medin
Smoke Support: Sarah Thomas
VFX Creative Director: Randy Gackstetter
Graphic Artist: Amber Navvrete
Audio Post: BWN, Minneapolis, MN/LA
Mix Engineer: Carl White
Music Producer: Jonathan Sanford

05 Royal Charters
Royal Charters were the research subject of legal advisor Suzon Forscey-Moore. I published...
published: 01 Feb 2011
author: Sabine K McNeill
05 Royal Charters
Royal Charters were the research subject of legal advisor Suzon Forscey-Moore. I published her material on http://bit.ly/azN1nV

Road Back to the Frozen Four (69 minutes)
[edit]Partridge and his academy
The university was founded in 1819 at Norwich by ...
published: 06 May 2011
author: Norwich Television
Road Back to the Frozen Four (69 minutes)
[edit]Partridge and his academy
The university was founded in 1819 at Norwich by military educator and former superintendent of West Point, Captain Alden B. Partridge. Captain Partridge believed in the "American System of Education," a traditional liberal arts curriculum with instruction in civil engineering and military science. After leaving West Point because of congressional disapproval of his system, he returned to his native state of Vermont to create the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy. Captain Partridge, in founding his academy, rebelled against the reforms of Sylvanus Thayer to prevent the rise of what he saw as the greatest threat to the security of the young republic: a professional officer class. He believed that a well-trained militia was an urgent necessity and developed the American system around that idea. His academy became the inspiration for a number of military colleges throughout the nation, including both the Virginia Military Institute and The Citadel, and later the land grant colleges created through the Morrill Act of 1862.[4]
Partridge's educational beliefs were considered radical at the time, and this led to his conflicting views with the federal government while he was the superintendent of West Point. Upon creation of his own school, he immediately incorporated classes of agriculture and modern languages in addition to the sciences, liberal arts, and various military subjects. Field exercises, for which Partridge borrowed cannon and muskets from the federal and state governments, supplemented classroom instruction and added an element of realism to the college’s program of well-rounded military education.
Partridge founded six other military institutions during his quest to reform the fledgling United States military. They were the Virginia Literary, Scientific and Military Academy at Portsmouth, Virginia (1839–1846), Pennsylvania Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy at Bristol, Pennsylvania (1842–1845), Pennsylvania Military Institute at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1845–1848), Wilmington Literary, Scientific and Military Academy at Wilmington, Delaware (1846–1848), the Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute at Reading, Pennsylvania (1850–1854), Gymnasium and Military Institute at Pembroke, New Hampshire (1850–1853) and the National Scientific and Military Academy at Brandywine Springs, Delaware (1853).[5]
[edit]Fire and hardship: Norwich in the 19th century
In 1825 the academy moved to Middletown, Connecticut, to provide better naval training to the school's growing corps of cadets. In 1829, the state of Connecticut declined to grant Captain Partridge a charter and he moved the school back to Norwich (the Middletown campus became Wesleyan University in 1831). Beginning in 1826, the college offered the first program of courses in civil engineering in the US. In 1834 Vermont granted a charter and recognized the institution as Norwich University. During the 1856 academic year, the first chapter of the Theta Chi Fraternity was founded by cadets Frederick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase. With the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, Norwich cadets served as instructors of the state militias throughout the Northeast and the entire class of 1862 enlisted upon its graduation. Norwich turned out hundreds of officers and soldiers who served with the federal armies in the American Civil War, including four recipients of the Medal of Honor. One graduate led a corps, seven more headed divisions, 21 commanded brigades, 38 led regiments, and various alumni served in 131 different regimental organizations. In addition, these men were eyewitnesses to some of the war's most dramatic events, including the bloodiest day of the conflict at Antietam, the attack up Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg, and the repulse of Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg. Seven hundred and fifty Norwich men served in the Civil War, of whom sixty fought for the Confederacy.[6] Because of the university's participation in the struggle, the number of students dwindled to seven in the class of 1864 alone.
The Confederate raid on St. Albans, Vermont precipitated fear that Newport, Vermont was an imminent target. The corps quickly boarded an express train for Newport, the same day, October 19, 1864, to the great relief of the inhabitants.
After a catastrophic fire in 1866 which devastated the entire campus, the town of Northfield welcomed the struggling school. The Civil War, the fire, and the uncertainty regarding the continuation of the University seriously lowered the attendance, and the school opened in the fall of 1866 with only 19 students. The 1870s and 1880s saw many financially turbulent times for the institution and the renaming of the school to Lewis College in 1880. In 1881 the student body was reduced to only a dozen men. Later, by 1884, the Vermont Legislature had the name of the school changed back to Norwich. In 1898 the university was designated as the Military

