- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 62064
- author: WreckroomRecords

GULL - Fast Enough
Download MP3: wreckroom.bandcamp.com 1 man. 1 band. The Lone Gull's call carries across th...
published: 08 May 2012
author: WreckroomRecords
GULL - Fast Enough
Download MP3: wreckroom.bandcamp.com 1 man. 1 band. The Lone Gull's call carries across the ocean, farther still... Video: Shot and Edited by D. Paris Audio: Recorded and Mixed by Brian Koerber
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 62064
- author: WreckroomRecords

Gull @ the Camel...
published: 21 Nov 2008
author: David Strayer
Gull @ the Camel
- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 92138
- author: David Strayer

Gull - Shackleton
Music Video...
published: 14 Oct 2009
author: Chad Middleton
Gull - Shackleton
Music Video
- published: 14 Oct 2009
- views: 17168
- author: Chad Middleton

Red Installs Gull-Wing Doors
from 1991...
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: ricola2727
Red Installs Gull-Wing Doors
from 1991
- published: 09 Dec 2010
- views: 67219
- author: ricola2727

Earthstar Electric Gull 2000 at Arlington 2011
Earthstar Electric Gull 2000 at Arlington 2011. Powered by 72 Volt Rhino Lipos in parallel...
published: 11 Jul 2011
author: RedDevilSquadron
Earthstar Electric Gull 2000 at Arlington 2011
Earthstar Electric Gull 2000 at Arlington 2011. Powered by 72 Volt Rhino Lipos in parallel/series. Flies for 1.5 hours at cruise of 65mph. VNE is 120mph. The ESC is a prototype 500amp, so its much bigger than necessary. Motor is his own design 20-kilowatt motor. (for you RC'ers thats a 20000 watt brushless motor!) The 36-coil, 42 magnet disk, weighing 16 pounds, is mounted on a truss arrangement behind the airplane's high wing, and drives a ground-adjustable pusher propeller. He built the motor from computer drawings by his designer, who then joined Mark for early testing and tweaking of the machine. Beierle reports pulling 217 Amps on takeoff, 211 in climb, and only 40 Amps at 55 mph. He has not used full power yet, but will after adjusting the pitch of the propeller to require more amperage for takeoff. Not sure on the total capacity. Designed by Mark H. Beierle. More info on Gull aircraft here: www.thundergull.com on this particular plane here: www.facebook.com Enjoy!
- published: 11 Jul 2011
- views: 9118
- author: RedDevilSquadron

Lazy Gull Talks To His Friend
Lazy Gull sees all. He just doesn't care....
published: 05 May 2011
author: RageNineteen
Lazy Gull Talks To His Friend
Lazy Gull sees all. He just doesn't care.
- published: 05 May 2011
- views: 68347
- author: RageNineteen

Guild Wars 2 - Laughing Gull Island Vista Point (Bloodtide Coast) (PC)
The Laughing Gull Island Vista Point in the Bloodtide Coast in Guild Wars 2. Check out our...
published: 04 Sep 2012
author: DraconixReviews
Guild Wars 2 - Laughing Gull Island Vista Point (Bloodtide Coast) (PC)
The Laughing Gull Island Vista Point in the Bloodtide Coast in Guild Wars 2. Check out our channel, and hit the subscribe button! It really helps! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter! www.twitter.com Check us out on PSN! us.playstation.com/publictrophy/index.htm?onlinename=Dragoonthelad Check us out on XBOX live! live.xbox.com/en-US/Profile?gamertag=DragoonTheLad Thanks for dropping by! -Draconix-
- published: 04 Sep 2012
- views: 10360
- author: DraconixReviews

Lazy Gull
I don't get on with birds. Especially Seagulls. Also I'm not a fan of Under Siege 2. Music...
published: 30 Apr 2011
author: RageNineteen
Lazy Gull
I don't get on with birds. Especially Seagulls. Also I'm not a fan of Under Siege 2. Music by the irreplaceable Kevin Macleod.
- published: 30 Apr 2011
- views: 48016
- author: RageNineteen

