- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 23308
- author: 7Kaczorek

Forti - Dla Ciebie
Utwór "DLA CIEBIE" pochodzi z debiutanckiej płyty zespołu pt: "ZAWIROWAŁY MNĄ". FORTI - DL...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: 7Kaczorek
Forti - Dla Ciebie
Utwór "DLA CIEBIE" pochodzi z debiutanckiej płyty zespołu pt: "ZAWIROWAŁY MNĄ". FORTI - DLA CIEBIE Muzyka : STAVROS Słowa: CANDY MIND www.MuzycznaPremiera.pl , www.ZespolForti.pl REALIZACJA KLIPU: www.filmbrothers.eu Scenariusz, reżyseria: Damian Bieniek Zdjęcia: Michał Michalec Montaż: Damian Bieniek
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 23308
- author: 7Kaczorek

Poteri Forti - Chi e perchè ci nasconde le verità. Anteprima Convegno con Paolo Ferraro
2° Convegno sui Poteri Forti curato dall'Assoc. Realtà Allo Specchio il 18 marzo 2012 a Re...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: Claudio Nalesso
Poteri Forti - Chi e perchè ci nasconde le verità. Anteprima Convegno con Paolo Ferraro
2° Convegno sui Poteri Forti curato dall'Assoc. Realtà Allo Specchio il 18 marzo 2012 a Resana (Tv) con quattro relatori : Giuseppe Bisetto (I Movimenti religiosi alternativi:una nuova cultura?), Paolo Franceschetti ,avvocato (Sètte sataniche e organizzazioni criminali), Paolo Ferraro,magistrato di Cassazione (Il Braccio politico-sociale delle Massonerie deviate), Marco Pizzuti (Il New World Order è alle porte,possiamo fermarlo?)
- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 17465
- author: Claudio Nalesso

System Of A Down - Dreaming #02
System Of A Down Album: Hypnotize Song: Dreaming Year: 2005 Lyrics: For today we will take...
published: 01 Oct 2007
author: SOADCD
System Of A Down - Dreaming #02
System Of A Down Album: Hypnotize Song: Dreaming Year: 2005 Lyrics: For today we will take the body parts and put them on the wall For treated indigenously, digenously Human right is private blue chip, pry We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, of bottled water Causing poor populations to die!, to die!, to die! (For treated indigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry) You You went beyond And you lost it all Why did you go there? From beyond you saw it all Why did you? we lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma confetti, camouflage, camouflage! the flage!, the flage! (For treated indigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry) We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, of bottled water Causing poor populations to die!, to die!, to die! (For treated indigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry) You You went beyond And you lost it all Why did you go there? From beyond you saw it all Why did you go there? She lost her mind Someone kicked her into the back of the line She lost her head When they called and they said that they thought he was dead Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't deny Dreaming of screaming Someone kick me out of my mind I hate these thoughts I can't de-- we lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma confetti, camouflage, camouflage! the flage!, the flage! (For treated indigenously, digenously) (Human right is ...
- published: 01 Oct 2007
- views: 1013915
- author: SOADCD

Rari ma forti insieme!
LEGGIMI SONO IMPORTANTE: 29 febbraio 2012 è la GIORNATA MONDIALE delle malattie rare SOLID...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: MisStrawberryFields
Rari ma forti insieme!
LEGGIMI SONO IMPORTANTE: 29 febbraio 2012 è la GIORNATA MONDIALE delle malattie rare SOLIDARIETA' è il tema della Campagna del 2012 e lo slogan scelto è: "Rari ma forti insieme" LINK UTILI: twitter.com www.flickr.com www.youtube.com www.facebook.com www.uniamo.org L'evento creato su FaceBook con tutte le informazioni per i video www.facebook.com
- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 27091
- author: MisStrawberryFields

