Sabaton - Poltava music video [EN subtitles]
If you dont own the original Sabaton Carolus Rex album, do not download it from here, get ...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: hatec01
Sabaton - Poltava music video [EN subtitles]
Sabaton - Poltava music video [EN subtitles]
If you dont own the original Sabaton Carolus Rex album, do not download it from here, get it as soon as you can. Please support the band, as we do! Just a fe...- published: 08 Jun 2012
- views: 306881
- author: hatec01
Great Northern War. Battle of Poltava. Part one.
Great Northern War. Battle of Poltava. Part one. New Russian Movie. Release Date: 20 Febru...
published: 24 Aug 2007
author: lepra01
Great Northern War. Battle of Poltava. Part one.
Great Northern War. Battle of Poltava. Part one.
Great Northern War. Battle of Poltava. Part one. New Russian Movie. Release Date: 20 February 2007 (Russia) English title: The Sovereign's Servant Russian ti...- published: 24 Aug 2007
- views: 779515
- author: lepra01
Sabaton - Poltava (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
The Swedish defeat under Charles XII (Carolus Rex) against the Russians under Tsar Peter t...
published: 23 Dec 2013
Sabaton - Poltava (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
Sabaton - Poltava (Lyrics English & Deutsch)
The Swedish defeat under Charles XII (Carolus Rex) against the Russians under Tsar Peter the Great at the Battle of Poltava is considered the decisive turning point in the Great Northern War. After Charles was able to temporarily defeat Denmark-Norway (1700) and Saxony-Poland (1706), he marched towards Moscow with 60,000 men in spring 1707 to eliminate the last remaining war opponent. In order to distract the Swedes from the direct route, Tsar Peter scorched anything that might serve as supplies and finally Charles was forced to move southwards, to Ukraine. Countless assaults and the particularly severe winter of 1708 to 1709 decreased the strength of the Swedish army to less than 30,000. The Russians gathered their forces near the town of Poltava, which was besieged by the Swedes. In a reconnaissance mission Carolus was hit in the foot by a Russian bullet, several bones splintered and after an inflammation of the wound the king was in critical condition for several days. He had hardly recovered when he ordered the attack on the Russians, due to his injury he had to turn over command to Field Marshal Rehnskiöld and General Lewenhaupt. In the night of 8 July 1709 about 20,000 Swedish soldiers faced a double superiority of the Russians, who had expected a surprise attack, reducing the Caroleans' advantage to nothing. Due to communication difficulties within the force and the majority of Russians several detachments were isolated and had to capitulate. The Swedes had nothing to oppose the Russian counterattack, their retreat turned into a chaotic flight. Charles himself left the battlefield at the last moment, bleeding heavily from his wound. On 11 July General Lewenhaupt surrendered together with the remains of Swedish troops, Charles managed to cross the Dnieper River and escaped to the Ottoman Empire where he spent five years in exile. CAUTION! I won't tolerate any racist, discriminatory or in any other form inappropriate comments! This song neither glorifies war, nor National Socialism, but should be considered as a historical work. "No, we don't glorify anything, we just tell stories about things that have happened." (Rikard Sundén, founding member of Sabaton) Please support Sabaton and purchase their current album Carolus Rex. ---------- Die Niederlage der Schweden unter Karl XII. (Carolus Rex) gegen die Russen unter Zar Peter dem Großen in der Schlacht bei Poltawa stellte den entscheidenden Wendepunkt im Großen Nordischen Krieg dar. Nachdem Karl Dänemark-Norwegen (1700) und Sachsen-Polen (1706) vorübergehend besiegen konnte, marschierte er im Frühjahr 1707 mit 60.000 Mann in Richtung Moskau, um den letzten verbliebenen Kriegsgegner auszuschalten. Um die Schweden vom direkten Weg abzulenken ließ Zar Peter alles verbrennen, was auf