King Crimson - Prelude: Song of the Gulls/Islands
From the album Islands (1971). Lyrics: Earth, stream and tree encircled by sea Waves sweep...
published: 08 Oct 2011
author: EddyCrimson
King Crimson - Prelude: Song of the Gulls/Islands
From the album Islands (1971). Lyrics: Earth, stream and tree encircled by sea Waves sweep the sand from my island. My sunsets fade. Field and glade wait only for rain Grain after grain love erodes my High weathered walls which fend off the tide Cradle the wind to my island. Gaunt granite climbs where gulls wheel and glide Mournfully glide o'er my island. My dawn bride's veil, damp and pale, Dissolves in the sun. Love's web is spun - cats prowl, mice run Wreathe snatch-hand briars where owls know my eyes Violet skies Touch my island, Touch me. Beneath the wind turned wave Infinite peace Islands join hands 'Neathe heaven's sea. Dark harbour quays like fingers of stone Hungrily reach from my island. Clutch sailor's words - pearls and gourds Are strewn on my shore. Equal in love, bound in circles. Earth, stream and tree return to the sea Waves sweep sand from my island, from me.
- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 23697
- author: EddyCrimson

Gull-wing action at White Sheet hill at the very beginning of the year......
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: brzzzzk
Gull-wing action at White Sheet hill at the very beginning of the year...
- published: 31 Jan 2010
- views: 15876
- author: brzzzzk

Sounds of the Ocean and Sea Gulls
theconsciouslife.com Get the complete ocean story and more at the given URL....
published: 22 Feb 2011
author: thec0nsci0uslife
Sounds of the Ocean and Sea Gulls
theconsciouslife.com Get the complete ocean story and more at the given URL.
- published: 22 Feb 2011
- views: 50655
- author: thec0nsci0uslife

Gull Parna And Musarat Mohmand New Tapy Best 2012
Gull Parna And Musarraf Mohmand New Tapy Best 2012...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: InOcEnTdOnKhAtTaK
Gull Parna And Musarat Mohmand New Tapy Best 2012
Gull Parna And Musarraf Mohmand New Tapy Best 2012
- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 28141
- author: InOcEnTdOnKhAtTaK

Bast Hama Xarib- 1- Gull Dani Sheri Kurdi.wmv
KURDVOICE Copy Right By Lawand The Official Website www.Kurdvoice.info www.youtube.com KUR...
published: 07 Feb 2011
author: kurdvoice
Bast Hama Xarib- 1- Gull Dani Sheri Kurdi.wmv
KURDVOICE Copy Right By Lawand The Official Website www.Kurdvoice.info www.youtube.com KURDMUSIC
- published: 07 Feb 2011
- views: 28028
- author: kurdvoice

E News Ali Gull Pir Interview on His Song Waderai Ka Beta
Director: Qasim Mahmood Producer: Hamna Ahmed Associate Director: Khurram Rana Script: Aye...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: APlusENews
E News Ali Gull Pir Interview on His Song Waderai Ka Beta
Director: Qasim Mahmood Producer: Hamna Ahmed Associate Director: Khurram Rana Script: Ayesha Ali Executive Producer: Ali Abbas Senior Executive Producer: Shah Bilal
- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 118456
- author: APlusENews
Youtube results:

Fate | la gull u la gula
Kurdish Music Video Narin Feqe - Avin & Fate New Melody 2010...
published: 12 Sep 2010
author: KurdawarNL
Fate | la gull u la gula
Kurdish Music Video Narin Feqe - Avin & Fate New Melody 2010
- published: 12 Sep 2010
- views: 118740
- author: KurdawarNL

"GULL" - Richmond Psycho One Man Riot
This is Gull. ... Gull is badass! ... I saw him playing on Broad St. around the corner fro...
published: 04 Oct 2009
author: globalmojo
"GULL" - Richmond Psycho One Man Riot
This is Gull. ... Gull is badass! ... I saw him playing on Broad St. around the corner from Gallery 5 about 8pm-ish at FirstFridayArtWalk on Oct 2, 2009 in downtown Richmond, VA. He was kickin ass & takin names!
- published: 04 Oct 2009
- views: 1464
- author: globalmojo

Gull Snatches Duckling From A Frantic Mother Duck.
www.wildirishswan.com Paul Hughes wildlife photography. These hatchlings are just three da...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: wildirishswan
Gull Snatches Duckling From A Frantic Mother Duck.
www.wildirishswan.com Paul Hughes wildlife photography. These hatchlings are just three days old, their mother has just lost her secound duckling to this hunting Lesser Blacked Backed Gull although she has lost two she still has eleven left to protect and care for.
- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 171421
- author: wildirishswan