The Show Must Go Off - Ascanio Celestini ed i Poteri Forti - 04 02 2012 Avvarad.eu
www.satarlanda.eu blog www.avvarad.eu spettacolo e tv Iscrivetevi alla pagina Facebook di ...
published: 04 Feb 2012
author: Satarlanda
The Show Must Go Off - Ascanio Celestini ed i Poteri Forti - 04 02 2012 Avvarad.eu
www.satarlanda.eu blog www.avvarad.eu spettacolo e tv Iscrivetevi alla pagina Facebook di Satarlanda, fatela crescere www.facebook.com
- published: 04 Feb 2012
- views: 41346
- author: Satarlanda

IndiSardegna Cinema - IndiSardegna Cinema - Chico Forti Free ( Flash Mob )
La telefonata di Chico Forti alle Leonesse per il flash mob di Roma il 9 Giugno 2012. Indi...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: fanta paperino
IndiSardegna Cinema - IndiSardegna Cinema - Chico Forti Free ( Flash Mob )
La telefonata di Chico Forti alle Leonesse per il flash mob di Roma il 9 Giugno 2012. IndiSardegna per Chico Forti.
- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 1246
- author: fanta paperino

Presa Diretta - Il Governo Monti ei Poteri Forti (dal caso Moro al Club Bilderberg) 3/4
Il neo Presidente del Consiglio italiano, Mario Monti, rassicura: i poteri forti non esist...
published: 21 Nov 2011
author: mollanz
Presa Diretta - Il Governo Monti ei Poteri Forti (dal caso Moro al Club Bilderberg) 3/4
Il neo Presidente del Consiglio italiano, Mario Monti, rassicura: i poteri forti non esistono. Ma intanto è lecito porsi alcune domande sul nuovo esecutivo e sugli scenari economici europei che hanno sullo sfondo elementi avvolti dal mistero come il Club Bilderberg (di cui Monti farebbe parte), la Trilateral e Goldman Sachs (elemento comune a Monti come al neo Governatore della Banca Centrale Europea Draghi). Per capire se i complotti esistono partiamo dal caso Moro, per capire se i Poteri Forti sono una realtà cerchiamo di immaginare quali sono gli scopi perseguiti dalla cosiddetta "tecnofinanza". In studio: Aldo Giannuli, autore del libro "Il noto servizio, da Giulio Andreotti al caso Moro"; Silvano De Prospo, autore del libro "Chi manovrava le Brigate Rosse?"; Michele Allegri, autore del libro "Dossiere i nuovi Templari"; Massimo De Manzoni, vicedirettore del quotidiano Libero. conduce Maurizio Decollanz www.rebustv.com
- published: 21 Nov 2011
- views: 16267
- author: mollanz

SENSAZIONI FORTI (audio) (originale) - VASCO ROSSI...
published: 18 Nov 2008
author: VascoInLanga
SENSAZIONI FORTI (audio) (originale) - VASCO ROSSI
- published: 18 Nov 2008
- views: 90484
- author: VascoInLanga

Come curo i miei capelli / come avere capelli forti e sani
Ecco qui un video che mi avete richiesto in tante. Non faccio grandi cose per prendermi cu...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: MagicoTrucco
Come curo i miei capelli / come avere capelli forti e sani
Ecco qui un video che mi avete richiesto in tante. Non faccio grandi cose per prendermi cura dei miei capelli,sono più che altro piccoli accorgimenti! :) MAGICOTRUCCO: www.youtube.com MAGICAMODA: www.youtube.com ISCRIVITI AL MIO CANALE DI MODA: www.youtube.com ISCRIVITI AL MIO CANALE DI TRUCCO: www.youtube.com MI TROVI ANCHE QUI: Blog: magicotrucco.blogspot.com Pagina di facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com BlogTV: www.blogtv.com Google+: plus.google.com PLAYLIST DA NON PERDERE: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com PRODOTTI CITATI: -Garnier ultra dolce shampoo all'hennè e aceto di mora -Balsamo splend'or cocco -Aveda damage remedy -Volumizing shampoo e pampering conditioner yes to carrots tomatoes -Hairmed n5 r3 b6 -Fitocose olio makassol -Forsan Olio di ricino -Nour Olio di monoi -Omia olio corpo erboristico olio di argan Disclaimer: I bought some products with my own money and I received for free other products. I do not work for any mentioned companies. Everything I said is my honest opinion.
- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 47778
- author: MagicoTrucco