Commercial for Royal Caribbean's "Nation of Why Not" campaign
Editor: Christopher Halmo...
published: 26 Apr 2011
Commercial for Royal Caribbean's "Nation of Why Not" campaign
Editor: Christopher Halmo
Youtube results:

Virtual Skeptics 16 (18 Nov 2012)
This is the Virtual Skeptics; A hour of discussion of the latest interesting skeptical new...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: VirtualSkeptics
Virtual Skeptics 16 (18 Nov 2012)
This is the Virtual Skeptics; A hour of discussion of the latest interesting skeptical news bits. "It's like Meet the Press, but with chupacabras" Weekly, Wednesday, 8pm ET - Google+ Hangout ON AIR This Week's Panel: Eve Siebert -- Editor and blogger at Skeptical Humanities Bob Blaskiewicz -- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry's Conspiracy Guy web columnist, JREF Swift Blog contributor, and blogger for Skeptical Humanities Sharon Hill -- Editor of Doubtful News and author of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry's Sounds Sciencey web column Announcements/Updates Bob and Eve are the new Tim on Skepticality. Bob's links: The Marc Cuban video: www.youtube.com Get your very own Amulet of Invincibility. No really: www.ebay.com Highest paid "basketball players." No really: www.therichest.org Silver Power Pendant: diviningmind.com BAHAR ROOT BANGLE BRACELET FOR HEALTH, WEALTH & PROTECTION: www.suvrna.com Eve's links: Times Higher Education: "Royal Charter for Chiropractors Angers Critics" www.timeshighereducation.co.uk Zeno's Blog: Everything you need to know about Royal Charters and the College of Chiropractic www.zenosblog.com The Guardian: A recap of the Simon Singh/BCA debacle www.guardian.co.uk The Privy Council: Chartered Bodies privycouncil.independent.gov.uk Sharon's links: Melba Ketchum announces Bigfoot DNA results. Without the data. doubtfulnews.com The continuing saga of Sasquatch DNA doubtfulnews.com The Virtual Skeptics is an independent production of Doubtful News ...
- published: 29 Nov 2012
- author: VirtualSkeptics

Royal Polaris 6 Day CharkBait Charter
Alijos Rocks for tuna aboard the Royal Polaris - October 2010. Very good tuna action to 80...
published: 10 Nov 2010
author: CharkBaitUSA
Royal Polaris 6 Day CharkBait Charter
Alijos Rocks for tuna aboard the Royal Polaris - October 2010. Very good tuna action to 80# plus some Russian music...who could ask for more? www.charkbait.com
- published: 10 Nov 2010
- views: 4639
- author: CharkBaitUSA

2nd Annual 7-Day BFG Charter with the Royal Star
Join us on our 2nd Annual 7-Day Baja Fish Gear charter with the Royal Star. If you have be...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: bajafishgear
2nd Annual 7-Day BFG Charter with the Royal Star
Join us on our 2nd Annual 7-Day Baja Fish Gear charter with the Royal Star. If you have been considering going on a 7-day excursion, this is the one you should of been on. Our trip was filled with non-stop adventure as we traveled south into Mexico to catch 100+ tuna, and an assortment of classics. Relieve it, through our experience...
- published: 10 Oct 2009
- views: 718
- author: bajafishgear

Homertonians - Fix You (The Offspring cover)
A live cover of The Offspring's 'Fix You' by students from Homerton College, Cambridge for...
published: 08 Aug 2010
author: thehuntinghawk
Homertonians - Fix You (The Offspring cover)
A live cover of The Offspring's 'Fix You' by students from Homerton College, Cambridge for the Royal Charter Garden Party. Featuring: Antara Banerjee - Vocals Dinesh-Ramesh Mirpuri Vatvani - Guitar Marium Jamali - Guitar Kenneth Yu - Drums
- published: 08 Aug 2010
- views: 1476
- author: thehuntinghawk