A republic is a form of government in which the government is officially apportioned to the control of the people and thus a "public matter" (Latin: res publica) and where offices of state are subsequently directly or indirectly elected or appointed. In modern times, a common simplified definition of a republic is a government where the head of state is not a monarch. The word republic is derived from the Latin phrase res publica, which can be translated as "the public affair", and often used to describe a state using this form of government.
Both modern and ancient republics vary widely in their ideology and composition. In classical and medieval times the archetype of all republics was the Roman Republic, which referred to Rome in between the period when it had kings, and the periods when it had emperors. The Italian medieval and Renaissance political tradition today referred to as "civic humanism" is sometimes considered to derive directly from Roman republicans such as Sallust and Tacitus. However, Greek-influenced Roman authors, such as Polybius and Cicero, sometimes also used the term as a translation for the Greek politeia which could mean regime generally, but could also be applied to certain specific types of regime which did not exactly correspond to that of the Roman Republic. An example of this is Sparta, which had two kings but was not considered a normal monarchy as it also had ephors representing the common people. Republics were not equated with classical democracies such as Athens, but had a democratic aspect.
REPUBLIC - A víz alatt
Republic - Boldogság.hu (1999)
A víz alatt (2007 Digital Remaster)
* Árvíz Kazincbarcikán / Árad a Sajó! / Republic / 2010.05.17.
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REPUBLIC - A víz alatt
Republic - Boldogság.hu (1999)
A víz alatt (2007 Digital Remaster)
* Árvíz Kazincbarcikán / Árad a Sajó! / Republic / 2010.05.17.
Depresszió - A Víz Alatt
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Republic-Te Add Tovább
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AJÁNLÁS - (A víz alatt) - KONCZ ZSUZSA
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Koncz Zsuzsa: A víz alatt
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Full Face maszkkal a víz alatt - 2011.12.04
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A víz alatt
Árvíz 2010: Víz alatt Miskolc határa - boon.hu
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[Midget Verse 1]
I get it all the time
Just gotta stay on my grind
Keep my mind right
Front to the back of the timeline
Give my fans my time
What's poppin' slime
Hate the dot on the line
Jump like the frog in the road
My time off but on overload
You know I be killin' it
I be on gorilla s--t
Eat beats like cheese steaks
I be on that Philly s--t
[Midget Hook x2]
You on the guest list
You on the hit list
I'm the biggest
You know I'm Midget
[Midget Verse 2]
A to Z, ABC
Check 1, 2, 3
A to D, crash test dumb-E
Stop pause...
They try to play me though
I'm tryna get my song on the radio
The fans got crazier, infered lasers
They turn blue like the lakers
And when they rap they skip a beat like pacers
They write Crayola
But they cry Layotion
[Midget Hook x2]
You on the guest list
You on the hit list
I'm the biggest
You know I'm Midget
[Midget Verse 3]
A to Z
A & E
Spit S.P.E
I'm goin' in
I'm throwin' dice like I roll it
Shofur, but now I'm shofuring it
You talk to me you better learn from it
Accur from it
I'm in, but I'm out
[Midget Hook x2]
You on the guest list
You on the hit list
I'm the biggest