Sensazioni Forti di Mirox-MEDLEY-BLUES HOUSE-www.sensazioniforti.net
Sensazioni Forti di Mirox-Tributo a Vasco MEDLEY- LIVE@BLUES HOUSE www.sensazioniforti.net...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: Sensazioni Forti di Mirox
Sensazioni Forti di Mirox-MEDLEY-BLUES HOUSE-www.sensazioniforti.net
Sensazioni Forti di Mirox-Tributo a Vasco MEDLEY- LIVE@BLUES HOUSE www.sensazioniforti.net www.facebook.com
- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 537
- author: Sensazioni Forti di Mirox

I 10 tiri più forti nella storia del calcio - Il calcio nel cuore
I 10 tiri più forti nella storia del calcio - Il calcio nel cuore Facebook: www.facebook.c...
published: 06 Jan 2011
author: ilcalcionelcuore2
I 10 tiri più forti nella storia del calcio - Il calcio nel cuore
I 10 tiri più forti nella storia del calcio - Il calcio nel cuore Facebook: www.facebook.com
- published: 06 Jan 2011
- views: 1432854
- author: ilcalcionelcuore2

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Not What You Wanted
"Not What You Wanted" live in Portland, for MSN Music...
published: 12 Jun 2007
author: Pinkertonoise
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Not What You Wanted
"Not What You Wanted" live in Portland, for MSN Music
- published: 12 Jun 2007
- views: 27590
- author: Pinkertonoise

Bate forte o tambor eu quero tic tic tic tic tac...
published: 30 Oct 2006
author: mercmercuccio
Bate forte o tambor eu quero tic tic tic tic tac
- published: 30 Oct 2006
- views: 16400843
- author: mercmercuccio

Inazuma Eleven - 67 - I Più Forti Della Terra Parte 2 - HD-ITALIANO!! EPISODIO COMPLETO
Inazuma Eleven 67 - I Più Forti Della Terra Parte 2 HD-ITALIANO!!! (TERZA STAGIONE)(EPISOD...
published: 28 May 2011
author: axel9546
Inazuma Eleven - 67 - I Più Forti Della Terra Parte 2 - HD-ITALIANO!! EPISODIO COMPLETO
Inazuma Eleven 67 - I Più Forti Della Terra Parte 2 HD-ITALIANO!!! (TERZA STAGIONE)(EPISODIO COMPLETO)
- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 90988
- author: axel9546
Vimeo results:

Urban Abstract
Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) - creative team and f...
published: 18 Nov 2009
author: MUSUTA Ltd.
Urban Abstract
Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu and Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) - creative team and founders of Musuta Ltd. Jopsu Ramu is a young female designer and Creative Director of Musuta Ltd. Timo Ramu is her creative partner and manager of Musuta Ltd.
This digital art piece was commissioned by TV Nelonen / channel 4 Finland and it was shown as the November break bumpers on one of the biggest commercial TV channels in Finland: TV Nelonen.
Urban Abstract has been highly awarded, it has won bronze / in book award in D&Ad; awards in London, Bronze in European Design awards in Rotterdam and most recently it won a Gold Lion from design category in Cannes Lions.
Urban Abstract -piece was born in Tokyo during 2009. It consists of 40 X five second clips or it can be viewed as a one 200 second journey.
The website http://www.urban-abstract.com works as a part of the piece and creates an extra dimension for the clips shown on TV.
URBAN ABSTRACT - About the concept:
Urban Abstract is a journey across urban space that unfolds in forty, 5 second parts. The journey, in one, two and three dimensions, is a bit like abstract surfing in which the original destination is only reached after a number of seemingly random yet linked detours occur. Points , lines, planes and other abstract elements create a journey through an Urban Abstract.
The space between things is as important as intended space, perhaps creating a fourth dimension. Meaningful shapes and purposes occur in this dimension's reality as well. The concept of negative space has meaning here.
Nature plays a part as well. To be able to understand and differentiate what is urban one has understand what is nature.
The style of the shorts is fluid and, though seemingly random, stream into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in a different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important -- movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go.
Architectural, abstract, someway minimalist and abstract with a touch of humanity.
This feeling is reached through mixing techniques such as vectors , hand drawn lines and painting.
Urban Abstract was realized in Tokyo by a team of artists, designers and animators from Finland and Japan. Urban Abstract was created by Jopsu Ramu from Musuta Ltd, a concept, art & design -studio based in Tokyo and Helsinki.
About the creators:
Jopsu Ramu (born 1982). She is a young Finnish designer and an art director who runs her own business Musuta Ltd. Ramu creates art, graphic design, space & design.
Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) manager and creative partner of Musuta Ltd.
Musuta Ltd.
Musuta Ltd. is a Finnish creative studio operating in and between Helsinki & Tokyo. Musuta is a multidisciplinary design studio that makes art, space, design, graphics, concepts & branding.
Musuta produces Ramu's personal art work as well as creates commercial work for different clients including: Iittala, Hartwall, Pepsi Co., Kawada Group, TV Nelonen etc.
- http://musuta.com
TV Nelonen
Channel Four Finland – Nelonen Nationwide commercial tv-channel Offers second-highest reach and is the third-largest advertising medium in Finland
If you embed or publish the Urban Abstract -video on blogs etc. please keep in mind to mention and credit the creators. The video should not be altered or edited in any way without permission from the creators.
Creative Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA
Art Director Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA, Shun Kawakami (artless Inc.)
Design&Storyboard; Jopsu Ramu MUSUTA
Opening scene artwork Shun Kawakami artless Inc.
Calligraphy Gen Miyamura
Sound Chikao Maruyama
Producer Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala) MUSUTA
Animation&Production;: Mitsutomo Maeda & Masaru Ikeda EDP graphic works
Project management Tokyo Masaji Kinoshita / shirofuchi Inc.
Executive Producer MUSUTA Ltd.
Special thanks Taisuke Koyama, Brian Kaszonyi
Created by MUSUTA Ltd. - Jopsu Ramu & Timo Ramu (ex. Huhtala)

The Forty Story
The Forty Story
The story of a boy born on the day Pentagram opened and how his life has ...
published: 21 May 2012
author: Pentagram
The Forty Story
The Forty Story
The story of a boy born on the day Pentagram opened and how his life has been tracked (and kerned) by forty years of Pentagram design.
Written by Naresh Ramchandani and Tom Edmonds
Directed by Christian Carlsson
Additional animation by Simone Nunziato
Sound design by Iain Grant and Wam London
Music by Graeme Miller
Titles by John Rushworth
Design by Pentagram
Voiceover by Daniel Lapaine

SAMSARA is a new non verbal documentary film by the creators of 1992's lauded BARAKA. It t...
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: Baraka & Samsara
SAMSARA is a new non verbal documentary film by the creators of 1992's lauded BARAKA. It took five years to make, and was shot in over 100 locations in 25 countries. It is one of only a handful of films to be shot on 70mm film in the last forty years. Directed by Ron Fricke and produced by Mark Magidson.
SAMSARA will be in US Theaters August 24th 2012, with international releases soon to follow.
For screening locations visit http://www.barakasamsara.com