dem Weg zur Versorgung dienen könnte und konnte Karl so schließlich zwingen, nach Süden in die Ukraine zu ziehen. Zahllose Überfälle und der besonders harte Winter von 1708 auf 1709 ließen die Stärke des schwedischen Heeres auf unter 30.000 fallen. Die Russen zogen ihre Streitmacht in der Nähe der Stadt Poltawa zusammen, die von den Schweden belagert wurde. Bei einer Aufklärungsmission wurde Karl von einer russischen Gewehrkugel in den Fuß getroffen, mehrere Knochen zersplitterten und der König schwebte nach einer Entzündung der Wunde für einige Tage in Lebensgefahr. Kaum hatte er sich etwas erholt befahl er den Angriff auf die Russen, der wegen Karls Verletzung von Feldmarschall Rehnskiöld und General Lewenhaupt durchgeführt werden sollte. In der Nacht zum 8. Juli 1709 trafen 20.000 schwedische Soldaten auf eine doppelte Übermacht der Russen, die mit einem Überraschungsangriff gerechnet hatten und den Vorteil der Karoliner so zunichte machten. Durch Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten innerhalb der Truppe und die Überzahl der Russen wurden mehrere Abteilungen vom schwedischen Hauptheer isoliert und mussten kapitulieren. Dem russischen Gegenangriff hatten die Schweden nichts mehr entgegenzusetzen, der Rückzug wurde zu einer chaotischen Flucht. Karl selbst verließ im letzten Moment mit stark blutender Wunde das Schlachtfeld. Am 11. Juli ergab sich General Lewenhaupt mit den Resten der schwedischen Truppen, Karl gelang die Flucht über den Dnepr ins Osmanische Reich, wo er für fünf Jahre blieb. ACHTUNG! Ich dulde keine rassistischen, diskriminierenden oder in sonstiger Form unangemessene Kommentare! Dieses Lied verherrlicht weder Krieg, noch den Nationalsozialismus, sondern ist rein historisch zu betrachten! "Nein, wir verherrlichen nichts, wir erzählen nur Geschichten über Dinge, die passiert sind." (Rikard Sundén, Gründungsmitglied von Sabaton) Bitte unterstützt Sabaton und kauft euch ihr aktuelles Album Carolus Rex!- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 301
Sabaton - Poltava
From Sabatons album Carolus Rex (in swedish) Lyrics: Tiden tärt den här som gått Vandrat m...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: Jeulass
Sabaton - Poltava
Sabaton - Poltava
From Sabatons album Carolus Rex (in swedish) Lyrics: Tiden tärt den här som gått Vandrat många mil Knektar tröttna slitna var 20 000 man Tsaren bränt sin egn...- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 159441
- author: Jeulass
Battle of Poltava 1709
An attempt to bring awareness of obscure European history to the American audience.
published: 02 Sep 2013
Battle of Poltava 1709
Battle of Poltava 1709
An attempt to bring awareness of obscure European history to the American audience. Plus, this actually shows the extent of the firearms' deadliness on massed ranks three centuries ago.- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 174
Battle of Poltava Swe Version
This is battle of Poltava. Swedish Subtitles. And Swedish and Russian language. If you wan...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: legoolav
Battle of Poltava Swe Version
Battle of Poltava Swe Version
This is battle of Poltava. Swedish Subtitles. And Swedish and Russian language. If you want to know some more about the battle so can you click on the link :...- published: 23 Jan 2012
- views: 2199
- author: legoolav
Battle of Poltava part 1
Sluga Gosudarev The Sovereign's Servant Battle of Poltava Slaget vid Poltava....
published: 18 Feb 2012
author: Pandabooms
Battle of Poltava part 1
Battle of Poltava part 1
Sluga Gosudarev The Sovereign's Servant Battle of Poltava Slaget vid Poltava.- published: 18 Feb 2012
- views: 8454
- author: Pandabooms
Batalla de Poltava
Batalla de Poltava (28 de junio de 1709)...
published: 13 Nov 2010
author: GranaderoReding
Batalla de Poltava
Batalla de Poltava
Batalla de Poltava (28 de junio de 1709)- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 13474
- author: GranaderoReding
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé - POLTAVA 1709
Documentaire Henri de Turenne et Daniel Costelle - VHS....
