--> Fri, 21 Oct 2016-09.12am , Brussels , Reuters. EU leaders also agreed to consider available options if Russian military continues to commit atrocities in Syria alongside the Syrian army... "Given these examples, it is clear that Russia's strategy is to weaken the EU," he said ... ....
A Norwegian court ruled Friday an Iraqi-born cleric can be extradited to Italy, which suspects him of enticing recruits to fight in Iraq and Syrian, The AssociatePress reported. Italy says Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad — known as Mullah Krekar — is behind Rawti Shax, a European-wide network aimed at violently overthrowing the government in the Iraqi-Kurdish region and replacing it with a radical caliphate....
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - South Africa has decided to withdraw from the International Criminal Court following a dispute last year over a visit by Sudanese PresidentOmar al-Bashir, who is wanted by the tribunal for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide ... "Questions remain about whether the government even acted in line with its own laws for leaving the court," Mavhinga said ... U.N ... ....
Almost30 years after a violent crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators, China's government still doesn't stand for public discussion — or even mention — of the Tiananmen Square protests... The images broadcast from China prompted international criticism ... It shows how powerful we are, this group of old people, because we represent righteousness," Zhang Xianling told NPR ... truth, accountability and compensation ... ....
Mothers of some of those killed in the bloody crackdown on China's1989Tiananmen pro-democracy movement say they have lived through 27 years of state-led "terror and suffocation'' and vow to continue pushing for the truth ahead of this weekend's anniversary of the events ... Fellow mothers have been forbidden to visit Ding since April 22, Yin said ... Another Tiananmen mother, Zhang Xianling, said she remains optimistic....
(Source. ChinaTraditional Chinese Medicine Co Limited) untitled ...CHINA TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE CO. LIMITED. 中國中藥有限公司. (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (Stock Code. 570). ANNOUNCEMENT OF ANNUAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 ... Year ended 31 ... 7 of its exclusive products, namely Xianling Gubao Capsule/Tablet ( 仙靈骨葆膠 囊╱片 ), Yu Ping Feng Granules ( 玉屏風顆粒 ), Jingshu Granules ( 頸舒顆粒 ), Moisturising & Anti-....
To approve the Xianle Purchase Agreement I and the annual caps for the transactions contemplated thereunder, and to authorise any one or more of the Directors to do all things necessary for the implementation of the aforesaid ... To approve the Xianle Purchase Agreement II and the annual caps for the transactions contemplated thereunder, and to ......
the purchase agreement (the 'Xianle Purchase Agreement I') dated 23 October2015 entered into between JiangsuGrand Xin Yi ... the annual caps for the transactions contemplated under the Xianle Purchase Agreement I as stated in the circular of the Company dated 13 November 2015 for the three years ending 31 December 2017 be and are hereby approved; and....
To approve the Xianle Purchase Agreement I and the annual caps for the transactions contemplated thereunder, and to authorise any one or more of the Directors to do all things necessary for implementation of the aforesaid ... To approve the Xianle Purchase Agreement II and the annual caps for the transactions contemplated thereunder, and to authorise ......
(Source. ChinaGrand Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Holdings Ltd) da3aef78-244e-4af4-b83b-8d79748b72d5.pdf... If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker or other registered dealer in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser ... . . ... 'CCT Agreements' collectively, the Grand Pharm Supply Agreement and the Xianle....
ZhejiangXianle Zhejiang XianjuXianlePharmaceutical CompanyLimited# (浙江仙 居仙樂藥業有限公司), a company established under the laws of the PRC and is owned as to approximately 67% by the Company and as to approximately 33% by IndependentThird Parties... 'Zhejiang Xianle' Zhejiang Xianju Xianle Pharmaceutical Company Limited# (浙 江仙居仙樂藥業有限公司), a company ......
Gaming companies from China have discovered new avenues of growth in overseas markets, judging by the substantial increase in exports during recent months, industry sources said ...There are other successful examples in mature markets ... According to Ni Xianle, the company's co-founder and chief executive officer, strategy games and role-play games are the most popular Chinese developed products in overseas markets ... ....
BEIJING, July 31 (Xinhuanet) -- Gaming companies from China have discovered new avenues of growth in overseas markets, judging by the substantial increase in exports during recent months, industry sources said ... According to Ni Xianle, the company's co-founder and chief executive officer, strategy games and role-play games are the most popular Chinese developed products in overseas markets ... (Source. Chinadaily.com.cn). Editor. An. ....
(Source. The CentralPeople's Government of the People's Republic of China) 'Game is on' for developers in overseas markets ... During the same period, the Chinese movie market was just one-third of that, at 20.3 billion yuan ... According to Ni Xianle, the company's co-founder and chief executive officer, strategy games and role-play games are the most popular Chinese developed products in overseas markets ... distributed by ... (noodl. 29282769) ....
I didn’t want to write this book ...Related. Stuart Franklin ... “They knew you were coming,” were Zhang Xianling’s first words to me, delivered with a welcoming smile as she swung open the door of the tidy ninth-floor apartment in a drab high-rise block ... Zhang Xianling resembled nothing more than the archetypal Chinese grandma, a stoutly comforting presence with her short, tidy, grey hair, roomy slacks, and bright blue zip-up cardigan ... ....
Photographers and journalists from 13 overseas media organizations are on a four-day tour of Weifang, Shandong province that started Thursday ...WangXianling, deputy secretary of the CPCWeifang committee, said the tour serves as a platform to conduct mutual communication and tell the world the story of Weifang people ... Weifang is well-known around the world as the "home of kites" ... These enterprises produce 80 million kites every year ... ....