You are the one (feat. Devendra Banhart)
Directed by: SKINNY
Director of Photography: Starr Whitesides
Editor: Graeme Pereira
published: 23 Feb 2011
author: Adanowsky
You are the one (feat. Devendra Banhart)
Directed by: SKINNY
Director of Photography: Starr Whitesides
Editor: Graeme Pereira
Wardrobe Stylist: Yasmin Than / Emily De Groot
Feather Headdresses: Kate Thompson
Makeup: Sarai Fiszel
Hair: Ramsell Martinez & Abraham Esparza
Production Designer: Isaac Gabaeff
Producer: Cara Casey & Ross Levine
Grip & Electric: Robert Oliva & Nick Amato
Special Thanks: Devendra Banhart, Melinda Love Steele, Adarsha Benjamin
& all the wonderful cast and crew that came to help out!
The video was shot while Adanowsky recorded his album in Los Angeles at the old house of Ke$ha and Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. In order to give authenticity to the Love-In, the cast and crew were put into a sexual trance thanks to a white magic breathing exercise the directors learned from Electricity Aquarian, a surviving member of Los Angeles spiritual cult The Source Family. Over forty people then channeled their erotic energy to help give birth to Adanowsky's new alter-ego, El Amador: "The Lover."
Youtube results:

Inazuma Eleven - 66 - I Più Forti Della Terra HD-ITALIANO!!! (TERZA STAGIONE) PARTE 1/2
published: 28 May 2011
author: axel9546
Inazuma Eleven - 66 - I Più Forti Della Terra HD-ITALIANO!!! (TERZA STAGIONE) PARTE 1/2
- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 108038
- author: axel9546

Inazuma Eleven - 66 - I Più Forti Della Terra HD-ITALIANO!!! (TERZA STAGIONE) PARTE 2/2
published: 28 May 2011
author: axel9546
Inazuma Eleven - 66 - I Più Forti Della Terra HD-ITALIANO!!! (TERZA STAGIONE) PARTE 2/2
- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 66698
- author: axel9546

euronews business planet - Eco Innovazione: le Pmi si uniscono per essere forti e competitive
it.euronews.com Benvenuti alla nuova puntata di Business Planet. Questa settimana parliamo...
published: 16 Apr 2012
author: euronewsit
euronews business planet - Eco Innovazione: le Pmi si uniscono per essere forti e competitive
it.euronews.com Benvenuti alla nuova puntata di Business Planet. Questa settimana parliamo di innovazione che diventa business industriale e nello specifico dell'Eco Innovazione. L'industria ecologica europea impiega tre milioni e mezzo di persone, la maggior parte in piccole e medie imprese che si consorziano per ottenere finanziamenti e per riuscire nell'essenziale: trasformare i progetti ecoinnovativi in applicazioni concrete sul mercato. Il bambù come sistema di depurazione delle acque inquinate: il trattamento è stato pensato da un'impresa francese specializzata in ecostazioni. Il bambù funziona come un filtro privo di odori e fango. Unico inconveniente: questo meccanismo di filtraggio non aveva applicazione industriale prima che Véronique venisse a conoscenza dei fondi europei per l'ecoinnovazione. Véronique Arfi, amministratore delegato Phytorem: "Abbiamo colto questa occasione per avere accesso al mercato, per poter trasformare la nostra idea in una soluzione industriale, per beneficiare direttamente di una vetrina per i nostri futuri clienti". Con altre tre aziende, Véronique ha messo a punto il progetto "Britter Water" e l'ha sottoposto all'Agenzia esecutiva per la Competitività e l'Innovazione che ha finanziato metà dei 700 mila euro necessari per la realizzazione di un'iniziativa pilota. Questo è stato realizzato su un sito agroalimentare, presso un'industria coinvolta nel progetto. Romain Sadak, Coordinatore per la sicurezza e l'ambiente di Refresco, Francia ...
- published: 16 Apr 2012
- views: 188
- author: euronewsit

Fiorello by paolofini Chico Forti
Chico Forti...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: paolofini75
Fiorello by paolofini Chico Forti
Chico Forti
- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 756
- author: paolofini75