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: SquallFM
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé - POLTAVA 1709
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé - POLTAVA 1709
Documentaire Henri de Turenne et Daniel Costelle - VHS.- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 14225
- author: SquallFM
Sabaton - Poltava - Napisy PL
Teledysk do utworu "Poltava" z napisami autorstwa Błażeja"RobintheTeenTitan". Śmiało możec...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: DarthUmcy
Sabaton - Poltava - Napisy PL
Sabaton - Poltava - Napisy PL
Teledysk do utworu "Poltava" z napisami autorstwa Błażeja"RobintheTeenTitan". Śmiało możecie śpiewać razem z zespołem :).- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 5105
- author: DarthUmcy
Poltava - Sabaton
All rights go to Sabaton....
published: 20 Jul 2012
author: Jürgen Henning
Poltava - Sabaton
Poltava - Sabaton
All rights go to Sabaton.- published: 20 Jul 2012
- views: 5793
- author: Jürgen Henning
Poltava Ukraine bazaar
Http://livinginukraine.com One of the biggest Bazaars in northern Ukraine in a town called...
published: 25 Jul 2012
author: beautifulinukraine
Poltava Ukraine bazaar
Poltava Ukraine bazaar
Http://livinginukraine.com One of the biggest Bazaars in northern Ukraine in a town called Poltava.- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 1252
- author: beautifulinukraine
Poltava Women - Poltava Ukraine - Ukrainian Women
Poltava Ukraine, both the city and the women are enjoyable. Beautiful Poltava women with t...
published: 06 Dec 2013
Poltava Women - Poltava Ukraine - Ukrainian Women
Poltava Women - Poltava Ukraine - Ukrainian Women
Poltava Ukraine, both the city and the women are enjoyable. Beautiful Poltava women with their relaxed an easy going smaller city attitude help to make our stay one of the most enjoyable two days on any of our exciting single tours.- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 35
Youtube results:
Sabaton - Poltava (CZ text)
Bitva u Poltavy byla rozhodující a největší bitvou Severní války. Ruská vojska vedená care...
published: 04 Nov 2013
Sabaton - Poltava (CZ text)
Sabaton - Poltava (CZ text)
Bitva u Poltavy byla rozhodující a největší bitvou Severní války. Ruská vojska vedená carem Petrem Velikým zde 27. června (v dobovém juliánském kalendáři) /8. července 1709 s velkou převahou porazila švédská vojska, v jejichž čele stál švédský král Karel XII. a maršál Carl Gustaf Rehnskiöld. Bitva u Poltavy znamenala přelom v celé Severní válce: Rusko získalo převahu nad Švédskem a stalo se tak skutečnou evropskou velmocí, zatímco Švédsko po století, kdy výrazně určovalo evropské dějiny, čekal úpadek. Bitva u Poltavy byla vedle bitvy u Kircholmu nejhorší porážkou švédských dějin. Švédové ztratili okolo 10 000 mužů; Rehnskiöld a Lewenhaupt padli do ruského zajetí. Král Karel XII. za pomoci Ivana Mazepy mohl prchnout s několika tisíci muži do moldavské pevnosti Bendery (tehdy součást Osmanské říše). Válka skončila roku 1721 konečnou porážkou Švédska.- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 70
Slaget vid Poltava (English subtitles)
In 1709, on the eight of July, 17000 exhausted and starving Swedes marched in lines agains...
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: DarthRaidius
Slaget vid Poltava (English subtitles)
Slaget vid Poltava (English subtitles)
In 1709, on the eight of July, 17000 exhausted and starving Swedes marched in lines against the Russian army of nearly 70000 well-supplied soldiers. The fi...- published: 16 Jul 2012
- views: 5177
- author: DarthRaidius
Grupo Folclórico Ucraniano Poltava - Guaíra 2012 - 2° ato
Banduras *** Oh Ukraino *** Dóstchek *** Fialka * Tchumak * Tsehane * Kozatchok * Vitaiemo...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: Monique Benoski
Grupo Folclórico Ucraniano Poltava - Guaíra 2012 - 2° ato
Grupo Folclórico Ucraniano Poltava - Guaíra 2012 - 2° ato
Banduras *** Oh Ukraino *** Dóstchek *** Fialka * Tchumak * Tsehane * Kozatchok * Vitaiemo Ukraine * Canção - Sucidka * Divtchata * Detiatchei Hopak * Hopak.- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 1366
- author: Monique Benoski
Sabaton - Poltava (Swedish)
From their latest album "Carolus Rex" about the rise and fall of the mighty Swedish Empire...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: bigmathafaka
Sabaton - Poltava (Swedish)
Sabaton - Poltava (Swedish)
From their latest album "Carolus Rex" about the rise and fall of the mighty Swedish Empire.- published: 15 Jul 2012
- views: 15017
- author: bigmathafaka